Домой United States USA — Science At least 10,300 NYC workers resist vaccine mandate as deadline approaches

At least 10,300 NYC workers resist vaccine mandate as deadline approaches


At least 10,300 city workers thumbed their noses at Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline Monday — refusing to get a …
At least 10,300 city workers thumbed their noses at Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline Monday — refusing to get a jab even as Hizzoner says the requirement is crucial to keeping residents safe. The balking workers include at least 1,300 FDNY staffers — leaving 18 fire and ladder companies “temporarily out of service” and dozens more undermanned — even as Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro insisted the department was functioning “quite well.” About 3,500 city workers rushed to get vaccinated over the weekend ahead of Monday’s deadline, according to de Blasio. After 5 p.m. Friday,3,564 city workers received at least one dose of the vaccine — making them part of the surge of 22,472 municipal employees who’ve received a shot since the requirement was announced Oct.20, the mayor said Monday.

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