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Підпалом " Олімпії" зловмисники відволікли увагу охоронців.
Перед тим, як підпалити готельно-ресторанний комплекс Patio di Fiori, невідомі зловмисники підпалили спорткомплекс «Олімпія», розташований поряд.
Як розповіли працівники комплексу, під стіною «Олімпії» невідомі поклали кілька шин і підпалили їх, передає Волинь24. Від вогню стала руйнуватися стіна спорткомплексу — «обшивка» тенісного корту.
Коли охоронці кинулися гасити вогонь, до ресторану під’ їхав автомобіль – і людина з нього кинула якийсь предмет (очевидно, коктейль Молотова) у вікно ресторану.
Як повідомляв УНІАН, у ніч на понеділок, 24 липня, невідомі підпалили готельно-ресторанний комплекс Patio di fiori, що у Луцьку на вулиці Кравчука. Спочатку загорівся перший поверх, де розташоване приміщення ресторану. Згодом пожежа дісталася даху приміщення.
За попередніми даними, поліцейські підозрюють підпал. Слідчі встановлять обставини події.

© Source: https://www.unian.ua/incidents/2044609-zmi-rozpovili-podrobitsi-nichnoji-pojeji-u-lutsku-foto-video.html
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Arrested driver of truck that held nine bodies due in court in Texas


The driver of a truck in which at least nine men were found dead alongside dozens suffering in sweltering conditions in San Antonio, Texas was expected to appear in court on Monday, over what authorities called a case of ruthless human trafficking.
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) — The driver of a truck in which at least nine men were found dead alongside dozens suffering in sweltering conditions in San Antonio, Texas was expected to appear in court on Monday, over what authorities called a case of ruthless human trafficking.
Thirty people, many in critical condition and suffering from heat stoke and exhaustion, were taken out of the vehicle parked outside a Walmart store that lacked air-conditioning or water supply, San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood said.
Outside temperatures topped 100 degrees F (37.8 C) .
Another person found in a wooded area nearby was being treated, the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas said. All the dead were adult males.
«All were victims of ruthless human smugglers indifferent to the well-being of their fragile cargo, » said San Antonio-based U. S. Attorney Richard Durbin Jr.
«These people were helpless in the hands of their transporters. Imagine their suffering, trapped in a stifling trailer.»
The truck’s driver, named by the U. S. Attorney’s Office as James Mathew Bradley Jr., 60, of Clearwater, Florida, was arrested, with a criminal complaint set to be filed in federal court in San Antonio on Monday.
Bradley is expected to have an initial court appearance soon after, the U. S. attorney said.
Several agencies have launched investigations into the case.
The dead men, who have not yet been identified, were discovered after officials were led to the trailer by a man who asked a Walmart employee for water.
San Antonio is about 150 miles (240 km) north of the Mexico border.
Mexico’s government said it deplored the deaths and that it had asked the authorities for an exhaustive investigation.
In a statement, it said its consul general in San Antonio was working to identify the victims’ nationalities and, if necessary, repatriate their remains to Mexico.
Raids on suspected illegal immigrants have increased across the United States in recent months, after President Donald Trump vowed to crack down on entrants without authorization or overstaying their visas.
In Texas alone, federal immigration agents arrested 123 illegal immigrants with criminal records in an eight-day operation ending last week.
The San Antonio deaths come more than a decade after what is considered the worst immigrant smuggling case in U. S. history, when 70 people were found stuffed into an 18-wheeler. Nineteen died in the incident in Victoria, Texas, about 100 miles (160 km) southeast of San Antonio, in May 2003.
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said other suspects fled the scene as police arrived. Video showed «there were a number of vehicles that came and picked up other people who were in that trailer, » he said.
Twenty people were airlifted to hospitals in conditions ranging from critical to very critical, Hood said. Eight more are listed in less serious condition.
McManus said those in the truck, whose origins were unclear, ranged from school-age juveniles to adults in their 30s. He said the Department of Homeland Security had joined the investigation.
Experts have been warning that tougher immigration policies could make it harder to stop human trafficking. Measures tightening international borders encourage would-be migrants to turn to smugglers, while fear of deportation deters whistle-blowing, they said.
U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials defended the use of tough methods to fight human smuggling.
«So long as I lead ICE, there will be an unwavering commitment to use law enforcement assets to put an end to these practices, » the agency’s acting director, Thomas Homan, said in a statement.
The Border Patrol has regularly reported finding suspected immigrants in trucks along the U. S. border with Mexico.
This month, 72 Latin Americans were found in a trailer in Laredo. In June, 44 people were found in the back of a vehicle in the same Texas city, which lies directly across the Rio Grande from Mexico.
San Antonio has a policy of not inquiring about the immigration status of people who come into contact with city officials or police.
It was among several cities in Texas that filed a federal lawsuit last month to block a state law set to take effect in September that would force them to cooperate closely with immigration agents.
«San Antonio will not turn its back on any man, woman, or child in need, » Mayor Ron Nirenberg said in a statement responding to the truck deaths.

© Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-texas-bodies-idUSKBN1A90RU?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29
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Afghanistan: Mehr als 20 Tote bei Anschlag in Kabul


In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul sprengt sich ein Attentäter in einem Auto in die Luft. Es gibt viele Tote und Verletzte.
Bei einer schweren Explosion in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul sind am Montag mindestens 24 Menschen getötet worden. Das sagte ein Sprecher des Gesundheitsministeriums, Wahidullah Madschroh, am Morgen. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums wurden außerdem 42 Verletzte in Krankenhäuser gebracht. Der Sprecher des Innenministeriums, Nadschib Danisch, sagte, es habe sich um eine Autobombe gehandelt, die auch den Fahrer des Wagens getötet habe. Drei weitere Fahrzeuge und 15 Geschäfte wurden zerstört. Zu dem Anschlag bekannten sich die radikalislamische Taliban.
Nach ersten Erkenntnissen detonierte die Bombe im Viertel Gulai-e Dawachana, nahe dem Haus des stellvertretenden Regierungsgeschäftsführers, Hadschi Mohammed Mohakek. Einem Reporter der BBC sagte ein Sprecher von Mohakek, der Politiker sei unversehrt. In der Nähe soll sich auch eine der vielen privaten Universitäten der Stadt befinden. Ob Studenten betroffen waren, blieb zunächst unklar.
Erste Fotos zeigten eine in Rauchwolken gehüllte Straße, verkohlte Bäume, mehrere kleine Feuer und schwer beschädigte Häuser und Läden.
Es ist bereits der zehnte schwere Anschlag in der Stadt seit Jahresbeginn. Er ereignete sich genau ein Jahr nach einem Bombenanschlag der Terrormiliz «Islamischer Staat» (IS) , bei dem in Kabul mehr als 80 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Kabul verzeichnet landesweit die meisten zivilen Opfer von Anschlägen. (dpa)

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/afghanistan-mehr-als-20-tote-bei-anschlag-in-kabul/20097570.html
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It's Vital to Patch Vulnerabilities Immediately


Security leaders struggle to implement vendor-supplied patches, but virtual patching can help prevent both lost revenue and lost user productivity.
A new report claims that by the time a vulnerability is disclosed, 80 percent of exploits already exist, but only 70 percent of vendor-provided patches are available. The analysis, conducted by the Aberdeen Group, is based on data provided by Verizon and was commissioned by McAfee. Titled » Cyber-Security: For Defenders, It’s About Time, » the report states that the business impact from data breaches is the greatest at the beginning, when records are first compromised. «That’s logical, since attackers want to get in and out with the goods (or data) in as little time as possible, » the report states. «Most responders are closing the barn door well after the horse is gone, when most of the damage has already been done.» The business impact from sustained disruption, however continues to grow from the time of compromise to the time of remediation. The time to detection, therefore remains the top challenge for defenders responding to cyber-attacks, putting enterprises at risk. The report sample includes 1,300 data breaches investigated between 2014 and 2016. Half of detections took up to 38 days, with a mean average of 210 days, though this was skewed by some incidents taking as long as four years.

© Source: http://www.cioinsight.com/security/slideshows/the-critical-need-to-patch-vulnerabilities-asap.html
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Mann stirbt bei Sprung aus Berliner Hochhaus


Beim Sprung aus einem brennenden Hochhaus ist ein Mann in Berlin ums Leben gekommen. Das Feuer war im 8. Stock ausgebrochen.
Beim Sprung aus einem brennenden Hochhaus ist am Sonntagabend ein Mann in Berlin ums Leben gekommen.
Mehr zum Thema
Das Feuer war in einer Wohnung im 8. Stock eines 11-geschossigen Hauses ausgebrochen. Vom Balkon drangen dichte Rauchschwaden, die weithin über der Stadt zu sehen waren.
Noch vor dem Eintreffen der Feuerwehr sprang der Bewohner vom Balkon seiner Wohnung. Er verstarb an Ort und Stelle. Ein Ersthelfer kam nach Angaben der «B. Z.» mit Schock ins Krankenhaus.
Die Brandursache war zunächst unklar. Die Feuerwehr war mit 40 Einsatzkräften vor Ort, so ein Sprecher. 50 Mieter hätten das Haus verlassen müssen.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_81728308/mann-stirbt-bei-sprung-aus-berliner-hochhaus-.html
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Trump son-in-law Kushner heads to Congress in Russia probe


Congressional investigators probing Russia’s meddling in the U. S. election will have their first opportunity this week to hear from someone in President Donald Trump’s innermost…
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional investigators probing Russia’s meddling in the U. S. election will have their first opportunity this week to hear from someone in President Donald Trump’s innermost circle: son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Kushner, who is a senior adviser to the president and is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, will talk to staff on the Senate Intelligence Committee Monday behind closed doors. On Tuesday, he’ll talk privately to members of the House Intelligence Committee.
Both panels are investigating Russian interference and possible connections to Trump’s campaign. Kushner has attracted attention for a December meeting with a leading Russian diplomat. He oversaw digital strategy for the campaign, and some lawmakers have said they want more answers about whether Russian social media «trolls» were connected to Trump’s election efforts.
Kushner also attended a June 2016 meeting with Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and a Russian lawyer who Trump Jr. was told had damaging information about election rival Hillary Clinton. Congressional investigators have said they are interested in learning more about the meeting and want to talk to those who attended.
Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for Kushner, said ahead of the meetings that Kushner «has been and is prepared to voluntarily cooperate and provide whatever information he has on the investigations» to Congress.
«He will continue to cooperate and appreciates the opportunity to assist in putting this matter to rest, » Lowell said.
California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence panel, said on CBS’s «Face the Nation» Sunday that lawyers for Kushner had said they would make him available for two hours so «we expect this is just going to be the first interview» of the president’s son in law. He said the panel will have many questions for him.
Schiff says he wants to know more about the June 2016 meeting and a separate meeting Kushner had with the top executive of Russia’s state-supported VEB bank.
«We want to know whether those meetings took place, whether other meetings took place, we have a lot of ground to cover, » Schiff said.
Trump Jr. and Manafort were also scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week but avoided the public spectacle late Friday as their attorneys were in negotiations with that panel. The two men are now in discussions to be privately interviewed by staff or lawmakers, though the GOP chairman of the committee, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, has said they will eventually testify in public.
The president took to Twitter over the weekend to defend himself and repeat his criticism of the investigations. On Sunday, Trump tweeted: «As the phony Russian Witch Hunt continues, two groups are laughing at this excuse for a lost election taking hold, Democrats and Russians!»
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35952138/trump-son-in-law-kushner-heads-to-congress-in-russia-probe
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Congested Japan urges people to work from home


Japan has launched a national exercise to encourage tens of thousands of commuters to work from home.
Japan has launched a national exercise to encourage tens of thousands of commuters to work from home.
The country is trying to ease rail and road congestion before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and reform the country’s workaholic culture.
About a quarter of the population of 127 million live in Tokyo and surrounding prefectures.
The congested megalopolis thus faces a serious need to ease rush-hour crowds to accommodate tourists for the Olympics.
The public-private «Telework Day» involved about 60,000 workers at more than 900 companies, organisations and government offices, according to the internal affairs ministry.
They worked from home, skipping their usual habit of commuting in notoriously packed trains or driving personal cars to the office.
The ministry had no figures to break down participation by region but most of those involved are believed to be in Tokyo.
The idea followed a teleworking effort at the time of the 2012 London Olympics.
Japan will repeat the exercise on the same date over the next two years in the run-up to the opening of the Summer Games on 24 July, 2020.
The plan is also part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s efforts to rethink Japan’s workaholic tradition, where mostly male workers are routinely expected to spend long hours in the office and have little time with their families.
The government earlier this year unveiled its first-ever initiative to limit overtime in a bid to tackle «karoshi», or death from overwork.
It hopes that once the Olympics are over, more people will telecommute as a lasting legacy.
«Teleworking can be one solution» to heavy traffic congestion in the Tokyo metropolitan area, said a government official in charge of the campaign.
«Some people may say they felt some effect (on reducing congestion) this morning, while others say they felt no difference.
«This is a small start but we’d like it to trigger companies as well as workers to start thinking about a different work style, » he told AFP.

© Source: https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2017/0724/892543-tokyo-commuters-olympics/
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Kakao is putting speech recognition tech into cars from Hyundai and Kia


Less than a month after announcing plans to spin out its transportation and mobility business, Korean tech firm Kakao has inked deals to put hands-free..
Less than a month after announcing plans to spin out its transportation and mobility business, Korean tech firm Kakao has inked deals to put hands-free systems inside cars from Korea’s second largest automotive firm Hyundai and its Kia affiliate.
Kakao is best known for operating Korea’s top messaging app, Kakao Talk, which is installed on over 95 percent of the country’s smartphones. But it has branched out into other verticals beyond chat, AI being one of them.
‘Kakao I’ — the firm’s AI tech — will be integrated in select cars from Hyundai and Kia starting from September with the initial goal of offering in-car speech recognition technology. Both auto firms have helped develop the service, which includes ‘One Shot,’ a hands-free feature that lets drivers search for information, such as restaurants, service stations and more using their voice.
Beyond that, Kakao I features support for speech and image recognition, text-to-speech, natural language processing, image recognition and chatbots, the company said. Kakao plans to open the platform up to third-parties, potentially bringing more services and features to drivers inside the comfort of their car.
Kakao said it had begun developing self-driving car technology back in September, but these partnerships are not related to that push.
Hyundai has been one of the early-movers on self-driving cars, in fact it was first to get a license in Korea, beating even Samsung. The firm debuted its prototypes in December, going on to launch its semi-driving features earlier than originally scheduled.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/07/24/kakao-hyundai-kia-speech-recognition-tech/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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Wisconsin company to install rice-sized microchips in employees


A Wisconsin tech company is offering its employees microchip implants that can be used to scan into the building and purchase food at work.
Welcome to the future?
A Wisconsin technology company is offering its employees microchip implants that can be used to scan into the building and purchase food at work. Whether or not to get a chip is up to the employee to decide.
Three Square Market, a company that provides technology for break-room or micro markets, has over 50 employees who plan to have the devices implanted, KSTP-TV reported. The tiny chip, which uses RFID technology or Radio-Frequency Identification, can be implanted between the thumb and forefinger «within seconds, » according to a statement from the company.
«It’s the next thing that’s inevitably going to happen, and we want to be a part of it, » Three Square Market Chief Executive Officer Todd Westby told the station.
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The company, which is based in River Falls, Wisc., envisions the rice-sized micro chip allowing employees to easily pay for items, access the building and their computers all with a scan of their hand.
«We foresee the use of RFID technology to drive everything from making purchases in our office break room market, opening doors, use of copy machines, logging into our office computers, unlocking phones, sharing business cards, storing medical/health information, and used as payment at other RFID terminals, » Westby said in a company statement. «Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.»
And while microchipping employees may sound like something out of a horror film, the company is partnering with Swedish company BioHax International, which already has many «chipped» employees.
Employees are not required to get the microchips, and Westby told the station there is no GPS tracking.

© Source: http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/409157550/0/usatoday-techtopstories~Wisconsin-company-to-install-ricesized-microchips-in-employees/
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GOP health bill still a mystery before planned vote


The Senate will move forward with a key vote this week on a Republican health bill but it’s not yet known whether the legislation will seek to replace President Barack Obama’s health care law or simply repeal it.
By HOPE YEN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Senate will move forward with a key vote this week on a Republican health bill but it’s not yet known whether the legislation will seek to replace President Barack Obama’s health care law or simply repeal it.
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the third-ranking Republican, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will make a decision soon on which bill to bring up for a vote, depending on ongoing discussions with GOP senators. Thune sought to cast this week’s initial vote as important but mostly procedural, allowing senators to begin debate and propose amendments. But he acknowledged that senators should be able to know beforehand what bill they will be considering.
«That’s a judgment that Senator McConnell will make at some point this week before the vote, » Thune said, expressing his own hope it will be a repeal-and-replace measure. «But no matter which camp you’re in, you can’t have a debate about either unless we get on the bill. So we need a ‘yes’ vote.»
He said the procedural vote will be held «sometime this week.»
President Donald Trump has said he wants Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare, but would accept a straight-repeal of the law if senators couldn’t reach agreement. In a sign of the high stakes involved, Trump exhorted senators anew Sunday night to pass health legislation. «If Republicans don’t Repeal and Replace the disastrous ObamaCare, the repercussions will be far greater than any of them understand!» Trump tweeted.
The Republican-controlled House in May narrowly passed its version of a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or «Obamacare.»
Senate Republicans are now considering two versions of similar legislation, one that would repeal and replace, and another that would simply repeal «Obamacare» with a two-year delay for implementation to give the Senate more time to agree on a replacement.
Both versions encountered opposition from enough GOP senators to doom the effort, but McConnell, R-Ky., is making a last-gasp attempt this week after Trump insisted that senators not leave town for the August recess without sending him some kind of health overhaul bill to sign.
In the Senate, Republicans hold a 52-48 majority. They can only afford to have one of their senators defect and still prevail on a health bill. That’s because Republican Sen. John McCain is in Arizona dealing with brain cancer, while Democrats are standing united in opposition. Vice President Mike Pence would cast a tie-breaking vote.
Thune said no matter the outcome of the upcoming vote, senators would continue working to pass health legislation no matter how long it took, having promised voters they would do so.
«We are going to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare, » he said, arguing that it was better if done sooner rather than later. «It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.»
Still, at least two Republican senators Sunday appeared to reaffirm their intention to vote against the procedural motion if it involved the latest version of the GOP’s repeal-and-replace bill.
Moderate Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said she continued to have concerns about reductions to Medicaid and criticized the Republican process, saying lawmakers were being unfairly kept in the dark. Under McConnell’s plan, 22 million more people would become uninsured by 2026, many of them Medicaid recipients. She wants to hold public hearings and work with Democrats.
«We don’t know whether we’re going to be voting on the House bill, the first version of the Senate bill, the second version of the Senate bill, a new version of the Senate bill, or a 2015 bill that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act, » Collins said. «I don’t think that’s a good approach to replacing legislation that affects millions of people.»
Conservative Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said he would only support a repeal-only bill. That version would reduce government costs but lead to 32 million additional uninsured people over a decade. At least three senators including Collins have previously expressed opposition to that plan.
«The real question is what are we moving to? What are we opening debate to? Last week, Senate leadership said it would be a clean repeal … and I think that’s a good idea, » Paul said. «The other alternative is the Senate leadership bill that doesn’t repeal Obamacare, is Obamacare light and is loaded with pork. … I’m not for that.»
Thune appeared on «Fox News Sunday, » Collins was on CBS’ «Face the Nation, » and Paul spoke on CNN’s «State of the Union.»
Follow Hope Yen on Twitter at https: //twitter.com/hopeyen1

© Source: http://www.wral.com/gop-health-bill-still-a-mystery-before-planned-vote/16837144/
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