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How I Discovered My Security Practices Are Pretty Bad


As a developer, I rarely thought about security. After all, most of my work was for testing and development. But the assumptions I made were all wrong.
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I have a confession to make. As a software developer, I never thought much about security. It was about as important to me as the daily weather on Pluto. Admittedly, my work was mostly deployed in lab environments, but I never did much to look for CVEs, attack paths, and other security vulnerabilities.
As a developer, I made some presumptions:
My presumptions were wrong on all counts.
When I worked for Chef, the software-defined infrastructure folks, I used a tool called Inspec to quickly analyze systems running the latest (and updated) versions of Linux OS via ssh. I used publicly available benchmarks — like this Linux one from DevSec — to scan for problems. I was stunned by the results. They showed 60 of the 177 vulnerability tests failed on my simple mail server running Ubuntu:
The errors include routing problems, lax file and directory permissions, and CPU and file-system vulnerabilities. So much for base Linux images being secure out of the box! I now realize these base images (whether I use .iso files or Docker images) are designed to provide modest protections, but not all. And the older the Linux distro version, the worse it gets.
I found this to be true regardless of whether I tested systems in my home lab or instances running in AWS. The base images are not automatically secure, and my sample was only testing using a Linux baseline profile.

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