Домой United States USA — Art Three things to watch for at the Democrat’s virtual National Convention

Three things to watch for at the Democrat’s virtual National Convention


Will the Biden campaign take the opportunity to clearly articulate its electoral promises?
You are browsing in private mode. To enjoy all the benefits of our website LOG IN or Create an Account The Democratic National Convention kicks off on Monday,17 August. Or, rather, something in place of the Democratic National Convention kicks off. The convention was supposed to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin — a state Hillary Clinton famously declined to visit and then lost in 2016 — but, as the global pandemic hits the United States spectacularly hard, the key players in this drama will not actually convene. Even Joe Biden, former vice president and presumptive nominee, will not be flying to America’s most cheese producing state. Still, it will be worth tuning into at least part of the Democratic National pseudo-Convention, if only to see the following: 1. If there’s a convention and no one convenes, does it make a sound? It will be interesting to see how the Democrats navigate the logistics of a virtual convening. Who will pre-record their addresses (other than Michelle Obama, who has already said she’ll do so to avoid any technical difficulties)? Who will need to be told that they’re on mute? Will people speak in their offices and living rooms or will they choose to use goofy, patriotic backgrounds? What happened to that idea of having a holographic Biden over Mount Rushmore? And perhaps most saliently, will the Democratic candidate still get the traditional post-convention bump in the polls? 2.

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