Домой United States USA — Events GOP senator: National emergency would be a 'tough vote' for Trump to...

GOP senator: National emergency would be a 'tough vote' for Trump to win


Sen. John Thune (S. D.), the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, on Tuesday appeared to warn that President Trump could fail to prevent a…
Sen. John Thune (S. D.), the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, on Tuesday appeared to warn that President Trump could fail to prevent a handful of Republicans from voting with Democrats to block a national emergency declaration to construct a wall on the U. S.-Mexico border.
Thune told reporters that if a resolution of disapproval initially passes the Senate with less than 67 votes, the amount needed to override a veto, Trump «would win it on the back side.»
«[But] the concern I guess I would have is that on the front end that vote, based on the concerns that a lot of our members have expressed, that it might be a, you know, a tough vote to win here in the Senate,» Thune said.
He added that when Trump moves forward he needs to have a «clear-eyed understanding of kind of what the state of play is up here and of the concerns that our members have, both with respect to the precedent and the constitutionality.

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