Домой United States USA — mix Joe Biden Must Wear A Face Mask Right Now

Joe Biden Must Wear A Face Mask Right Now


Joe Biden’s failure to wear a medical face mask is a blatant example of toxic masculinity.
Liberal media has been a twitter for days over President Donald Trump’s refusal to wear a medical mask while performing his public duties. NBC news wisely pointed out that Trump, and yours truly, are actually suffering from fragile masculinity. This is not to be confused with the equally serious condition of “white fragility” though obviously the two are intimately related. What we really need right now is for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to give us a lesson in manhood and put on a medical face mask.
Now, I know what you’re saying, Biden has already been exhibiting the air of manly virtue by hiding in his basement as the Chinese virus sweeps through America. Like Bold Sir Robin of Monty Python fame, Biden knows that what real men do when faced with a problem is run away from it and hope that strong women like the Prime Minister of New Zealand can seize the reigns from pasty, oafish, oxen dudes who ruin everything.
But frankly, we have reached the point where hiding in the basement, as powerful a statement as it is, is not enough. Former Vice President Joe Biden must put on a medical face mask and he must do so right now.

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