Домой United States USA — IT Preschoolers prefer to learn from a competent robot than an incompetent human,...

Preschoolers prefer to learn from a competent robot than an incompetent human, study shows


Who do children prefer to learn from? Previous research has shown that even infants can identify the best informant. But would preschoolers prefer learning from a competent robot over an incompetent human?
Who do children prefer to learn from? Previous research has shown that even infants can identify the best informant. But would preschoolers prefer learning from a competent robot over an incompetent human?

According to a new paper by Concordia researchers published in the Journal of Cognition and Development, the answer largely depends on age.
The study compared two groups of preschoolers: one of three-year-olds, the other of five-year-olds. The children participated in Zoom meetings featuring a video of a young woman and a small robot with humanoid characteristics (head, face, torso, arms and legs) called Nao sitting side by side. Between them were familiar objects that the robot would label correctly while the human would label them incorrectly, e.g., referring to a car as a book, a ball as a shoe and a cup as a dog.
Next, the two groups of children were presented with unfamiliar items: the top of a turkey baster, a roll of twine and a silicone muffin container. Both the robot and the human used different nonsense terms like «mido,» «toma,» «fep» and «dax» to label the objects. The children were then asked what the object was called, endorsing either the label offered by the robot or by the human.

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