Домой United States USA — mix Don’t expect apologies from the left over Jussie Smollett ‘attack’ fraud

Don’t expect apologies from the left over Jussie Smollett ‘attack’ fraud


A lot of explosive material can get defused with nine little letters: “I was wrong.” It works wonders with your significant other. Try it.…
A lot of explosive material can get defused with nine little letters: “I was wrong.” It works wonders with your significant other. Try it. Frequently.
This week, now that the Chicago Police Department has “shifted the trajectory of the investigation” and now believes Jussie Smollett may have faked his own bias attack, we’ll be hearing apologies from a lot of progressive activists, celebrities and politicians.
With three simple words, they’ll disarm their detractors, pour oil on troubled waters. They’ll help to reunify a culture by admitting that sometimes their ideological opponents are correct.
Just kidding. Don’t hold your breath waiting for mea culpas from Cory Booker, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, or (throwback time!) Al Sharpton, who opined that if Donald Trump simply remained silent on the Smollett matter, it would be sinister. The formerly successful actress Ellen Page blamed the nonexistent assault on… Mike Pence.
People said to be super-smart, and also Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, fell all over themselves to announce that they not only believed the woke 21st-century version of a 1980s abducted-by-aliens story but that they were in anguish about it. And they were not only in anguish but had detected an urgent sociological message about the nefariousness of the hateful right in America today.

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