Домой United States USA — software Here are your Epic Games Store free games for December 2020

Here are your Epic Games Store free games for December 2020


Check this article daily to see what your Epic Games Store free games are for December 2020.
Check this article daily to see what your Epic Games Store free games are for December 2020. Published on By Check this article daily to see what your Epic Games Store free games are for December 2020. As ever, Epic Games is using its Fortnite war chest to try and ingratiate itself with gamers who hate it. (Basically, because it’s not Steam. We’re not getting into that drama again.) That means big exclusives, big sales, and regular free games from the Epic Games Store. You’ll usually find free games – at least one, often more – given away by Epic every week. New games are swapped in on Thursday and, if you’re diligent, you can build up a massive collection of fantastic games for no money at all. At Christmas, during the holiday period, the Epic Games Store free games initiative changes tack. We go from weekly drops of games to daily. That means there will be a lot more free games in a short period of time, but also, you’ll have a shorter time period to grab them in. There will be 15 free games in all, starting on December 17,2020, and running right through until December 31,2020. Here’s the list, as they get unveiled. Cities: Skylines became the de facto city builder simulation when EA did its EA thing, effectively dismantling Will Wright’s Maxis post-acquisition and running the incumbent Sim City franchise into the ground. We’ll stop referring to Cities: Skylines in Sim City’s shadow eventually, because it’s brilliant in its own right, but of all the things EA killed, that one really stings.

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