Домой United States USA — Events Friday’s Mini-Report, 5.18.18

Friday’s Mini-Report, 5.18.18


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits:
* Today’s deadly school shooting: “A 17-year-old student dressed in a trenchcoat and armed with a shotgun and a revolver barged inside a classroom at a southeast Texas high school on Friday and opened fire, killing at least 10 people and terrorizing hundreds more, officials said.”
* Cuban media says there were only three survivors, and they’re in critical condition: “A commercial airliner carrying more than 100 people crashed Friday afternoon shortly after takeoff from Cuba’s main airport, Cuban state-run media reported.”
* This is the second Stone assistant to be subpoenaed: “U. S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed a key assistant of long-time Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone, two people with knowledge of the matter said, the latest sign that Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election is increasingly focusing on Stone.”
* On a related note, Rachel talked about this story last night: “Paul Manafort’s former son-in-law, real estate developer Jeffrey Yohai, has agreed to plead guilty in connection with a criminal investigation in Los Angeles, multiple sources familiar with the investigation said Thursday.”
* A story worth watching: “The State Department Inspector General is looking into why senior career officials who worked on Obama administration priorities like refugee resettlement and closing the Guantanamo Bay prison were temporarily reassigned to menial work processing Freedom of Information Act requests, the IG’s office confirmed to TPM on Thursday — reviewing whether the reassignments were politically motivated.”
* Learning more about last fall’s massacre in Las Vegas: “Just weeks before Stephen Paddock killed 58 people on the Las Vegas Strip, witnesses say he went on an anti-government tirade and said, ‘somebody has to wake up the American public and get them to arm themselves.’”
* The latest on Greitens: “The Missouri House committee investigating Gov. Eric Greitens on Thursday sued his campaign and a dark-money group allied with the Republican governor, accusing the two entities of withholding documents from the panel.”
* ICE: “Federal immigration officials have abandoned their pursuit of a controversial machine-learning technology that was a pillar of the Trump administration’s ‘extreme vetting’ of foreign visitors, dealing a reality check to the goal of using artificial intelligence to predict human behavior.”
* This is not at all comforting: “Days after Minot Air Force Base reported that one of its squadrons protecting intercontinental ballistic missile silos had lost a 42-pound box of explosive grenade rounds while traveling on a gravel road, the same base said a machine gun turned up missing in a routine inventory of the facility’s weapons.”
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.

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