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After Tyre Nichols' death, DOJ investigating possible 'discriminatory policing' in Memphis


The Department of Justice is investigating whether law enforcement in Memphis, Tennessee, engaged in «discriminatory policing,» officials said Thursday
The Department of Justice is investigating whether law enforcement in Memphis, Tennessee, engaged in «discriminatory policing,» including in how it conducted traffic stops, in the wake of the death of Tyre Nichols earlier this year, officials said Thursday.
The Memphis Police Department intends to cooperate with the probe, also known as a pattern or practice investigation, the DOJ said in a news release.
«The tragic death of Tyre Nichols created enormous pain in the Memphis community and across the country,» U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. «The Justice Department is launching this investigation to examine serious allegations that the City of Memphis and the Memphis Police Department engage in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct and discriminatory policing based on race, including a dangerously aggressive approach to traffic enforcement. We are committed to working cooperatively with local officials, police, and community members to conduct the thorough and comprehensive review that the residents of Memphis deserve.»

Sinead O'Connor nie bała się śmierci. Porównywała ją z porodem


Sinead O’Connor zmarła w środę. Od dawna rozmyślała o sprawach ostatecznych i miała własne wyobrażenie śmierci. Po raz pierwszy podzieliła się nim publicznie, kiedy była jeszcze bardzo młoda. Mówiła o umieraniu
Sinead O’Connor zmarła w środę. Od dawna rozmyślała o sprawach ostatecznych i miała własne wyobrażenie śmierci. Po raz pierwszy podzieliła się nim publicznie, kiedy była jeszcze bardzo młoda. Mówiła o umieraniu z pełnym spokojem.
Wokalistka, która rozsławiła utwór Prince’a «Nothing Compares 2 You», odeszła 26 lipca. W ostatnich dniach życia opublikowała w mediach społecznościowych dwie poruszające wiadomości. Najpierw poinformowała o tym, że po dziewięciu latach kończy nagrywanie nowego albumu, który miał ukazać się na początku przyszłego roku. Wspomniała też o trasie koncertowej na lata 2024-25.
Kolejny post, wstawiony tydzień później, był już ogromnie przygnębiający. Nawiązywał do samobójczej śmierci 17-letniego syna Shane’a w ub.r.
Dalsza część artykułu pod materiałem wideo
«Od tamtego czasu żyję już tylko jako nieumarłe nocne stworzenie. Był miłością mojego życia, światłem mojej duszy. Byliśmy jedną duszą w dwóch połówkach. Był jedyną osobą, która kochała mnie bezwarunkowo. Czuję się bez niego bardzo zagubiona» — stwierdziła Sinead O’Connor.
W ostatnich latach życia artystka była muzułmanką, wierzyła w Boga, mówiła o ufności wobec jego wyroków. Jednocześnie nie mogła pogodzić się ze śmiercią syna, uważała ją za głęboko niesprawiedliwą.
Koniec ziemskiej egzystencji nigdy nie przerażał O’Connor. Oswajała tę myśl od dawna, bo mimo, że nie zawsze była religijna, to pozostawała bardzo uduchowiona. W 1995 r. podzieliła się refleksją na temat własnej śmiertelności.
— Często zastanawiam się, co mu tu wszyscy robimy zawieszeni w kosmosie? Jak to jest z tym drugim światem i co stanie się ze mną po śmierci? Czy umieranie będzie powolne i bolesne? Ale myślę, że jeśli przyszedłeś już na ten świat, a poród jest najtrudniejszym przejściem z jednej rzeczywistości w drugą, to śmierć będzie łatwizną — powiedziała Sinead O’Connor w cytowanym przez «The Mirror» wywiadzie.
W najnowszym odcinku podcastu «Clickbait» wybieramy się na wakacyjną podróż śladami hitowych filmów i seriali, zachwycamy się słoneczną Taorminą, przypominamy najbardziej wstrząsające odcinki «Black Mirror» i komentujemy nowy sezon show Netfliksa. A na koniec sprawdzamy, jak wypadł Marcin Dorociński w «Mission:Impossible». Możesz nas słuchać na Spotify, w Google Podcasts, Open FM oraz aplikacji Podcasty na iPhonach i iPadach.

What's next for Hunter Biden, now that his plea deal is on hold?


Hunter Biden’s tentative plea agreement fell apart in federal court. So what’s next for the president’s son?
After what was expected to be a perfunctory  in federal court on Wednesday descended into chaos, with his plea deal with federal prosecutors falling apart, the path forward isn’t so clear cut for the president’s son.
The younger Biden, who hoped to close the door on his legal woes after a years-long federal investigation into his finances, must now wait as his legal team and federal prosecutors prepare to brief U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika. 
Their tentative plea agreement fell apart Wednesday, after Noreika said she couldn’t sign off on the deal, which would have had him plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and enter a diversion program to avoid a gun charge. The judge cited a disagreement between prosecutors and the defense team over whether the deal meant Biden would be shielded from prosecution on other charges in the future.
«I have concerns about the agreement,» she said. «I can’t let him plea to something if he thinks he has protection from something and he doesn’t.» 
The judge decided to defer action on the plea agreement. Without a deal in place, Biden entered not guilty pleas to the two tax charges. 
Noreika gave federal prosecutors and Biden’s defense team 30 days to brief her and present a potential revised plea agreement. After that, she said she would review the matter, meaning a ruling on any plea agreement could be delayed for weeks. The judge did not set a date for the next court appearance. 
«I think that both sides have a sincere interest in getting this resolved as soon as possible,» CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman said on «CBS Mornings» Thursday. «The government really doesn’t want to try this case in Delaware. You’ve got a family with a favorite son of Delaware. You have someone who has a real defense about being a drug addict, an extraordinary, out of control drug addict who did not face his responsibilities, that they would rather not try the case. And the defense obviously has an interest in not having him prosecuted for other crimes. They’ve got enough time … that they could try to work this out.»
When the judge asked prosecutors Wednesday if the government could still potentially charge Biden under the Foreign Agents Registration Act — a law governing lobbying on behalf of foreign entities — an assistant U.S. attorney responded that yes, prosecutors could still explore potential FARA violations. An attorney for Biden disagreed and said they were «going to have to discuss things with the government,» declaring the plea agreement «null and void.»
«Now the question becomes your issue, which is, can they work out a new plea agreement with this foreign lobbying issue holding over them?» Klieman said. «Hunter Biden’s lawyers and Hunter Biden cannot afford the possibility that if Donald Trump or another Republican should be elected president in 2024 that they might not come back and prosecute him. So they need to resolve this, even if there is an investigation that continues.»
As Klieman, the judge and prosecutors noted, the investigation into the president’s son is still ongoing.

EZB hebt Leitzins um 0,25 Punkte auf 4,25 Prozent an


Im Kampf gegen die nach wie vor hohe Inflation im Euroraum hat die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) die Zinsen zum neunten Mal in Folge erhöht. Der EZB-Rat beschloss am Donnerstag eine Anhebung um weitere 0,25 Prozentpunkte. Der Leitzins, zu dem sich Geschäftsbanken frisches Geld bei der EZB besorgen können, steigt damit auf 4,25 Prozent. So hoch war der Leitzins zuletzt zu Beginn der weltweiten Finanzkrise Anfang Oktober 2008.
Parken Banken Geld bei der EZB, erhalten sie dafür künftig 3,75 Prozent Zinsen, wie die Notenbank in Frankfurt mitteilte. Nach Jahren mit Null- und Negativzinsen haben die Währungshüter angesichts der hohen Teuerung die Zinsen seit Juli 2022 in einer beispiellosen Serie angehoben. EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde hatte die neunte Erhöhung bereits in Aussicht gestellt.
Auch die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve legte im Kampf gegen die Inflation nach und hob am Mittwoch den Leitzins auf den höchsten Stand seit 22 Jahren an. Der Leitzins liegt nun in der Spanne von 5,25 bis 5,5 Prozent.
Höhere Zinsen verteuern Kredite. Das kann die Nachfrage bremsen und hohen Teuerungsraten entgegenwirken. Zwar schwächte sich die Inflation im Juni ab. Im Währungsraum der 20 Staaten lagen die Verbraucherpreise nach Angaben des Statistikamtes Eurostat um 5,5 Prozent über dem Niveau des Vorjahresmonats. Im Mai war noch eine jährliche Teuerungsrate von 6,1 Prozent verzeichnet worden. Die Rate liegt aber weiterhin deutlich über dem mittelfristigen Inflationsziel der EZB von zwei Prozent, bei dem die Notenbank Preisstabilität gewahrt sieht.
Höhere Teuerungsraten lassen die Kaufkraft der Menschen schwinden: Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher können sich für ihr Geld weniger leisten. Sie treten beim Konsum auf die Bremse. Das belastet das Wirtschaftswachstum, für das der private Konsum eine wichtige Stütze ist. Auf der anderen Seite verteuern steigende Zinsen Kredite für Unternehmen, weshalb die eine oder andere Investition ausfallen könnte. Auch das bremst die Konjunktur.
«Über die Juli-Sitzung hinaus werden Anzeichen einer sich abkühlenden Wirtschaft und nachlassender Inflationsdruck die Diskussion bei der EZB darüber, wie weit man gehen soll, kontroverser machen», meint daher ING-Deutschland-Chefvolkswirt Carsten Brzeski.
Sparer profitieren nach jahrelanger Flaute von steigenden Zinsen für Tagesgeld und Konsorten. Für Kreditnehmer wird es durch steigende Zinsen teurer, vor allem Bauherren bekommen das deutlich zu spüren.

Payday 3’s closed beta is happening Aug. 2, and you can register to play now


Deep Silver and Starbreeze have announced a closed beta period for Payday 3. Some gamers who sign up can try a slice of the game on Xbox and Steam starting Aug. 2.
Payday 3 is releasing on Sept. 21, and developer Starbreeze is planning to launch a closed beta for the game on Aug. 2 to iron out remaining wrinkles in its online co-op sequel. The closed beta will run on Steam and Xbox Series X through Aug. 7, and those who are interested in a chance to try the game can sign up now at the links above. On Steam, select “Request Access” near the buy button for the game. For Xbox players, get the Xbox Insider Hub, then navigate to previews and select Payday 3.
If you get in, you’ll be able to play a new heist called “No Rest for the Wicked” as the original characters (Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf). Unsurprisingly, there’s a cap on progress during the closed beta. You’ll be capped to Infamy level 22, and weapons top out at progression level eight. Progress won’t carry over to the full version of the game.
Payday 3 will debut for $39.99 and will release on more platforms than just Steam and Xbox on Sept. 21 — it’s also heading to the Epic Games Store and PlayStation 5. At launch, it will also be available on PC via PC Game Pass and on Xbox Game Pass.



北部九州を襲った の記録的な大雨で、土石流に見舞われた福岡県久留米市田主丸(たぬしまる)町は、「フルーツの街」として知られる。柿やブドウなどの果樹園にも大量の土砂が流れ込んだが、人手不足で復旧が進んでいない。
 青い柿は 下旬以降に収穫しようとしていたが、今回の大雨によって根元には土砂で深さ約30センチが埋まった所もある。このままでは、実が熟す前に木が枯れてしまうおそれがあるという。
 日本九援隊は 、柿農園からの要請で支援に入った。気温30度を超える真夏日の中、ボランティア約30人がスコップで土砂をかきだした。農園を一人で手入れしている70代女性は「感謝しかない」と喜んだ。
 九援隊は の東日本大震災をきっかけに発足し、ボランティアのため被災地にバスを運行してきた。久留米市田主丸町にはこれまでバスを3回運行し、小学生から高齢者まで計約200人が民家や農園などで活動した。 は4回目の活動のためバスを運行するが、運行1回に約10万円かかり、資金が底をつきかけているという。
  は午前 、JR大野城駅東口ロータリー前集合。現地で約 間半活動し、午後 に同駅に戻る。定員55人でバス代は無料。参加には事前の申し込みが必要。問い合わせは肥後さん(080・3901・6183)。

Singer Tori Kelly Breaks Silence on Medical Emergency, Shares Bible Verse: ‘I Can Feel Your Prayers’


Gospel Singer Tori Kelly broke her silence on the medical emergency she recently suffered, thanking her fans for their prayers and saying she still has more to discover about what happened to her body.
“As you may have heard, I’m dealing with some unexpected health challenges,” Kelly — who was rushed to the hospital Sunday night to be treated for blood clots around her vital organs — said in a handwritten note posted for her 4.2 million followers on Instagram.

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A post shared by tori kelly (@torikelly)
“It’s been a scary few days, but I can feel your prayers and can’t stop thinking about you,” the gospel singer continued in her message, adding, “I’m feeling stronger now, and hopeful, but unfortunately there are still some things to uncover.”
“I’m so grateful for the amazing doctors and nurses who have been looking after me,” Kelly said.
The “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” singer, who had been promoting her upcoming EP tori, went on to say, “Of course I’m heartbroken about all the things I had planned for this week of releasing my EP, but I know my health must come first.”
“Until I see you again, I still want you to enjoy a project that represents the happy place I’ve been in the last few years. I won’t let this hurdle prevent the music from being yours on Friday!” Kelly added.
“I love you all so much and I am truly overwhelmed by all of the love and care I’ve received,” she concluded. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
In the caption of her Instagram post, Kelly wrote “[D]euteronomy 31:8,” a Bible verse that reads, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
On Wednesday, Kelly’s husband André Murillo reportedly shared an update on the singer’s health to his Instagram Stories, writing, “Tori is smiling again and feeling stronger.”
“Not out of the woods but we see the sun. Just waiting on a few more answers,” Murillo added. “Your love and kindness has been overwhelming. Thank you so so much!”

EZB erhöht Leitzins: Warum private Sparer oft leer ausgehen


Während die Banken von der EZB für ihr dort geparktes Geld wieder 3,5 Prozent Zinsen erhalten, gehen Sparer oft leer aus. Warum?
Unter Leitzinsen versteht man die von der zuständigen Zentralbank festgelegten Zinssätze, zu denen sich Geschäftsbanken bei einer Zentral- oder Notenbank Geld beschaffen oder anlegen können. In der Eurozone ist die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) zuständig für die Festlegung der Leitzinsen. Vorrangiges Ziel der Zentralbanken ist es, ein stabiles Preisniveau mit einer niedrigen Inflationsrate sicherzustellen.
Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB), die für die Eurozone zuständig ist, strebt dafür ein Inflationsziel von zwei Prozent in der mittleren Frist an. Um die Inflationsrate bei einer vorgegebenen Zielgröße zu halten, kann die Zentralbank die Leitzinsen anheben («restriktive Geldpolitik») oder auch senken («expansive Geldpolitik»). 
Quelle: Glossar des Bundesfinanzministeriums
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Ticker: Economy grows at surprise 2.4% rate; Jobless claims hit 5-month low


The U.S. economy surprisingly accelerated to a 2.4% annual growth rate from April through June, showing continued resilience in the face of steadily higher interest rates resulting from the Federal Reserve.
The U.S. economy surprisingly accelerated to a 2.4% annual growth rate from April through June, showing continued resilience in the face of steadily higher interest rates resulting from the Federal Reserve.
Thursday’s estimate from the Commerce Department indicated that the gross domestic product — the economy’s total output of goods and services — picked up from the 2% growth rate in the January-March quarter. Last quarter’s expansion was well above the 1.5% annual rate that economists had forecast.
Driving last quarter’s growth was a burst of business investment. Excluding housing, business spending surged at a 7.7% annual rate, the fastest such pace since early 2022. Companies plowed more money into factories and equipment. Increased spending by state and local governments also helped fuel the economy’s expansion in the April-June quarter.
“This is a strong report, confirming that this economy continues to largely shrug off the Fed’s aggressive rate increases and tightening credit conditions,” said Olu Sonola, head of U.S. economics at Fitch Ratings.Jobless claims hit 5-month low
The number of Americans applying for jobless benefits slid last week to its lowest level in five months, further evidence that the U.S. labor market continues to defy the Federal Reserve’s attempts to cool it off.
U.S. applications for unemployment benefits fell by 7,000 to 221,000 for the week ending July 22, from 228,000 the week before, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That’s the fewest since February.
On Wednesday, the Fed announced that is was raising its benchmark borrowing rate by another quarter-point after pausing in June for the first time in more than a year. Fed Chair Jerome Powell gave no hint as to what officials might do at future meetings.

Get to Know USWNT's Alex Morgan, the Soccer Icon Playing in Her 4th World Cup


Alex Morgan is an iconic US Women’s National Team player. Learn how old Alex Morgan is, who Alex Morgan’s husband is, if Alex Morgan has kids, and more.
Morgan is 34 years old, and her birthday is on July 2. She’s one of the oldest on the USWNT 2023 World Cup roster. Only Kelley O’Hara (34), Alyssa Naeher (35), and Megan Rapinoe (38) are the same age or older than she is.
Morgan plays the forward position, aka striker.
Morgan got married in December 2014, and her husband is former professional soccer player Servando Carrasco.
Morgan gave birth to her daughter, Charlie, now 3 years old, on May 7, 2020.
Shortly after, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were postponed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This worked out well for Morgan, giving her extra time to recover postpartum before returning to the field. «It was actually a weight off my shoulders that I didn’t realize was there,» Morgan told POPSUGAR in November 2020. «I knew at that point, I can just let Charlie come whenever she was ready.»
Morgan went to the University of California at Berkeley, where she was named the third all-time scorer in school history. She graduated in 2010 with a degree in political economy.
According to her FIFA facts page, Morgan prefers to shoot with her left foot.
Yes, three times, in fact. In 2019, Morgan made her third appearance in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue, when she appeared on one of the covers.
Morgan is one of the two current co-captains on the USWNT, according to US Soccer, along with teammate Lindsey Horan. Morgan had captained the team 22 other times (!) before the 2023 World Cup.
When Morgan was named one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in 2019, soccer legend Mia Hamm penned the article about her, writing: «I feel great about the future of our sport because Alex is leading the way . . . As the mother of 12-year-old twin daughters, I fully understand the impact that Alex makes on this next generation of young girls. Her commitment to set such a positive example for them is unmatched, and I am incredibly grateful that the future of our game is in such good hands.»
Morgan started wearing pink prewrap in her hair during her sophomore year at UC Berkeley to support Servando’s mother, who was battling breast cancer at the time. why she always wears a pink headband here.
«The Kicks» is a middle-grade book series about soccer and friendship. You can watch the 10-episode television adaptation on Prime Video.
Morgan is the youngest of three girls. Her sisters are named Jeni and Jeri.
You can stream the movie on Prime Video.
One of Morgan’s most famous moments on the field was her game-winning goal during the US’s semifinal match against Canada at the 2012 Olympics. Her goal helped the team take home the gold medal.

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