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Are you guys still coding?


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I just released a new version of Magic , and its primary feature is a brand …

Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. I just released a new version of Magic, and its primary feature is a brand new frontend template. Check out the screenshot below for an example of how it will look. First of all, this template is 10 times better than the previous template in regards to code quality and extensibility settings. However, more importantly, it gives you the ability to override settings such as colour profile, dark or light Angular Material theme settings, etc, etc. It’s arguably «the beginning of the end of (manual) coding» the way I see it. The template features the ability to translate buttons and widgets. It features the ability to easily extend it with individual settings. It is 100% perfectly responsive. But most importantly of course; It allows you to create a kick ass enterprise software project in 1 second! Don’t believe me? Then watch the video below for an illustration of how I created the above application in 1 second, literally! The way we work as software developers has always gone through micro revolutions. My father was punching holes in paper to create his stuff, and when I was a teenager we were using Assembly language to create our stuff.

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