Домой United States USA — Art Most Republicans and Democrats Believe COVID Was Leaked From Chinese Lab: Poll

Most Republicans and Democrats Believe COVID Was Leaked From Chinese Lab: Poll


The recent survey signaled a sharp contrast from many other polls that show Democrats who believe COVID originated in a lab were in the minority.
A recent poll found Republicans aren’t the only ones who believe COVID-19 originated in a laboratory and now a majority of Democrats also believe it’s the most likely origin. The idea that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology was once a fringe idea dismissed as a conspiracy theory but has since gained more prominence among public figures. It’s a concept that China has vehemently pushed back on as being steeped in a political move to target Beijing, and some have cited China’s dismissal of the theory in their push for further investigation. A poll conducted by Politico and Harvard University that will be released next week found that a majority of Americans,52 percent, believe COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak. While Republicans are more likely than Democrats to back the theory, the gap has significantly lessened over the past few months and has the difference of only 7 percentage points.

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