Домой United States USA — software Blizzard promises it's still working on a PS5 licencing error fix for...

Blizzard promises it's still working on a PS5 licencing error fix for Diablo 4


A licence error issue affecting Diablo 4 means some players can’t consistently play the game, but Blizzard has said it’s still looking into the error.
A licence error issue affecting Diablo 4 means some players can’t consistently play the game, but Blizzard has said it’s still looking into the error.
If you’ve been playing Diablo 4, then there’s a chance you’ve run into a screen that tells you your copy of the game is unable to find a valid licence for the game, otherwise known as error 315306. It’s an annoying error, and one that’s only meant to appear when the game’s servers aren’t available, but it’s been a problem for a number of players since the beta for the game.

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