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Australian Open: Serena Williams gewinnt das Finale


NewsHubSerena Williams hat zum siebten Mal in ihrer Karriere die Australian Open der Frauen gewonnen. Im Finale des Tennisturniers in Melbourne setzte sie sich gegen ihre ältere Schwester Venus mit 6:4 und 6:4 durch. Mit dem Sieg erringt Williams den 23. Grand-Slam-Titel ihrer Karriere. Damit ist sie Rekordhalterin vor Steffi Graf, die 22 Grand-Slams in ihrer Karriere gewann.
In einem nur selten hochklassigen Finale legten beide Williams-Schwestern
erst im zweiten Satz
ihre Nervosität ab. Wirklich Stimmung kam erstmals auf, als Venus Williams im zweiten
Durchgang zwei Breakbälle abwehrte, 2:1 in Führung ging und so zumindest
ihre Chancen auf eine Wende im Match wahrte. Nachdem Serena wenig später aber
die dritte Möglichkeit für das entscheidende Break zum 4:3 nutzte, war sie auf
dem Weg zum Sieg nicht mehr aufzuhalten.
Venus Williams wehrte sich
zwar nach dem 3:5 nach besten Kräften, nach 1 Stunde und 22 Minuten nutzte Serena
aber ihren ersten Matchball. Die Klasse und Spannung des letztjährigen Finals zwischen Serena Williams
und Angelique Kerber hatte das Familienduell über weite Strecken nicht. Es war das 28. Mal, dass es zu einem Duell der beiden Williams-Schwestern bei einem Tennisturnier kommt.
Serena Williams ist nach dem Sieg auch wieder die Nummer eins der Weltrangliste bei den Frauen. Die seit den US-Open im September 2016 Weltbeste, Angelique Kerber, die Australian Open im vergangenen Jahr gewonnen hatte, war diesmal im Achtelfinale ausgeschieden.

Similarity rank: 6.6

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/sport/2017-01/australian-open-finale-serena-williams-venus-williams
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Blitzboks storm through tough pool


NewsHubIs it really that hard to design a six-pack of long-life milk that won’t rip apart before you can get it from the shelf to the kitchen? It would appear so.

Sentiment rank: -3.5

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/sport/rugby/2017/01/28/Blitzboks-storm-through-tough-pool1
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"Elefantenmensch"-Darsteller John Hurt gestorben


NewsHubDer bekannte britische Filmschauspieler John Hurt ist tot. Der « Elefantenmensch »-Darsteller starb im Alter von 77 Jahren, meldete die BBC in der Nacht auf Samstag mit Berufung auf Hurts Agenten. Der Schauspieler hatte seit längerem an Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs gelitten.
Hurt hatte in seiner über 50-jährigen Karriere in mehr als 200 Kino- und TV-Filmen mitgespielt. Er war außerdem am Theater sowie als Synchronsprecher tätig. Seine bekannteste Rolle war wohl jene des deformierten John Merrick in David Lynchs « Der Elefantenmensch » (1980). Für diese Rolle, sowie für seine Darstellung eines Drogensüchtigen in « 12 Uhr nachts – Midnight Express » (1977) von Alan Parker wurde er für den Oscar nominiert, den er jedoch nie gewann.
1976 erhielt er für seine Darstellung des homosexuellen Lebemanns Quentin Crisp in « Wie man sein Leben lebt » (The Naked Civil Servant) die renommierte britische Auszeichnung BAFTA. Den gleichen Preis bekam er weiters für « Der Elefantenmensch » sowie für « Midnight Express ». In Erinnerung blieb außerdem jene Szene in Ridley Scotts « Alien » (1979), in dem das außerirdische Wesen aus seinem Brustkorb austritt.
Dem jüngeren Publikum war Hurt eher als Zauberstabmacher Mr. Ollivander in den « Harry-Potter »-Filmen bekannt. Derzeit ist Hurt in dem Filmporträt « Jackie » über die US-Präsidentengattin Jacqueline Kennedy mit Natalie Portman in der Titelrolle in den Kinos zu sehen.
Freunde, Fans und Wegbegleiter würdigten den Schauspieler am Samstag in den sozialen Netzwerken. « Ich bin so traurig, zu hören, dass der immens talentierte und zutiefst geliebte John Hurt gestorben ist. Meine Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie und seinen Freunden », schrieb die « Potter »-Autorin J. K. Rowling bei Twitter.
Der Hollywood-Schauspieler, Regisseur und Produzent Mel Brooks betonte in dem Netzwerk: « Keiner hätte den Elefantenmenschen einprägsamer darstellen können. Er machte aus dem Film unsterbliches Kino. Wir werden ihn schmerzlich vermissen. Die US-Schauspielerin Sharon Stone wünschte auf Twitter: « Gott sei mit John Hurt, einem legendären Schauspieler und gutem Menschen.  »
Im Juni 2015 hatte Hurt auf seiner Homepage mitgeteilt, dass er an Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs erkrankt sei. Damals hieß es noch, dieser sei in einem frühen Stadium und er selbst sei optimistisch. Hurt war in vierter Ehe verheiratet und Vater von zwei Kindern.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/kultur/film/5161294/ElefantenmenschDarsteller-John-Hurt-gestorben?from=rss
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French leader chides US populism, urges European unity


NewsHubFrench President Francois Hollande on Saturday urged Europe to present a united front against populist movements which, he said, are being encouraged by political developments in the United States.
« Europe is facing a moment of truth, » Hollande said. « The issue is populism. What we are hearing from the U. S. encourages populism and even extremism. They are saying that Europe should not take immigrants, shouldn’t stay together, not believe in climate change.  »
European Union countries should stick to their principles and defend their interests — and stand firm in talks with U. S. President Donald Trump, Hollande said.
« Europe should be true to itself. It should guide itself according to its values, its principles, and its interests, » Hollande said on the sidelines of an informal meeting with six other EU leaders in Lisbon, Portugal. « We should engage in discussions (with the U. S.) that sometimes should be very firm.  »
« And as long as there are statements from the U. S. president about Europe, when he speaks about the model of Brexit for other countries, when the U. S. president talks about climate change … saying he’s not convinced of it, we should respond to him. When he takes protectionist measures, we should respond to him. When he destabilizes the economies of other countries, not only European ones, we should respond to him. When he rejects the arrival of refugees, while Europe has done its duty, we should respond to him, » he told reporters.
Italian premier Paolo Gentiloni said the EU will « find a way to work with the U. S. administration » but added that the bloc should remain true to its core values including human rights and anti-protectionism.
The EU leaders emphasized their commitment to the European Union, in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the bloc.
« We believe that in a world confronted with growing uncertainties and instability, we will be stronger by acting together, » they said in a joint statement. « Weakening Europe is not an option.  »
However, they said they hoped « to have the United Kingdom as a close partner of the EU. « 

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 2

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/world/article129328889.html
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Szydło: Gen. Pawlikowski odwołany ze stanowiska szefa BOR


NewsHubGen. bryg. Andrzej Pawlikowski został odwołany ze stanowiska szefa Biura Ochrony Rządu ; jego obowiązki pełni zastępca szefa BOR płk Tomasz Kędzierski – poinformowała premier Beata Szydło, która w sobotę rano była gościem RMF FM. Premier powiedziała, że gen. Pawlikowski poprosił o zwolnienie z służby i przechodzi na emeryturę ze względu na stan zdrowia. « W piątek jego prośba została przeze mnie spełniona, został odwołany » – dodała.
Czytaj także: BOR chce procesu z rządem Beaty Szydło
Pytana, czy powodem odejścia Pawlikowskiego był tylko jego stan zdrowia, premier powiedziała: « Gen. Pawlikowski zrobił bardzo dużo dobrego w Biurze Ochrony Rządu i jego roczna praca jest przeze mnie oceniana bardzo dobrze ». Jak mówiła, chce podziękować za pracę gen. Pawlikowskiemu. « Pamiętam Światowe Dni Młodzieży i bardzo duże zaangażowanie pana generała w to, ażeby ta wspaniała impreza przebiegła spokojnie i bezpiecznie » – zaznaczyła.

Similarity rank: 5.8
Sentiment rank: 3.4

© Source: http://www.newsweek.pl/polska/polityka/szydlo-gen-pawlikowski-odwolany-ze-stanowiska-szefa-bor,artykuly,404334,1.html
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GOP leaders won’t back Trump on voter fraud


NewsHubEven Republican lawmakers want Donald Trump to stop claiming that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton. Joy Reid and her panel discuss the dangers of Trump’s desire for an investigation.

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: 0.4

© Source: http://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/gop-leaders-won-t-back-trump-on-voter-fraud-864946755613
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Syrian Heroes May Miss Oscars After Trump Travel Ban, Filmmakers Fear


NewsHubDonald Trump’s executive order banning foreign nationals from a number of countries from entering the United States is “abhorrent,” Joanna Natasegara, the producer of the Oscar-nominated documentary short “The White Helmets” told TheWrap on Saturday.
“We have always said that if we were to be nominated, we would bring Raed Saleh, the head of the White Helmets, who has spoken many times in D. C., and Khaled Khateeb, the young cinematographer who risked his life over and over again, as our guests,” said Natasegara. “They’ve been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize — these people are the bravest humanitarians on the planet, and the idea that they could not be able to come with us and enjoy that success is just abhorrent.”
The film follows members of the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, a civilian group that rushes to provide aid when bombs fall or attacks come in civilian neighborhoods. The group is credited with saving 75,000 lives during a bloody and extended war that has found Syrian civilians under attack by the Assad government, ISIS and the Russian military, among others.
Also Read: Trump Travel Ban Would Keep Iranian Director Asghar Farhadi From Oscars
“The White Helmets” was directed by Orlando von Einsiedel and produced by Joanna Natasegara, who were Oscar-nominated two years ago for their feature documentary “Virunga.” It is one of two nominated short docs set in Syria, the other being “Watani: My Homeland,” and one of four nonfiction Oscar nominees that deal with the refugee crisis caused by violence in Europe and the Middle East.
Natasegara and von Einsiedel made their new film as a short because they felt a sense of urgency and didn’t want to take the years it would require to shoot and edit a feature. “We recognized very early on that the story in Syria is so urgent that we needed to make something that could come out quickly,” said von Einsiedel, whose film is now available on Netflix. “The Syrian conflict is so difficult and upsetting to engage with, and we felt this story was a way to engage people in what’s going on.”
Asghar Farhadi, the director of the Best Foreign Language Film nominee “The Salesman,” is also in danger of not being allowed into the U. S. for the Oscars.
Read original story Syrian Heroes May Miss Oscars After Trump Travel Ban, Filmmakers Fear At TheWrap

Similarity rank: 23
Sentiment rank: -0.3

© Source: http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/the-wrap/article/White-Helmets-Filmmakers-Fear-Trump-s-10891267.php
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"Овидиопольский мясник", обезглавивший мать с ребенком, свел счеты с жизнью


NewsHubДмитрий Погорелов, который подозревается в жестоком убийстве женщины и ее двухлетней дочери, попытке массового убийства в Одессе и двух поджогах, свел счеты с жизнью в следственном изоляторе.
Об этом « Думской » сообщил источник в правоохранительных органах. По словам собеседника, Погорелов повесился сегодня утром в своей камере. Одесский расчленитель показал, как убивал своих жертв
Напомним, трагедия произошла днем 29 декабря на улице Ватутина в Овидиополе. В ГСЧС поступила информация о возгорании в частном доме. Прибыв на место, пожарные обнаружили в одной комнате обгоревший труп Ольги Журавлевой, в другой — тело ее двухлетней дочери Марии. Несчастные были обезглавлены. После убийства преступник поджег тела, сел в принадлежащий супругу Ольги грузовик МАН и поехал в сторону Одессы.
Погорелова задержали 30 декабря в лесопосадке под Овидиополем. На допросе он заявил, что совершил преступление из мести, а также хотел запугать всю Одессу. Погорелов долгое время работал у Журавлева — возил на грузовике песок и щебень. Он уволился год назад, причем со скандалом.
А в это время на сайте читают
Стрелков выдвинул интересную версию смерти « мрази » Болотова
Умер солист ВИА « Верасы »

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://vesti-ukr.com/odessa/222163-ovidiopolckij-mjacnik-obezhlavivshij-mat-c-rebenkom-cvel-cchety-c-zhiznju
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Seagate wants to make you a 16TB hard drive


NewsHubNo matter how much hard drive space you have, it never seems to be enough – all those applications, iTunes movies and photos have to go somewhere – but Seagate might have the answer to storage shortage woes with a new 16TB hard disk that it’s planning to launch next year.
The company revealed its plans during an earnings conference call, saying that it intends to aggressively increase the sizes of its traditional mechanical 3.5-inch SATA disk drives in 2018 and beyond.
That means a 16TB drive before the end of next year, which should give you enough room for all those 4K GoPro movies you’ve been shooting. The biggest hard drive Seagate makes at the moment tops out at 10GB and there’s a 12GB version currently in testing.
While many laptops now come with solid-state drives (SSDs) at lower capacities, Seagate CEO Steve Luczo says there’s still a healthy demand for the old-fashioned spinning variety of disk, especially with users keen to get more storage space inside their PCs.
There’s no word yet on how much these drives will cost – probably quite a lot – but disk prices are continuing to drop across the board and if you can’t stretch to a 16GB model then Seagate will happily sell you a 12TB or 14TB version instead.
While Seagate’s unit sales actually dropped by 10 percent last year, Luczo says the company sees potential for growth in making fewer drives at higher capacities. « It’s probably going to be a growing market, because we see growth in all those applications that require high capacity, » he said.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/u6iZCo-2kq4/seagate-wants-to-make-you-a-16tb-hard-drive
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Trump's refugee order sows anger, legal action in its wake


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump’s sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries caused confusion and panic among travelers on Saturday, with some turned back from U. S.-bound flights.
Immigration lawyers in New York sued to block the order, saying numerous people have already been unlawfully detained.
The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. He said the moves would protect Americans from terrorism.
The executive order prompted fury from Arab travelers in the Middle East and North Africa who said it was humiliating and discriminatory. It drew widespread criticism from U. S. Western allies including France and Germany, Arab American groups, human rights organizations.
« This is a stupid, terrible decision which will hurt the American people more than us or anybody else, because it shows that this President can’t manage people, politics or global relationships, » said Najeed Haidari, a Yemeni-American security manager for an oil company in the Yemeni capital Sanaa.
The bans affect travelers with passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen and even extends to green card holders who are granted authorization to live and work in the United States, according to a Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman.
In Cairo, five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding an EgyptAir flight to New York on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said.
The passengers, arriving in transit to Cairo airport, were stopped and re-directed to flights headed for their home countries despite holding valid visas, the sources said.
Lawyers from numerous immigration organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union sued in federal court in Brooklyn on behalf of two Iraqi men, one a former U. S. government worker and the other the husband of a former U. S. security contractor.
The two men had visas to enter the United States but were detained on Friday night at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, hours after Trump’s executive order, the lawsuit said.
Customs and border patrol agents at many airports were unaware of the executive order early on in the evening, said Mana Yegani, an immigration lawyer in Houston, who works with the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
Yegani and her fellow lawyers worked through the night fielding calls from travelers with student and worker visas who were being denied entry into the United States and ordered on flights back to Muslim-majority countries on the list.
Green card holders were also being stopped and questioned for several hours. Officials also denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada that were headed the United States, she said.
« These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here, » Yegani said.
Those with visas from Muslim-majority countries have gone through background checks with U. S. authorities, Yegani noted. « Just because Trump signed something at 6 p.m. yesterday, things are coming to a crashing halt, » she said. « It’s scary.  »
Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway reaffirmed the president’s decision in a Twitter post on Saturday.
« @POTUS is a man of action and impact. Promises made, promises kept. Shock to the system. And he’s just getting started, » she tweeted.

Similarity rank: 24
Sentiment rank: -0.6

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/28/trumps-refugee-order-sows-anger-legal-action-in-its-wake.html
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