Домой GRASP/China Asians talk about expectations for Trump's visit

Asians talk about expectations for Trump's visit


President Donald Trump embarks on his first official visit to Asia, which begins Sunday in Japan. The 11-day trip will also take him to South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Here’s what people in those countries have to say about their expectations for the visit. JAPAN Yoh
President Donald Trump embarks on his first official visit to Asia, which begins Sunday in Japan. The 11-day trip will also take him to South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Here’s what people in those countries have to say about their expectations for the visit.
Yoh Kawakami, employee at an information management solution company:
«I do wonder whether things will be OK, like, what will the world turn into? I wonder about his (Trump’s) response to North Korea and other things. There are things that scare me. He is becoming friendly with Prime Minister Abe and I don’t know if that is right or not.»
«I do want him (Trump) to be more cool-headed. If he continues only provoking, the situation may actually become explosive.»
Yumu Katsuyama, employee at nonprofit for international clinical childcare:
«Honestly when he first became president, I did question whether he was OK. But my American friends have said that after he became president, their lives and the economy has gotten better. Personally, I have started thinking that it may be a good thing that he became president.»
Ock Hyun-woong, company worker:
«President Trump is known to be a man of coercive control who makes controversial statements that get the attention of foreign media. While I don’t oppose President Trump’s visit to South Korea, I hope he can work well with South Korean-U. S. issues, like the economy.»
Ding Chenling, technology investor and well-known tech blogger with 700,000 followers on China’s microblogging website Weibo:
«Well, maybe our system is not that perfect yet, but it’s like a kid to the teacher.

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