Домой United States USA — Financial Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’

Mark Levin: Special Counsel Jack Smith Is a ‘Hit Man’


During the opening monologue of his Sunday FNC program “Life, Liberty & Levin,” host Mark Levin criticized Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating alleged wrongdoing by former President Donald Trump.
Transcript as follows:
LEVIN: There’s a lot that has been said about these new indictments that have been brought against President Trump, a superseding list of indictments, and I want to get into this so-called superseding list a little bit later.
But that said, what everybody is missing here is President Trump didn’t delete a single video. How do I know that? I read this indictment. He is charged with trying to get employees to delete videos, attempted to delete Mar-a-Lago security footage sought by the grand jury investigating the mishandling of government records.
So these records were not deleted. They have all the video, over nine months’ worth of video. So what they’re doing here is piling on with a he said-he said. They are trying to get somebody to flip one of these individuals, a maintenance man, an IT person, you know, the little people they’re going after because the truth is, the rest of their case is very, very vulnerable.
This is vulnerable too in my view, but it’s very, very vulnerable.
I want to get into that in a second, but before I do, I want you to look at this chart to demonstrate to you that when Merrick Garland said we’re going to have a special counsel, the purpose of a special counsel is to have a prosecutor who is outside main justice, to bring in fresh faces, fresh blood so you don’t have a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest.
It’s not to set up your own federal government law firm with unlimited resources, 60 prosecutors and investigators to target a former president of the United States, and that is exactly what’s taken place.
Jack Smith was sent to The Hague because he was a lousy, overzealous failed prosecutor who formerly headed the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice.
And I want to get into this, who is Jack Smith? He was chief of the Public Integrity Section from 2010 to 2015. Who did you report to ultimately? Eric Holder, and you’re going to see Eric Holder has a lot to do with a lot of the people who are now involved in hunting down Donald Trump.
He served under Attorney General Eric Holder, he oversaw the IRS targeting of the Tea Party during the Obama administration. He oversaw the failed — ultimately — prosecutions of Governor McDonnell, of Senator Menendez, of Senator Edwards.
He worked with FBI Director James Comey as head of the Public Integrity Section. He worked with FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann, who you’re quite familiar with as head of the Public Integrity Section.
Does he sound like a man who is independent from the Department of Justice? Does it sound like a man who is independent from the Democratic Party?
He was chosen on the recommendation of Lisa Monaco, the deputy attorney general who had multiple positions — senior positions in the Obama Department of Justice, also primarily under Eric Holder. Her deputy, Marshall Miller worked with Smith for years in the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn, and recommended Smith to Monaco as the story goes, who in turn recommended Smith to Merrick Garland.
Out of all the people they could have chosen in America, they go to The Hague to bring back Smith, because he’s a hit man.
Judge Beryl (Howell) was the judge who oversaw all of these motions that were filed by the Trump lawyers and the government. She ruled 100% against Donald Trump, 100% for the government; and she has since retired, but the damage is done.
Who is Judge Beryl Howell? She worked for former Democrat Senator on the Hill, Patrick Leahy for 10 years. That was her claim to fame. And she, of course, was appointed by Obama.
And let’s go through several more of these people. We have a gentleman by the name of David Harbach. He is typically the chief litigator for Smith. He has known him a long time, former special counsel to FBI Director James Comey. I’m trying to show you the incestuous relationship.
These people coming out of main justice, the U.S. Attorney’s office, mostly Democrats, Democrat operatives, they’ve known each other for decades. So have many of the judges who are appointed. They come out of main justice and so forth and so on.
This is why Republicans don’t have a chance when they’re caught up in something involving the Department of Justice, the U.S. attorney’s office in the District of Columbia, they don’t have a chance.
The grand juries are chosen from a population that voted five percent for Trump, 93% for Biden and the courts, I’ll get to in a minute, lopsided Democrat, lopsided Obama and Biden.
More about this fella, Harbach. He’s a real nasty bird. He served with Jack Smith in the Public Integrity Section, top official there. He prosecuted Bob McDonnell, John Edwards, and Bob Menendez and he was in a Florida courtroom the other week, making outrageous arguments in front of Judge Cannon who I’ve had second thoughts on.

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