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Бойовики застосували важку артилерію на Донбасі


Бойовики не припиняють порушувати домовленості про деескалацію конфлікту на сході України, з початку доби зафіксовано 25 ворожих обстрілів, …
Бойовики не припиняють порушувати домовленості про деескалацію конфлікту на сході України, з початку доби зафіксовано 25 ворожих обстрілів, здійснених не тільки по оборонних укріпленнях українських військових, а й по прифронтових населених пунктах. Про це повідомляє прес-центр штабу військової операції на Донбасі на своїй сторінці в Facebook.
«На жаль, протягом дня в результаті ворожих обстрілів один військовослужбовець ЗС України загинув. Ще четверо наших воїнів отримали поранення», – йдеться у зведенні за станом на 18.00 понеділка, 12 червня.
Так, на Приморському напрямку на початку доби бойовики здійснили щільні обстріли зі 152-мм артилерії ділянок території поблизу населених пунктів Графське і Ольгинка. Зокрема, в селищі Графське снаряд вибухнув на дорозі поблизу будівлі по вулиці Молодіжна. Також в результаті ворожого обстрілу пошкоджено гуртожиток, де жили студенти Лісового коледжу.
У населеному пункті Ольгинка по вулиці Центральній пошкоджено більше десяти житлових будинків – осколками пошкоджено стіни та покрівлі, побиті вікна. В результаті обстрілу виведена з ладу електрична підстанція: більше сотні приватних домоволодінь залишилися без світла. Ніхто з місцевих жителів не постраждав.
На тому ж напрямку бойовики протягом дня з мінометів калібру 82 мм вели вогонь по позиціях українських військових поблизу Мар’їнки і Чермалик. З гранатометів і стрілецької зброї різного калібру незаконні збройні формування обстрілювали українських військових в районі Широкиного, Водяного, Талаківки, Гнутового і Павлопілля.
На Донецькому напрямку після того, як незаконні збройні формування відразу після півночі здійснили обстріл з мінометів і гранатометів українських опорних пунктів в районі Луганського (на Світлодарськ дузі) , на цій ділянці лінії зіткнення встановилося певне затишшя.
На Луганському напрямку бандформування близько 10 разів вдалися до збройнихпровокацій проти підрозділів сил військової операції. У першій половині дня по позиціях ЗС України в районі Троїцького противник відкривав вогонь зі 120-мм мінометів. Поблизу н.п. Новотошківське і Новоолександрівки – з мінометів калібру 82 мм.
Крім того, біля Новоолександрівки бойовики двічі застосовували протитанкові ракетні комплекси. А неподалік Кримського бойовики били в бік позицій ЗСУ з озброєння БМП. По оборонних укріпленнях українських військових в районі н.п. Жовте, Лобачеве і Малинове бойовики відкривали вогонь з піхотного озброєння.

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/regions/donetsk/boeviki-primenili-tyazheluyu-artilleriyu-na-donbasse-1029342.html
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Arizona Child Died After Allegedly Suffering Horrific Abuse From His Mother And Her Boyfriend


A Chino Valley, Arizona, couple were arrested for allegedly inflicting horrific abuse on a 10-year-old boy who was bound, beaten, and burned. The boy, Christian Pearson, passed away as result of his…
A Chino Valley, Arizona, couple were arrested for allegedly inflicting horrific abuse on a 10-year-old boy who was bound, beaten, and burned. The boy, Christian Pearson, passed away as result of his injuries on Sunday, June 11 at 10: 26 p.m.
On Thursday, June 8, the police responded to a 911 report of a child who had stopped breathing. When they arrived on the scene, they found a 10-year-old boy with second- and third-degree burns on multiple areas of his body.
According to Oxygen, the child had bruises on his back, torso, neck, head, and extremities. The paramedics were able to get the child breathing again and rushed him to a nearby children’s hospital. Once at the hospital, he never regained consciousness and remained in critical condition.
According to the Prescotte News, the boy’s father decided to take him off life support on Sunday night after learning that there was little hope he would wake up.
Daniel Terry, 26, and the boy’s mother, Julianna Moreno, were booked on felony charges, including attempted first-degree murder, child abuse, and aggravated assault.
Eric Pearson, Christian’s father, lives in Tuscan, Arizona, and wasn’ t able to see his son every day.
“He was a very good kid. He got straight A’s, he was very smart in school, ” Eric explained. “He liked to play sports, ride his bicycle. He played basketball every day. He was such a good boy.”
Pearson hopes that law enforcement will do everything they can to keep Terry and Moreno locked up.
Yavapai County Sheriff’s office released a statement asking those who attended a yard sale at Moreno’s residence that day to come forward and speak with a detective.
The statement went on to say that there was nothing the medical staff could do for Christian; his injuries were fatal. The paramedics’ efforts allowed Pearson’s father to see him and say goodbye.
Christian’s mother, Julianna Moreno, has an 18-month-old daughter who is currently in the custody of Child Protective Services.
The sheriff’s office revealed that since the child passed away, they will be upgrading the charges to first-degree murder for both Terry and Moreno.
The sheriff’s office said that all cards, stuffed animals, and other gifts delivered to the police station would be given to Eric Pearson. The father of the boy thanked the local community for their support during this difficult time.
[Featured Image by RPD PHOTO /Shutterstock]

© Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/4287237/arizona-child-died-after-allegedly-suffering-horrific-abuse-from-his-mother-and-her-boyfriend/
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Former President Barack Obama has traveled to 9 nations since leaving the White House


Former President Barack Obama left office on Jan. 20, and has since been on what seems a non-stop tour of countries around the world.
Former President Barack Obama left office on Jan. 20, and has since been on what seems a non-stop tour of countries around the world.
No stranger to frequent travel, Obama took part in 156 foreign trips over the course of his eight years as president, positioning him as the third most traveled U. S. commander in chief. Former President Bill Clinton notched 210 trips, while George W. Bush accrued 190. Although he has left his Oval Office position, Obama has continued to travel internationally, with stops in the British Virgin Islands, French Polynesia and multiple European countries.
Click through to see each destination Obama has traveled to since leaving the White House:
Obama and his wife, former first lady Michelle, notably left immediately following President Trump’s inauguration for a vacation at Richard Branson’s private celebrity hot spot, Necker Island — located in the British Virgin Islands. The 44th president soon after departed for French Polynesia, where he was rumored to be vacationing alone while working on his book.
Since then, Obama has engaged in public life as a keynote speaker at events both foreign and domestic. In May, Obama spoke to the current global political climate at the Global Food Innovation Summit in Berlin, saying people «mustn’t isolate themselves.»
«If I become so convinced that I’m always right, the logical conclusion of that often ends up being great cruelty and great violence, » Obama said.
Obama has also visited Edinburgh, London and both Milan and Tuscany within Italy.
RELATED: A look at Barack Obama post-presidency

© Source: http://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/06/12/barack-obama-traveled-9-nations-since-leaving-white-house/22138196/
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Memorial services held on anniversary of Pulse nightclub shooting


Hundreds gathered outside the perimeter of Pulse nightclub to pay their respects to the victims of the worst mass shooting in modern U. S. history
ORLANDO, Fla. — Hundreds of people have left flowers, cards and drawings at Pulse nightclub to remember the victims who were killed a year ago in Orlando, Florida.
Many cried and strangers hugged each other during solemn remembrances on Monday as the names of the 49 victims of the worst mass shooting in modern U. S. history were read out loud.
According to CBS affiliate WKMG-TV, multiple services will be held throughout the day. About 50,000 people are expected to attend an evening service in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola. A music-filled, late-night service will be held at the nightclub.
Gov. Rick Scott has ordered for U. S. flags around Florida to be flown at half-staff. A giant rainbow flag will be unveiled at the Orange County government building.
Church bells throughout the Orlando area rang 49 times at noon.
The first ceremony was held shortly after 2 a.m., and was closed to the public. It was held for survivors, victims’ families, club employees and local officials. It overlapped the time a year ago that gunman Omar Mateen started shooting inside the nightclub on «Latin Night.»
Pulse owner Barbara Poma and Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer spoke to families and friends of the victims during the private ceremony.
«I realize that gathering here in this place, at this hour, is beyond difficult, » Dyer said during the service. «But I also know that the strength you’ve shown over the past year will carry you through today and in the future.»
People laid flower and lit candles early Monday outside the perimeter at Pulse. The fence has been decorated with vibrantly-colored banners. Some dressed as angels and stood guard outside the club before the service.
The private service was the start of what would be almost 24 hours of observations to remember the victims who died as well as the dozens of Pulse patrons who were wounded during the shooting.
The Orlando Gay Chorus performed Rachel Patten’s «Fight Song» during a second service, which was held around 11 a.m., outside of the nightclub.
Monday’s services culminated several days of events aimed at turning the grim anniversary into something positive. A foot race was held over the weekend, and eight gay and lesbian students were awarded $4,900 toward their college studies by a local businessman. Local officials have declared the one-year mark as a day of «love and kindness, » and they are encouraging residents to volunteer or perform acts of compassion.
An exhibit of artwork collected from memorial sites set up around Orlando after the massacre will be shown at the Orange County History Center. The club’s owner, Barbara Poma, is developing plans to build a memorial at the Pulse site.
Mateen pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) during the attack and was eventually killed by police during a shootout after a three-hour standoff. His wife, Noor Salman, is facing charges of aiding and abetting and obstruction in federal court, and she has pleaded not guilty to helping her husband.

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/pulse-nightclub-shooting-orlando-memorial-services-anniversary/
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Schumer Mocks Trump's Cabinet Meeting on Twitter


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer mocked President Donald Trump’s strange Cabinet meeting on Monday by holding a fake one of his own and posting it on Twitter.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer mocked President Donald Trump’s strange Cabinet meeting on Monday by holding a fake one of his own and posting it on Twitter.
GREAT meeting today with the best staff in the history of the world!!! pic.twitter.com/ocE1xhEAac
The first meeting of Trump’s full Cabinet evolved into a rare tribute session as everyone around the table hailed Trump and his administration, with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus calling it a blessing to serve on his staff.
«On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda and the American people, » he said.
Schumer started by asking an aide how «we» did on the Sunday show and asked another how his hair looked coming out of the gym that morning when another staffer interjected with, «Before we go any further, I just want to say thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda.»
Schumer and his staff then broke out laughing.

© Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/schumer-mocks-trump-cabinet/2017/06/12/id/795597/
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Błaszczak o kontrmanifestacji: Będę eliminował zachowania prowadzące do bójek


Zadbam o to, aby Polska była krajem wolnym, aby każdy mógł prezentować swoje poglądy, ale będę eliminował zachowania, które prowadzą do konfrontacji, do bójek — tak minister SWiA Mariusz Błaszczak odniósł się do kontrmanifestacji i incydentu podczas miesięcznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej.
W sobotę grupa osób z ruchu Obywatele RP chciała zablokować trasę marszu pamięci ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej siadając w poprzek Krakowskiego Przedmieścia w okolicy kościoła św. Anny. Interweniowała policja, która pojedynczo podnosiła blokujących i przenosiła poza kordon funkcjonariuszy, m.in. Władysława Frasyniuka.
Pytany o to w poniedziałek w TVP info, szef MSWiA powiedział, że uczestniczył w marszu pamięci ofiar katastrofy smoleńskiej. «Widziałem te twarze pełne nienawiści, widziałem tych ludzi, którzy gotowi byli, gdyby nie policja, gotowi by byli na nas się rzucić. A my szliśmy w procesji, odmawiając różaniec. Widziałem tą nienawiść na własne oczy» — mówił.
Odnosząc się do działań policji dodał, że nie ma specjalnych instrukcji, a «policjanci mają zachowywać się adekwatnie do zagrożeń, czyli używać takich sił i środków, jakie są potrzebne, żeby konflikt został rozwiązany, zagrożenie ustąpiło». «I policjanci to robią» — mówił.
«Po pierwsze zgromadzenie tych, którzy chcieli uczcić ofiary katastrofy smoleńskiej, było legalne, ci, którzy chcieli je zablokować, działali nielegalnie. Oni sami mówili wcześniej, że nieważne, że jest nielegalne; oni i tak będą blokować. Tu jest istota. Im nie chodzi o to, by mogli manifestować swoje poglądy, bo mogą to robić. Im chodzi o to, żeby zabrać możliwość obchodzenia uroczystości ludziom, dla których jest to ważne. Dla mnie jest to ważne. Pamięć o tych, którzy polegli 10 kwietnia 2010 r. jest ważna» — powiedział Błaszczak.
Podkreślił, że jako minister spraw wewnętrznych zadba «o to, aby Polska była krajem wolnym, żeby każdy mógł prezentować swoje poglądy». «Ale będę eliminował zachowania, które prowadzą do konfrontacji, prowadzą do bójek» — dodał.
«Dla kogoś innego, dla Frasyniuka, może to być nieważne i niech on sobie mówi, co chce; natomiast niech on nie zabiera nam możliwości uczczenia pamięci, bo my taką możliwość powinniśmy mieć» — zaznaczył minister.
Powiedział też, że «Frasyniuk groził Jarosławowi Kaczyńskiemu. Wyraźnie słyszałem. Zresztą miał wpięte w klapę, pisane chyba cyrylicą, po rosyjsku, wulgarne słowa dotyczące PiS. To świadczy o poziomie tego człowieka» — dodał szef MSWiA.
Frasyniuk tuż po zakończeniu manifestacji powiedział m.in.: «Jarek, widziałeś te filmy? Widziałeś? Byłeś kiedyś w takiej sytuacji? Ja już jestem kolejny raz. Zastanów się, co robisz. Dewastujesz polskie państwo. Dewastujesz państwo prawa. Dewastujesz nasz szacunek dla Lecha Kaczyńskiego. Lech Kaczyński, gdyby żył, byłby po tej stronie».

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1050296,blaszczak-o-kontrmanifestacji-bede-eliminowal-zachowania-prowadzace-do-bojek.html
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Attorneys General Of Maryland And D. C. Sue Trump Over His Businesses: The Two-Way: NPR


Another lawsuit has been filed to force President Trump to sell off his businesses. But this one is different: It was filed on behalf of attorneys general in Maryland and the District of Columbia.
Can states force President Trump to sell off his businesses? That question is being raised by a new legal challenge to Trump’s continued ownership of far-flung businesses. On Monday, the attorneys general for Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit in a Maryland federal court, saying that Trump’s failure to sell off his interests in hotels, golf courses, office buildings and other properties is undermining public trust and violating the U. S. Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. «President Trump’s continued ownership interest in a global business empire, which renders him deeply enmeshed with a legion of foreign and domestic government actors, violates the Constitution and calls into question the rule of law and the integrity of the country’s political system, «. A in a New York federal court in January by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, a public-interest group. On Friday, the Trump administration’s, saying the case should be dismissed because the plaintiffs lack the legal standing to sue. The court will have to decide that in coming months. On Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked about the new state-backed lawsuit. He replied that Trump’s business interests «do not violate the Emoluments Clause, » for reasons spelled out by the Justice Department’s filing on Friday. This new suit was brought by attorneys general who are both Democrats, Spicer noted. «It’s not hard to conclude that partisan politics may be one of the motivations» for filing suit, Spicer said. «We’ll continue to move to dismiss this case in the normal course of business, » he added. But the latest suit may make a stronger case than CREW’s because the plaintiffs are D. C. Attorney General Karl Racine and Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh. Racine and Frosh said in a news conference that the Trump hotel, just blocks from the White House, creates unfair competition for other businesses in the District and Maryland. For example, the Trump property competes against Washington’s convention center; a government-owned conference center in Bethesda, Md.; and the National Harbor resort in Prince George’s County, Md. Lobbyists, foreign diplomats and others who might wish to curry favor with Trump have been frequenting the Trump hotel, which is unfair, the argument goes. «It’s unprecedented that the American people must question day after day whether decisions are made or actions are taken to benefit the United States or to benefit President Trump, » Frosh said. Laurence Tribe, professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School, told NPR the two attorneys general are «saying that they’re being adversely affected by the president’s violation of the Emoluments Clause, and they make a very strong argument that financially, they’re being affected.» The attorneys general accused the president of violating the Constitution’s clause that blocks federal officials from accepting gifts, or emoluments, from foreign governments. The Constitution also bars a president from accepting economic benefits from federal or state governments, other than a basic salary. Since Trump continues to own and profit from the Trump Organization, the lawsuit claims citizens cannot know whether their president is making decisions in the best interests of the nation or rather out of «self-interested motivations grounded in the international and domestic business dealings in which President Trump’s personal fortune is at stake.» Trump has stepped back from daily management of his businesses, which have been placed into a trust run by his sons and another close associate. But he remains the sole beneficiary of the trust. His son the president will continue to get updates on profits.

© Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/12/532635888/attorneys-general-of-maryland-and-d-c-sue-trump-over-his-hotel?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news
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‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Cast Sent Home Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations


Production of the ABC reality show was suspended last week pending an inquiry into accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior on the set in Mexico.
Cast members and producers of the ABC reality show “Bachelor in Paradise” were sent home last week after accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior on the set.
Warner Bros., the studio that makes the show, said in a statement on Monday that it became “aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ in Mexico.” It added: “We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.”
Though Warner Bros. and ABC have not divulged more information, the accusation centered on sexual misconduct, according to a person familiar with the investigation who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was continuing.
“The Bachelor in Paradise” is a spinoff featuring former love-seeking contestants on “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” who are brought together in a tropical setting, where plenty of alcohol is provided and intimate physical contact is encouraged. The show’s fourth season was scheduled to air in ABC in August but that seems unlikely now. Whether the show will return at all is unknown.
It is rare to suspend production of a reality show and send cast members home, especially one that is part of ABC’s prominent “Bachelor” franchise, which has enjoyed a recent hot streak . “The Bachelor” was the only show on the broadcast networks that saw its ratings grow in the most recent TV season.
But this latest episode underscores how reality shows, which need high drama and characters with outsize personalities, can also wade into gravely serious territory. While reality show producers often want to push the limits in regards to their participants’ behavior, they also live in fear of something going disastrously wrong. On an episode of “Survivor” that aired on CBS last year, multiple contestants collapsed in the Cambodian heat, with one having to be taken to the hospital.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/12/arts/television/the-bachelor-in-paradise-cast-sent-home-over-sexual-misconduct-allegations.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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The Xbox One X Reveal in two minutes


In case you missed the reveal of the Xbox One X, we have a recap for you that should inform you on all that you need to know about the console. We’ll be..
In case you missed the reveal of the Xbox One X, we have a recap for you that should inform you on all that you need to know about the console.
We’ ll be hitting you with initial impressions later in the day, once we’ ve gotten the chance to go hands-on with the hardware and some of the games.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/12/the-xbox-one-x-reveal-in-two-minutes/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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Watch Ubisoft's E3 conference here


Tune in live to the Ubisoft E3 2017 conference where the publisher is expected to show off upcoming titles like Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Far Cry 5, a new South Park game, and more.
It’s that time of the year of the year again and game publishers are taking the wraps off their latest and greatest projects at E3 this week. One of the biggest names in the industry, Ubisoft, will be taking to the stage soon to unveil its newest games.
Breaking from a tradition for the past five years, the charismatic Aisha Taylor will not be returning to host this year. While we don’t know who her replacement might be, we do know a few things about the games Ubisoft is expected to show off.
At the top of the list is Assassin’s Creed Origins, which the company revealed to the world at Microsoft’s E3 event yesterday, and today its likely to show more gameplay and provide details about what is turning out to be a massive reimagining of the series. We also expect the previously announced Far Cry 5 to make an appearance.
Alongside these, we should also get a final release date for South Park: The Fractured But Whole and possibly a new Splinter Cell game.
If you’re not already on the floor at E3, you can join in online at the company’s livestream on YouTube, starting at 4PM EST and 1PM Pacific Time.

© Source: https://www.neowin.net/news/watch-ubisofts-e3-conference-here?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+neowin-main+%28Neowin+News%29
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