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Dershowitz: l'll leave the Democratic Party if Ellison becomes chairman


Alan Dershowitz explains why he has decided to leave the Democratic Party if Keith Ellison, whose track record of antisemitic comments has been widely discussed in the past, is elected as chairman.
Today the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will have to choose the direction of the Democratic Party, as well as its likely composition. It will be among the most important choices the DNC has ever had to make. There has been powerful push from the hard-left of the Democratic Party, led by senator Bernie Sanders, to elect Keith Ellison chairman.
If he is elected, I will quit the party after 60 years of loyal association and voting. I will become an independent, continuing to vote for the best candidates, most of whom, I assume, will still be Democrats. But I will not contribute to the DNC or support it as an institution.

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: 0.6

© Source: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Dershowitz-lll-leave-the-Democratic-Party-if-Ellison-becomes-chairman-482571
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Syrien-Verhandlungen in Genf: Anschläge überschatten Gespräche


Die Friedensgespräche für Syrien in Genf finden ohnehin in angespannter Atmosphäre statt. Nun überschatten schwere Anschläge in Homs die Verhandlungen. Der Chef der Regierungsdelegation, al Dschafari, rückte die Opposition in die Nähe von Terroristen.
Die Friedensgespräche für Syrien in Genf finden ohnehin in angespannter Atmosphäre statt. Nun überschatten schwere Anschläge in Homs die Verhandlungen. Der Chef der Regierungsdelegation, al Dschafari, rückte die Opposition in die Nähe von Terroristen.
Schwere Anschläge in der zentralsyrischen Stadt Homs überschatten die Friedensgespräche zwischen Regierung und Opposition in Genf. Der Leiter der Regierungsdelegation, Bashar al Dshafari, rückte Mitglieder der Oppositionsdelegation in die Nähe von Terroristen. Die ohnehin angespannte Stimmung in Genf erreichte damit einen neuen Tiefpunkt.
Bei Anschlägen in der syrischen Stadt Homs wurden nach Angaben der staatlichen Agentur Sana mindestens 32 Menschen getötet. Die Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte berichtete von mindestens 42 Opfern. Die Beobachtungsstelle bezieht ihre Informationen von Aktivisten in Syrien, von unabhängiger Seite sind ihre Angaben kaum zu überprüfen.
Zu dem Anschlag bekannte sich die Dschihadistenmiliz Fateh al-Scham. Fünf Attentäter hätten die Gebäude der syrischen Staatssicherheit und des Militärdienstes in Homs attackiert, erklärte die ehemalige Al-Nusra-Front. Nach Berichten des Fernsehsenders Al-Ichbarija TV kam es zunächst zu Kämpfen mit Sicherheitsbeamten. Anschließend hätten mindestens zwei der Angreifer Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet. Der Gouverneur der Provinz Homs, Talal Barsani, sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AP, dass es insgesamt drei Explosionen gegeben habe.
Homs ist die drittgrößte Stadt Syriens und Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen zentralen Provinz. Sie wurde lange von Rebellen kontrolliert, steht mittlerweile aber wieder unter der Kontrolle der Regierungstruppen. Homs wurde in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder von Anschlägen erschüttert, zu denen sich meist die Dschihadistenmiliz «Islamischer Staat» (IS) bekannte. Vor einem Jahr waren bei einem Doppelanschlag in Homs 64 Menschen getötet worden, die meisten davon Zivilisten.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/syrien-963.html
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Deutschlands Skispringer fliegen wie programmiert


Andreas Wellinger und Markus Eisenbichler gewinnen bei der Nordischen Ski-WM in Lahti überraschend Silber und Bronze. Ihre Geschichten sind unterschiedlich — und ziemlich beeindruckend.
Markus Eisenbichler flog und flog, er überquerte im zweiten Durchgang die 90-Meter-Linie und wollte noch lange nicht aufsetzen. Er hatte noch viel Luft unter sich und schaute immer weiter nach vorne, die 95 waren schon vorüber, immer noch dachte er nicht ans Landen, weil ihn die Ski immer weiter trugen, bis es endlich so weit war, bei 100,5 Metern.
Das ist eine Kleinschanzenweite jenseits der unteren roten Linie, eine Weite, die Getöse im Publikum auslöst und den Rest der Konkurrenz mindestens verunsichert. Eisenbichlers Flug wirbelte den Wettkampf noch einmal durch. Sie brachte ihm Bronze, und weil sein deutscher Teamkollege Andreas Wellinger danach stabil blieb und Zweiter wurde hinter dem überragenden Sieger Stefan Kraft aus Österreich, deshalb fliegt der gesamte Deutsche Ski-Verband gerade immer weiter.
Es ist immer vom wichtigen Schwung der ersten WM-Tage die Rede, für den DSV ist es gerade eher eine Zündung. Die Medaillen sammeln sich an, nach dem deutschen Kombinations-Podest am Freitag, dem Sprung-Gold von Carina Vogt am Freitagabend und den beiden Plaketten von Wellinger und Eisenbichler werden für Sonntag die nächsten Favoritenrollen erst gar nicht kleingeredet. In der Kombinationsstaffel (ab 11 Uhr MEZ) gab es wohl noch nie seit 60 Jahren eine derart hoch favorisierte Staffel-Mannschaft wie gerade die deutsche. Und im Mixed-Wettkampf der Springer (ab 16.30 Uhr) sind Wellinger, Eisenbichler, Vogt und Svenja Würth nach diesem WM-Auftakt auch favorisiert. «Natürlich wollen wir unseren Titel jetzt verteidigen», sagt Männer-Skisprung-Trainer Werner Schuster.
So ein Medaillenhaufen wird, je größer er anwächst, immer anonymer, und die Geschichten dazu sind unterschiedlich bewegend. Die bewegendste am Samstag war wohl die des Drittplatzierten, des Bronzegewinners Markus Eisenbichler, der eine lange Zeit mit viel Arbeit hinter sich hat, zuletzt erst wieder ein wenig nachzulassen schien, der aber nun im Zielauslauf stand und mit ruhiger, feierlicher Stimme erklärte: «Das bedeutet mir sehr viel, das ist eine extreme Befriedigung, eine Medaille zu holen, und dann auch noch auf einer Kleinschanze. »
Der 25-Jährige aus Siegsdorf ist eher ein Flieger-Typ für die großen Bakken, und auch wenn er sich im Training von Lahti sogar einmal mit Bestweite hervorgetan hatte, so blieb der Ausgang seines entscheidenden Auftritts noch ungewiss. Eisenbichler selber sagt ja, er habe immer noch etwas an seinen Sprüngen auszusetzen, und auch in diesem entscheidenden zweiten Satz, rutschte ihm kurz nach der Landung das rechte Bein weit weg. Doch die Haltungsabzüge blieben im Rahmen, die Weite brachte ihn nach vorne.
Auch Wellinger, der aus dem Siegsdorfer Nachbarort Ruhpolding kommt, hatte in einem langen Tal voller kleiner Detailarbeit gesteckt. Er hatte nach einem heftigen Sturz einen Winter lang an seiner Form arbeiten müssen, aber er ist seit zwei Monaten heraus aus dem Formtief. Seine Silbermedaille am Samstagabend in Falun war also schon eher erwartbar. Wellinger war in acht der zehn zurückliegenden Weltcups auf dem Podest gelandet, hatte einen ersten und fünf zweite Plätze geholt. Er trifft den Punkt und springt, so sieht es aus, wie programmiert.
Auch er stand ja noch oben, als Markus Eisenbichler seinen 100,5-Meter-Satz vollführt hatte. «Erst hab ich mich gefreut, dann hab ich mir gedacht, Mann, jetzt musst du dich aber lang machen! » 100 Meter wurden es, mit dem Vorsprung aus dem ersten Durchgang reichte das. Nur Stefan Kraft saß noch oben auf dem Balken, aber der Mann aus Bischofshofen zeigte dann keine Nerven, er ist der beste Springer der vergangenen Wochen, er konterte Eisenbichlers und Wellingers Sprünge cool mit der passenden Distanz. Auch er flog und flog und setzte sich mitten hinein in die Springer-Fete der Deutschen. Deren Schwung für die nächsten Tage stoppt das wohl nicht, Trainer Schuster sagte: «Es war ein super Wettkampf mit einem verdienten Weltmeister. «

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/sport/nordische-ski-wm-deutschlands-skispringer-fliegen-wie-programmiert-1.3395500?source=rss
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Międlar otrzymał odmowę wjazdu do W. Brytanii, wraca do kraju


Były ksiądz katolicki i aktywista narodowy Jacek Międlar poinformował w sobotę wieczorem na portalu Facebook, że wraca do Polski, ponieważ odmówiono mu wjazdu do Wielkiej Brytanii.
Były ksiądz katolicki i aktywista narodowy Jacek Międlar poinformował w sobotę wieczorem na portalu Facebook, że wraca do Polski, ponieważ odmówiono mu wjazdu do Wielkiej Brytanii.
Wcześniej tego dnia ambasada RP w Londynie informowała na Twitterze, że jest w kontakcie z brytyjską służbą graniczną w sprawie wyjaśnienia decyzji o odmówieniu Międlarowi zgody na wjazd. «Wydział Konsularny jest w kontakcie ze Służbą Graniczną ws. wyjaśnienia podstaw prawnych odmowy wjazdu do UK J. Międlarowi» — napisano.
Rzecznik brytyjskiego MSW zaznaczył w oświadczeniu przesłanym PAP, że «wszyscy pasażerowie próbujący wjechać do Wielkiej Brytanii podlegają kontroli służb granicznych i sprawdzeniu, czy nie figurują na listach osób obserwowanych przez policję, siły porządkowe i służby imigracyjne». «Za każdym razem kiedy uznajemy, że ktoś stanowi zagrożenie, funkcjonariusze mogą — i robią to — odmówić wjazdu» — zaznaczono.
W odpowiedzi na pytanie PAP o szczegóły zatrzymania i o to, czy Międlarowi odmówiono wjazdu do Wielkiej Brytanii, służby prasowe MSW podkreśliły jednak, że ministerstwo «nie komentuje pojedynczych spraw».
Międlar, który został rano zatrzymany na londyńskim lotnisku Stansted, miał w sobotę po południu wziąć udział w wiecu radykalnie narodowego, antymuzułmańskiego ugrupowania Britain First, który był zapowiadany jako protest przeciwko rzekomemu ciągłemu problemowi molestowania dzieci przez członków lokalnej mniejszości muzułmańskiej i ukrywania tego faktu przez lokalne władze. Zarzuty zostały te określone przez policję i władze miasta jako nieprawdziwe.
Britain First zasłynęło w przeszłości m.in. wprowadzaniem «chrześcijańskich patroli» w miejscowościach zamieszkanych przez mniejszość muzułmańską. W programie wyborczym podkreślono, że członkowie partii są «przeciwko doktrynie i religii Islamu (…), która promuje nienawiść, przemoc i nietolerancję» i chcą «ochronić ten kraj politycznie poprawnym multikulturowym szaleństwem Unii Europejskiej».
Międlar był także zapowiadany jako specjalny gość niedzielnego biegu pamięci Żołnierzy Wyklętych Tropem Wilczym w Slough na zachodzie Londynu. Oprócz niego w dyskusji po biegu mieli wziąć udział historycy i członkowie Społecznego Trybunału Narodowego, obywatelskiego sądu ds. zbrodni komunistycznych, Tadeusz Płużański i Leszek Żebrowski.
W piątek Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja, główny organizator biegów Tropem Wilczym na całym świecie, wydała oświadczenie, w którym apelowała do organizatorów londyńskiego wydarzenia o «zmianę programu oraz odcięcie się od poglądów nawołujących do dyskryminacji, nietolerancji i przemocy».
O odwołanie wydarzeń z udziałem Międlara apelowały także brytyjskie organizacje antyfaszystowskie i walcząca z mową nienawiści organizacja «Hope Not Hate». Podnosiły także kwestię w ich opinii antysemickich wypowiedzi Leszka Żebrowskiego.
W kwietniu 2016 roku ksiądz Międlar odprawiał mszę świętą przy okazji obchodów 82. rocznicy powstania Obozu Radykalno-Narodowego w Białymstoku. Jak podawały regionalne media, Międlar, który kilka miesięcy później przestał być duchownym, w kazaniu nazwał narodowo-katolicki radykalizm «chemioterapią dla ogarniętej nowotworem złośliwym Polski». «Zero tolerancji dla ogarniętej nowotworem złośliwym Polski i Polaków. Zero tolerancji dla tego nowotworu. Ten nowotwór wymaga chemioterapii (…) i tą chemioterapią jest bezkompromisowy narodowo-katolicki radykalizm» — miał mówić podczas mszy.
Po tych uroczystościach ks. Międlar dostał od przełożonych całkowity zakaz wystąpień publicznych. Pod koniec września 2016 roku wystąpił ze Zgromadzenia Księży Misjonarzy.
W sobotę Międlar napisał na Facebooku, że został «zatrzymany przez żydowskie służby specjalne».
Z Londynu Jakub Krupa (PAP)
jakr/ az/ ap/ jbp/

Similarity rank: 6.6
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,819764,miedlar-otrzymal-odmowe-wjazdu-do-w-brytanii-wraca-do-kraju.html
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U. S. Democrats pick Perez to lead party against Trump, Republicans ‹ Japan Today


U. S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to…
U. S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to lead the daunting task of rebuilding the party and heading the opposition to Republican President Donald Trump.
Members of the Democratic National Committee, the administrative and fundraising arm of the party, picked Perez on the second round of voting after one of the most crowded and competitive party leadership elections in decades.
Perez will face challenges in trying to unify and rejuvenate a party still reeling from the Nov 8 loss of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and anxious to channel the growing grassroots resistance to Trump into political support for Democrats at all levels of government across the country.
“We are suffering from a crisis of confidence, a crisis of relevance,” Perez, a favorite of former Obama administration officials, told DNC members. He promised to lead the fight against Trump and change the DNC’s culture to make it a more grassroots operation.
Perez beat top challenger U. S. Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, who was backed by liberal leader U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, on a 235-200 vote. Perez is the son of Dominican immigrants, while Ellison is the first Muslim elected to the U. S. Congress.
The showdown between candidates backed by the establishment and progressive wings of the party echoed the bitter 2016 primary between Clinton and Sanders, a rift Democrats will try to put behind them as they turn their focus to fighting Trump.
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/world/view/u-s-democrats-pick-perez-to-lead-party-against-trump-republicans
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New Nokia 3310 may not work with your carrier


Nokia is planning a comeback at Mobile World Congress by releasing its first Android phones. For a company that made so much mobile history, the stakes are high.
Every story has to start somewhere and Nokia’s started with the simple 1011.
Nokia. Knock-ia. Know-kia. Noh-keea.
However you pronounce it, few companies (other than Motorola , of course) have been so influential in creating the cell phone that we use today. Apple , LG and Samsung may get all of the glory now, but Nokia dominated the mobile industry for two decades. When I started at CNET more than 10 years ago, a week rarely went by where I wasn’t reviewing one of the company’s phones. At the time, it felt like an avalanche that would never end.
That avalanche had humble beginnings. Founded in 1865 when Finland was still part of Tsarist Russia, Nokia (its name comes from a Finnish town ), was mainly a small paper company until the early 20th century. It wasn’t until 1992 when, after it had made everything from telephone cables to rubber boots , Nokia built its first commercially-available cell phone, the Nokia 1011 (click on the gallery below for more). Operating on a GSM network (a technology that we still use today) which the company helped build, the 1011 just made calls and sent texts. From then on, Nokia kept building phones and it quickly grew into the world’s largest mobile vendor.
The Nokia 6, which the company should show off at Mobile World Congress is already on sale in China.
That’s why it was so shocking when 22 years later, it sold its entire phone business to Microsoft for $2.2 billion. Nokia, it seemed, had hung up forever under the crushing weight of the iPhone and Android.
But then again, not so fast. As we approach the 2017 Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, our Finnish friends, or at least a form of them , have confirmed that they will be at the show to share «the next exciting chapter in the Nokia consumer story». That story should include the Nokia 6 , the first Android devices from a company that just a few years ago had banked everything on Windows Phone, plus a possible «old» surprise (more on that later). Honestly, the Nokia 6, which is already on sale in China, doesn’t look terribly exciting from the specs we’ve seen so far , but I’m hopeful for a comeback from a company that has given us so much. What is this «much» you ask? Well, just consider this.
If you owned a cell phone at any point over the last 25 years, there’s a good chance that you had at least one Nokia. And if you had a Nokia around 2000, I’d wager it was the 5110 (again the gallery). Big, sturdy, and available with a rainbow of changeable faceplates, the 5110 didn’t offer much by current standards, but it did its job and did it well. Its US variant, the 5190 , was the first cell phone I ever owned, and I’m certain it would still function flawlessly today, 19 years after its birth.
The 3310 was introduced in 1999 and if rumors are true, it will live again.
Other Nokia handsets that reached near-ubiquitous status were the 8210 , the 3210 , and the 3310. Each one was reliable, indestructible and easy-to-use with sleek designs you could slip in your pocket (goodbye, phone bricks and stubby antennas!). And battery life? We measured it not in hours, but in days. Perhaps that last point is why we may even see the 3310 get a second life in Barcelona.
It was devices like these that yanked the cell phone out of Gordon Gecko’s hands and put it in the hands of millions. Nokia was incredibly successful in emerging markets for years. Take, for example, the bare-bones simple 1100 from 2003. Priced at about $100 when it was first introduced, it became massively popular in Africa and India selling more than 250 million units. Even today, it’s one of the best-selling phones in history.
The Nokia lounge in Espoo, Finland offices features a bulk of the notable cell phones in its history.
Nokia’s earliest designs were all about function: black rectangles with tiny screens and a mass of buttons. (Come to think of it, we still use a lot of black rectangles). It wasn’t long, however, before the company got more creative.
As strange as it looked, the Nokia 7280 «lipstick phone» wasn’t as impossible yo use as you might think.
Nokia pushed the envelope early with features that we couldn’t live without today. The 3310 (2001) had voice dialing, the 7110 (1999) was the first with a WAP browser, the 5510 introduced a music player (2001), the 6310 brought Bluetooth (2001), and the 7650 (2002) was the first Nokia camera phone. Yes, they still made calls, too.
Remember the simple, but very addicting game Snake? Though it had existed in arcades since the 1970s, Snake won a massive audience when Nokia made it a standard-issue feature. It first appeared in 1997 on the 6110 and continued to evolve into a full-color game with graphics. The company was also early with dedicated gaming handsets like 2003’s N-Gage , but they didn’t prove to be much more than novelty devices.
On a similar note (bad pun alert!), Nokia’s signature ringtone also helped popularize the idea of a melody as a call alert. Lifted from Francisco Tarrega’s 1902 Spanish guitar composition called Gran Vals , the tune first appeared on the 2110 in 1994. Even today, odds are that you’ll recognize it if you hear it. This violist did.
Snake, or the good old days of mobile gaming.
Though basic phones had long been Nokia’s bread and butter, it also helped create the smartphone. Running on Symbian, a mobile operating system that Nokia helped develop with other manufacturers, devices like the E-series and N-series were well-designed and packed with features. One of the best examples was the Nokia N93. A beast of a thing, it had a bulky, but cool twisting design and a (then) powerful 3.2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, 3x optical zoom and MPEG-4 video recording capability.
The trouble was that as great as these handsets were, they never translated into mainstream consumer success. They did gets some traction in Europe and Asia, but were quite rare in the United States. Remember that at the time, US customers expected to buy a phone with a carrier subsidy (in exchange for a contract, of course). Without that subsidy, a phone like the N93 cost about $550. We’re used to paying that kind of money now, but not so much 10 years ago.
We’ll have to wait until the press event on February 26 to see for sure what HMD, the new company that has licensed the Nokia name, has in store. Besides the Nokia 6, other rumors predict two additional Android phones with scaled-down specs and even a reboot of the classic 3310. My highest hope? I’d love to be surprised with a spectacular phone that rebuilds the company’s rich history and make it a bright star again. Maybe a completely bonkers design or a feature that we haven’t seen before? Either one would be a classic Nokia move.
In any case, more eyes than mine will be on Nokia as it takes the stage at Mobile World Congress. With former powerhouse BlackBerry also promising an Android phone, the story of the show could be the » comeback » of past mobile greats. Whatever happens, CNET will be in Barcelona to bring you the full story so check back with us then.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/six-things-nokia-did-to-make-the-modern-cell-phone/
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Двое подозреваемых в организации похищения Гончаренко арестованы


Подозреваемые в организации похищения народного депутата Гончаренко Александр Кушнарев и Анатолий Слободянник арестованы на два месяца
Подозреваемому в организации похищения народного депутата Алексея Гончаренко и разжигании национальной вражды депутату Лиманского райсовета Александру Кушнареву избрали меру пресечения в виде содержания под стражей в течение двух месяцев без права выхода под залог. Такое решение принял Приморский суд Одессы, сообщает Думская.
В ходе судебного заседания адвокат заявил о невиновности Кушнарева, мол, никакого похищения не планировалось. В то же время прокурор отметил, что следствие располагает достаточными доказательствами вины подозреваемого.
Адвокат Кушнарева уточнял мотивы подзащитного: «Это (похищение, — ред.) единственная тяжкая статья в соответствии с Уголовным Кодексом, однако и она не обоснована тем видео, которое по неизвестным нам причинам уже оказалось в СМИ. Все выражения в адрес указанного народного депутата не были связаны с его депутатской или общественной деятельностью. Отношение депутата Кушнарева обосновано тем, что этот субъект глумился над телом его погибшего сына. Никакой политической мотивации нет», — сказал юрист.
Кушнарев в зале суда заявил, что не владеет государственным языком и потребовал переводчика.
Ему инкриминируют совершение четырех преступлений, а именно: подготовка к похищению человека по предварительному сговору группой лиц (ст. 14 и ч. 2 ст.146 УК); покушение на причинение тяжких телесных повреждений народному депутату Украины в связи с его общественной деятельностью (ч.2 ст. 15 и ч.3 ст.346); изготовление материалов с призывами к совершению агрессивной войны (ст. 436); действия, направленные на разжигание национальной и религиозной вражды (ч.1 ст. 161).
Вместе с Кушнаревым меру пресечения в виде содержания под стражей сегодня избрали его сообщнику, отставному генералу Анатолию Слободяннику.
Третьего фигуранта — сотрудника типографии Андрея Задорожного суд отправил под домашний арест. Его подозревают в распространении антиукраинской литературы, но не в организации похищения.
23 февраля о том, что народный депутат от БПП Алексей Гончаренко был якобы похищен неизвестными сообщили одесские СМИ. Позже местонахождение депутата было обнаружено и выяснилось , что его похищение — это инсценировка.
Генпрокурор Юрий Луценко сообщил, что были задержаны планировавшие похищение и пытки Гончаренко задержаны. Среди задержанных оказался депутат Лиманского районного совета Одесской области, имя которого правоохранители сначала не называли.
Позже в Оппоблоке заявили , что возмущены задержанием по делу о похищении Алексея Гончаренко депутата от ОБ Александра Кушнарева и считают, что это политическая провокация.
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Similarity rank: 7.5

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The BlackBerry Mercury is now the KeyOne


If you thought the BlackBerry Mercury had a bit of a codename vibe to it, you weren’t wrong. Today at Mobile World Congress, TCL officially took the wraps..
If you thought the BlackBerry Mercury had a bit of a codename vibe to it, you weren’t wrong. Today at Mobile World Congress, TCL officially took the wraps of its first true BlackBerry handset, now going by the admittedly less sleek KeyOne (pronounced “key one,”) name. Though I suppose when your company is attempting to plant its flag firmly in the world of enterprise, sexy probably isn’t the main thing you’re looking for in a name.
The device looks much the same as it did when we saw it at CES, back when it shared a name with a Roman messenger god, small planet and element/poisoning you get from consuming too much seafood. TCL’s clearly gone out of its way to create something iconic that fits squarely with what most of think of when we think of BlackBerry.
It’s a tall device give its 4.5-inch screen – that owes mostly to the inclusion of the physical keyboard on the bottom, that most BlackBerry of features. New here since last time is the inclusion of a fingerprint reader in the keyboard’s spacebar, a cool little extra.
So, how many people are still looking for a physical keyboard in 2017? TCL/BlackBerry mobility GM Bruce Walpole admitted that demand is nowhere near where it was when the Canadian company’s marketshare first started eroding at the hands of the iPhone ilk. “We asked if people would consider a physical keyboard,” he told TechCrunch. “Twenty-five-percent of people said they would consider it.”
So, essentially, there’s potential demand there. “Consider” is pretty non-committal. With the KeyOne, the company has to convert “consider” into “customer,” which is always easier said than done. “No question,” Walpole answers, “but if we can capture half of that, it’s a pretty decent number.”
So, half of a quarter — a pretty modest proposal.
“It is for the person who was forced onto a flat glass but wants to come back,” says TCL’s North American President, Steve Cistulli, “There’s no compromise. In the past there, there was always a compromise, screen size, keyboards or apps. Here there’s no compromise.”
It’s essentially an Android device, loaded with BlackBerry security and software designed by TCL to appeal to both those who want a touchscreen and a keyboard. But the company will still be offering devices for those who made the jump to touchscreens and haven’t looked back.
The fact that the KeyOne will be one of a number of concurrent devices in the TCL/BlackBerry portfolio. According to Cistulli, the company is aiming to have around three devices on the market at a given time, at least one of which will be a sort of evolution of the DTEK 50/60 devices that first saw the two companies teaming up.
The KeyOne will be the first of the bunch, naturally, arriving in North America (the US and Canada, at least) in late April, priced at $549. US users will be able to buy it online at launch. The company is, perhaps unsurprisingly, focused on enterprise first, followed by “bring your own devicers.” That means it’ll take some time before getting to any kind of wider retail availability.
And perhaps if it can get it into people’s hands through their companies, it can rekindle that connection with the physical keyboard. And their current goals with the first generation device seem pretty modest like the specs inside, including the Snapdragon 625. The device will ship with Android 7.1, but Assistant won’t be preloaded.
Essentially, it’s a work-focused device and the specs reflect that, pushing things up in the battery department with a beefy 3,505mAh battery that promises a day of use.
TCL’s got an uphill battle on its hands, reintroducing the BlackBerry line to an audience with a short memory. But at the very least, it’s coming out of the gate with a pretty interesting device. “A lot of companies are specifically going after Apple and Samsung,” says Cistulli. “Most people will aim high and fall pretty fast. There is a niche though for the enterprise space.”

Similarity rank: 1

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If Trump wants an easy policy win, he should focus on funding smart cities


As America’s cities continue to grow, they face mind-boggling challenges: worsening traffic, increasing pollution, expensive housing, aging infrastructure..
Two decades after social scientists coined the term “smart cities,” the dream of tech-enabled communities has yet to come to fruition. But Donald Trump’s presidency could prove a turning point for the smart-city movement.
Smart-city initiatives that do exist are mostly pilot programs funded by grants, not long-term projects with sustainable financials. Funding shortfalls and a lack of cohesive planning are to blame. That is to say, a recent University of Pennsylvania survey found that almost none of the largest metropolitan planning organizations have clear transportation modernization plans.
At the same time, the need for innovation as it pertains to infrastructure and urban living has never been more dire. Nearly two-thirds of U. S. citizens now live in urban areas. As America’s cities continue to grow, they face mind-boggling challenges: worsening traffic, increasing pollution, expensive housing, aging infrastructure and strained services. These challenges can only be solved by harnessing the power of big data, machine learning and other technology.
Recent funding efforts, while commendable, are proverbial drops in the bucket. In September, the White House expanded its Smart Cities initiative, committing $80 million to help urban centers improve their climate, transportation, public safety and city services through advanced technology. But American cities will spend about $52.4 billion, or 655 times the White House funding, on technology this year alone, according to the Center for Digital Government. Worldwide, cities could spend as much as $41 trillion on smart tech over the next two decades.
President Trump’s promise to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure over the next 10 years offers a possible path forward. His plan, which targets everything from airports to ports, should also include urban technology. Building smart-city infrastructure will not only create American jobs and top-line growth, but will also save both local and federal government money over time, thanks to more efficient use of energy and resources.
Trump and other leaders can take note of successes around the globe. Take Singapore’s Smart Traffic system, Helsinki’s involvement in an ecosystem of open innovations called bIoTope or Barcelona’s dedication to smart cities, which began in 2012, and relied heavily on IoT to improve a number of different urban systems, including public transportation, street lighting and waste management.
Within two years, Barcelona’s deputy mayor claimed the city was saving $58 million annually on smart water technology, with $50 million more in revenue from smart parking and more than 47,000 new jobs thanks to its efforts.
Partnerships also can be vital to driving growth. Take, for instance, South Korea, where nearly every part of public life in Seoul is enabled by technology, from high-tech street lamps that reduce energy use to roads that recharge buses thanks to underground electrical cables. And the city of Songdo, just 22 miles away from the capital, is in the midst of being built from scratch as a futuristic business hub.
As part of the strategy, South Korea looked to a trusted ally in electronics behemoth LG, headquartered in Seoul. Trump can follow suit with American companies like GE and Google, which have demonstrated a willingness to invest in smart cities, or other software giants like SAP, which announced plans to invest $2.2 billion in IoT by 2020 , where expanding partnerships and cooperation with companies like Dell and Intel are integral to its growth plans.
But there’s another resource that has already helped Trump build his multi-billion dollar brand: the media.
In The Silent Intelligence: The Internet of Things , co-author Daniel Obodovski points out the difference between ROI and monetization, and explains how cities can generate revenue from connectivity and the data resulting from it. Similar to startups that often raise a small seed round or bridge loan to support initial growth, a cash infusion through an easy revenue stream like ad revenue can foot the bill to build smart-city infrastructure. Then, once that foundation is in place, long-term sustainable revenue can be realized in the form of lower energy costs, reduced waste and greater efficiencies.
As a recent example, let’s examine the reason why Sidewalk Labs’ new venture Intersection won the LinkNYC contract in New York City, which provided the capital to create a free public Wi-Fi network of 10,000 kiosks. Compared to other infrastructure providers, Intersection, a hybrid municipal media and technology company, offered an opportunity for the city to modernize its existing infrastructure of public payphones with Wi-Fi enabled kiosks, which provided a monetization solution to offset the otherwise costly endeavor (estimated to be around $200 million). Now, through sales of digital media inventory, Intersection plans to generate about $500 million in ad revenue over the next 12 years , with taxpayers not contributing a dime.
Concurrently, three other major vendors, including Outfront (formerly CBS Outdoor), Clear Channel Outdoor and JCDecaux, are now rolling out digital screens across U. S. urban cities, where distribution has increased significantly due to the plummeting price of LED screens and changing local legislation. A recent example can be found in the D. C. area , where digital billboards are viewed by city officials as appropriate in entertainment districts, like Nationals Park, and can add value to neighborhood identity.
There are early signs that Trump may be open to the type of business-driven, solution-focused thinking that will drive smart cities forward. At a time when the president faces major challenges and criticism for a campaign perceived by many members of the media as run largely on divisiveness, working alongside tech industry leaders could prove to be a powerful asset in pursuit of this massive initiative as they expand their own infrastructure improvements to pave the way for clean energy, solar energy and self-driving cars.
Can focusing on U. S. smart cities and embracing relationships between manufacturing giants, media companies and tech disruptors help Trump create a lasting model for the future that could earn him an easy bipartisan win? The digital writing may already be on the wall — one that has immense potential to drive the economy forward, while creating a path for social and civic good that multiple players in the ecosystem can rally behind.

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Gillmor Gang: Howlin’ Wolves


The Gillmor Gang — Michael Arrington, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, Frank Radice, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday, February 24, 2017. Plus the latest G3..
The Gillmor Gang — Michael Arrington, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, Frank Radice, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday, February 24, 2017. Plus the latest G3 (below) with Elisa Camahort Page, Francine Hardaway, Mary Hodder, and Tina Chase Gillmor. May I see your passport please.
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Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor
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