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NewsHub【1月28日 AFP】米国のドナルド・トランプ( Donald Trump )大統領は28日に日本の安倍晋三( Shinzo Abe )首相をはじめ数か国の首脳と電話会談する。安倍首相はトランプ氏が米大統領選で勝利した後に最初にトランプ氏と会った外国の首脳。
トランプ氏は28日にドイツのアンゲラ・メルケル( Angela Merkel )首相、ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン( Vladimir Putin )大統領、フランスのフランソワ・オランド( Francois Hollande )大統領、オーストラリアのマルコム・ターンブル( Malcolm Turnbull )首相とも電話会談する。(c)AFP

Similarity rank: 11
Sentiment rank: 4

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Warum Martin Schulz nicht Kanzler wird


NewsHubDer Zauber, der seit Hermann Hesse jedem Anfang innewohnt, verführt die SPD zu einem tollkühnen Gedankenexperiment: Getragen von einer Welle der Sympathie erobert Martin Schulz im Herbst das Kanzleramt, ein Mann aus kleinen Verhältnissen, ehrgeizig, eloquent und ohne Scheu vor der großen Aufgabe, die ihn dort erwartet. Er selbst ist es, der am Tag nach Sigmar Gabriels Verzicht das vermeintlich Unmögliche beschwört: Ein Herausforderer, dessen Regierungserfahrung sich auf elf Jahre als Bürgermeister einer Kleinstadt beschränkt, stürzt die mächtigste Frau der Welt.
Die Kraft der Autosuggestion, die viele Genossen in dieser Woche erfasst hat, wird allerdings kaum bis zum Wahltag reichen. Dazu sitzt Angela Merkel, obschon politisch angeschlagen, noch zu fest im Sattel. Anders als Gerhard Schröder, der mit seiner beherzt-pragmatischen Art auch für Konservative und Liberale wählbar war und 1998 überdies vom allgemeinen Verdruss über die Lethargie der letzten Kohl-Jahre profitierte, ist Schulz kein Kandidat, der außerhalb des sozialdemokratischen Milieus nennenswert punkten kann. Dass Gabriel für ihn Platz gemacht hat, folgt ja vor allem parteitaktischen Überlegungen. Schulz, in der SPD deutlich populärer als er, kann die eigenen Anhänger besser mobilisieren, das bringt etwas Schwung in den Wahlkampf und in den Umfragen auch schon den einen oder anderen Prozentpunkt mehr. Nur: Um die Kanzlerin zu schlagen, ist das zu wenig.
Für sie ist Martin Schulz vielleicht der etwas schwerer auszurechnende Kandidat. Aber kann er ihr wirklich gefährlich werden? Wähler, die Angela Merkel ihre Flüchtlingspolitik ankreiden, werden kaum ins Lager eines Mannes überlaufen, der gesagt hat, der Terror gehöre zu den Lebensrisiken des 21. Jahrhunderts. Außerdem, und das wiegt ungleich schwerer, fehlt Schulz eine klare strategische Option. Schröder hatte gleich deren zwei: Rot-Grün oder eine Große Koalition unter Führung der SPD. Schulz kann, wenn überhaupt, nur Kanzler werden, wenn Grüne und Linke mit ihm koalieren oder die FDP erstens den Sprung zurück in den Bundestag schafft und sich zweitens auf eine Ampelkoalition einlässt – beides Bündnisse mit eingebauten Sollbruchstellen. Angela Merkel dagegen geht es wie ihrem Vorgänger Schröder: Mit viel Glück reicht es für Schwarz-Grün oder für Schwarz-Gelb, wenn nicht, steht wie immer die SPD parat.
Langsam, aber sicher, nähert sich Deutschland so österreichischen Verhältnissen an, wo Konservative und Sozialdemokraten, von einem kurzen, spektakulären Flirt der ÖVP mit Jörg Haiders Freiheitlichen abgesehen, seit Jahrzehnten wie ein altes Ehepaar miteinander verbandelt sind: Man hat sich aneinander gewöhnt, irgendwie kann keiner mehr ohne den anderen, zugleich aber wächst mit jeder Wahl der Frust – in der Koalition, vor allem aber draußen, im Land.
In Österreich speisen sich aus diesem Frust die Wahlergebnisse der rechtspopulistischen FPÖ. In Deutschland ist die AfD zwar noch bei weitem nicht so stark, die Mechanismen allerdings ähneln einander fatal. Den Mut, diesen Automatismus des Althergebrachten mit einem spektakulären Manöver zu durchbrechen, zum Beispiel mit einer Kandidatur des Hamburger Bürgermeisters Olaf Scholz, hatten weder die SPD noch Scholz selbst. Wie Schröder einst in Niedersachsen hat auch er bewiesen, dass er regieren kann – deshalb zöge er auch Wähler aus anderen Lagern an.
Wenn nichts Unvorhergesehenes mehr passiert, kann Angela Merkel ihrem vierten Kampf ums Kanzleramt gelassen entgegensehen. Ihr größtes Problem ist nicht Martin Schulz, sondern Horst Seehofer.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/augsburg/Warum-Martin-Schulz-nicht-Kanzler-wird-id40332897.html
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Elitesoldaten wegen dubioser "Aufnahmerituale" entlassen


NewsHubWegen zweifelhafter Aufnahmerituale in einer baden-württembergischen Bundeswehr-Kaserne sind Ermittlungen gegen mehrere Soldaten eingeleitet worden. Sieben Soldaten seien vom Dienst suspendiert worden, sagte ein Sprecher des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums am Freitag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin.
Laut dem Bericht gab es in der Kaserne in Pfullendorf unter anderem «sexuell-sadistische Praktiken» sowie Gewaltrituale. Eine Sprecherin des Ausbildungskommandos sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, geprüft würden unter anderem sogenannte Aufnahmerituale unter Mannschaftsdienstsoldaten.
Die Bundeswehr stellte Anzeige gegen mehrere Soldaten, wie ein Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft Hechingen mitteilte. Bei den Anzeigen gehe es um den Verdacht auf Freiheitsberaubung und Nötigung. Die Bundeswehr habe die Fälle bereits intern untersucht, formelle Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft gebe es derzeit aber noch nicht. «Das wird noch geprüft», sagte der Sprecher der Anklagebehörde.
Es habe auch Versetzungen innerhalb und jenseits des Ausbildungszentrums gegeben, so die Sprecherin des Ausbildungskommandos. Ermittlungen liefen. Im vergangenen halben Jahr seien verschiedene Vorfälle bekannt geworden.
«Viele Sachen sind dazuerfunden», sagte die Sprecherin über den Artikel. Im Kern treffe allerdings doch zu, dass es sowohl bei den Mannschaftsdienstsoldaten als auch bei der Sanitätsausbildung Untersuchungen gebe. «Zu Details können wir nichts sagen.» So würden unter anderem noch Soldaten vernommen.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Elitesoldaten-wegen-dubioser-Aufnahmerituale-entlassen-id40332822.html
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New video: 'Queen of Katwe' has vivid performances and sense of place


NewsHub“Queen of Katwe” (Disney DVD, $29.99; Blu-ray, $39.99; also available on VOD)
There’s a pleasing predictability to director Mira Nair’s underdog sports drama “Queen of Katwe,” which tells the true story of Phiona Mutesi, an uneducated Ugandan peasant who became a chess champion with the help of coach/missionary Robert Katende. The beats here are very familiar: A youngster shows promise, shocks her competition, suffers setbacks and then endures, inspiringly. But newcomer Madina Nalwanga is absolutely winning as Phiona — as is Lupita Nyong’o as her struggling mother and David Oyelowo as her coach — and Nair draws on her decades of experience in putting poverty on film to give a Disney-approved feel-good film a vivid sense of place.
(Special features: A Nair commentary track, deleted scenes and featurettes that dig deeper into the lives of the real Phiona and Robert.)
“The Witness for the Prosecution” (available Jan. 30 exclusively on Acorn TV)
Don’t dial up the new BBC adaptation of Agatha Christie’s short story “The Witness for the Prosecution” expecting anything like Billy Wilder’s beloved 1957 adaptation. The older version was more of a straightforward courtroom drama — with the twist being that the trial’s in Britain, with all its arcane procedures — while the new one focuses more on the personal lives of the characters, following a frail solicitor (played by Toby Jones ) as he defends a murder suspect despite receiving no help from the man’s chilly wife. Writer Sarah Phelps (who previously adapted Christie’s “And Then There Were None” to great acclaim) returns to the original text, with its crueler twists and turns, and then fleshes it out into a haunting mystery-play, rooted in the trauma and regrets of World War I.
Kristen Stewart enjoyed the free-form aspect of making her short film, « Come Swim » which is showing at the Sundance Film Festival. She doesn’t see that as a directorial stepping-stone to full-length features.
The young women in « Step » demonstrate a routine at the L. A. Times photo studio during the Sundance Film Festival. The documentary is about senior girls in a Baltimore high school step team as they prepare to be the first in their families to attend college.
Casey Affleck talks about the way Kenneth Lonergan uses everyday language to convey deep emotion in « Manchester by the Sea.  »
For her role as Jackie Kennedy, Natalie Portman says, « It’s not a fashion story, » but the clothes do tell a story.
Joel Edgerton talks about staying truthful to the real-life story of « Loving.  »
“Victoria: The Complete First Season” (PBS DVD, $49.99; Blu-ray, $59.99)
PBS’ “Masterpiece” is angling for another “Downton Abbey”-level ratings smash with the historical drama “Victoria,” which looks at the class differences and courtly codes of mid 19th century England. Jenna Coleman plays a young Queen Victoria, who assumes the throne at age 18 and then has to learn from her prime minister and mentor (played by Rufus Sewell) how to be a strong leader, lest she become the puppet of European aristocracy. This series doesn’t spare the political intrigue, but it’s first and foremost an elegant primetime soap about romance, betrayal and the wide gaps between the wealthy and their staff.
(Special features: Featurettes)
“Pinocchio: Signature Collection” (Disney DVD/Blu-ray, $39.99)
Back in 1940, Walt Disney suffered a rare box-office disappointment with his studio’s animated adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s moralistic fable “Pinnochio,” about a puppet that yearns to be “a real boy.” Now though, the movie is rightly regarded as a classic because of its refreshingly dark tones and painterly beauty. Disney softened Collodi’s hard edges with comic relief, along with sentimental songs like “When You Wish Upon a Star.” Yet “Pinocchio” retains a hard punch, capturing the feeling of what it’s like to be a child sweating out the judgment of grown-ups. It look like a 19th century European storybook, but it tells a timeless tale about how we can only hope to be better because we’re all so crummy to begin with.
(Special features: Featurettes)
“Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (Paramount DVD, $29.99; Blu-ray, $39.99; 4K, $49.99; also available on VOD); “Masterminds” (20th Century Fox DVD, $29.98; Blu-ray, $39.99; also available on VOD); “ Tyler Perry ‘s Boo! A Madea Halloween” (Lionsgate DVD, $29.95; Blu-ray, $39.99; also available on VOD).

Sentiment rank: 7.2

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-ca-mn-new-video-queen-of-katwe-20170119-story.html
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Sunday conversation: Anika Noni Rose wants Hollywood to look beyond the color of her skin


NewsHubAnika Noni Rose is ready for more. Her career began in theater, and in 2004, she received a Tony Award for her performance in “Caroline, or Change.” From there, she seamlessly transitioned to film and TV, where she performed in “Dreamgirls,” voiced Disney’s first African American princess in the animated film “The Princess and the Frog” and starred in a revival of “ Roots ,” among numerous other roles.
Rose, 44, was recently at the Sundance Film Festival, promoting a new BET series, “The Quad,” which premieres Feb. 1. Rose plays Eva Fletcher, president of a fictitious historically black university, who is tasked with saving the school from bankruptcy in between navigating personal struggles. The show explores the rich history of black colleges in the U. S. and the battles that many are facing now. While en route to the airport, Rose talked about the role and her desire for more opportunities as a black actress in Hollywood.
I got a call from [director] Rob Hardy asking me to read the script and telling me that they really wanted me to be part of this. I read it and I was pleased with what they had put on the page. I thought it was something interesting and different. We just went from there.
I would guess that as a student, I wasn’t so concerned with those issues, but certainly they were around. Our school was never in peril while I was there, so that’s a great thing. But we know that the government has been trying to defund HBCUs since [President] Reagan was in office, so it was always something that we were aware of every year. If your school is a state school, you don’t know what programs are going to stay, what programs are going to be cut, and whether or not it will be dealt with as respectably as your counterpart schools.
I think anybody who went to college at all can relate to the show. There are things that are specific to that experience, but I think even within that specificity is something that people who went to college can deal with. Anybody who was a scholarship child knows what it is like to possibly lose that scholarship and be worried about how are they going to continue paying for school. That situation is not relegated to HBCUs. People being away from home and dealing with grown-up issues for the first time. Anybody who’s ever been a fish out of water, I think can connect to that watching this show.
That’s interesting. I like all three. I don’t like to get stuck in one or the other. I really like to and I’m thankful to be able to bounce back and forth. I love film because it allows me to travel and take in new cultures, and that’s thrilling and exciting to me and fun. It’s finite, which is great. Theater is the thing that I’m always going to go back to. I feel like it’s the thing that makes you sharper and stronger and better, and so I’ll always do that. And I’m doing TV now, so we’ll see. This is only the second time I’ve done series work, so it will be an interesting adventure.
No, it’s not my intention, it’s Hollywood. I think that with some things, of course, I chose because they spoke to me and I do happen to be a black woman. But in Hollywood, people aren’t running up to black women about scripts that aren’t talking about blackness. I think that whenever I have the opportunity to be doing something that isn’t centered around my ethnicity, it would be very, very exciting to do. Unfortunately, I work in a field where it’s rare that you find people who are expanded enough to look past what they think your skin is and what that means about who you are.
Oh, my God, I’d love to do a romantic comedy. I’d love to do just a plain old comedy that isn’t centered around who I am or what the world thinks my skin means. I’d love to be in an action film, like a superhero fantasy-type thing. That’s the type of stuff I love. It’s just very rare that I get the opportunity to be in that conversation — absolutely, that’s would I would love to do. Foreign film is on my mind. If I could have to learn a language to do something, that would just thrill me to no end.
I couldn’t say that. I think sometimes we have a couple steps forward and we have five steps backward. Sometimes we have a couple steps forward, and everyone’s like “all right, great, we’ve done that this year.” And then people aren’t thinking about it. I think it would be lovely if it wasn’t something that we had to actively make a choice to do. That if they just cast somebody because of their work and because they’re really good at what they do. I would love to be able to step into that state. I hope so, but time will tell.
I think I draw inspiration from people. When I’m in New York and I’m walking down the street, everybody I see is some sort of inspiration for what I do. And they fill me. They allow me to create. I’m very thankful for each person that I run into, whether we have a one-on-one connection or they never even notice me looking at them, I’m thankful for all that humanity gives me daily.
So-called sanctuary cities were once places of refuge. A surge in media mergers is expected under Trump’s pro-business agenda. Chinese New Year begins tomorrow. Grocery store tomatoes are often tasteless but researchers at the University of Florida have discovered a game-changer.
A Cal State Northridge study identified up to 40 locations used for illegal sex that could be safeguarded by the addition of street lamps or the trimming of trees.
Thirteen custom cars will compete for the “America’s Most Beautiful Roadster” award, vying for a 9-foot-tall trophy and $10,000 in prize money. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
Mayor Eric Garcetti speaks about the City Council’s vote on Los Angeles’ bid for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. (Video by Jeff Amlotte / Los Angeles Times)
Mary Tyler Moore was a beloved TV icon who symbolized the independent career woman. Does widespread voter fraud really happen? President Trump has signed two executive orders on immigration. The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 20,000 for the first time Wednesday.
Mary Tyler Moore was a beloved TV icon who symbolized the independent career woman. Does widespread voter fraud really happen? President Trump has signed two executive orders on immigration. The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 20,000 for the first time Wednesday.

Sentiment rank: 2

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-et-st-anika-sunday-conversation-20170117-story.html
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Chinese Super League Rumors: Watford Deliberating on $48M China Offer for Odion Ighalo


NewsHubEnglish Premier League club Watford FC is reportedly deliberating a $48 million offer from Chinese Super League side Shanghai Greenland Shenhua FC for striker Odion Ighalo.
The Hornets are ready to let go of Ighalo this month as he has been « out of form and out of favor » in Watford boss Walter Mazzarri’s future plans at the Vicarage Road, according to the Mirror.
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Ighalo was acquired by Watford in the summer of 2014 from Italian Serie A squad Udinese Calcio. He went on to score 20 goals in 38 games in his first season with the Hertfordshire outfit, helping the team get promoted to the Premier League at the end of the 2014-2015 season.
The 6-foot-2 Nigeria international is currently on a big drop of form compared to his performance last season when he netted 17 goals in 42 appearances in all competitions. This term, his third with the club, Ighalo has only scored two goals in 18 games so far.
Ighalo is reportedly set to go down Mazzarri’s pecking order with the arrivals of M’Baye Niang and Mauro Zarate from AC Milan and Fiorentina respectively.
However, Ighalo is said to be favoring a move to the Far East to continue to have more first-team football and receive a $251,000 weekly wage from Shenhua, a significant increase from his current salary in England.
Speculations abound that Shenhua is planning to pair Ighalo with Carlos Tevez on the attack, which would be one of the best in the China top-flight if it pushes through.
Meanwhile, the Daily Star reported that Mazzarri has already hinted Ighalo has « played his last game for the Hornets » after receiving a £38 million ($48 million) bid from Shenhua.
« With Ighalo we know there are some offers. I just heard now there is a very important one, again we will evaluate, » the coach said. « I don’t like to say all the details because I don’t know the details. I know there is more than one… maybe from China.  »
« He was always a very important player for this team but there are times when a player can end his time at one club and take a decision on his career, » Mazzarri said. « These decisions are for the club and the player and there is not much we can do, » he added.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/110933/20170128/chinese-super-league-rumors-watford-deliberating-48m-china-offer-odion.htm
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Судье-взяточнику Соломенского суда сообщили о подозрении


NewsHubСогласно информации НАБУ, судью подозревают в завладении чужим имуществом путем обмана в особо крупном размере, совершенном по предварительному сговору группой лиц; законченном покушении к подстрекательству предложения и предоставления неправомерной выгоды должностному лицу, по предварительному сговору группой лиц, при совершении в интересах третьего лица действий с использованием предоставленной ему власти.
Полученную взятку в размере 22 тысяч долларов США они должны были передать должностным лицам Министерства юстиции Украины за содействие в снятии ареста с помещения, которое находилось в залоге банка.

Similarity rank: 6.5

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3807097-sude-vziatochnyku-solomenskoho-suda-soobschyly-o-podozrenyy
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Судді-хабарнику Солом'янського суду повідомили про підозру


NewsHubЗгідно з інформацією НАБУ, суддю підозрюють у заволодінні чужим майном шляхом обману в особливо великому розмірі, вчинене за попередньою змовою групою осіб; закінченому замаху до підбурювання пропозиції і надання неправомірної вигоди посадовій особі, за попередньою змовою групою осіб, здійсненою в інтересах третьої особи дій з використанням наданої йому влади.
Отриманий хабар у розмірі 22 тисяч доларів США вони повинні були передати посадовцям Міністерства юстиції України за сприяння в знятті арешту з приміщення, яке перебувало в заставі банку.

Similarity rank: 8.5

© Source: http://ua.korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3807097-suddi-khabarnyku-solomianskoho-sudu-povidomyly-pro-pidozru
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Regierung: Trump telefoniert mit Merkel, Putin und Hollande


NewsHubWashington (dpa) – Nach Ende seiner ersten vollen Woche im Amt will US-Präsident Donald Trump heute zum ersten Mal mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel telefonieren. Nach Angaben des Weißen Hauses sind auch Gespräche mit Russlands Staatschef Wladimir Putin und Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande geplant.
Trump hat sich zu Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik wiederholt sehr kritisch geäußert. Er bezeichnete sie als ein Desaster. Merkel als Person hatte er dagegen gelobt. Trump und die Kanzlerin sind sich bisher nicht begegnet.
Zu Russland will Trump die Beziehungen verbessern. Auch Moskau hofft auf eine Verbesserung der Stimmung zwischen beiden Ländern. Wegen der Ungewissheit über Trumps Kurs warben Merkel und Hollande am Freitag für einen engeren Zusammenhalt der Europäer.

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/id_80202560/regierung-trump-telefoniert-mit-merkel-putin-und-hollande.html
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Trump's big mistake on Syria refugees


NewsHubPeter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. He is the author of  » United States of Jihad: Investigating America’s Homegrown Terrorists.  »
(CNN) On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that effectively suspends the entry of Syrian refugees into the United States indefinitely. As he signed the order, President Trump said that this was « to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States.  »
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Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: -3

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