Домой GRASP/China Under Obama, US Twice Invited China To Take Part In Major Pacific...

Under Obama, US Twice Invited China To Take Part In Major Pacific Exercises – Now Pentagon Says No


Obama was a fore in policy expert. Via CNS News: An administration decision to “disinvite” China from taking part in an international military exercise in…
Obama was a fore in policy expert.
Via CNS News:
An administration decision to “disinvite” China from taking part in an international military exercise in the Pacific this summer comes two years after the Obama administration allowed it to participate, despite concerns about its aggressive behavior in the South China Sea.
Two years before that, the Obama administration invited China to take part in the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise for the first time since its 1971 inception – only to see Beijing also send a spy ship, uninvited, to the edge of the exercise to monitor it.
This year brings a different approach.
“As an initial response to China’s continued militarization of the South China Sea we have disinvited the PLA Navy from the 2018 Rim of the Pacific,” U. S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Christopher Logan said in a statement Wednesday.
He said the U. S. has “strong evidence” that China has deployed anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles as well as electronic jamming systems in a disputed region of the South China Sea where it has built artificial islands in support of its territorial claims.

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