Домой United States USA — mix Nolte: Hugh Hewitt Abuses Bible to Hurl False Accusation at Covington Kids

Nolte: Hugh Hewitt Abuses Bible to Hurl False Accusation at Covington Kids


No one should be anything but proud of these young men. They met hostility with good cheer and the kind of firmness that says, “You…
No one should be anything but proud of these young men. They met hostility with good cheer and the kind of firmness that says, “You will not bully me, and I will not be provoked.”
These kids represent the best of Christianity, and on this Martin Luther King Day, represent King’s own example of nonviolent resistance.
That is not my opinion. That is the objective opinion.
And let’s not forget that they are kids and that the drummer and the Black Hebrew Israelites taunting them were the adults. Let’s not forget that it was the so-called adults who invaded the space of kids who were minding their own business.
Naturally, though, the establishment media are determined to demonize anyone who dares to be a Trump supporter, so these MAGA hat-wearing Christians never had a chance.
And so, while wielding that American Indian agitator’s proven lies and selectively edited video, the media smeared the boys as racists, as modern-day Klansmen — publicly threatening them with expulsion, violence, and doxxing .
For 24 hours, the media made a deliberate attempt to destroy the lives of innocent kids based solely on the color of their skin and political beliefs.

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