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‘Survivor’ Season 41 Episode 8 Recap: This Week’s Winners, Losers and Snoozers


Another week on Survivor, another last-second scramble at tribal council – with an unexpected twist.
Spoiler alert! Proceed with extreme caution if you have not yet watched Episode 8 of “Survivor” Season 41 After last week’s theatrical tribal council – which saw the playing of idols (real and fake), pointing of fingers and the drawing of a clean line between the majority alliance and the bottom three – Episode 8 should have been the calm after the storm on the latest season of “Survivor.” Xander, Evvie and Tiffany emerged with even larger targets on their backs, and the core-four alliance of Shan, Liana, Deshawn and Danny appeared airtight. Yet tribal council dissolved into chaos once again just before the vote – all thanks to one person who, until this point, had barely 3 minutes of total screen time to her name. Without further ado, let’s dive into this week’s episode and how each player measured up. Coming out of last episode’s tribal council, Evvie, Xander and Tiffany go their separate ways for what Evvie calls a “relationship recovery tour.” Deshawn, who they pitted against Sydney at the last vote, wasn’t having any of it. As if there weren’t enough advantages to track, Jeff plants another one under a bench at the reward challenge. Xander, wasting no opportunities to curry favor with his tribemates, offers to sit out in Erika’s place after she randomly draws a rock. The other 10 players are randomly divided into two teams. One by one, they must scale an incline, jump off a platform, dive for puzzle pieces, sail to another platform and assemble the puzzle… all for a measly reward of grilled cheese. Props to the show’s editors for milking the suspense with Xander – he seems to look everywhere but at the advantage hidden right under his leg. “A missed opportunity,” Jeff muses. Back at camp, Shan and Liana start to break down after losing the reward for a second time.

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