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"Такої страшної історії давно не було", – економіст назвав величезну проблему в Росії


Ринок нерухомості Росії переживає кризу. Збідніле населення не купує житло, а забудовники не можуть виплатити кредити банкам, які брали на будівництво. На ринку нерухомості зберігається величезна кількість збудованого житла, яке не може бути продано.
Ринок нерухомості Росії переживає кризу. Збідніле населення не купує житло, а забудовники не можуть виплатити кредити банкам, які брали на будівництво. На ринку нерухомості зберігається величезна кількість збудованого житла, яке не може бути продано.
Доктор економічних наук Ігор Ліпціс розповів в ефірі 24 Каналу, що іпотечна заборгованість росіян становить 57 трильйонів рублів, в той час як бюджет Росії коливається між 40 і 45 трильйонами. Кризу на ринку нерухомості спричинило зростання цін на все, у той час як зарплати залишаються незмінними. Підвищення заробітної плати торкнулося лише тих, хто залучений до війни з Україною. Як результат, росіяни більше не можуть дозволити собі покупку житла. Чому російський ринок нерухомості на межі колапсу
У Росії є близько 70 млн кв. м житла, і все побудовано на кредити, які брали у банках. Забудовники сподівалися, що кілька років продаватимуть квартири і повернуть гроші в банк. Але продажі зупинилися, – пояснив Ігор Ліпціс.
Є загроза масового банкрутства забудовників. У зв’язку з цим Росія планує запровадити мораторій на масові банкрутства забудовників. Якщо це станеться, банки не зможуть отримати гроші за іпотеки або конфіскувати майно, оскільки держава ввела заборону.
Що буде з банками? Вони збанкрутують. Заощадження вкладників пропадуть. Можливо, вони отримають по мільйон рублів, але якщо хтось мав більше, він не отримає нічого, – додав економіст.
Ігор Ліпціс також зазначив, що є оптимісти, які вважають: катастрофи не відбудеться. Інші передбачають падіння цін на нерухомість втричі. Однак точного прогнозу щодо завершення цієї ситуації немає, оскільки, як зазначив Ліпціс, «такої страшної історії в Росії давно не було».

Через це постраждала принцеса Діана: хворий на рак Чарльз III згадав про жахливу помилку


76-річний король застеріг одруженого принца Вільяма від невірних кроків
76-річний король застеріг одруженого принца Вільяма від невірних кроків
Чарльз III попередив свого старшого сина Вільяма від помилки, яку сам король Британії здійснив у молодості. 76-річний монарх, що лікується від раку, дав відверту пораду одруженому на Кейт Міддлтон спадкоємцю.
«Чарльз сказав: «Послухай, Вільяме, немає нічого важливішого за твою родину. Не робіть тих помилок, які зробив я. Я просто виконав свій обов’язок, обов’язок, обов’язок. Я знехтував своїм шлюбом, і подивіться, що сталося», – розповіла Fox News королівський експерт Інгрід Сьюард.
Вважається, що ці слова Чарльз вимовив синові, коли у 42-річної принцеси також виявили онкозахворювання. Після цього Вільям відмовлявся від деяких своїх королівських обов’язків, щоб більше часу проводити з коханою та дітьми.Чарльз був одружений з Діаною, але закоханий у Каміллу
Чарльз зустрів нинішню дружину Каміллу Паркер Боулз на матчі по поло у 1970 році. Вони зблизилися, але їхній роман був перерваний його восьмимісячною службою на флоті. У його відсутність Камілла вийшла заміж за свого давнього бойфренда, армійського офіцера Ендрю Паркера Боулза, 1973 року.
Дізнавшись, що Камілла зв’язала себе узами шлюбу, Чарльз у 1981 році одружився з леді Діаною Спенсер — матір’ю принца Вільяма і Гаррі. Цей шлюб був затьмарений різними скандалами, включаючи невірність Чарльза.
У 1995 році Камілла розлучилася з Паркером Боулзом, а через рік відбулося розлучення Чарльза з Діаною. Як ми знаємо, 1997 року Леді Ді трагічно загинула в автокатастрофі в Парижі. Їй було лише 36 років.
Чарльз і Камілла одружилися у 2005 році, а їхня коронація відбулася у 2023 році, після смерті Єлизавети II.Вільям та Кейт
Британський принц зустрів Кейт Міддлтон у 2001 році під час навчання в Університеті Сент-Ендрюс. 2003 року пара переїхала у власне житло. Відомо, що після майже п’яти років стосунків Вільям та Кетрін розсталися, проте знову зійшлися у 2007 році. Вільям зробив пропозицію Кейт у 2010-му, а наступного року пара одружилася. Подружжя виховує трьох дітей: 11-річного принца Джорджа, 9-річну принцесу Шарлотту та 6-річного принца Луї.

Trump verzichtet trotz Schuldenberg auf Gehalt als Präsident


Trump verzichtet auf ein Präsidentengehalt. Doch drohende Strafen machen ihm finanziell zu schaffen. Ist sein Vermögen in Gefahr?
Stand: 10.12.2024, 22:51 Uhr
Von: Tadhg Nagel
Trump verzichtet auf ein Präsidentengehalt. Doch drohende Strafen machen ihm finanziell zu schaffen. Ist sein Vermögen in Gefahr?
Washington, D.C. – Der wiedergewählte US-Präsident Donald Trump will während seiner zweiten Amtszeit vollständig auf ein Präsidentengehalt verzichten. Gleichzeitig steckt er wegen der hohen Strafe aus einem verlorenen Betrugsprozess in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten. Diese Schulden könnten durch einen noch laufenden Gerichtsprozess weiter steigen. Droht Trump eine Privatinsolvenz?
„Ich werde kein Gehalt annehmen, nein. Und ich verzichte auf eine Menge Geld, wissen Sie“, kündigte Trump in einem Interview mit dem US-Sender NBC News vom Sonntag (8. Dezember) an. Das, so der künftige US-Präsident weiter, habe „abgesehen von George Washington“ noch niemand gemacht. Doch selbst bei dem sei man sich „nicht sicher“. Zwar habe er dafür keine Anerkennung bekommen, „aber ich finde einfach, dass es für mich eine nette Geste ist“.
Bereits während seiner ersten Amtszeit hatte Trump von sich reden gemacht, indem er öffentlich angab, sein vom Steuerzahler finanziertes Gehalt gespendet zu haben. Aus den verfügbaren Daten geht jedoch nicht eindeutig hervor, ob er sein Versprechen gehalten hat oder nicht, so der US-Nachrichtensender CNBC.
Der Anti-Korruptions-Organisation „Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington“ zufolge machte der gespendete Betrag ohnehin weniger als 0,1 % der Einnahmen und Einkünfte aus, die er während seiner Präsidentschaft offengelegt hatte. Insgesamt, so heißt es dort, habe er in dem Zeitraum mehr als 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar an externen Einnahmen und Einkünften erzielt. Das gehe aus der Offenlegung seiner Finanzen durch die Organisation hervor. Damit seien die Spenden „alles andere als ein Opfer, sondern lediglich ein Feigenblatt, um vier Jahre dreister Korruption zu vertuschen“.
Seitdem hat sich Trumps finanzielle Situation allerdings verändert. Der Organisation zufolge meldete der künftige US-Präsident in der diesjährigen Offenlegung Verbindlichkeiten in Höhe von mindestens 346 Millionen US-Dollar – und möglicherweise mehr als 455 Millionen US-Dollar – an. Darunter sind 101 Millionen US-Dollar, die der Republikaner aufgrund der im Januar gegen ihn ergangenen Gerichtsurteile an E. Jean Carroll und den New Yorker Generalstaatsanwalt zahlen muss.
Noch höher sind die Schulden aus einem verlorenen Prozess wegen Betrugs. In diesem wurde Trump Mitte Februar dazu verurteilt, 354,9 Millionen Dollar zuzüglich laufend anfallender Zinsen zu zahlen. Seinen Anwälten zufolge ist er bislang nicht in der Lage, die geforderte Sicherheitsleistung in Höhe von gut 454 Millionen Dollar zu zahlen. Eine so hohe Summe sei „unter den gegebenen Umständen“ nicht aufzubringen, so die Anwälte in einem Schreiben an ein Berufungsgericht.
Trotzdem muss der wiedergewählte US-Präsident nicht um seine finanzielle Sicherheit bangen – zumindest, solange seine Aktien nicht drastisch an Wert verlieren. Laut Forbes beläuft sich Trumps Vermögen derzeit auf 5,6 Milliarden US-Dollar (Stand 4. November). Das seien 1,9 Milliarden US-Dollar mehr als 2016 und 3,1 Milliarden US-Dollar mehr als 2020. Seine Immobilien seien insgesamt rund 1,1 Milliarden Dollar wert. Der weitaus größte Teil stamme aber von seiner Beteiligung an der börsennotierten Muttergesellschaft von Truth Social. Zwar sei dieser Wert dieses rechtsgerichteten X-Klons nicht mehr auf dem Allzeithoch von 6,3 Milliarden US-Dollar. Der Wert der Beteiligung betrage aber noch immer 3,5 Milliarden US-Dollar.
Was Trump kurz oder lang allerdings Probleme bereiten könnte, ist sein geringes Barvermögen. Vor Gericht nannte Trump im Jahr 2023 eine Zahl von rund 400 Millionen US-Dollar. Juristische Dokumente würden jedoch darauf hindeuteten, dass er nicht annähernd so viel Geld zur Verfügung habe, so der US-Professor für Wirtschaftsrecht Will Thomas gegenüber ZDF-„heute“. Sollte Trump seine Gerichtskosten nicht begleichen können, droht ihm damit eine Beschlagnahmung einzelner Immobilien durch die US-Staatsanwaltschaft. (tpn)

「泥臭いエリート」神戸・武藤嘉紀が初MVP Jリーグ・アウォーズ


今季は、 に並ぶ自己最多13得点を挙げてチームの連覇に貢献した。象徴的だったのは、優勝争いが佳境を迎えた の柏レイソル戦だ。0―1でリードされた試合終盤にエースのFW大迫勇也が痛恨のPK失敗。敗色濃厚の展開で、後半追加タイムの同点ゴールでチームを救った。
慶大に進み、在学中に特別指定選手としてJ1のFC東京でプレーした。4年時の14年にFC東京に正式加入し、いきなりリーグ戦13得点を挙げ、ベストイレブンにも選ばれた。同年 には日本代表デビュー。文武両道の「エリート」と注目された。

Після заяв про мирні перемовини. Зеленський розповів про розмову з Туском і плани на 2025 рік


Президент Володимир Зеленський провів розмову з прем’єр-міністром Польщі Дональдом Туском. Вони обговорили спільну роботу та плани на період голов.
Президент Володимир Зеленський провів розмову з прем’єр-міністром Польщі Дональдом Туском. Вони обговорили спільну роботу та плани на період головування Польщі в ЄС.
Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на вечірнє звернення президента.
Зеленський заявив, що обговорив з Туском співпрацю України та Польщі, а також подякував йому за підтримку.
«Ми маємо так і надалі працювати саме разом — щоб обидві наші держави ставали сильнішими. Спланували під час розмови нашу спільну роботу цими тижнями й також у наступному році, коли почнеться головування Польщі в Європейському Союзі», — заявив Зеленський.
Варто зауважити, що сьогодні Туск також відзначився певними заявами щодо України.
Зокрема він, під час засідання польського уряду розповів, що після початку головування Польщі в ЄС, яке розпочнеться 1 січня, він «проведе низку переговорів, які насамперед стосуються ситуації за східним кордоном Польщі».
«Як ви можете собі уявити, наша делегація нестиме спільну відповідальність, зокрема, за те, як виглядатиме політичний календар, можливо, за те, якою буде ситуація під час переговорів (щодо завершення війни між Україною та РФ — ред.), які можуть, хоч це ще під питанням, розпочатися взимку цього року», — додав Туск.Переговори України та РФ
Розмови про врегулювання війни в Україні активізувалися, але Кремль одночасно посилив обстріли. У ЦПД зазначають, що Росія продовжує розглядати сценарій війни як основний.
Міністр закордонних справ України Андрій Сибіга підкреслює, що Москва прагне повторення форматів на кшталт Ялти-2 чи Мінська-3, а не справедливого миру. Попри заяви про перемовини, Кремль розширює війну, залучаючи навіть війська КНДР.
Що стосується Китаю, то в Пекіні не вперше висловлюються про переговори у війні. Так, зокрема, у лютому 2023 року Китай опублікував так званий «мирний план» зі своїми ідеями щодо врегулювання війни.

Beyond the third party: mastering strategies to tackle fourth-party cyber risks


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Cyber risks or the potential for an organization to experience loss or damage due to cyber attacks, data breaches, or other cyber-related incidents, have increasingly captured the attention of business leaders, as they represent significant operational challenges with the potential to cause severe financial losses and irreparable harm to an organization’s reputation. Such threats are never nearer that today where according to Check Point Threat Intelligence Report, an organization in India is being attacked on average 3304 times per week in the last 6 months, compared to 1854 attacks per organization globally. Among cyber risks, third-party or supply chain risks become one of the most challenging areas as heavy and unavoidable reliance on using third parties such as Cloud and SaaS providers is a reality of today’s IT and security operations. Organizations’ sensitive and proprietary data is transmitted to, processed by, and stored in third parties’ computing environments. However, when third parties also engage other external parties (i.e., fourth parties) to support their operations and handle your organization’s data, then how well do these parties protect it?Since there may be many fourth parties involved in the supply chain, identifying who handles your organization’s sensitive information behind the scenes is the most important first step. The requirements of robust vendor due diligence from laws and guidelines for highly regulated sectors such as banking, insurance companies, health care service providers may have previously mandated risk managers to request fourth party information from third parties. The contractual stipulation of the required disclosure makes it easier to collect the information. But when there is no such clause in the already-signed contracts, and unwilling vendors push back or ignore efforts at providing the requested information, what else can organizations do? External attack surface management (EASM) is the practice of identifying potential vulnerabilities and security gaps in an organization’s public-facing digital attack surfaces, including the SaaS providers that the organization is “linked” to as third parties and fourth parties. EASM, which is often a SaaS solution itself for dashboarding after scans, may not need to connect to the organization and performs scans only using minimal domain information of the organization. It works to identify IT assets that are publicly accessible and any vulnerabilities that might exist within them. One of the most powerful capabilities of EASM tools is its ability to discover internet-facing IT assets that the organization may or may not even know, which includes third parties and fourth parties. These AI-powered EASM tools constantly survey/scan the digital surface of the organization and identify new assets as they appear, reporting on the vulnerabilities, threats, and risks via the dashboard. To manage fourth-party risks, organizations can request the third parties to explain the mechanisms they use to monitor the security controls of the fourth parties, including how and when they will be notified in case of security incidents that may affect an organization’s operations and data. Also, it is a good opportunity to review the third parties’ SLAs in security incident notification and determine if the timeframe aligns with your companies’ disaster recovery and business continuity policies and regulatory requirements. As part of effective continuous monitoring on third parties, likely through the use of a commercial-grade security scoring tool, your organization should include the high-risk fourth parties and monitor their security scores and be proactively made aware of fourth parties’ direct breaches and even downtime that can cause outages or financial loss to your business. Additionally, with an EASM tool, continuous or regular scans can be performed to delve into vulnerabilities and misconfigurations of both the third parties and fourth parties, providing a base for the vendors to take timely remediation efforts.If the third parties rely heavily on one common vendor (i.e., fourth party) to deliver the services to your organization, you may not feel entirely comfortable with the risk of a single point of failure. Concentration risk can mean overly relying on a company to deliver critical services and/or on resources from a region that may have been plagued with recent civil unrest or war. Your organization could discuss the concentration risk with your third parties and raise this concern to them. In larger third parties, their risk management departments often have considered concentration risks and may have data to quantify the risk and plans to reduce such risks.Managing third-party, fourth-party, and supply chain risks usually requires cross departmental efforts. The organization’s procurement and/or third-party vendor management departments may be centrally responsible for on-boarding vendors and completing initial and continuous due diligence. However, in a lot of cases, the direct interaction with the third parties – receiving the services, determining the service levels, and knowing who the fourth parties are – is done by the IT and application owners, which are decentralized from the enterprise-level departments. IT and application owners are the exact persons who will be contacted by front-end users of the applications or the tools in cases of system outages, glitches, and security incidents, and may have collected such service and security data over time. Often disconnections between the enterprise-level departments and front-line owners who deal with the third-party relationships first-hand exist when actual service levels are not (timely) communicated. This is particularly imminent when there is not an enterprise-wide procurement, third-party vendor, or supply chain management platform in place. To improve communication, organizations should mandate at least an annual update of third- and fourth-party information to the platform, preferably aligning with the timeline to review SLAs and renew contracts. Such a platform should ideally have the capability to integrate with a service that provides vendors’ security scores, displaying all the pertinent information in a single pane of glass. chart to detail the roles and responsibilities of the “centralized” and “decentralized” stakeholders should be created as well.It takes a multi-faceted approach, such as an effective vendor risk management program, a commercial-grade vendor management platform, an EASM tool, and enhanced contractual agreements to include fourth-party disclosure, etc., to effectively manage supply chain risks. It is also evident that only amalgamating people, process, and technologies in a thoughtful and coherent way could make the management of fourth-party risks possible.

Trump picks Andrew Ferguson to chair FTC, Ronald Johnson as U.S. ambassador to Mexico


Andrew Ferguson, who is already one of the FTC’s five commissioners, will replace Lina Khan, who became a lightning rod​ for Wall Street and Silicon Valley.
President-elect Donald Trump made another flurry on Tuesday, selecting Andrew Ferguson as the next chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Ronald Johnson was nominated to be ambassador to Mexico, and to be ambassador to Greece.of job announcementsKimberly Guilfoyle
Ferguson, who is already one of the FTC’s five commissioners, will replace Lina Khan, for Wall Street and Silicon Valley by blocking billions of dollars worth of corporate acquisitions and suing Amazon and Meta while alleging anticompetitive behavior.who became a lightning rod
«Andrew has a proven record of standing up to Big Tech censorship, and protecting Freedom of Speech in our Great Country», Trump wrote on Truth Social, adding, «Andrew will be the most America First, and pro-innovation FTC Chair in our Country’s History.»
Tom Barrack was chosen as the nominee for ambassador to Turkey. Barrack, a wealthy financier, met Trump in the 1980s while helping negotiate Trump’s purchase of the renowned Plaza Hotel. He was charged with using his personal access to the former president to secretly promote the interests of the United Arab Emirates, but was acquitted of all counts at a federal trial in 2022.
Trump called him a «well-respected and experienced voice of reason.»
not the Republican senator — served as ambassador to El Salvador during Trump’s first administration. His nomination comes as the president-elect has been on Mexican imports and the mass deportation of migrants who have arrived to the U.S.-Mexico border. Johnson is also a former U.S. Army veteran and was in the Central Intelligence Agency.threatening tariffs
Guilfoyle is a former California prosecutor and television news personality who led the fundraising for Trump’s 2020 campaign and became engaged to Don Jr. in 2020. Trump called her «a close friend and ally» and praised her «sharp intellect make her supremely qualified.» Guilfoyle was on stage with the family on election night.
«I am so proud of Kimberly. She loves America and she always has wanted to serve the country as an Ambassador. She will be an amazing leader for America First», Don Jr. posted.
The ambassador positions must be approved by the U.S. Senate.
Guilfoyle said in a social media post that she was «honored to accept President Trump’s nomination to serve as the next Ambassador to Greece and I look forward to earning the support of the U.S. Senate.»
Trump also announced Tuesday that he had selected Jacob Helberg as the next undersecretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment, and Dan Bishop as deputy director for budget at the Office of Budget and Management.
The replacement of Khan at the FTC likely means that the commission will operate with a lighter touch when it comes to antitrust enforcement. The new chair is expected to appoint new directors of the FTC’s antitrust and consumer protection divisions.
«These changes likely will make the FTC more favorable to business than it has been in recent years, though the extent to which is to be determined», wrote Anthony DiResta, a consumer protection attorney at Holland & Knight, in a recent analysis.
Deals that were blocked by the Biden administration could find new life with Trump in command.
For example, the new leadership could be more open to a between the country’s two biggest supermarket chains, Kroger and Albertsons, which forged a $24.6 billion deal to combine in 2022. Two judges halted the merger Tuesday night.proposed merger
The FTC had filed a lawsuit in federal court earlier this year to block the merger, claiming the deal would eliminate competition, leading to higher prices and lower wages for workers. The two companies say a merger would help them lower prices and compete against bigger rivals like Walmart.
One of the judges said the FTC had shown it was likely to prevail in the administrative hearing.
Yet given the widespread public concern over high grocery prices, the Trump administration may not fully abandon the FTC’s efforts to block the deal, some experts have said.
And the FTC may continue to scrutinize Big Tech firms for any anticompetitive behavior. Many Republican politicians have accused firms such as Meta of censoring conservative views, and some officials in Trump’s orbit, most notably Vice President-elect JD Vance, have previously expressed support for Khan’s scrutiny of Big Tech firms.

Every Superman Movie, Ranked From Worst To Best


As a superhero icon, DC’s Superman has naturally received his share of cinematic adaptations. Which film is the best?
While Batman and Spider-Man could make a strong case, Superman is arguably the most iconic superhero ever created. He was the first modern superhero and still embodies all the tenets and characteristics that make a great superhero. He’s got a laundry list of superpowers and stands as the ultimate symbol of good and optimism in the public consciousness.
Updated December 10th, 2024 by Nathan Hilditch: For decades, DC was very protective of their paragon of truth and justice in media adaptations wanting the character to remain consistently pure across mediums. In more recent years though filmmakers have been given a lot more license to reinterpret popular superheroes with the burgeoning popularity of the genre.
Zak Synder has mainly spearheaded the more brooding and darker iterations of Superman providing a stark contrast to how he was viewed in the earlier Ricard Donner classic. Fans sadly will never get to see the infamous, canceled Nicholas Cage take on the Man of Steel, but of those who have had the honor to take up the iconic red cape, who wore it best? Answers below in this list of the best live-action Superman movies ranked from worst to best. 8 Superman 4: The Quest For Peace
Release Date: 1987
Cast: Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Jon Cryer, Jackie Cooper
Director: Sidney J Furie
Rating: PG
Studio: Cannon Group Inc.
Superman 4: The Quest For Peace was plagued with off-screen problems that surely didn’t help the finished product. Due to the financial constraints of the production company, the budget was slashed shortly before production began and after overwhelming negative feedback from test screenings, it wasn’t just the budget that saw extensive cuts.
Following on from a bewildering third entry probably didn’t help either and what was intended as a thought-provoking commentary on nuclear proliferation ended up lackluster, unfocused, and put the franchise on ice for a couple of decades. 7 Superman 3
Release Date: 1983
Cast: Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor, Jackie Cooper
Director: Richard Lester
Rating: PG
Studio: Dovemead Ltd.
It’s not clear what exactly the elevator pitch was for Superman 3 but somebody at the studio was certainly a big fan of Richard Pryor. The film spends an obscene amount of time with Pryor’s Gus Gorman whilst Superman is mainly occupied by busy work and fighting his evil inner-self.
The slapstick tone makes it almost a parody of the first two movies. It’s a goofy experience that doesn’t satisfy on any fronts. On paper, Superman 3 is probably the worst live-action Superman movie, saved only by the fact that it happened to come out before the unfortunate sequel that somehow performed even worse with fans and critics. 6 Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Probably the most divisive film on the list, Batman V Superman actually does deliver as a shlocky, over-the-top action spectacle that has become the trademark of director Zak Synder from his previous works like Dawn of the Dead and 300. It definitely fumbles the execution though and is far too concerned with franchise building.
Chasing the MCU’s coattails, the film features several underdeveloped characters that are glorified cameos intended for future sequels that will never come. The end product is again confused and unfocused and the similarity of parental names being the conclusion to the promised showdown was meme-worthy, to say the least. 5 Justice League
The troubles of Justice League are so well-documented, another Superman property that suffered behind-the-scenes turmoil. With Synder departing the project midway through, Joss Whedon joined on, a popular name in fandom but a director who had an entirely different vision for the movie. Whedon seemingly took inspiration from somewhere between Superman 3 and the MCU, opting for a more jovial tone in stark contrast to Synder’s notoriously moody vision.
What fans ended up with was the worst of both worlds and a shocking amount of Cyborg left on the cutting room floor meant the story that was intended to tie the franchise together made no sense as his character was central to it. Fans’ petitions did eventually pay dividends with a fabled Snyder cut that certainly made more sense but was probably not worth the wait. 4 Man Of Steel
Synder’s best-received Superman flick is also the most controversial, accused of desperately chasing the gritty reboot trend set by Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. The problem was the property didn’t really suit that tone and it made for a shocking departure from the fan-favourite character.
From murdering his foe in cold blood to causing millions of dollars of reckless property damage. Snyder did attempt to address this as Batman’s motivation in Batman vs Superman, but it was a bad foot to start the new franchise on and perhaps those warnings should have been heeded to prevent the above. 3 Superman Returns
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, James Marsden
Director: Bryan Singer
Rating: 12A
Studio: Warner Bros.
Shockingly, a production featuring Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey was not the most troubled Superman movie, but Joss Whedon really set a low bar. For all intents and purposes, there is no significant controversy surrounding Superman Returns aside from being associated with the notorious duo.
It’s a by-the-numbers return to form for the iconic hero, Lex Luthor wants to rule the world, Superman stops him and rekindles with Lois Lane. It delivers what it promises and is competent if unspectacular. 2 Superman 2
Helming a Superman movie must be a poisoned chalice as this is yet another production with off-set problems, a directorial change, and extensive reshoots. This time it came with the added drama of legendary actor Marlon Brandon suing the studio for royalties on the first feature, resulting in his scenes being removed from the sequel.
Still, with the return of Terrance Stamp’s powerful antagonist, General Zod, the movie successfully upped the stakes and the spectacle of the original delivering a solid sequel that is still fondly remembered by fans. 1 Superman: The Movie
Despite the advancements in cinema and technology, no Superman film can still hold a candle to the original Christopher Reeve-starring classic. The film hasn’t aged especially well, and not just in the special effects department but putting some issues down to the social norms of the time it’s still a fun family movie.
A familiar origin story, it chronicles Superman’s arrival and upbringing on Earth and his subsequent first showdown with arch-nemesis Lex Luthor. A definitive Superman tale that still stands unrivaled to this day.

Tecno takes its skin tone representation campaign to a new region


The company has been fighting since 2023 to ensure accurate representation of diverse skin tones. Tecno has been advocating improvements in skin tones in.
Tecno has been advocating improvements in skin tones in smartphone photos since last year, and most recently it announced a campaign against skin tone bias in cameraphones last month.
Today, the company is announcing that it’s partnered with the University of Leeds and Dar Al-Hekma University to enhance skin tone representation for Saudi Arabia.
Tecno will conduct research with the aforementioned universities to ensure accurate representation of Saudi consumers in mobile imaging, and the company says this will solidify its position «as a leader in inclusive smartphone imaging and promoting skin tone diversity».
Tecno’s AI-powered Universal Tone technology unveiled in 2023 authentically captures «the full spectrum of humanity’s diversity, with a particular focus on emerging markets», the official press release goes on to state. That focus is no accident, of course, since Tecno has so far been very present and very successful in exactly such markets.
The research done for Saudi Arabian consumers will gradually expand to other countries in the Middle East. Tecno will collect and analyze «a broad spectrum of skin tones in the region», aiming to «better represent and adapt to the diverse complexions unique to Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East».
The company will also work on fine-tuning its image processing algorithms to cater to the characteristics of Saudi and Middle Eastern skin tones.

Grab this iPad for cheap as it falls to just $250


If you’ve been looking to buy an iPad, this is the one you want if you’re on a budget
This is the tablet you want to get if you’re looking to get one of the best experiences on a budget. Not only is the iPad one of the best tablets on the market, but support for the tablet is through the roof thanks to an abundance of apps that can be found on Apple’s App Store.
With that said, the iPad 10 is now down to its lowest price to date, with a stellar discount that knocks $100 off for a limited time. The tablet can now be had from Amazon at just $250. Just be sure to clip the digital coupon before checking out in order to get the best price. What’s great about the iPad 10?
The iPad 10 used to be pretty pricey when it first made its debut. But over the years, the price has come down and this is the lowest price we’ve seen from Amazon to date. At $250, the tablet is a fantastic piece of hardware that not only looks good but is also quite powerful as well.
The iPad features a 10.9-inch Liquid Retina display that offers excellent colors and contrast. Furthermore, you also get tons of power thanks to Apple’s A14 Bionic chip. In addition, this model comes with 64GB of internal storage, which is great for storing apps, images, videos, and more.
But what really takes the iPad over the top is that it’s backed by an incredible App Store that has pretty much any application that you can think of. The App Store has been around for some time and has the benefit of being backed by tons of developers. This provides easy access to apps of all kinds and also games as well.
If you want to take the iPad up a level, you can always use a stylus or a keyboard accessory. Regardless of how you use it, the iPad is going to be able to keep up without missing a beat. Of course, if you need a little more power and can spend a little more, we recommend the iPad Air for $499.

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