Домой United States USA — Political An Observation on Trump's Taxes

An Observation on Trump's Taxes


The story is shifting, which makes me even more suspicious.
I am struck by the fact that the story keeps shifting over why Trump can’t just hand over his taxes like, you know, all the presidents since Nixon have done. First, it was the implausible argument that he would love to hand them over, but you know, he’s being audited. He is, in fact, constantly audited, it would seem. Second came the argument that since he was elected without handing them over that the matter was closed. After all, election makes all the questions go away, right? Inauguration Day is just one big reset button!
Now we have a new one: Congress is not ‘smart enough’ to examine Trump’s tax returns, Sarah Sanders says. Sanders said the following on Fox News Sunday today:
“Frankly, Chris, I don’t think Congress — particularly not this group of congressmen and women — are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be,” Sanders said.

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