Домой GRASP/Korea U. S. again says North Korea must give up nukes, hints at...

U. S. again says North Korea must give up nukes, hints at military strike


The White House on Sunday reiterated its position that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un must give up his nuclear weapons, days after President Donald Trump hinted again at a military strike on the North.
WASHINGTON — The White House on Sunday reiterated its position that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un must give up his nuclear weapons, days after President Donald Trump hinted again at a military strike on the North.
White House National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster said Sunday the U. S. policy remains that North Korea must denuclearize. Pyongyang shows no signs of halting the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, launching several missiles and testing a nuclear device as recently as this month.
“He’s going to have to give up his nuclear weapons, because the president has said that he is not going to tolerate this regime threatening the United States and our citizens with a nuclear weapon,” McMaster, an Army three-star general, said on ABC’s “This Week.

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