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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is on course to radically change Cloud’s story


Final Fantasy 7 Remake took the saga in a bold new direction, but will upcoming sequel Rebirth stick the landing?
Cloud’s character arc in the original Final Fantasy 7 is a quest for self-discovery. Throughout the story, awkward, aloof, but well-meaning, Cloud aims to find out who he is and, in the process, to break free from the control that the nefarious Sephiroth has over him. Cloud starts as a blank slate but, gradually, comes to terms with his tumultuous past and, in doing so, can define his own future.  
However, the Cloud of Final Fantasy 7 Remake finds himself in a different position. Throughout the game, his interactions with Sephiroth are much more nuanced and two-sided than in the original. Though the silver-haired malcontent takes his rightful place as the game’s final boss, he does so with a wry self-awareness; almost as if he is preparing Cloud for the trials ahead, rather than actively trying to destroy him. 
This makes for some spine-tinglingly dramatic scenes, gorgeously brought to life by Remake’s commitment to cinematic fidelity. Cloud’s first few interactions with Sephiroth in Remake have the silver-haired villain act as a foil to Cloud, prodding and poking him with menacing, cryptic dialogue. It’s gripping stuff and adds a real sense of mystery and foreboding to Remake’s story.  
However, I do wonder if this new journey that Remake Cloud seems to have started will deliver the same long-term payoff as the path taken by his earlier incarnation in the original game. This begs the question: can Square Enix have its cake and eat it?   Through toil and Strife 
Spoiler warning for Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Remake explicitly defies the established canon of the original, to the extent that sinister shades materialize and accost Cloud and pals, attempting to “fix” the broken narrative.

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