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Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot dead at 84


Gordon Lightfoot, Canada’s legendary folk singer-songwriter known for “If You Could Read My Mind” and “Sundown” and for songs that told tales of Canadian identity, died on Monday. He was 84.
Representative Victoria Lord said the musician died at a Toronto hospital. His cause of death was not immediately available.
Considered one of the most renowned voices to emerge from Toronto’s Yorkville folk club scene in the 1960s, Lightfoot went on to record 20 studio albums and pen hundreds of songs, including “Carefree Highway,” “Early Morning Rain” and “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
In the 1970s, Lightfoot garnered five Grammy nominations, three platinum records and nine gold records for albums and singles. In the more than 60 years since he launched his career, he performed in well over 1,500 concerts and recorded 500 songs.
He toured late into his life. Just last month he cancelled upcoming US and Canadian shows, citing health issues.
“We have lost one of our greatest singer-songwriters,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted.
“Gordon Lightfoot captured our country’s spirit in his music – and in doing so, he helped shape Canada’s soundscape. May his music continue to inspire future generations, and may his legacy live on forever.”
Once called a “rare talent” by Bob Dylan, dozens of artists have covered his work, including Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand, Harry Belafonte, Johnny Cash, Anne Murray, Jane’s Addiction and Sarah McLachlan.
Most of his songs are deeply autobiographical with lyrics that probe his own experiences in a frank manner and explore issues surrounding the Canadian national identity. “Canadian Railroad Trilogy” depicted the construction of the railway.
“I simply write the songs about where I am and where I’m from,” he once said. “I take situations and write poems about them.”
Lightfoot’s music had a style all its own. “It’s not country, not folk, not rock,” he said in a 2000 interview. Yet it has strains of all three.
“The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” for instance, is a haunting tribute to the 29 men who died in the 1975 sinking of the ship in Lake Superior during a storm.
While Lightfoot’s parents recognized his musical talents early on, he didn’t set out to become a renowned balladeer.
He began singing in his church choir and dreamed of becoming a jazz musician. At age 13, the soprano won a talent contest at the Kiwanis Music Festival, held at Toronto’s Massey Hall.
“I remember the thrill of being in front of the crowd,” Lightfoot said in a 2018 interview. “It was a stepping stone for me…”
The appeal of those early days stuck and in high school, his barbershop quartet, The Collegiate Four, won a CBC talent competition. He strummed his first guitar in 1956 and began to dabble in songwriting in the months that followed. Perhaps distracted by his taste for music, he flunked algebra the first time. After taking the class again, he graduated in 1957.
By then, Lightfoot had already penned his first serious composition — “The Hula Hoop Song,” inspired by the popular kids’ toy that was sweeping the culture. Attempts to sell the song went nowhere so at 18, he headed to the US to study music for a year. The trip was funded in part by money saved from a job delivering linens to resorts around his hometown.
Life in Hollywood wasn’t a good fit, however, and it wasn’t long before Lightfoot returned to Canada. He pledged to move to Toronto to pursue his musical ambitions, taking any job available, including a position at a bank before landing a gig as a square dancer on CBC’s “Country Hoedown.”
His first gig was at Fran’s Restaurant, a downtown family-owned diner that warmed to his folk sensibilities. It was there he met fellow musician Ronnie Hawkins.
The singer was living with a few friends in a condemned building in Yorkville, then a bohemian area where future stars including Neil Young and Joni Mitchell would learn their trade at smoke-filled clubs.
Lightfoot made his popular radio debut with the single ”(Remember Me) I’m the One” in 1962, which led to a number of hit songs and partnerships with other local musicians. When he started playing the Mariposa Folk Festival in his hometown of Orillia, Ontario that same year, Lightfoot forged a relationship that made him the festival’s most loyal returning performer.
By 1964, he was garnering positive word-of-mouth around town and audiences were starting to gather in growing numbers. By the next year, Lightfoot’s song “I’m Not Sayin’” was a hit in Canada, which helped spread his name in the United States.
A couple of covers by other artists didn’t hurt either. Marty Robbins’ 1965 recording of “Ribbon of Darkness” reached No. 1 on US country charts, while Peter, Paul and Mary took Lightfoot’s composition, “For Lovin’ Me,” into the US Top 30. The song, which Dylan once said he wished he’d recorded, has since been covered by hundreds of other musicians.
That summer, Lightfoot performed at the Newport Folk Festival, the same year Dylan rattled audiences when he shed his folkie persona by playing an electric guitar.
As the folk music boom came to an end in the late 1960s, Lightfoot was already making his transition to pop music with ease.
In 1971, he made his first appearance on the Billboard chart with “If You Could Read My Mind.” It reached No. 5 and has since spawned scores of covers.
Lightfoot’s popularity peaked in the mid-1970s when both his single and album, “Sundown,” topped the Billboard charts, his first and only time doing so.
During his career, Lightfoot collected 12 Juno Awards, including one in 1970 when it was called the Gold Leaf.
In 1986, he was inducted into the Canadian Recording Industry Hall of Fame, now the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. He received the Governor General’s award in 1997 and was ushered into the Canadian Country Music Hall Of Fame in 2001.

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Fortnite Adds Star Wars Battle Pass


The Fortnite Star Wars event is bigger than anyone could’ve ever predicted, and now fans will able to unlock tons of cosmetics with a new Battle Pass.
The Fortnite x Star Wars crossover will include a huge three-week-long event with its own mini-Battle Pass. Fortnite has teamed up with various known brands and franchises to create unique content, resulting in some awesome Fortnite collabs, and they will certainly continue to happen as the game is still widely popular worldwide. These partnerships are great for the fans since they get a continuous flow of new content, and it’s especially fun for those who enjoy both sides of the collaboration.
Recently, leaks hinted towards the possibility of another Star Wars and Fortnite crossover event. This didn’t come as a surprise because the two have come together in the past and delivered content that was quite successful with the game’s fan base. Eventually, Epic Games confirmed an upcoming Star Wars event to celebrate May the 4th, and it even revealed that an Anakin Skywalker skin would be coming to the Item Shop once the Star Wars update went live.
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It turns out that the event is going to have bigger dimensions than most people probably expected. Just like last season’s Most Wanted Fortnite event, a Star Wars-themed mini-Battle Pass called Find the Force will be added to the game, and players will be able to unlock cosmetic items as they progress through it by completing several quests. Gamers can progress through the standard version of the event pass or they can pay 1,000 V-Bucks and get access to even more items.
With the free Find the Force Battle Pass players will be able to unlock the Clone Trooper skin, but if they get the paid pack, they can also unlock the Coruscant Guard skin as well as the Wolf Pack Trooper, the Ahsoka’s Clone Trooper, and Darth Maul. Although some fans were upset that they would have to pay to get access to the premium version of the pass, it does contain a lot of new content.
According to Twitter user iFireMonkey, some of the cosmetic items will be available in the Item Shop in the future at a higher price. Darth Maul will most likely cost 1,500 V-Bucks like the other main Star Wars skins available in Fortnite, so gamers who plan on attempting to complete the Find the Force quests should consider purchasing the Premium reward pack as it’ll end up being cheaper.
The Fortnite Find the Force event is currently available and will run until May 23 at 9 AM ET. On May 7 at 10 AM ET, the second half of the Find the Force quests will be released, and gamers will be able to claim the remaining rewards.
Fortnite is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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ЦНС: оккупанты изображают из себя гражданских, чтобы найти партизан на ВОТ


Оккупанты притворяются гражданскими, чтобы найти партизан на временно оккупированных украинских территориях. Об этом сообщили в Центре …
КИЕВ. 2 мая. УНН. Оккупанты притворяются гражданскими, чтобы найти партизан на временно оккупированных украинских территориях. Об этом сообщили в Центре национального сопротивления, пишет УНН.
«На временно оккупированных территориях участились случаи, когда ФСБшники выходят в людные места в гражданской форме, чтобы выявить членов украинского подполья», — сообщают в ЦНС.
Как отмечается, “гестаповцы” под видом простых жителей интересуются у продавцов, кондукторов и других, обо всех, кто жалуется на российскую власть и, при этом, нередко сами провоцируют подобные разговоры. Так, враг ищет нелояльное население.
Если же “жертва” ведется на провокацию, то попадает на крючок и в дальнейшем вынуждена сотрудничать.
В Центре национального сопротивления призвали граждан на ВОТ быть осторожными и не рассказывать свое отношение к оккупационной власти малознакомым людям.

ЦНС: окупанти удають з себе цивільних, аби знайти партизан на ТОТ


Окупанти удають з себе цивільних, аби знайти партизан на тимчасово окупованих українських територіях. Про це повідомили у Центрі …
КИЇВ. 2 травня. УНН. Окупанти удають з себе цивільних, аби знайти партизан на тимчасово окупованих українських територіях. Про це повідомили у Центрі національного спротиву, пише УНН.
«На тимчасово окупованих територіях почастішали випадки, коли ФСБшники виходять в людні місця в цивільній формі, аби виявити членів українського підпілля», — повідомляють у ЦНС.
Як зазначається, “гестапівці” під виглядом простих мешканців цікавляться в продавців, кондукторів й інших, про всіх, хто жаліється на російську владу й, при цьому, нерідко самі провокують подібні розмови. Так, ворог шукає нелояльне населення.
Якщо ж “жертва” ведеться на провокацію, то попадає на гачок й надалі змушена співпрацювати.
У Центрі національного спротиву закликали громадян на ТОТ бути обережними й не розповідати своє ставлення до окупаційної влади малознайомим людям.

Шольц розповів, коли Україна почне отримувати боєприпаси для Gepard


Із серпня Україна може розраховувати на отримання боєприпасів для самохідних зенітних установок Gepard, які передала Німеччина.
Із серпня Україна може розраховувати на отримання боєприпасів для самохідних зенітних установок Gepard, які передала Німеччина.
Джерело: німецький канцлер Олаф Шольц, якого цитує DW
Деталі: Шольц повідомив, що наразі налаштовується виробництво снарядів, однак це займе певний час. 
Канцлер також уточнив, що Україна не може використовувати для обстрілів території РФ зброю, яку постачає Німеччина.
Відповідних правил задля уникнення війни між НАТО і РФ, додав він, дотримуються й інші західні держави, які допомагають Україні зброєю.
Нагадаємо: У лютому найбільший німецький виробник зброї Rheinmetall повідомив, що очікує до липня поставок в Україну першої партії боєприпасів для Gepard.

US-Finanzministerin warnt vor Zahlungsausfall am 1. Juni


Die USA haben die Schuldenobergrenze erreicht und halten sich derzeit mit Reserven über Wasser. Diese könnten nun eher zur Neige gehen.
Im Streit um die Schuldenobergrenze in den USA erhöht Finanzministerin Janet Yellen den Druck und warnt vor einem möglichen Zahlungsausfall der Regierung bereits am 1. Juni. Die Reserven könnten aber auch erst einige Wochen später aufgebraucht sein, das präzise Datum sei unmöglich vorauszuahnen, schrieb Yellen am Montag in einem Brief an den republikanischen Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Kevin McCarthy. Die Schätzung basiere auf derzeit verfügbaren Daten. Wird die Schuldenobergrenze nicht bald erhöht, könnte es zu einem beispiellosen Zahlungsausfall der US-Regierung kommen – der die Weltwirtschaft in eine Krise stürzen könnte.
In den USA legt das Parlament in unregelmäßigen Abständen eine Schuldenobergrenze fest und bestimmt, wie viel Geld sich der Staat leihen darf. Die Schuldengrenze liegt zurzeit bei rund 31,4 Billionen US-Dollar (etwa 28,6 Billionen Euro). Mittlerweile ist dieser Schuldendeckel erreicht und das US-Finanzministerium muss die Kapitalreserven anzapfen – denn die USA dürfen nun keine neuen Schulden mehr aufnehmen, um ihre Rechnungen zu begleichen. Für eine Anhebung der Schuldenobergrenze brauchen US-Präsident Joe Biden und seine Demokraten die Republikaner. Diese stemmen sich aber gegen eine Anhebung ohne deutliche Einsparungen bei gewissen Staatsausgaben.
Ein Zahlungsausfall der weltgrößten Volkswirtschaft kann eine globale Finanzkrise und einen starken wirtschaftlichen Abschwung auslösen. Die USA könnten dann einen Großteil ihrer Rechnungen nicht mehr begleichen – Millionen Menschen könnten in der Folge ihren Arbeitsplatz verlieren. Ein Zahlungsausfall würde auch das Vertrauen in die Kreditwürdigkeit der USA beschädigen, was ökonomische Verwerfungen auslösen dürfte. Finanzministerin Yellen hat immer wieder deutlich gemacht, dass das eine Katastrophe wäre.
Yellen hatte schon im Januar vor einem Zahlungsausfall Anfang Juni gewarnt. Die Schätzung des unabhängigen Haushaltsamtes des US-Kongresses prognostizierte zuletzt ohne Anhebung der Schuldenobergrenze einen Zahlungsausfall zwischen Juli und September. Die Finanzministerin mahnte nun, dass es dem Vertrauen in die US-Wirtschaft schade, mit einer Aussetzung oder Anhebung der Schuldengrenze bis zum letzten Moment zu warten. Häufig einigen sich die Demokraten und Republikaner bei diesem Thema erst kurz vor knapp. Im Jahr 2011 hatte eine neu gewählte, republikanische Mehrheit im Kongress eine Anhebung der Schuldengrenze hinausgezögert. Dadurch wurde die Kreditwürdigkeit der USA zum bisher einzigen Mal in der Geschichte herabgestuft.
Die Republikaner wollen Präsident Biden dazu bringen, Kürzungen bei Investitionen in den Klimaschutz und anderen Staatsausgaben zuzustimmen. Im Gegenzug soll die US-Schuldengrenze um 1,5 Billionen Dollar angehoben werden. McCarthy selbst steht dabei unter gehörigem Druck einiger erzkonservativer Republikaner, auf die er angesichts einer dünnen Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus angewiesen ist. Der dort verabschiedete republikanische Vorschlag geht jetzt an den von den Demokraten geführten Senat, wo ihm jedoch keine Erfolgschancen eingeräumt werden.
Biden machte am Montag abermals deutlich, er wolle sich nicht erpressen lassen. McCarthy und die weiteren Führungspersönlichkeiten beider Parteien im Kongress habe er für den 9. Mai ins Weiße Haus eingeladen. Der demokratische Mehrheitsführer im Senat, Chuck Schumer, betonte: „Wir können uns nicht den Luxus leisten, bis zum 1. Juni zu warten, um zusammenzukommen, ein ordentliches Gesetz zu verabschieden, um einen Zahlungsausfall zu vermeiden und katastrophale Folgen für unsere Wirtschaft und Millionen amerikanischer Familien zu verhindern.“
Die Schuldenobergrenze wurde seit ihrer Einführung 1917 dutzendfach erhöht, da sonst das Geld ausgegangen wäre. Mit den neuen Schulden werden keine zusätzlichen Ausgaben finanziert – sie dienen dazu, bereits eingegangenen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen. Die Schuldengrenze ist nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Haushalt. Auch hier kommt es im Kongress regelmäßig zum Streit, weil sich die Demokraten und Republikaner nicht auf ein neues Haushaltsgesetz einigen können, was eine Stilllegung der Regierungsgeschäfte, einen Shutdown, zur Folge haben kann.

Samsung's unlocked Galaxy A54 5G mid-ranger is on sale at a new record high discount


With stellar software support and decent hardware specifications, the unlocked Samsung Galaxy A54 5G is a pretty excellent deal right now at a lower-than-ever price of $374.99 with no strings attached.
Should you buy quite possibly the best Samsung phone with mid-end specifications out there right now? Probably not at its $449.99 list price, as there are plenty of excellent alternatives from other brands on the market today available on the cheap with similar or even objectively superior hardware features.
But with Android 13 pre-installed and a whopping total of four future major OS updates guaranteed, the Galaxy A54 is an undeniable software champion (and not just by mid-range standards) while costing a cool 75 bucks less than usual at the time of this writing.
That’s not exactly a life-changing discount, but it does beat everything both third-party retailers like Amazon and Best Buy and Samsung itself have previously offered in terms of savings on this reasonably feature-packed 6.4-inch Android handset with no obligatory device trade-in.
You don’t need to choose a specific carrier to activate your discounted 5G-enabled Galaxy A54 on right off the bat and you don’t have to meet any other special conditions or jump through hoops of any sort to save that $75. 
While Best Buy has both the «Awesome Violet» and «Awesome Graphite» versions of the phone in stock at the new special price, Amazon appears to have run out of inventory for the former model, at least temporarily, which suggests pretty strong demand.
That obviously makes sense given the aforementioned stellar software support promised by the world’s top smartphone vendor, but also the large battery and reasonably powerful processor under the A54’s plastic-and-glass hood, as well as the three solid cameras slapped on its back, the excellent 32MP selfie shooter, and last but not necessarily least, the microSD card slot you can use to easily expand the 128 gigs of internal storage space.
Is this the best budget phone around? For hardcore Samsung fans, absolutely, and for folks who care about software updates more than things like charging speeds or super-fancy designs, the answer is also a definite and very loud yes.

The Best Jewelry Of The 2023 MET Gala


Dubbed the ‘Superbowl of fashion,’ the MET Gala, which takes place annually on the first Monday in May, definitely earned its nickname Monday, May 1, 2023 as A-listers came to pay tribute to Karl Lagerfeld’s visionary talent.
Dubbed the ‘Superbowl of fashion,’ the MET Gala, which takes place annually on the first Monday in May, definitely earned its nickname Monday, May 1, 2023 as A-listers came to pay tribute to Karl Lagerfeld’s visionary talent. The exhibition that will open at The Costume Institute of Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.” will honor Lagerfeld’s legacy and his 65 years of designing for multiple fashion houses, most notably Chanel and his own label. But the gowns and styles of the evening evoked his aesthetics for Chloe and Fendi as well. It gave the celebrities out in full force multiple themes and looks to play off, as well as Lagerfield’s personal style. The gowns were breathtaking and the jewelry mixed all-out glamour with a tongue-in-cheek approach to pearls, camellias and iconic looks from different high points in Lagerfeld’s career. Black and white gowns provided the backdrop for many of the Chanel-inspired themes in jewels, which seemed to be the most predominant looks of the evening. But then everything from Lagerfeld’s love of cats to his sunglasses was mixed in to achieve a creative approach to celebrating his talent. Here we look at the best jewelry of the evening
Brooklyn Decker in the Bubble Pearl Tiara by Sean Gilson for Assael with a mix of long Assael Akoya and Tahitian pearl strands.
Bulgari Global Ambassador Priyanka Chopra Jonas wears Bulgari’s magnificent High Jewelry necklace featuring the Bulgari Laguna Blu Diamond which was owned by a private collector and after the gala will go up for Auction at Sotheby’s. The 11.16-carat fancy vivid blue diamond is the largest Bulgari blue diamond to be offered for sale. Chopra Jonas also wore two pairs of High Jewelry diamond earrings.
Rihanna wore a Bulgari High Jewelry necklace in platinum with five pear diamonds, 118 Akoya cultured pearls, seven pear diamonds, 109 round diamonds and 561 fancy shape diamonds. It is accented by pavé-set diamonds. Here earrings are diamonds and pearls and are in the form of camellias.
Elle Fanning wore pieces from the Cartier Collection Grain de café necklace, circa 1955, in 18K yellow gold, 18k white gold and diamonds.
Lily Collins wore pieces from Cartiers Claustra Voyage Recommencé High Jewelry collection. A necklace in platinum, onyx and diamonds stood out as the showstopper of her pieces.
Gigi Hadid in Smiling Rocks diamond pieces and pearl jewelry.
Bulgari Global Ambassador Anne Hathaway wore a Bulgari High Jewelry Monete necklace and bracelet in yellow gold set with a silver coin which she paired with multiple High Jewelry rings and a pair of Divas’ Dream earrings.
Emily Blunt wore Piaget diamond chandelier earrings and diamond and pearl rings.
Dua Lipa wore a Tiffany necklace in platinum with a diamond of over 200 carats and diamonds with a ring in platinum with diamonds of over nine total carats and Tiffany & Co. Schlumberger® rings. Note: The primary diamond of this necklace was cut in the proportions of the famed Tiffany Diamond.

Penelope Cruz in Chanel High Jewelry.
Emily Ratajkowsk in Fred Leighton rose-cut diamond ring, collet set in silver topped 18K gold and Fred Leighton emerald cut diamond ring, collet set in silver topped 18K gold. She also wore Ana Khouri diamond mismatched earrings.
Lily James wears De Beers’ diamond jewelry set in platinum and in 18K white gold.
Amanda Seyfried in Cartier 18K rose gold Agrafe collection necklace earrings and ring.
Ariana DeBose in diamond earrings and a diamond necklace.
Michaela Cole wore custom jewelry that was responsibly sourced in West Africa and designed by African designer Emefa Cole.
Rita Ora in diamond earrings, a stack of bracelets and ultra-long pearls dangling from her nails.
Irina Shayk in Ana Khouri custom necklace.
Kate Moss wore a Tiffany & Co. Archives necklace in platinum with diamonds, earrings with Morganites and diamonds, Tiffany Victoria® Bracelets, Schlumberger® Buds Engagement Ring and a Ring in Platinum with a Morganite of over 11 carats and Diamonds at the 2023 “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty” Met Gala.
Gisele in Chanel High Jewelry diamond earrings and rings
Naomi in Chanel High Jewelry bracelets, earrings and rings.
Jessica Chastain in a long diamond necklace and diamond and ruby rings.
Julie Garner wore yellow gold ear climbers and wide emerald and yellow gold bracelet.
Ashley Graham wore Mikimoto mismatched pearl earrings.
Halle Bailey wore De Beers Arpeggia Three Line Diamond Earrings set in 18K white golld,
Cardi B wore pearl and diamond earrings.
Yara Shahidi wore 18K gold mixed pieces from Cartier High Jewelry diamond jewelry collections.
Karli Kloss wore custom pearl jewelry.
Kerry Washington wore a Mikimoto Necklace, Butani ring and Joseph Saidian and Sons ring.
Dojo Cat wore a diamond necklace around her forehead and diamond necklace around her arm.
Olivia Wilde wore Boucheron Vendôme pendant earrings, paved with diamonds, set with pear-cut diamonds, in yellow gold and two Boucheron diamond rings.
Christina Ricci wore one-of-a-kind Gismondi 1754 diamond jewelry.
Nicole Peltz Beckham in layered necklaces a la Chanel.

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