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How Automotive Connectivity (IoT) Is Fueling the Future


Autonomous cars and the increased integration of IoT in the automotive industry will draw on V2V, AI, and sensor applications to improve user experience.
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The technology transformation is never-ending and often competes with itself to further enhance user experience. Today, automakers, software developers, and technology companies are leading a transformation in the automotive industry, working to redefine existing technology. This will cultivate innovative concepts that leverage connected cars and artificial intelligence to render driving experience that is beyond the imagination. For instance, the technology used in autonomous vehicles can enable cars to detect driving patterns and comprehend emotions. This can help guide drivers for a safer, enhanced experience.
Therefore, as the new frontier for smarter transportation emerged, mobility services become more and more dominant in the scope of IoT. More auto companies are looking to use this opportunity and establish a new, digital experience for their consumers.
With the expansion of IoT, which emphasizes developing new ecosystems, it is crucial to understand how transforming the Internet of Things will be totally worth it.
An entirely autonomous car will have the ability to transport a person without driver oversight — attention to the road is not required by any passengers. The vehicle will have entertainment, information, and connection with the outside world, similar to what someone would have available in their home or office. For instance, the things an autonomous car can control vary. It can control the temperature of the interior, the tinting of the windows to prevent glare, or even the personalized adjustment of ambient lighting to create the perfect mood for relaxing and riding.
Even if the car is not driverless, the driver is still connected with the world around them through a digital cockpit platform, while sensors positioned around the car provide a cocoon of safety in the thickest of traffic.
Assumptions are that in the future Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) technology will facilitate communication between cars and infrastructure, including traffic lights. This will help to adjust vehicle speed and the distance for analyzing the conditions on the road.
Furthermore, voice recognition can be used by the drivers/passengers to communicate with a virtual personal assistant to schedule meetings and send text messages. The vehicle’s navigation system guides the car through traffic.
In addition, technologies like GPS navigation system, rear-view cameras, and keyless ignitions will improve the overall driving experience. More importantly, connectivity is a crucial aspect of both autonomous vehicles and smart cities. As a recent survey by Automotive Product Development and Launch Cycles explains, 53 percent of respondents confirmed that better connectivity is key for technology innovation. In the automobile, most of the technology advances are focused to make vehicles safer, primarily integrating GPS navigation for user convenience.
The emergence of safety-centric technologies will be focusing to reduce the human element from the operation, allowing the automobile companies to build unified, fully-integrated and personalized vehicles. The connected car will change the way people drive and view transportation. Electric and driverless cars, the advancement of AI technology, the increased application of environment sensors with an onboard computer system, and the connectivity of Wifi through a digital platform are paving the future.
Let’s have a look at the most talked trends that are shaping the way the automobile will take the road.
Today, automobile and technology companies are keen to building the driverless car.
Considered as a major game-changer, the driverless car will a growing industry, however, the acceptance and production of driverless cars will require a connected infrastructure and advancement of other technologies, such as V2V. Hence, it will still take years to successfully implement this concept.
As the name suggests, the V2V will allows the vehicles on the road to communicate with each other via data, including information on speed, temperature, road condition, and other emergency networks. This technology seeks to assess advanced scenarios like crash checks, ease of traffic congestion, and an overall improved environment.
It is expected that by 2023, all new cars will come with integrated V2V technology.
Innovative sensors monitor and regulate a car’s operation and provide the foundation for autonomous driving by sharing important data in demanding applications, such as engines, brakes, and transmission systems.
In the years to come, sensors such as LiDAR, radar, cameras, and ultrasonics are expected to impact safety, security, and vehicle maintenance costs. The future for sensors will continue to soar, as they are integrated into AI and connected car technologies to further explore the future possibilities.
In the future, all cars will be digitally connected. Today, some of the premium model vehicles and luxury cars are built with in-vehicle wireless connectivity.
The concept of connected cars will be providing huge opportunities for designers, app developers, and web developers. The first step towards connected cars should focus on the car-to-mobile connection, which will, eventually, spread to the Vehicle-to-Vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure connection.
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Published at DZone with permission
Saroj Kumar
, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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