Домой United States USA — Events Tucker Carlson: America Gains Nothing From Starting War With Russia

Tucker Carlson: America Gains Nothing From Starting War With Russia


TUCKER CARLSON: Here’s something all of us need to internalize. Just because something seems far-fetched, or it seems crazy, or it seems totally destructive …
TUCKER CARLSON: Here’s something all of us need to internalize. Just because something seems far-fetched, or it seems crazy, or it seems totally destructive to core American interests doesn’t mean the U.S. government won’t do it. That’s the main lesson at the moment we’re living in. So with that in mind, do not discount, no matter how far-fetched it may seem, a hot war with Russia. Yes, that is a lunatic idea. There is nothing we could possibly gain from a military confrontation with Vladimir Putin and there’s very much we could lose including of course many thousands of American lives. But that doesn’t mean Joe Biden won’t do it. Biden is unpopular, he’s incompetent and he’s desperate. More than anything Joe Biden is weak. He’s a pawn of his staff in the hard-eyed ideologues who surround him. Russia is currently involved in a border dispute with neighboring Ukraine. Many of Biden’s closest aides are pushing the United States to get involved militarily. Among the many, many ironies here is the Ukraine crisis was largely created by Joe Biden’s own aides and many people like them throughout all levels of the U.S. government. So here’s the Russian position. For Russia, the core question is NATO. NATO is the post-war military alliance created in 1949 to keep the Soviets from invading Western Europe. And it worked pretty well for about 40 years. The Soviet Union has not existed in more than three decades; it’s part of history now. And yet NATO very much lives on, better funded than ever. It’s an army without a purpose. So at this point, NATO exists primarily to torment Vladimir Putin who, whatever his many faults, has no intention of invading Western Europe. Vladimir Putin does not want Belgium. He just wants to keep his western borders secure. That’s why he doesn’t want Ukraine to join NATO. And that makes sense. Imagine how we would feel if Mexico and Canada became satellites of China. We wouldn’t like that at all. In Russia’s case, this is an existential question. A NATO takeover of Ukraine would compromise Russia’s access to its Sevastopol Naval Base – that’s the site of the Russia Black Sea’s fleet and one of the country’s only connections to international waters. In the words of Russia scholar Richard Sakwa, if Russia lost the Sevastopol Naval Base, it would be «the biggest military geopolitical defeat of Russia in the last thousand years.» So for Vladimir Putin that’s unacceptable. It’s a disaster. He cannot let it happen, he will not let it happen. But for the United States, and this is the main point here, there would be no benefit either. The United States would gain precisely nothing from taking over Ukraine. Why would we want to do that? At best, we would be driving Russia, and we are in fact, deeper into the arms of the government of China. Now it would be a disaster for the United States and a disaster for the world. So why are we doing this? Why is the U.S. government pushing Ukraine to join NATO? Well, God knows why. But we are doing this, both parties are doing this. The neocons around Joe Biden are for it, of course, as they are for every sinister and stupid idea. But so is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a smart man. So is Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. So are many Republicans. So this is a bipartisan sort of insanity. The question is can Joe Biden stand up to it? The answer is, come on, Biden has always been more lobbyist than leader. He says what he’s told to say. Once it was the credit card companies in Delaware that wrote his scripts. Now it’s the neocons at the state department. It’s the same idea. Biden spoke today with Vladimir Putin by video call. According to the White House, he informed the Russian leader that the United States plans to control Ukraine no matter what. Secretary of State and struggling pop musician Tony Blinken repeated that message. He threatened to send American troops there. Here’s Tony Blinken’s spokesman. Ned Price: If Russia chooses to fail to deescalate, if Russia chooses to move forward with any plans it may have developed to continue its military aggression or to aggress militarily upon Ukraine, to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty, its independence, its territorial integrity, we and our allies would be prepared to act. We would be prepared to act resolutely. Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

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