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How Does Induction Into the Baseball Hall of Fame Compare With Other Pro Sports?


On Tuesday, no players were elected to be immortalized in the Cooperstown, New York, Museum. The election process can be very arduous.
For the first time in over 60 years, no new members were voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on Tuesday. According to ESPN, no candidates listed on the 2021 Baseball Writers’ Association of America (BBWAA) ballot received 75 percent of the votes necessary to be inducted into the Cooperstown, New York, museum. Also, due to the coronavirus pandemic, there was no meeting of the Veterans Committee. The players who came closest to getting elected were Curt Schilling at 71.1 percent, Barry Bonds with 61.8 percent, and Roger Clemens with 61.1 percent. Baseball stars get 10 chances to be elected into the Hall of Fame, and Schilling, Bonds and Clemens have one more opportunity to get voted in. If they don’t get 75 percent then, they get passed along to the Hall of Fame’s veteran voting groups. In order to be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame by the baseball writers, a player must be active in a period 15 years prior to the election; he needs to have participated in 10 Major League championship seasons; and he needs to have been retired for five years, according to the BBWAA Rules.

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