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Donald Trump Needs to Fix High CEO Pay


If Trump truly wants to “make America great again, ” one of his primary goals should be to restore CEO pay to the more rational levels.
The House is expected to vote Thursday on a Wall Street deregulation plan that would roll back several Obama-era CEO pay reforms, including a ban on banker bonuses that encourage excessive risk, and a new regulation that requires publicly held corporations to report the ratio between their CEO and median worker pay. But instead of rolling back modest pay reforms already on the books, lawmakers should be pushing for bolder solutions, such as using tax and government contracting policies that reward firms with reasonable CEO pay levels.
While President Donald Trump bashed high CEO pay on the campaign trail, since taking office, he hasn’ t raised the slightest concern about his fellow Republicans’ crusade to repeal Obama-era executive compensation reforms.
If Trump truly wants to “make America great again, ” one of his primary goals should be to restore CEO pay to the more rational levels of decades past. In 1980, the gap between average pay for the heads of large U. S. corporations and typical workers ran about 42 to 1. Today, this pay ratio stands at 347 to 1.
These extreme disparities are not only unfair, but they’ re bad for business.
Company culture The mega-millions that flow directly into executives’ pockets every year are just a small fraction of the total cost to American companies. But the effects on employee morale carry a much higher price. When the boss makes 347 times more than you, it’s difficult to swallow the canard that “there is no ‘I’ in team.” A 2016 Glassdoor survey of 1.2 million people bears this out statistically, finding a strong correlation between high CEO pay and low employee approval ratings for their bosses.
A Brookings Institution analysis reached a similar conclusion, finding that “large differences in status” within companies can inhibit participation. And in a study published in Administrative Science Quarterly, four researchers agreed that “extreme wage differentials between workers and management discourage trust and prevent employees from seeing themselves as stakeholders.”
Stock buybacks The current compensation system also encourages a short-term mentality that is harmful not only for individual corporations, but for the whole economy. The 2008 financial crisis was just one particularly dramatic example of this dangerous “bonus culture.” Wall Street executives fixated on hitting bonus targets pursued excessively risky strategies that boosted the size of their paychecks in the short term but caused catastrophic economic damage when the house of cards came crashing down.
Another is the stock buyback craze. University of Massachusetts Lowell Professor William Lazonick has calculated that from 2005 to 2014, America’s 500 largest publicly traded corporations spent $3.7 trillion —over half their net income—repurchasing their own shares. CEOs love these buybacks because they artificially inflate the value of their stock-based pay. But by using up so much of their profits to buy back stock, corporations have less to spend on research and development, workforce training, and other long-term productive purposes. In business school, they call this “eating the seed corn.”
Last year’s largest executive pay package—at $236.9 million—went to Marc Lore, the CEO of Walmart’s e-commerce division, according to Bloomberg. If the nation’s largest employer instead paid their low-income workers more and top management less, the beneficial ripple effects would be much larger since low-income families need to spend nearly every dollar they make, whereas executives like Lore squirrel away a good share.
The strongest signs of hope of reining in runaway CEO pay are coming from outside of Washington. Last December, the city council in Portland, Ore. adopted a 10% surtax on top of its existing 2.2% local corporate profits tax on corporations with pay gaps of more than 100 to 1. Since then, legislators in five states have introduced similar bills.
In an ideal world, government wouldn’ t need to push corporations to do something that should be common sense. But greed has rendered today’s business leaders unable to help themselves. Blunt policy instruments are needed to knock some sense into a CEO pay system gone mad.
Steven Clifford, the former CEO of King Broadcasting, is the author of The CEO Pay Machine: How it Trashes America and How to Stop It (Blue Rider Press) . Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project and co-edits Inequality.org at the Institute for Policy Studies.

© Source: http://fortune.com/2017/06/07/donald-trump-high-ceo-pay/
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‘No one has inhaled this much plutonium’ : 5 staff exposed to radiation in Japan lab accident


Japanese authorities are unsure about the medical prognosis for five staffers who inhaled toxic plutonium after mishandling it at the Oarai Research and Development Center outside Tokyo.
“As far as I can remember, no one has inhaled plutonium at this level, ” said Ishikawa Keiji, a security official at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) which oversees the lab, cited by the Jiji Press news agency.
The accident occurred at 11: 15am on Tuesday in the analysis room of the facility dedicated to researching improved nuclear fuel for its fast reactors.
One of the five men opened a metallic cylinder where the fuel, a mixture of uranium and plutonium, is stored before and after experiments. In the process, the double plastic wrapping inside which the radioactive material is kept ripped, and the toxic substance burst into the air.
Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) , which has frequently criticized the JAEA for the conditions at its facilities, said “workplace complacency” was possibly to blame.
The NRA said the workers had never experienced a similar plastic rip before, and as a result, did not feel the need to complete their research in a tightly sealed environment.
The researcher responsible for opening the box, described as a man in his 50s, had 22,000 becquerels of plutonium-239 detected in his lungs, and the other four between 2,200 and 14,000 becquerels.
Officials said the five staff have not yet complained of health problems with one assuring that “the amount is not enough to cause acute radiation damage, ” according to the Japanese newspaper The Asahi Shimbun.
The longer-term predictions were less definitive, however.
“Detection of 22,000 becquerels is a situation that cannot be easily brushed aside. It is no small amount, although it may not be life-threatening, ” said Nobuhiko Ban, an NRA radiological protection specialist, quoted  by The Asahi Shimbun.
The five have been injected with a substance that speeds up the discharge of radioactive materials and remain under observation at the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology.
The NRA has previously said that JEAA was “unfit” to operate an accident-plagued prototype reactor at Monju and has also faced accusations of poor handling of radioactive materials at another site.
But a use for Japan’s large plutonium stockpile must be found, and there are currently plans for utilizing MOX fuel – a mixture of plutonium and uranium, such as that involved in the latest accident – to power conventional reactors instead of the low-enriched uranium that they were designed for.

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/391283-japan-nuclear-accident-plutonium/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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Scorpio, Mario, and God of War — what matters at E3? GamesBeat Decides


The next time you hear from us, we’ ll have suntans and terrible driving skills (Southern Californian drivers + Dean Takahashi in a rental car is probably how I’ ll die) because we’ re headed to Los Angeles for the Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show.
The next time you hear from us, we’ ll have suntans and terrible driving skills (Southern Californian drivers + Dean Takahashi in a rental car is probably how I’ ll die) because we’ re headed to Los Angeles for the Electronic Entertainment Expo trade sho w.
On this week’s GamesBead Decides podcast, hosts Mike Minotti and Jeffrey Grubb wrap up their preview of the event with talk about what they’ re most looking forward to playing. The pair also provide some final thoughts on some of the other media presentations and try to guess if Sony will have a playable God of War.
The podcast also dives into the week’s news and our favorite moments from past E3s. Mike and Jeff also read some NES memories from listeners. If you sent in a memory, you might’ ve won a Wireless MyArcade NES Classic Edition controller. We used a random-number generator to select the winners, and you should check your email or Twitter so we can send you your prize.
We didn’ t have a lot of new games to talk about this week because we’ re busy with E3, and I didn’ t start Tekken 7 until after we recorded.
Games on this week’s show:
Check out the video version of the podcast above or the audio version right here:

© Source: https://venturebeat.com/2017/06/07/scorpio-mario-and-god-of-war-what-matters-at-e3-gamesbeat-decides/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+venturebeat%2FSZYF+%28VentureBeat%29
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North Korea claims it can take out US military planes


North Korea has claimed its new air defense system is capable of intercepting U. S…
North Korea has claimed its new air defense system is capable of intercepting U. S. warplanes and missiles seeking to disarm or destroy the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile. Citing previous reports by Sputnik News, Reuters, Sky News, International Business Times and The Japan Times, North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency claimed Wednesday that the country’s recently-tested…

© Source: http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/north-korea-claims-it-can-take-out-us-military-planes/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29
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what Apple uses to repair our cracked iPhone screens


Apple is planning on sharing this specialist piece of repair equipment with hundreds of third party repairers across the world over the next year. It is usually only kept at Apple facilities.
In what appears to be more information from Apple regarding their calibration machines, over the course of this year, the company will be allowing 400 third party repair centers, across 25 countries, to receive the elusive Horizon Machine.
The mysterious machine is what the company uses to repair cracked screens on iPhones, it is about the size of a microwave, and was previously only available in 500 of the firm’s retail locations, it is quite a guarded asset.
However due to longer waiting times and pressure from the «Right to Repair» bills being pushed in some US states, it seems the company has decided to share the repair machine with some others like Best Buy.
Some people think that Apple is raking in super-profits from its repair business, since the company doesn’t declare how much they make from official repairs. The «Right to Repair» bill pushers want to open up the ability for small shops and individuals to find original parts and manuals so that they can also fix phones. Apple and others say that this might lead to shoddy repair work, but more importantly if they release all their repair tools, machines, and parts: they argue that hackers may be able to discover new ways to invade our smartphones, which do hold so many details of our lives.
We all know that there are numerous unofficial repair shops where one could go and get the screen of your iPhone fixed. However, this might be with parts not manufactured by Apple. Also if the technician were to damage your phone, beyond the screen, your warranty from the company would most likely not be honored.
The Horizon Machine can also fix the tougher cracks frequent on an iPhone, not just the screen crack, but also cracks to the fingerprint sensor. This means authorized third party repair shops will be able to do more for you and perhaps with a little more quality and precision. Certainly some new ground from the usually secretive and guarded company, but also a move that will hopefully give those with cracked screens a few more reliable options.
Source: Reuters | Images via Reuters

© Source: https://www.neowin.net/news/behold-the-horizon-machine—what-apple-uses-to-repair-our-cracked-iphone-screens?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+neowin-main+%28Neowin+News%29
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ОБСЕ увеличит число наблюдателей в Украине до 1 тыс человек


В ходе совместной пресс-конференции с министром иностранных дел Украины Павлом Климкиным в Киеве действующий председатель ОБСЕ Себастьян Курц сообщил, что ОБСЕ приняло решение о расширении состава миссии.
Число наблюдателей Специальной мониторинговой миссии (СММ) ОБСЕ в Украине будет увеличено с 700 до 1 тысячи человек, сообщил действующий председатель ОБСЕ Себастьян Курц. В ходе совместной пресс-конференции с министром иностранных дел Украины Павлом Климкиным в Киеве он сообщил, что ОБСЕ приняло решение о расширении состава миссии. «Мы приняли решение об увеличении количества наблюдателей ОБСЕ с 700 до одной тысячи человек», — цитирует Курца агентство. Также он отметил, что ОБСЕ работает над повышением уровня технического обеспечения миссии с целью улучшения мониторинга ситуации в Донбассе. В начале февраля в ОБСЕ сообщили, что в составе СММ в Украине работают 724 наблюдателя, из них 588 — на востоке страны. Миссия наблюдателей в Украине следит за выполнением режима прекращения огня, отводом тяжелого вооружения с линии соприкосновения силовиков и ополченцев. Как отметил ранее глава СММ ОБСЕ в Украине посол Эртугрул Апакан, миссия также пытается добиться локального прекращения огня для ремонта важных объектов инфраструктуры, поврежденных в результате боевых действий в Донбассе. Жертвами конфликта в Донбассе с середины апреля 2014 года по 12 марта 2017 года, еще 23 455 человек были ранены, говорится в пресс-релизе по итогам 17-го отчета управления Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека по ситуации с правами человека в Украине, распространенном 15 марта. Проблема урегулирования кризиса обсуждается на переговорах в различных форматах, в частности в «нормандском формате» (Украина, Франция, ФРГ, РФ) . В Варшаве предлагали перенести переговоры в «женевский формат», то есть при участии США и Польши, как соседнего с РФ и Украиной государства. Однако договоренностей о прекращении огня удалось добиться лишь в Минске.

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/society/20170607/1024767102.html
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Kylie Jenner steps out with Travis Scott in Miami


Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott visited the set of DJ Khaled’s new music video after enjoying a casual dinner the night previous.
June 7 (UPI) — Kylie Jenner is spending time with rumored boyfriend Travis Scott in Miami.
The 19-year-old reality star and Scott, 25, visited the set of DJ Khaled’s new music video Tuesday before grabbing a quick bite to eat, according to the Mirror .
Jenner and Scott, a hip-hop artist, wore coordinated all-black outfits, with the reality star in a crop top and athletic pants and Scott wearing a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt and jeans. A bodyguard accompanied the celebrity pair.
People reported Tuesday that Jenner and Scott enjoyed a casual dinner at Bodega Taqueria y Tequila the night before.
«They were affectionate, » a source told the magazine.
Gossip Cop denied a new report Wednesday that Jenner and Scott secretly married this month. The rumored couple were first linked in April following Jenner’s split from rapper Tyga, and cozied up at an NBA game the same month.
«It’s a fling right now, » an insider told E! News at the time. «It hasn’t developed into anything yet but they are feeling each other for sure.»
Jenner and Tyga called it quits in April after two years of on-again, off-again dating. Tyga appeared to mock the Keeping Up with the Kardashian star in his new song «Playboy, » which he released last week.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2017/06/07/Kylie-Jenner-steps-out-with-Travis-Scott-in-Miami/6831496859104/
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House Dems Rebuff Calls to Start Trump Impeachment Process


House Dems Rebuff Calls to Start Trump Impeachment Process
Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing back against some lawmakers who have broached the idea of starting the impeachment process against President Donald Trump.
«We have to find out what the facts are, » Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said, according to The Hill.
«But I don’t want to leap to any conclusions about what we’ll ultimately find or what the consequences should be, » Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said, according to The Hill.
Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., said Schiff’s viewpoint is the «overwhelming sentiment» of Democrats.
«A majority of the (Democratic) Caucus is of the belief that we ought to allow the investigation to continue to its logical conclusion before making any determination, » Sanchez said in The Hill’s report.
«I have not even thought about it, » Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., told The Hill.
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., agreed.
«We need to make sure we get the facts and the elements of what we have to prove. And we’re not there yet.»
Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, said Tuesday that he plans to draft articles of impeachment against Trump, NBC News reported.
Premature calls to impeach Trump would benefit the president, according to Jane Chong, writing Monday in The Washington Post .
«Where its results are uncertain, such an effort could take a viable tool off the table for future crises and risk our national security as well, » Chong wrote.

© Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/house-democrats-impeachment-donald-trump/2017/06/07/id/794743/
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Japanese fugitive accused of killing Tokyo cop in 1971 arrested


Tokyo police said Masaaki Osaka, a left-wing revolutionary accused of killing a police officer with a Molotov cocktail in 1971, has been arrested and charged.
June 7 (UPI) — Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department said Masaaki Osaka, a left-wing revolutionary accused of killing a police officer with a Molotov cocktail in 1971, has been arrested and charged with murder.
Japan has no statute of limitations for murder after a previous 15-year limit was abandoned in 2010. Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department on Wednesday formally served an arrest warrant to Osaka, who was arrested in Hiroshima last month. He was transported to Tokyo on Wednesday for further questioning.
Police accuse Osaka of killing a 21-year-old police officer in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, during a student protest there to criticize Japan recognizing the United States’ military presence in the country. Police said Osaka assaulted the officer with a steel pipe prior to setting him on fire.
Osaka is a member of the Chukaku-ha, or the Japan Revolutionary Communist League, which is known for staging violent protests decades ago.
Osaka was arrested in Hiroshima initially on charges of police obstruction but authorities later used DNA to determine his connection to the 1971 killing.
One of Osaka’s accused accomplices in the attack was charged in 1972, but the case was suspended due to mental illness. Police said Osaka was able to remain a fugitive for so long because he was a high-ranking member of the JRCL.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2017/06/07/Japanese-fugitive-accused-of-killing-Tokyo-cop-in-1971-arrested/6321496856442/
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ОБСЕ увеличит количество наблюдателей на Донбассе


ОБСЕ увеличит количество наблюдателей до 1 тысячи человек.
Министр иностранных дел Австрии, действующий председатель ОБСЕ Себастьян Курц заявляет о намерении ОБСЕ увеличить количество наблюдателей Специальной мониторинговой миссии (СММ) на Донбассе с 700 до 1 тыс. человек.
«Как председатель ОБСЕ, я уполномочен проинформировать вас, что Специальная мониторинговая миссия ОБСЕ будет увеличена с 700 до 1 тыс. наблюдателей», — заявил С. Курц на совместной с министром иностранных дел Украины Павлом Климкиным пресс-конференции в Киеве в среду.
Также С. Курц отметил намерение ОБСЕ улучшить материальное обеспечение миссии, в частности, для увеличения эффективности наблюдения ночью.
Председатель ОБСЕ поблагодарил всех наблюдателей СММ и выразил намерение встретится с ними.

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/mestnyiy/3410964-obse-uvelichit-kolichestvo-nablyudateley-na-donbasse-2.html
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