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大人の「学力」、日本トップ水準 生活満足度は最下位 OECD調査


経済協力開発機構(OECD)は 、大人が社会生活を送る上で必要な能力を測る「国際成人力調査(PIAAC)」の結果を公表した。日本の平均得点は前回1位だった「読解力」と「数的思考力」が2位、初めて調べた「状況の変化に応じた問題解決能力」が1位で、トップ水準を維持した。一方、生活満足度は最下位だった。
PIAACは16~65歳が対象で、 調査に続き2回目。今回はタブレット端末を使用する形式で実施され、31カ国・地域が参加した。

Politico обнародовало топ самых влиятельных людей Европы: среди них есть украинец, кто еще в списке


Глава ОП Украины Андрей Ермак занял 2 место в рейтинге самых влиятельных людей Европы от американского издания Politico в категории «мечтатели».
Президенту РФ Владимиру Путину журналисты дали второе место в рейтинге «Деятелей», которые «наиболее умело навязывают свою волю» в Европе.
Глава офиса президента Украины Андрей Ермак занял второе место в рейтинге самых влиятельных людей Европы от американского издания Politico в категории «Мечтатели». В этот рейтинг включили 28 человек, которые, по мнению журналистов, будут формировать европейскую и мировую политику в 2025 году. Победители будут объявлены сегодня вечером во время прямой трансляции около 21:00, а список тех, кто занял низшие позиции топа, можно увидеть на сайте издания.
В категорию «Мечтатели» входят те, «чьи смелые идеи ведут к дискуссиям» по мнению медийщиков. Издание окрестило Андрея Ермака «фиксером» (The fixer), то есть тем, кто пытается решить проблемы, и отметило, что глава ОП Украины за три года с начала полномасштабной войны «вместо попыток выиграть войну сосредоточился на попытках выиграть мир».
Журналисты пишут, что после победы Дональда Трампа на выборах в США Андрей Ермак ищет собеседников в его окружении, пытается получить помощь для Украины от непривлеченных ранее стран и просит больше артиллерийских снарядов, систем противовоздушной обороны и ракет большой дальности у Европы, чтобы замедлить наступление РФ на фронте.Кто еще попал в рейтинг самых влиятельных людей Европы
Третье место в категории «Мечтатели» вслед за Ермаком занимает бывшая премьер-министр Эстонии Кая Каллас, четвертое место — премьер-министр Венгрии Виктор Орбан.
Президенту РФ Владимиру Путину американские журналисты присудили второе место в категории «Деятели» — тех, кто «наиболее умело навязывает свою волю».
«Терпеливо играя в долгую игру, президент России Владимир Путин, похоже, достигает своей цели раскола Запада и завоевания части Украины», — написали Politico.
На третьем месте расположился премьер-министр Польши Дональд Туск за то, что «лучше всего может сдержать популистскую волну».
Также издание определило главных «Разрушителей», которые «расшатывают статус-кво» в Европе.
Отметим, в прошлом году в рейтинг Politico попал президент Украины Владимир Зеленский. Тогда его назвали «Марафонцем года» и «Мечтателем №1».
Напомним также, 9 декабря стал известен список номинантов на премию «Человек года-2024» по версии журнала Time. Среди претендентов названы новоизбранный президент США Дональд Трамп, его соперница на выборах Камала Харрис, жена умершего российского оппозиционера Алексея Навального Юлия, принцесса Уэльская Кейт Миддлтон, американский подкастер Джо Роган и предприниматель Илон Маск, который уже получал это звание в 2021 году.

Walgreens could sell itself to private equity firm Sycamore Partners


The Deerfield-based pharmacy chain is in talks with Sycamore Partners about a deal that could be done early next year to take it private, the Wall Street Journal reports. Walgreens shares jumped nearly 18% on the news.
Deerfield-based Walgreens is in talks to sell the company to a private equity firm in a deal that could be done early next year, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
Walgreens Boots Alliance has been discussing a deal with New York-based Sycamore Partners, which specializes in retail and consumer investments, according to the report. The buyout would take the now publicly traded pharmacy chain private.
Walgreens, in an email to the Sun-Times on Tuesday, declined to comment on the report, saying, “We don’t comment about rumors or speculation about our business.” A spokesperson for Sycamore declined to comment.
Shares of the company jumped about 18% Tuesday in the wake of the news.
The report comes as the pharmacy chain — the second largest in the U.S. — has struggled in recent years.
In October, Walgreens announced it planned to close 1,200 stores over the next three years in the U.S., and it laid off around 250 employees in support center roles, including at its corporate offices in Deerfield and the Old Post Office building in the West Loop.
The layoffs were seen as necessary as Walgreens aims to “focus on our core retail pharmacy business,” a spokesperson said at the time.
Walgreens lost $8.64 billion in the 2024 fiscal year, or more than $10 per share.
The company’s net loss grew to more than $3 billion in the final quarter of its fiscal year, held back by lower U.S. retail and pharmacy sales. It also booked some hefty charges tied to opioid litigation settlements the company had recognized in previous quarters.
Walgreens expects adjusted earnings in the new fiscal year to be between $1.40 and $1.80 per share, with growth in its U.S. health care and international businesses countering the U.S. retail pharmacy decline.
In 2019, private equity firm KKR sought to buy out Walgreens when the company was valued at roughly $55 billion.
Walgreens lists 99 Chicago locations on its website. There are about 8,500 stores in the U.S. and a few thousand abroad.
The company also operates around 2,000 Boots retail and pharmacy stores in the United Kingdom.

Daniel Penny’s acquittal: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 11, 2024


NY Post readers discuss Daniel Penny being found “not guilty” by a Manhattan jury in the 2023 death of Jordan Neely.
The Issue: Daniel Penny being found “not guilty” by a Manhattan jury in the 2023 death of Jordan Neely.
Justice prevailed in the case of ex-Marine Daniel Penny, when he was acquitted of criminally negligent homicide (“The truth sets Penny free,” Dec. 10).
When someone comes on a train and starts screaming, “Someone is going to die today,” what goes through your mind?
These were the words Jordan Neely reportedly screamed.
First of all, you’re underground, in a tunnel, in a subway car.
There is no place to go.
If it wasn’t for the quick response of Daniel Penny, who knows what Jordan Neely might have done.
Penny risked his own life to prevent any harm to fellow New Yorkers.
Rob Johann
What gets me is that this matter actually became a criminal case.
Because I did not think it had the legal basis to merit a trial.
As in — what charges are you going to bring against Penny?
Well, we saw what charges were brought, and we saw the result of acquittal.
There’s a part of me that is glad this went to trial because it demonstrated that Penny’s actions were reasonable in the face of what happened on a subway full of defenseless passengers.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita, Calif.
Thank god reasonable people have finally done the right thing.
Daniel Penny didn’t set out to kill anyone.
He didn’t beat the man, stab him, or shoot him — he restrained him out of a civic-minded concern for those around him.
The outcome, while unfortunate, doesn’t take away from his selfless act of bravery.
The nation and New Yorkers have had enough of the rampant crime and soft-on-perpetrators DAs.
Enough is enough.
We deserve to be able to go about our days and live our lives.
The pendulum is finally swinging back toward the common man’s point of view.
There is no shame in this verdict.
Clay Gurnett
The broken court system here in New York City — with the courts being soft on lawbreakers, then law enforcement arresting law-abiding citizens who defend themselves against criminals — is sad.
One should not have to fear becoming a victim of crime while running an errand or coming home late from work.
This once-Democratic state is slowly becoming Republican because of the ridiculous court laws that do not protect hardworking people.
Much time and money has been spent on this trial for Penny, who should be hailed a hero.
Joseph Comperchio
Thankfully, Daniel Penny was deemed not guilty.
As for the mental-health and judicial systems of this city and state — that’s a completely different verdict.
While one can have sympathy for the suffering of the Neely family, this is not a racial issue.
It is well beyond that.
Jackie Biaggi
The Bronx
Daniel Penny’s acquittal is a relief for many of us who ride the New York City subway.
However, I can’t help but think that the left has won again.
Similar to the fallout from the “defund the police” movement that resulted in widespread retirement and a drop in recruitment, people will think twice about helping fellow citizens when faced with a real threat.
This is yet another example of what happens when our politicians turn a blind eye to the actual problems facing ordinary New Yorkers.
Michael D’Auria
Daniel Penny never should have been arrested and put on trial for the death of Jordan Neely.
Penny’s intentions and actions to restrain Neely were honorable.
Good Samaritans should not be penalized for their charitability.
Thank goodness justice was served and Penny is a free man.
JoAnn Frank
Clearwater, Fla.
What is that smell in the air today?
The sweet smell of real justice.
Go in peace, Daniel Penny.
Now it’s up to President-elect Donald Trump to award this man the Medal of Freedom.
Keith LePage
Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

石破首相「企業・団体献金禁止 表現の自由保障の憲法に抵触」


さらに能登半島地震への対応をめぐり、石破総理大臣は発生から1年となる来月 現地を訪れたいという意向を示しました。

People Can Fly lays off over 120 employees, affects multiple in-development games


Bulletstorm and Outriders studio People Can Fly is having a round of layoffs that’s affecting over 120 staff. One gaming project is being suspended entirely due to this.
Polish game development studio and publisher People Can Fly is going through its second round of layoffs in 2024. This time, over 120 employees are being affected, with the CEO Sebastian Wojciechowski saying that this is to make sure that the company does not go over its financial capacity. Multiple games in development are affected by the staff reduction too.
The announcement arrived on social media, with the CEO saying that it is «deeply grateful for the contributions of every team member impacted by this turn of events; their talent and dedication have helped shape our company and our games.»
As part of the change in scope, the studio says that its Project Victoria game is being suspended entirely, while Project Bifrost development team is being scaled down. Some «restructuring» of the studio’s support teams are in effect too. Both gaming projects have been self-published titles but have never seen official announcements, and have only being in development for a few years.
«This action became necessary as external market pressures persisted beyond our forecasts. The video game market is still evolving, and we have to adjust with where things are today», said the CEO. «We are redoubling our efforts with new work-for-hire engagements and focusing on the development of a single independent game.»
«Our priority is to approach this moment with compassion and to ensure our team feels supported as we work together to build a stronger future», he adds. «In this hard moment, our dedication to excellence and creativity remains as strong as ever. For everyone who loves what we create — we will not give up on our dreams.»
The company has multiple gaming projects still in development. This includes a title for Square Enix, which is largely believed to be an Outriders sequel, and even an Xbox exclusive for Microsoft platforms named Project Maverick. This mysterious Microsoft-published project is said to cost around 30-50 million USD to complete, though it may be some years out from release still.

Переговоры по войне в Украине могут начаться зимой – Туск


Премьер-министр Польши Дональд Туск заявил, что мирные переговоры по войне в Украине могут начаться этой зимой.
По словам Туска, Польша будет активно участвовать в переговорах, касающихся ситуации на восточной границе страны.
«Как вы понимаете, наша делегация будет нести ответственность, в частности, за то, как будет выглядеть политический календарь, возможно, какой будет ситуация во время переговоров, которые могут, хоть и под вопросом, начаться зимой этого года», – сказал польский премьер.
Он также подтвердил, что президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон собирается в Варшаве в четверг обсудить результаты своих переговоров, состоявшихся в Париже, с победителем президентских выборов в США Дональдом Трампом и украинским президентом Владимиром Зеленским.
Кроме того, Туск отметил, что, когда Польша начнет председательствовать в совете Евросоюза, Варшаву посетит премьер-министр Великобритании Кир Стармер.
Он заявил, что Польша должна не только «присутствовать», но и «задавать тон» решениям, от которых, по его словам, будут зависеть безопасность страны и «защита польских интересов».

JR東「ウォークスルー改札」10年以内に Suicaの位置情報で


JR東日本は 、交通系ICサービス「Suica(スイカ)」の未来構想を発表した。今後10年以内に駅の自動改札機でタッチをせずに鉄道に乗れる「ウォークスルー改札」や、事前チャージの必要がない「後払い」の実現などを目指す。

Früherer Stern-Reporter Gerd Heidemann ist tot


Er wollte die vermeintlichen Hitler-Tagebücher aufgespürt haben. Am Ende wurde daraus einer der größten Medienskandale der Geschichte. Nun ist der ehemalige Stern-Reporter Gerd Heidemann gestorben.
23.02.2023 Holocaust-Leugnung Die Wahrheit hinter den «Hitler-Tagebüchern»

40 Jahre nach dem Skandal um die gefälschten «Hitler-Tagebücher» hat der NDR die Texte veröffentlicht.

24.04.2023 40 Jahre nach Veröffentlichung «Hitler-Tagebücher» kommen ins Bundesarchiv

40 Jahre nach ihrer Veröffentlichung übergibt Bertelsmann die «Hitler-Tagebücher» an das Bundesarchiv.

Man recalls CEO murder suspect being spotted at Pennsylvania McDonald's


A McDonald’s employee in Altoona, Pennsylvania, is being credited with alerting police of the suspect wanted in the deadly shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.
The brazen assassination outside of a hotel in Manhattan last week sparked a nationwide manhunt that came to an end in the Pennsylvania town.
Luigi Mangione, 26, was arrested on Monday at the McDonald’s. He is facing several charges, including for Thompson’s murder.
RELATED: UnitedHealthcare CEO killing: Luigi Mangione had ‘written admissions about the crime’ when arrested
One man who visits the Altoona McDonald’s regularly told Action News he was there on Monday at the same time as Mangione. He said many people, including the worker, seemed to be aware of the manhunt and were wondering if the suspicious-looking man was the wanted suspect.
Eventually, that McDonald’s workers called the police.
Shockwaves continue to roll through Altoona at the McDonald’s where Mangione was arrested Monday.
«From what I was told, the worker that took his orders she said his eyes and his eyebrows — she just thought it was him», said Larry, who did not provide his last name. «I think she approached two of the managers and said, ‘I think the shooter from New York’s in here.'»
Larry said he didn’t report it but a friend thought he recognized Mangione too.
«We pretty much laughed about it like, ‘Oh yeah, sure. Ok.’ But it turned out it was him», Larry recalled.
Authorities in New York have charged Mangione with the murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson in midtown Manhattan last week.
He also faces charges in Pennsylvania for lying to police about his identity and possession of a gun without a license, which police say was a 3D-printed gun and silencer.
«We say this all the time, if you see something, say something. Do something, and this case that McDonald’s employee did just that, and we are grateful as the city to that person», said NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch.
As officials heap praise on the unidentified McDonalds worker, they’re doing the same for the Altoona Police Officer Taylor Frye, who made the arrest.
Frye has only been on the job for six months. He spoke briefly on Monday night at the Blair County courthouse about this high point in his short career.
«I can’t say I was expecting it by any means but it feels good to get a guy like that off the street, especially starting my career this way it feels great», Frye said.
Meanwhile, investigators are still asking for tips while they continue to piece together a timeline of Mangione’s movements from New York and across Pennsylvania.
RELATED: UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting suspect went from Philly to Pittsburgh after the murder: Officials
«I still can’t hardly believe it’s for real», Larry said.
Mangione needs to be back in court in Blair County on December 23.
He is currently housed at SCI Huntington.
There has been no word on when he’ll be extradited back to New York City to face murder charges.

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