Домой GRASP/China Trump: US Trade Talks with China Making 'Big Progress'

Trump: US Trade Talks with China Making 'Big Progress'


China facing March 1 deadline for trade deal or face more US tariffs
President Donald Trump said Sunday «big progress» is being made in U. S. trade talks with China on what he calls «so many different fronts.»
«Our country has such fantastic potential for future growth and greatness on an even higher level,» the president tweeted.
Trump said last week he might put off the March 1 deadline to increase tariffs on China if a trade deal is close.
But a China trade expert who served in the Obama administration says he has only seen «incremental progress» toward a trade deal with China.
«The realistic approach is that the deadline gets extended and the negotiations possibly go into the end of this year, I would suspect,» former Assistant Trade representative for China Jeff Moon tells VOA.

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