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NJ Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a gubernatorial candidate, roasted for faking Spotify stats to look like a Bruce Springsteen superfan


A candidate for New Jersey governor posted a fake list of his “most-listened-to” yearly Spotify songs online — falsely claiming all of the top five were by Bruce Springsteen, the congressman admitted.
He’s got a hungry chart.
A candidate for New Jersey governor posted a doctored list of his “most-listened-to” annual Spotify songs online — falsely claiming all of the top five were by Bruce Springsteen, the congressman admitted in a report.
New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer — who’s accused of fibbing about his fandom to drum up voter support among Boss-loving Garden State residents — tweeted the doctored “Spotify Wrapped” recap on Dec. 6.
The phony personalized chart was created using the music app’s signature yellow background and features the Jersey rock legend’s tunes “Thunder Road,” “Because the Night,” “Glory Days,” ” “Badlands” and “The Rising.”
“No surprises here….Fun fact: my first ever concert was at Meadowlands to see The Boss!” Gottheimer, 49, wrote in the X post.
But observers soon pointed out the font of his recap list was different than other Spotify Wrapped uploads — calling into question if it was real.
“Did Gottheimer’s campaign fake a Spotify Wrapped to curry favor with fans of The Boss? The things you do to win an election in this state,” Matt Arco, a politics reporter for NJ.com wrote on X.
“This is a fake,” another user wrote under Gottheimer’s post.
Pressed about the suspicious list, Gottheimer (D- Bergen County) confessed the music stats were bogus.
“This would be my Spotify Wrapped if I didn’t share my account with my 12- and 15-year-old kids,” he told NJ.com.“While it’s Springsteen all day for me — don’t get me wrong, I still love listening to Taylor Swift!”
He later tweeted, “This was a fun holiday tweet. It’s a joke to question my Springsteen creds, just ask my dog named Rosalita!”
When the congressman announced he was running for governor last month, he took the podium to the Springsteen classic “Glory Days” as supporters cheered.
Gottheimer also name-drops the Boss on campaign’s website, saying he spent his childhood “catching a Springsteen show every chance he could get.”
A rep for Gottheimer said the congressman’s social media team put the graphic together as a playful end-of-year post, and that his most-listened-to Spotify artist of the year really is Springsteen.
Other most-listened-to artists include Billy Joel, Drake, Travis Scott and Taylor Swift because he shares the account with his family, the rep said.
“I’ve never been in the car with him when he wasn’t listening to Bruce Springsteen,” the rep told The Post. “I’ve never met someone who’s more of a fan.”
Springsteen was born in Long Branch, NJ and has become a beloved symbol of the state’s working class chops and rallying cry for many residents.
Spotify Wrapped is a data-based campaign that provides a personalized recap of users annual listening habits.

Israel attackiert Ziele in Syrien – und sendet klare Botschaft an neue Machthaber


Nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes durch Rebellen greift Israel rund 500 militärische Ziele im Nachbarland an. Fast die komplette Marine Syriens ist jetzt versenkt.
Stand: 11.12.2024, 16:24 Uhr
Von: Erkan Pehlivan
Nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes durch Rebellen greift Israel rund 500 militärische Ziele im Nachbarland an. Fast die komplette Marine Syriens ist jetzt versenkt.
Damaskus/Tel Aviv — Während die Rebellen in Syrien nach dem Sturz des Langzeitherrschers Baschar al-Assad mit einer Übergangsregierung für Stabilität sorgen wollen, kommen aus Israel scharfe Warnungen an die neuen Machthaber: Jede Bedrohung für Israel werde unerbittlich bekämpft, machte Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu deutlich. Er hatte zuvor die fast restlose Zerstörung der militärischen Fähigkeiten des Nachbarlandes befohlen. Der Anführer der Islamistengruppe Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS) sagte, Syrien sei auf dem Weg zu Stabilität und werde wieder aufgebaut.
Laut Israels Armee wurden mehr als 480 Ziele in Syrien bombardiert. Wie Israels Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz mitteilte, wurde die Marine des Nachbarlandes praktisch komplett versenkt. Der türkische Abgeordnete Turhan Cömez zeigte sich auf X empört darüber. „Der Hafen von Latakia liegt 25 Kilometer von den türkischen Hoheitsgewässern entfernt. Und es wurde von israelischen Flugzeugen zerstört. Handelsschiffe, Fischerboote und alles andere wurde getroffen“, schrieb der Politiker der nationalistischen Iyi Parti.
Auch ist Israel in weiteres syrisches Gebiet eingerückt. Das sorgt auch für Verärgerung in der Türkei. „Wir verurteilen auf das Schärfste das Eindringen Israels in die Trennungszone zwischen Israel und Syrien und sein Vordringen auf syrisches Territorium unter Verletzung des Truppenentflechtungsabkommens von 1974. In dieser heiklen Zeit, in der die Möglichkeit besteht, den Frieden und die Stabilität zu erreichen, nach denen sich das syrische Volk seit vielen Jahren sehnt, zeigt Israel erneut seine Besatzungsmentalität“, schreibt das türkische Außenministerium in einer Mitteilung.
Ähnliche Kritik am israelischen Vorgehen kommt auch aus Russland. „Ihre Angriffe auf die Golanhöhen und die Pufferzonen werden die ohnehin instabile Lage in Syrien nicht stabilisieren“, sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow in einer Pressekonferenz. Allerdings ist Russland auch ein Akteur in Syrien, der den Marinestützpunkt in Tartus und die Luftwaffenbasis Hmeimim weiterhin nutzen möchte. Peskow wies daraufhin, dass man weiterhin Maßnahmen ergreifen werde, um die Sicherheitsinteressen Russlands zu gewährleisten.
Netanjahu betonte, Israel wolle sich nicht in die inneren Angelegenheiten Syriens einmischen. Warnend fügte er jedoch hinzu: „Wenn das neue Regime in Syrien dem Iran erlaubt, sich wieder zu etablieren, oder den Transport iranischer Waffen an die (libanesische) Hisbollah zulässt, werden wir energisch reagieren und einen hohen Preis fordern.“ Was zuvor mit dem Assad-Regime geschehen sei, werde dann „auch mit diesem geschehen“, sagte Netanjahu.
Der Kommunikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates der USA, John Kirby, sagte zum militärischen Vorgehen Israels in Syrien: „Wir erkennen selbstverständlich an, dass Israel in einer schwierigen Nachbarschaft lebt und – wie immer – das Recht hat, sich zu verteidigen.“ Man wolle aber nicht, „dass irgendein Akteur auf eine Weise handelt, die es dem syrischen Volk erschwert, eine legitime Regierung zu erlangen“, betonte Kirby. Doch noch ist nicht klar, ob Israel seine Angriffe in Syrien einstellt und seine Soldaten aus dem Land zurückzieht. (erpe/dpa)

FBI Director Wray is out. Don't tear down the Bureau next. Make it great again


We need a federal law enforcement/ intelligence agency that is formidable and sets the standard for excellence.
It’s been painful to see the FBI I served with pride for over 24 years be transformed into a political weapon by idealogues and anti-Trump partisans. Now the FBI faces the prospect of a new director who has a mandate to dramatically change how the FBI exercises the powers entrusted to it. The challenge is to dramatically overhaul the FBI without destroying this once venerated institution.
In 2013 BC (Before Comey) the FBI enjoyed the full confidence of Americans because it focused on the core mission and stayed out of politics. FBI agents dismantled violent gangs such as MS-13, splintered the powerful Colombian and Mexican drug cartels and virtually eliminated almost two dozen mafia families. The BC FBI captured global terrorists and disrupted the espionage activities of foreign intelligence services.
According to a Rasmussen poll, 64% of our citizens believe the FBI has been weaponized. The FBI simply cannot be effective without the support of the American public. Former FBI Director Chris Wray, who resigned on Wednesday, missed opportunities to right the ship. He will probably be replaced by President-elect Trump’s choice of Kash Patel. The new FBI leadership team must regain the public’s trust and restore the concept of an FBI bereft of politics.
Much of the FBI’s good will was squandered by its blatantly political investigation of the Trump campaign and its flagrant abuse of four FISA wiretaps on a Trump campaign operative based on an opposition research «dossier» commissioned by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. High-level FBI officials directing the investigation texted each other about their ability to «smell Trump supporters;» communicated intentions to «stop» Trump and spoke of executing on a purported FBI «insurance policy» against Trump taking office. The FBI leadership team set up an outrageously deceitful briefing of an incoming Cabinet member, respected Army Gen. Mike Flynn, that resulted in his entrapment.
Compare two different FBI cases focused on so-called «foreign interference with an election.» When allegations surfaced in 2015 that the Russians were attempting to influence the Trump campaign, the FBI promptly initiated an investigation, but incredibly it was not focused on the Russian operatives. Instead, they levied their most Draconian powers on Trump campaign officials.
The FBI infiltrated the campaign with informants, initiated four FISA wiretaps on a Trump campaign aide based on the trashy Clinton dossier and targeted Trump appointees and advisors for criminal prosecution. Media leaks by FBI executives were ubiquitous.
In 2024, when the Iranians were caught systematically hacking various Trump communications and feeding them to the Biden campaign, the FBI was conspicuously silent.
Contrast the reluctant investigation of the Clinton email fiasco and the genteel inquiry into Joe Biden’s reckless storage of classified government documents in the garage of his Delaware vacation home with the FBI’s aggressive predawn military raid on the private Mar-a-Lago residence of former President Trump and his later indictment by a zealous, but ultimately unconstitutional, Special Counsel. The BC FBI would never have abused its powers by conducting such an unnecessary intrusion into the private residence of a presidential candidate at the behest of his political opponent’s prosecutors.
The FBI conducted a similar military style raid on pro-Life activist Mark Houck, who was later acquitted by a jury. They scorched the Earth to identify and arrest many January 6 protesters, who, at worst, trespassed on the grounds.
Yet in the 2020 riots, Antifa and BLM perpetrated hundreds of arson attacks on government buildings and police vehicles, destroyed small businesses and took over entire city blocks. They assaulted police and obstructed public facilities, shutting down important government services. A Portland, Oregon, police station was attacked and abandoned to the rioters to avoid a bloodbath. These offenses against public order were either ignored or charges were dismissed. The FBI was conspicuously AWOL.
The FBI constantly warns about right-wing extremists and has opened thousands of such cases, but its hands-off the left-wing groups such as the destructive and sometimes violent Antifa, which they describe as «just a movement.»
Yet the FBI must be salvaged. The country needs a federal law enforcement/ intelligence agency that is formidable and sets the standard for excellence. Four years of open borders has facilitated the entry of terror cells capable of inflicting multiple mass terror attacks such that perpetrated against the Israelis. Over 30,000 young Chinese males have illegally entered our country via a network of Chinese-funded safe houses. Many are intelligence operatives dispatched to steal critical technology and state secrets. South American gangs are terrorizing entire neighborhoods. Mexican drug cartels have become the richest and most powerful criminal enterprises in the world. We need an FBI that is up to the task of urgently addressing these threats.
The incoming leadership team should thoughtfully overhaul the FBI and drain the FBI swamp created by 10 years of partisan influence without doing irreparable harm. That is what the American people expect and deserve.

Україна готова до перемовин: Подоляк розповів, чого хоче досягти Росія


Радник глави Офісу президента України оцінив перспективи перемовин з Росією
Радник глави Офісу президента України оцінив перспективи перемовин з Росією
Україна готова до мирних перемовин з Росією, але виключно на справедливих умовах.
Про це в інтерв’ю 24-му телеканалу заявив радник глави Офісу президента України Михайло Подоляк. Він зазначив, що справедливий мир можливий лише за дотримання норм міжнародного права.
Це передбачає повернення Росією окупованих територій України, виведення військ та виплату репарацій та контрибуцій.
Подоляк зазначив, що не може бути жодних компромісів, зокрема територіальних, за рахунок України та її земель. Він додав, що Росія, яка не досягла всіх цілей у війні з Україною, робитиме все, щоб змінити парадигму протистояння і намагатиметься принизити Сполучені Штати Америки.
Кремль намагається показати всьому світу, що США нібито відмовилися від боротьби, від допомоги Україні, а також нібито погодилися на домінування Росії за допомогою так званого «сильного права», підкреслив Подоляк.
Водночас Росія не погоджується на жодне інше завершення війни, окрім як визнання окупації українських територій та відмови України від євроатлантичної інтеграції. Про це Подоляк заявив вже в інтерв’ю «РБК-Україна».

Трамп стремится прекратить войну в Украине: Ермак раскрыл подробности


Трамп согласен с тем, что войну в Украине нужно завершить на основе справедливого мира
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский во время встречи с избранным президентом США Дональдом Трампом в Париже достиг взаимопонимания по поводу важности прекращения войны, которую развязала Россия. Об этом в интервью проекту «Карпяк на Общественном» заявил руководитель Офиса президента Украины Андрей Ермак.
По его словам, Дональд Трамп стремится завершить войну на основе справедливого мира, отметив невозможность поддержки диктатур со стороны США.
Ермак подчеркнул, что встреча трех президентов в Париже стала ответом на российскую пропаганду, распространяющую ложные утверждения о том, что Украина не хочет мира. Он также подчеркнул важность диалога с новой администрацией США, чтобы все решения были согласованы и отвечали интересам Украины.
“Чтобы они услышали нас, чтобы они действительно – а это не просто – очень быстро могли получить всю информацию за три года, могли получить от первых уст информацию, происходящую сегодня на фронте, все риски всех этих разговоров о каком-то cease–fire, просто cease–fire, без каких-либо гарантий. Четко понимали нашу позицию относительно гарантий, потому что для нас очень важно закончить эту войну справедливым миром, иметь очень сильные юридические и рабочие гарантии, потому что в нашем, к сожалению, опыте все гарантии, которые мы имели до этого момента, не обеспечили нас действительно безопасностью. , потому что произошла эта война», — сказал Ермак.
Глава Офиса президента также отметил важность предварительных консультаций с командой избранного президента США еще до его инаугурации. По его мнению, это позволит сразу после 20 января перейти к конкретным действиям, главной темой которых является прекращение войны.
«Все, в чем нуждается Украина, — это возобновление действия международного права, это восстановление нашей территориальной целостности. И об этом мы имеем в виду, когда говорим о справедливом мире», — сказал руководитель ОПУ.
При этом Ермак добавил, что красные линии в переговорах — они все в Конституции Украины.

Latest leaked Galaxy S25 dummy units appear to be missing some features


New Galaxy S25 dummy unit images have leaked online. These dummy units appear to be missing the camera rings and periscope lens.
New dummy units of the Galaxy S25 have emerged.
These dummy units appear to lack camera rings and a periscope camera module.
If you can’t wait for Samsung to reveal the Galaxy S25 series, hopefully, the mountain of leaks throughout most of this year has helped make the wait a little easier. But if all of that up until now still wasn’t enough, then you may be interested in this latest leak that shows off dummy units of the Galaxy S25. However, you may want to be a little wary of these pictures.
On X (formerly Twitter), Roland Quandt shared a collection of images that appear to show Galaxy S25 dummy units. Quandt points out that these dummies were manufactured in China and sold online.
While the images are fairly high quality, there are some issues here. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the cameras on the back are missing the rings that are expected to be on all models. You may also notice that the periscope camera isn’t there, which Quandt mentions in his post.
It’s important to note that dummy units aren’t always accurate, as they can often deviate a fair bit from the final design. They serve better as an indicator of the direction the company is headed rather than an actual representation of the final product. While it’s possible Samsung could make some last-minute adjustments, we think it’s unlikely.
It’s expected that Samsung will launch the Galaxy S25 series in late January. Samsung is also expected to launch One UI 7 at the same time as its flagship phone.

EU-Staaten einigen sich auf neue Sanktionen gegen Russland


Russland muss sich auf neue Sanktionen einstellen. Die Ukraine hat wohl selbst entwickelte Raketen erfolgreich getestet. Alle Informationen im Newsblog.
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Apple rolls out iOS 18.2 with new and improved ChatGPT-integrated Siri


Apple launched its long-awaited ChatGPT-Siri integration in the latest iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2 update today. The feature kicks in when you ask Siri.
Here. Have some AI: Whether you’re a fan of AI or not, there is no escaping it anymore. Microsoft, Google, and practically every other business remotely related to the tech industry are all in on the latest craze. Although a bit late to the game, Apple has finally rolled out its new and improved AI-driven Siri in its latest OS versions today.
Apple launched its long-awaited ChatGPT-Siri integration in the latest iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2 update today. The feature kicks in when you ask Siri something complex that Apple’s built-in AI can’t fully handle.
At that point, Siri will ask if you’d like to open the conversation to ChatGPT’s language skills. Once you give the green light, the GPT-4o model takes over to provide more substantive answers. There are also options to invoke ChatGPT through text editing menus without using your voice.
Apple says that OpenAI won’t store queries as it does on the web version of its chatbot. You also won’t need an OpenAI account for it to work. The only requirement is one of Apple’s latest – the iPhone 15 Pro, Pro Max, or any iPhone 16 model. Sadly, any iPhone with less than 8GB of RAM won’t cut the mustard. The feature is also available on A17 Pro and M1 iPads and M1 Mac models or better.
The integration is just the start of Apple’s big AI push for Apple Intelligence. In October, the company released features like assisted writing tools, a more immersive Siri mode, and notification summarization. Even more improvements to Siri’s skills, combined with the ability to operate apps, will arrive next year.
Analysts say Cupertino’s goal is for Apple Intelligence to drive future iPhone upgrades and solidify the company as a leader in consumer AI. Moreover, since significant hardware upgrades are becoming scarcer each year, Apple is looking for ways to keep things fresh on the software side.
Getting started with this Siri upgrade is straightforward. Just head to the software update section in Settings and install the latest iOS version. First-time Apple Intelligence users must join a waitlist, but activations happen quickly, often within a day.
The iOS 18.2 upgrade includes a few other AI goodies worth checking out. Playground is Apple’s new image generation app that can craft pictures from text descriptions. Image Wand gives you powerful object removal and touchup abilities in your photos. The update also has some new non-AI features, including sharing an AirTag’s location with a trusted friend or airline. Check out Apple’s press release for all the details.

BTS Singer V Replaces Mariah Carey’s ‘Christmas’ At No. 1 On A Billboard Chart


BTS singer V, joined by Park Hyo Shin, replaces Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” at No. 1 on Billboard’s Holiday Digital Song Sales chart.
Everyone knows by now that Mariah Carey is the queen of the holiday season. The singer’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is the biggest seasonal smash of the modern era, and it’s the one that can’t be beaten whenever December rolls around—well, almost.
BTS star V replaces Carey on top of a Billboard chart this week. While “All I Want for Christmas Is You” soars to the summit on several rankings, including the Hot 100, V’s latest solo single debuts at No. 1 on a list that the chanteuse ruled just days ago.
V’s “Winter Ahead” launches atop the Holiday Digital Song Sales chart this week. The single, which credits fellow South Korean vocalist Park Hyo Shin, opens at No. 1 on Billboard’s list of the bestselling tracks that are closely connected to Christmas and the season.
Last week, the throne belonged to “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” which is not unusual to see at this time of the year. Carey slips to second place, if only for one frame, as V and Shin’s collaboration sold significantly better than one of the bestselling Christmas cuts of all time.
In the past tracking period in the U.S., “Winter Ahead” sold 10,300 copies, according to data provided by Luminate. Carey’s cut managed only about one-third as many sales, as “All I Want for Christmas Is You” was purchased by 3,200 people in the country.
As it starts its time on the Holiday Digital Song Sales chart, “Winter Ahead” also reaches one more of Billboard’s seasonal lists, which started back up again recently. V debuts his single at No. 62 on the Holiday 100, which operates similarly to the Hot 100, but with a focus only on jolly compositions.
“Winter Ahead” also manages to hit the Hot 100, but just barely. V adds a fifth career win on the most important songs ranking in America, as the tune enters that race at No. 99. Shin is new to the list.
V’s latest single sold so well, it even manages to dominate the all-genre Digital Song Sales chart. “Winter Ahead” debuts atop that list of the bestselling tracks in the nation, bringing him back to the top spot for the second time in his solo career. The BTS star takes over from Shaboozey, whose “A Bar Song (Tipsy)” is by far the longest-running leader on that tally this year.

Bill Belichick Is Really Going To College As UNC’s Head Coach


No, seriously.
Bill Belichick was a football coach for nearly 50 years and spent all of it in the NFL. At no point in his illustrious career has the 72-year-old spent time in the college ranks, but that will change in 2025 as he has reached a deal to become the next head coach at North Carolina.
It is a stunning turn of events, as many wrote off the initial rumblings of Belichick interviewing at UNC as the athletic department throwing a bone to boosters to show they’re willing to go after the biggest name in coaching after firing Mack Brown. Belichick’s most prominent former players — Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, and Julian Edelman — all laughed at the idea of him coaching in college and going on the recruiting trail this past Sunday.
However, one interview begat another and on Tuesday there were reports the two sides were close on a deal, with Belichick reportedly giving UNC a 400-page “organizational bible” laying out his plans for how to completely change how the football program operates and is structured.
Sure enough, on Wednesday, Inside Carolina reported a deal was being finalized and not long after the school confirmed the hire, as Belichick would indeed take his first college job at the ripe age of 72. And later in the day, all the hurdles were cleared, and Belichick would official make the jump to college football.
It is a fascinating hire at a number of levels, and there’s an awful lot of questions still to be answered. Belichick has always been a control freak as a coach, as he was also the general manager while in New England, but at the college level there are more players and, particularly in this current era, far more things to keep an eye on than in the NFL. From recruiting to the transfer portal to NIL, the off-field element of coaching is bigger than ever, and many programs are starting to divvy up those tasks differently, hiring general managers and other staffers to handle a lot of those tasks so the coach can focus more on his team and the actual games. Belichick has stated he wants the program to run like an NFL team, but the question is whether he wants it to run like his Patriots, where he had full control, or whether he recognizes more of a need to hire people to take on more of those responsibilities.
Beyond all of that, there are plenty of questions about whether Belichick will be adaptive enough on the field to compete at a high level in college, where the game changes and shifts more rapidly than at the NFL level as there is more experimentation and differentiation between play styles at different schools. We’ll find out exactly what a Belichick coached college team looks like next fall, but UNC is certainly taking a massive swing on a guy with a ton of NFL pedigree who will have to quickly learn how to get 18-22 year olds to buy in.

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