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If Design Isn't At The Heart Of Your Business Strategy, It Should Be


Design isn’t just product design—it’s an intentional way companies are trying to live.
Twenty-five years ago, Steve Jobs introduced the iMac to the world, signifying a new era for the company—one that would look to design as a road map to the future. This quickly became one of the key drivers behind Apple’s success due to the emphasis Jobs, and the entire company, put on it. Today, design is an integral part of the brand and customer experience we have come to know and expect from Apple.
Since the beginning of this new era in 1998, the position of head of hardware design has historically been considered one of the most important roles within Apple’s organization. Recently, it was reported that after many years, Apple would be undergoing a major policy shift and would not name an executive of industrial design. Instead, the company announced that it would focus on “a core group of about 20 industrial designers,” reporting to COO Jeff Williams. Given Apple’s unparalleled connection to design at the heart of its brand, products and customer experience, and its historical emphasis on design, does this seaming de-emphasis signal a shift in trends that other businesses should follow? The answer is no, it just might be time to rethink how we define it.What Is Design And Why Is It Important?
When it comes to design, many think about a product’s “look and feel.” But this is only one aspect of design. Steve Jobs was quoted many times throughout his career talking about the design of Apple’s products stating: “Design is how it works, not how it looks.” Going beyond what meets the eye, design is about every touchpoint, just as a brand is only as strong as its weakest touchpoint. From the packaging to the product, the advertising and everything in between—all of this is design-driven.

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