Домой United States USA — Cinema ’Star Wars: Episode IX’ Will Have A ’Looser’ Feel Than Previous Films

’Star Wars: Episode IX’ Will Have A ’Looser’ Feel Than Previous Films


«Star Wars: Episode IX» won’t be rigid as «The Force Awakens» and «The Last Jedi,» according to star Oscar Isaac.
Since his break-out role in Inside Llewyn Davis, Oscar Isaac hasn’t stopped working. He’s starred in two major franchises ( Star Wars, X-Men); received critical acclaim for his performances in A Most Violent Year, Ex Machina, and HBO’s Show Me a Hero; and he was literally the only good thing about Suburbicon, despite the movie also starring Matt Damon and Julianne Moore. In 2018 alone, he’s appeared in three films — Annihilation, Operation Finale, and Life Itself — with a fourth, the van Gogh biopic At Eternity’s Gate, coming out soon. That’s on top of filming Star Wars: Episode IX and providing the voice of Gomez in The Addams Family. No wonder he’s ready to take a break.
“I haven’t really stopped for 10 years,” Isaac told IndieWire about his plans once Episode IX wraps. “I’m just going to be with family and taking a bit of a rest.”
Speaking of Star Wars, Isaac is legally forbidden for revealing anything of note about the trilogy-capper, but he did reveal that “the way they’ve been shooting it right now is looser than it’s been for the last two times. It does feel like a relief to get on set and feel like, ‘Oh, we can try things.’ It’s a testament to [director J. Abrams] coming back and feeling confident. There’s less pressure for it to be right. We just want to make a good movie and have a really good time while doing it.” Isaac’s comments will inevitably be taken out of context by a Last Jedi hater — “ STAR WARS ACTOR PREFERS WORKING WITH ABRAMS OVER JOHNSON” — but he’s prepared for/doesn’t care about the backlash.
Uh oh, Isaac’s onto us at the #content factory. Scatter!
(Via IndieWire)

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