Домой United States USA — Financial Barack Obama just said something *very* interesting about UFOs

Barack Obama just said something *very* interesting about UFOs


Barack Obama: He’s just like us!
Well, in one way at least: The former president wants to know whether there really are other life forms out there. In an appearance on «The Late Show» earlier this week, Obama confessed this: «The truth is that when I came into office, I asked, right, I was like, ‘Alright, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and space ship?’ And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was no.» Which, OK, he was joking. But then Obama said more about UFOs — and this is where things got really interesting. Here’s Obama: «What is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is.» Interesting, right? Obama’s admission that there are, in fact «footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory» is in keeping with a broader acknowledgment by official arms of the government — after decades of denial! — that UFOs are real. (Side note: Believing UFOs are real does not require believing in aliens; UFOs are simply unidentified flying objects. There is no assumption they contain other life forms.) Next month, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Defense will be required to provide the intelligence and armed services committees of Congress with an unclassified report on «unidentified aerial phenomena.» That requirement was tucked into the massive $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed into law by then-President Donald Trump late last year.

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