Домой GRASP/Korea Trump: No Need to Resume US-South Korea Wargames

Trump: No Need to Resume US-South Korea Wargames


Trump: No Need to Resume US-South Korea Wargames| Says relationship with Kim is good, blames China for recent struggles
One day after Pentagon officials said they expected to soon resume major wargames in South Korea, they have been overruled by President Trump. Trump issued a statement on Wednesday saying he sees no reason to resume wargames now.
Trump announced the halt to wargames after his summit with Kim Jong Un. He said the exercises were “provocative” to North Korea, and that the US would save a fortune by not engaging in them. Since most wargames in South Korea simulate an invasion of North Korea, they do indeed tend to raise tensions significantly.
The Pentagon talk of resuming the wargames comes after President Trump cancelled Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s planned visit to North Korea.

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