Домой United States USA — Music Be Warned, Coronavirus Snitches: You Too May Be Snitched On

Be Warned, Coronavirus Snitches: You Too May Be Snitched On


St. Louis tattlers discover their complaints about open businesses are public records.
Hundreds of St. Louis citizens who snitched to the government about businesses that defied closure orders are discovering that their messages are not confidential and their identities are subject to sunshine laws.
As part of the effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, some city and state leaders have forced businesses they deem «nonessential» to shut down. St. Louis County encouraged people to report any such businesses that are still open via an online form.
The county received more than 900 complaints. And the complaints, apparently, were not anonymous. Indeed, they’re public records subject to the state’s sunshine laws. Now people who are angry at the extent and duration of government shutdown orders are using those laws to expose the people who filed the complaints.
KSDK, a local NBC affiliate, reported in late April that a man named Jared Totsch received a copy of these tipsters’ records and shared them on Facebook.

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