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Гройсман назвал сферы интереса в сотрудничестве Украины и Израиля


Украина заинтересована в расширении сотрудничества с Израилем в сфере науки, исследований и инноваций. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Украины…
Украина заинтересована в расширении сотрудничества с Израилем в сфере науки, исследований и инноваций. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Украины Владимир Гройсман во время встречи со своим израильским коллегой Биньямином Нетаньяху в рамках официального визита в Израиль, сообщила пресс-служба правительства.
«Украина очень заинтересована в расширении сотрудничества с Израилем в сфере науки и исследований, инноваций, обмене опытом в сфере государственной и частной поддержки новейших научно-технических разработок, стартапов», – отметил Гройсман.
По его словам, Израиль и Украина являются стратегическими партнерами, и есть много сфер для качественного сотрудничества, в частности, в сельском хозяйства, ІТ-технологиях, науке, образовании, здравоохранении.
Так, отметил Гройсман, в сфере ІТ и инноваций Украина заинтересована во внедрении цифровых услуг в государственном секторе, привлечении технической и экспертной помощи в создании государственной сети предоставления широкополосного доступа к Интернету, а также в противодействии киберпреступности и кибертерроризму.
Премьер-министр Украины предложил израильской стороне наладить соответствующее сотрудничество между Национальным советом Украины по вопросам развития науки и технологий и соответствующими институтами Израиля.
Гройсман также предложил активизировать усилия для проведения в ближайшее время первого заседания совместного комитета по имплементации Программы научно-технологического сотрудничества, подписанной в декабре 2015 года, а также подготовки и подписания программы сотрудничества в сфере образования, науки, культуры, молодежи и спорта между странами на 2017-2019 годы.
Отдельно глава украинского правительства отметил необходимость расширения сотрудничества в сфере сельского хозяйства, дальнейшей активизации двусторонней торговли в этой сфере и призвал к увеличению возможностей украинского экспорта качественной и доступной продукции сельского хозяйства и пищевой промышленности на рынок Израиля. В частности, Гройсман призвал Израиль возобновить ввоз украинских столовых яиц и снять соответствующий запрет.
Также среди приоритетных направлений сотрудничества с Израилем для Украины, Гройсман назвал дальнейшую либерализацию рынка воздушных перевозок и снятие каких-либо ограничений по количеству рейсов в авиамаршрутах между государствами.
Кроме того, Гройсман заявил о заинтересованности Украины в развитии туризма с Израилем и предложил провести в 2017 году очередное заседание украинско-израильской рабочей группы по сотрудничеству в этой сфере.
Напомним, Гройсман с официальным визитом прибыл в Израиль – в аэропорту украинского премьера встретили израильский министр Зеев Элкин и посол Израиля в Киеве Элиав Белоцерковский.
Премьер-министр Украины отметил, что Украина и Израиль должны больше координировать свои действия на международной арене .

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/ukraine/groysman-nazval-sfery-interesa-v-sotrudnichestve-ukrainy-i-izrailya-1021021.html
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Here’s How to Protect Yourself From Ransomware Attacks


Some tips from computer security experts.
A decade-old form of malicious software known as ransomware has been making headlines after cybercriminals hijacked hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide.
Ransomware, which is often transmitted by email or web pop-ups, involves locking up people’s data and threatening to destroy it if a ransom is not paid. The global cyberattack has affected 200,000 Windows computers in more than 150 countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Britain.
The cybercriminals have generally targeted hospitals, academic institutions, blue-chip companies and businesses like movie theater chains. The attacks highlight the challenges that organizations face with consistently applying security safeguards on a large scale.
“Not only individuals, but even governments and big companies with so much to lose fail to secure their systems and train their employees about necessary security practices, ” said Marty P. Kamden, a marketing executive for the private network service provider NordVPN. “Cautious online behavior would probably have prevented the malware from infecting the network in the first place.”
What can businesses and individuals do to protect themselves from ransomware? Here are some tips from security experts.
Security experts believe the malware that spurred this global attack, called WannaCry, may have initially infected machines by getting people to download it through email. After that, the malicious code was able to easily travel to a broader network of computers that were linked together through the Windows file-sharing system. (Users of Macs or other non-Windows computers were not affected.)
The most disheartening revelation from the cyberattack was that there was a fix available for the ransomware before the attack. Microsoft, which makes Windows, released a patch for the WannaCry vulnerability eight weeks ago, said Chris Wysopal, the chief technology officer of Veracode, an application security company.
In other words, if people had simply stayed on top of security updates, their machines would not have been infected. “People kind of got complacent and not vigilant about updating their machines, ” Mr. Wysopal said.
Consumers can remedy this by configuring their Windows machines to automatically install the latest software updates.
Even though WannaCry specifically targeted Windows machines, that does not mean Mac or Linux users are off the hook in the future. Other breeds of malware may infect various operating systems, so no matter which device you are using, you should regularly update your software to install the latest security enhancements.
In addition to keeping Windows up-to-date with the latest security enhancements, antivirus software can prevent malware from infecting your computer. Mr. Kamden of NordVPN said 30 percent of popular antivirus systems were capable of detecting and neutralizing the ransomware.
Of course, with antivirus software, the same principle applies: Make sure to keep the antivirus app up-to-date, too, so it blocks the latest emerging malware. Also, download antivirus apps only from reputable vendors like Kaspersky Lab, Bitdefender or Malwarebytes, Mr. Kamden said.
Security experts believe WannaCry may have initially infected machines via email attachments. The lesson: Avoid clicking links inside dubious emails, Mr. Kamden said.
How do you spot a fishy email? Look carefully at the email address of the sender to see if it is coming from a legitimate address. Also, look for obvious typos and grammatical errors in the body. Hover over hyperlinks (without clicking on them) inside emails to see whether they direct you to suspicious web pages. If an email appears to have come from your bank, credit card company or internet service provider, keep in mind that they will never ask for sensitive information like your password or social security number.
In addition, ransomware developers often use pop-up windows that advertise software products that remove malware. Do not click on anything through these pop-ups, then safely close the windows.
In the event that a hacker successfully hijacks your computer, you could rescue yourself with a backup of your data stored somewhere, like on a physical hard drive. That way, if a hacker locked down your computer, you could simply erase all the data from the machine and restore it from the backup.
In general, you should be creating a copy of your data in the first place, in case your computer fails or is lost. To be extra safe from hackers, after backing up your data onto an external drive, unplug the drive from the computer and put it away.
For larger businesses with hundreds or thousands of employees, applying security updates organizationwide can be difficult. If one employee’s machine lacks the latest security software, it can infect other machines across the company network.
Mr. Wysopal said businesses could learn from how WannaCry spread through the Windows file-sharing system by developing a strict schedule for when computers companywide should automatically install the latest software updates. Businesses should determine the best time to apply these security updates to office computers without interrupting productivity, he added.
Information technology professionals should also regularly educate and test employees on spotting suspicious emails, said Matt Ahrens, vice president of Crypsis, a cybersecurity firm.
If you are already a victim of ransomware, the first thing to do is disconnect your computer from the internet so it does not infect other machines. Then report the crime to law enforcement and seek help from a technology professional who specializes in data recovery to see what your options might be. If there are none, don’ t lose hope: There may be new security tools to unlock your files in the future.
In some extreme cases, it might make sense to pay a ransom if you have no backups and the encrypted files are valuable, Mr. Wysopal said. But he added that with WannaCry, people definitely should not pay the ransom. That’s because the hackers are apparently overloaded with requests from victims asking for their data to be released — and many who have paid the ransom are not hearing back.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/technology/personaltech/heres-how-to-protect-yourself-from-ransomware-attacks.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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'WannaCry' cyberattack is slowing down; experts say it could have been much worse


With employees returning to work Monday, there are fears that more infected computers will be discovered. And there are also reports that new variations of the “WannaCry” virus are appearing.
New victims of the “WannaCry” computer virus emerged as expected on Monday, but government and security officials around the world expressed relief that it was proliferating at a much slower pace than feared, and said it appeared to have been the work of relatively unsophisticated hackers.
Even so, no one was ready to declare victory. Several security firms detected new variations of the virus, just as many had predicted would happen. Thus far, none of these new versions had made much of an impact, but security officials remained vigilant.
“Several new variants have emerged during Sunday and last night, of which only one appears to have gone some very limited traction, ” said Costin Raiu, director of Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis team. “The other variants appear to have been manually patched by unknown entities and have not been created by the original WannaCry authors.”
In the United Kingdom, the National Health System appeared to be largely back to business today. The NHS said that seven out of the nearly 50 NHS trusts affected are still facing serious problems. Others are reporting problems, but not as severe. The majority of patients are being advised to turn up for their usual appointments, unless told otherwise.
Across the globe in China, cyber security firm Qihoo 360 released a statement saying that 29,372 institutions, including government offices, bank machines and hospitals had been infected over the weekend. French digital security agency ANSII reported that only a handful of organizations had been infected.
The car maker Renault said it had halted manufacturing at some of its factories in France and one in Slovenia because of the virus. In Germany, rail passengers posted pictures on Twitter of departure and arrival screens at Deutsche Bahn, the German train operator, showing the red WannaCry warning sign.
Still, in an interview with Agence France-Presse, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth said the agency’s worst fears were not realized today.
«The number of victims appears not to have gone up and so far the situation seems stable in Europe, which is a success, » he told AFP. «It seems that a lot of Internet security guys over the weekend did their homework and ran the security software updates.»
The virus exploits a vulnerability in the Windows operating system that was discovered by the U. S. National Security Agency and later revealed by hackers who stole the information from the NSA. A top Microsoft executive lashed out at the NSA on Sunday, saying the agency bore the blame for turning an obscure computer vulnerability into a weapon.
Russian President Vladimir Putin — whose Interior Ministry was reported to be a victim of the attacks — picked up on that theme Monday, blaming the U. S. for the creation of the ransomware virus.
«We are fully aware that the genies, in particular, those created by secret services, may harm their own authors and creators, should they be let out of the bottle, » Putin said in Beijing, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.
Putin said Russia had invited Obama administration officials last year «to look into cyber security matters» and develop an intergovernmental agreement. «Regrettably, our proposal was rejected. Then the previous administration said it was prepared to get back to our proposal, but nothing was done in practice.»
Russia, of course, has since been blamed for hacking attacks aimed at influencing the 2016 U. S. presidential election.
On Sunday, Europol had disclosed that 200,000 computers had been infected with the WannaCry virus, an attack the agency described as “unprecedented.” It appears a move by a security researcher to register an address on the Internet that fooled the virus has blunted its momentum.
Still, many researchers believe the virus was likely the work of relatively clumsy hackers, despite its impact. The ability to stop it was too easily found, they said, and the scheme of asking people to pay in bitcoin to decrypt their information had netted the thieves only about $54,000 after three days.
Several governments, security agencies and research firms on Monday were calling on users not to pay the ransom for fear that it would inspire even more such attacks. Still, it was not clear whether those who had paid had their access restored, or what other options exist for users who found their computers still encrypted.
The newer variants of the virus that emerged seemed to be ineffective because they were quickly made. Researchers are still on the watch for more sophisticated versions that can better exploit the remaining vulnerabilities.
Microsoft called over the weekend for more of its customers to be more aggressive about installing the security patch it had issued several weeks earlier. But the reality remains that millions of machines are likely running on older versions of its Windows operating system, or lack the resources and organizational sophistication to install the patch across their tangled web of IT systems.
“The fact that so many computers remained vulnerable two months after the release of a patch illustrates this aspect, ” wrote Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer in a blog post on Sunday. “As cybercriminals become more sophisticated, there is simply no way for customers to protect themselves against threats unless they update their systems. Otherwise they’ re literally fighting the problems of the present with tools from the past.”
On Monday, the process of re-examining the policies and politics of cyber security in Europe were starting in the wake of the attack.
In the UK, there were reports that Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was warned last summer that National Health System organizations were at risk of cyberattacks. An assessment of 60 hospitals was carried out by experts who warned that a cyberattack was becoming a «bigger consideration» as the NHS moved increasingly away from paper records to digital ones.
A July report presented to Hunt said that “computer hardware and software that can no longer be supported should be replaced as a matter of urgency.” And as long ago as 2014, the government told NHS trusts that they needed to update their systems and avoid using Windows XP as quickly as possible.
It appears many of those alarms were not heeded.
The British government announced it would hold an emergency meeting late Monday to discuss the cyberattack, chaired by Home Secretary Amber Rudd. A spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May said: «It is much as it was at the moment but we’ve also said this is a very complex issue and we need to keep abreast of what’s happening.»
A spokesman for Europol, Alex Niculae, said in an email to The Times that the agency’s Joint Cybercrime Taskforce was working with investigators from the various countries affected by the virus. He said that investigators from both the public and private sectors have “joined forces and are doing their best to get to the bottom of this.”
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Special correspondent O’ Brien reported from Toulouse, France, and Boyle from London. Times staff writer Jim Puzzanghera in Washington contributed to this report.
9: 40 a.m.: This article has been updated with comments from Putin, Europol spokesman.
7: 50 a.m.: This article has been updated throughout with staff reporting.
This article was originally published at 7: 43 a.m.

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-europe-ransomware-attack-20170515-story.html
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Nintendo is planning a Legend of Zelda mobile game


Following up on the massive success of Pokémon GO and the less massive success of Super Mario Run, Nintendo is reportedly planning a Legend of Zelda for..
Following up on the massive success of Pokémon GO and the, well, slightly less massive success of Super Mario Run, Nintendo is reportedly planning a Legend of Zelda for smartphones for release later this year, or so The Wall St Journal’s sources have it.
How exactly they expect to represent the expansive exploring, puzzling and battling that have defined the series heretofore is unclear. Super Mario Run took a minimalist approach to controls, essentially reducing the platformer to a one-button game.
That would be rather difficult with the vastly more complex Zelda series — doubly so considering the improbably well-received Breath of the Wild was so vast and unrestricted. Whether the company would repeat its pricing strategy for Mario is also unknown; sales weren’ t quite what it had hoped.
We’ ll likely know more soon; Super Mario Run was announced three months ahead of its release. But if the timing hinted at by the WSJ’s sources is correct, we’ ll hear about the Animal Crossing game first, though who knows when.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/RukT8Bq0Blo/
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古いOS使い続ける「不作為」 サイバー攻撃、被害拡大


世界中を襲った大規模なサイバー攻撃の 影響と警戒感が広がっている。 基本ソフト(OS)「ウィンドウズ」 の 欠陥を突かれた米マイクロソフト(MS)は、 ブラッド・ スミス社長兼最高法務責任者が14日に声明を発表
東芝 、 日本郵政 と海外企業の買収で巨額の損失を計上した企業が15日、2017年3月期決算に関する記者会見を開いた。経営再建中の東芝は買収失敗が債務超過に陥る主因となり、頼みの半導体事業の売却にも暗雲が …続き (5/15)
世界中を襲った大規模なサイバー攻撃の影響と警戒感が広がっている。基本ソフト(OS)「ウィンドウズ」の欠陥を突かれた米マイクロソフト(MS)は、ブラッド・スミス社長兼最高法務責任者が14日に声明を発表 …続き (5/15)
ローソン の会長を30日に退く玉塚元一氏(54)が、東証1部上場でソフトウエアの不具合検査をする ハーツユナイテッドグループ の社長に就く。同社が6月27日に開く株主総会後に就任する。過去に経営トップを務 …続き (5/15)

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDZ15HMU_V10C17A5000000/
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Tusk znowu musi stawić się przed prokuratorem. Będzie odpowiadał na zarzuty PiS o "zdradę dyplomatyczną"


Jak informuje «Gazeta Wyborcza”, Donald Tusk kolejny raz będzie musiał się stawić w Warszawie na wezwanie prokuratury. Tym razem on i jego pełnomocnik Roman Giertych, zderzą się z zarzutem dopuszczenia się «zdrady dyplomatycznej».
Donald Tusk znów będzie gościł w budynku prokuratury. • Fot. Dominik Werner Paweł Kalisz 15 maja 2017 J ak informuje «Gazeta Wyborcza”, Donald Tusk kolejny raz będzie musiał się stawić w Warszawie na wezwanie prokuratury. Tym razem on i jego pełnomocnik Roman Giertych, zderzą się z zarzutem dopuszczenia się «zdrady dyplomatycznej». Zdrady dyplomatycznej dopuszcza się ten, kto w stosunkach z rządem obcego państwa działa na szkodę Rzeczpospolitej. Jak już pisaliśmy w naTemat, taka figura retoryczna w praktyce może spowodować niekończący się polityczny spektakl.
Poprzedni przyjazd Tuska z amienił się w wiec poparcia dla przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej. Tłumy zwolenników witały go na dworcu kolejowym, towarzyszyły mu w drodze do budynku prokuratury. Po tym, jak prokuratorzy przez wiele godzin przesłuchiwali Tuska w obecności jego pełnomocnika Romana Giertycha notowania PiS spadły, a wyraźnie wzrosło poparcie dla Platformy Obywatelskiej. Sam Tusk ma podstawy sądzić, że może wygrać najbliższe wybory prezydenckie.
Politycy Prawa i Sprawiedliwości albo nie odrobili tej lekcji, albo nie wyciągnęli z niej wniosków, albo tym razem szykują na przyjazd Tuska coś ekstra. Natomiast faktem jest, że były premier został wezwany przez prokuraturę i będzie odpowiadał na pytania w związku za zarzutem dopuszczenia się zdrady dyplomatycznej. Wezwanie jest na początek lipca, ale już wiadomo, że Tusk nie będzie mógł przyjechać w tym terminie. Trwają ustalenia, kiedy przewodniczący może przyjechać do Warszawy. źródło: «Gazeta Wyborcza» POLUB NAS NA FACEBOOKU

© Source: http://natemat.pl/208157,tusk-znow-wezwany-przez-prokurature-tym-razem-bedzie-odpowiadal-na-zarzuty-o-zdrade-dyplomatyczna
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Will the WannaCry ransomware serve as a meaningful infosec wake-up call?


Ransomware is no new threat: will WannaCry finally act as a catalyst to a wider infosec wake-up call?
Described as «unprecedented» in scale by Europol, the wave of WannaCry ransomware attacks over the last four days brought hospital infrastructure to its knees. But ransomware is no new threat: will WannaCry finally act as a catalyst to a wider infosec wake-up call?
WannaCry was launched on Friday 12 May, and over the weekend had affected more than 200,000 IT systems worldwide. Independent researcher Kafeine discovered WannaCry was using code based on the NSA’s EternalBlue exploit, which was publicly leaked by a hacker group called the Shadow Brokers in April this year. EternalBlue uses a vulnerability in the Microsoft Server Message Block protocol for file-sharing to distribute itself on the local network as well as a network worm. An infected device will display a message demanding up to roughly $600 (£460) in bitcoin payment to decrypt locked files.
Home secretary Amber Rudd confirmed that one in five NHS England trusts were hit by the attack. She said that no patient data had been stolen – and while that’s a plus, operations were affected, with hospitals and GP surgeries turning patients away.
Many of the trusts were running Windows XP, an operating system that has not been officially supported for most users since April 2014. Microsoft patched the offending exploit but older, legacy software and operating systems without Windows Update, such as XP, would have remained at risk. Following the wave of attacks, Microsoft took the unusual step to issue a patch to older versions of Windows in order to make moves towards resolving the problem.
And a report from Citrix found through a Freedom of Information request, the majority of NHS Trusts were still running Windows XP. The government ended a £5.5 million contract in 2015 for customised support for the dated operating system.
Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre claimed it was working closely with the National Crime Agency «around the clock» to address the problem.
But critics have claimed that health secretary Jeremy Hunt was warned last year in the Caldicott Report that NHS security infrastructure was a ticking timebomb.
After days of silence, Hunt appeared on Sky News. Speaking of the attacks, he said: «According to our latest intelligence we have not seen a second wave of attacks and the level of criminal activity is at the lower end of the range that we had anticipated so I think that is encouraging.
«But the message is very clear not just for organisations like the NHS but for private individuals for businesses – although we’ve never seen anything on this scale when it comes to ransomware attacks they are relatively common and there are things that you can do, that everyone can, do all of us can do to protect ourselves against them.»
While Hunt is right that anyone can be hit by ransomware, that it is fairly common, and that it can be mitigated against to a degree, he doesn’t mention the funding required to do so. The Guardian’s Charles Arthur links underfunding in the NHS to the success of the attacks, where he mentions previous ransomware incidents such as that suffered by Papworth hospital in 2016. The IT director of that hospital said of that attack: «If we’d been doing a heart operation on a Sunday, it would have been a huge problem.»
«A lack of funding or priority for investments will have certainly played a big part for a cash-strapped NHS, » says Martin Courtney, principal analyst for TechMarketView, speaking with Computerworld UK. «The way it is set up, individual NHS trusts would have to be upgraded from Windows XP one by one, rather than within any national programme or co-ordinated timeline, leaving ongoing protection against cyber attacks patchy at best.
«Nor is it just PCs and laptops at risk, there is likely to be a lot of bespoke medical equipment that uses Windows XP embedded with similar vulnerabilities, so any upgrade would be expensive, disruptive and time-consuming.»
At least in the UK, the real-world physical impact of the attacks is like nothing that’s ever been seen before. But whether the attacks will serve as a ‘wake-up call’ is up for debate.
«If it is to be a wake-up call, it’s one that has been sounded many times before and either successfully ignored or effective remedial action delayed, » says TechMarketView’s Martin Courtney. «The UK government knows the country is vulnerable to cyber attack and has consistently urged private companies to up their game – it seems to have ignored its own advice.»
«The scale of this particular incident should bump cyber security improvements to the top of the priority list for any UK Critical National Infrastructure provider, though given the crisis elsewhere in the NHS, I wouldn’t hold my breath.»
Most security professionals understand that it’s not a case of ‘if’ but ‘when’ an organisation will be hit by an attack. Mitigation as well as prevention is key, but it’s something that is difficult to achieve without recognising cyber security as a serious priority.
More alarming still, the chain of IT disasters caused by this attack seem to have been an unintended consequence – the attacks are thought to be the responsibility of an organised criminal gang with the primary driver being financial.
But it doesn’t take much of a leap to imagine the damage that could be achieved if it was deliberately designed to do so against under-funded public sector departments and other vital public infrastructure.
The American government has taken flak for the attack. Microsoft’s general counsel Brad Smith wrote in a blog post over the weekend that the ransomware underlines why «the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem».
«This is an emerging pattern in 2017, » he wrote . «We have seen vulnerabilities stored by the CIA show up on Wikileaks, and now this vulnerability stolen from the NSA has affected customers around the world. Repeatedly, exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage. An equivalent scenario with conventional weapons would be the US military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.
«And this most recent attack represents a completely unintended but disconcerting link between the two most serious forms of cybersecurity threats in the world today – nation-state action and organised criminal action.»
Smith went on to mention Microsoft’s calls for a ‘Digital Geneva Convention’ to set out rules of play in cyber, including requirements for governments to report vulnerabilities to vendors. Carbon Black’s Rick McElroy expressed doubt to sister title Techworld that joined-up, international efforts to address cyber risk will exist in a meaningful way before devastating attacks take place, rather than after it’s too late.

© Source: http://www.computerworlduk.com/security/will-wannacry-ransomware-serve-as-meaningful-infosec-wake-up-call-3659099/
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Главы МИД стран ЕС поддержали продление санкций против России,


Министры обсудили обострение ситуации в Донбассе и гибель мирных жителей Главы МИД стран ЕС поддержали продление санкций против России, — Климкин. Страна. ФОКУС
Главы внешнеполитических ведомств стран Евросоюза поддержали продолжение давления на РФ и продление санкций. Об этом сообщил министр иностранных дел Украины Павел Климкин, передает Интерфакс-Украина.
«Состоялась очень содержательная встреча с министрами иностранных дел Европейского Союза. Очень содержательная, потому что мы успели обсудить и вопросы безопасности с очень мощными месседжами в отношении Украины, поддержки и продолжения давления на Россию. Все присутствующие на встрече четко поддержали необходимость продолжения последовательного давления и, конечно, продолжения санкций», — рассказал Климкин.
«Мы говорили о том, каким образом мы должны отреагировать на последние действия России в оккупированном Донбассе, мы говорили о том, каким образом мы должны реагировать на последнее ухудшение ситуации с безопасностью на гибель мирных граждан», — добавил он.
Климкин отметил, что поддержка ЕС «была и остается фундаментальной для того, чтобы Украина могла состояться как европейское и демократическое государство», и действия Евросоюза в плане давления на РФ в части продления санкций очень важны.
Напомним, последний раз ЕС продлил экономические санкции против РФ в декабре прошлого года.

© Source: https://focus.ua/country/372535/
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

Android O latest rumours — name, release date and features


As we get closer to launch day for the Android O public beta, the newly announced Project Treble is a sign of good things to come for Android O hopefuls. Read the latest news and rumours about the 2017 Android O name, features and UK launch date.
Google once again released the Developer Preview of its next Android operating system ahead of this week’s annual Google I/O developer’s conference, which means on Wednesday we could see the first public beta announced. Also see: How to watch Google I/O 2017
The first build is available for Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel C, Pixel and Pixel XL, but must be manually flashed on to a device and is not intended for consumer use. Also see: How to download Android O
The final version of Android N was released in August 2016 as Android Nougat, and we’re looking at a similar time frame in 2017 for the release of Android O, for which we will hear more details at Google I/O on 17 May.
Read on for more information on what we know about Android O so far.
Following Android Alpha and Android Beta, Google has always named its Android OS updates after sweet treats, and in alphabetical order. So far we’ve had Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat.
In 2017 Google will be looking for a sweet treat beginning with O. Trouble is, there really aren’t that many. The Tech Advisor team could come up with Oreo, Orange, Oatcake and Oh! Henry (the latter obviously being our favourite, given this) . It could even shake things up entirely and shock us all with something like Android OMG. (We’re joking, but we kind of like it.)
Google’s Hiroshi Lockheimer has been stirring things up on Twitter, seemingly suggesting Android Oreo is the most likely candidate. But is he pulling our leg? Quite possibly, given he has also tweeted an image of Pocky (chocolate cream covered biscuit sticks) with the caption #2018. Also see: Essential Android apps and Best Android games
A week later he was at it again. Is he pulling our leg?
Trouble is, there are few sweet treats we can think of beginning with an O, so it could well be Android Oreo as rumoured.
What do you think the next version of Android will be called? (If you choose Other comment below and let us know what you think.)
Given that Android Marshmallow was Android 6.0 and Android Nougat was Android 7.0-7.1, we would assume that Android O will be Android 8.0. But Google hasn’ t always done things this way, and Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and KitKat were all 4.x updates. Also see: Android Nougat review
Traditionally Google uses Google I/O to announce the new update to its Android OS. The 11th annual I/O conference will take place between 17 and 19 May 2017 at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. Also see: How to watch Google I/O 2017
Google surprised us in 2016 by taking the wraps off the Developer Preview of Android Nougat in advance of its summer Google I/O conference, and in March 2017 it did the same again with Android O.
The final release of Android N came in August 2016 with little fanfare and no new hardware, so the chances are we’ll see the company follow that same format in 2017. (The new hardware came later, with the Google Pixel and Pixel XL unveiled in early October.)
We expect the first public beta to be made available at Google I/O on Wednesday, and our money is on an August release for Android O, with the new Pixel 2 coming later in September or October. Also see: Android Nougat vs iOS 10
With the release of the Android O Developer Preview several new features have been confirmed.
Many of the new features regard notifications, and in Android O we will see user-customisable notification channels whereby alerts are grouped by type. Users will be able to snooze notifications, and devs can set time limits for notifications to time out. Also adjustable will be the background colours of notifications, and the messaging style.
In Android Nougat Google introduced the ability to restrict certain app activities in the background, and in Android O it improves on this by placing the priority on extending battery life without user-input.
Users will have to opt in to this service, but will then find it easier to fill in login and credit-card information forms with fewer mistakes and much less repetition.
Picture-in-picture, which is already available on Android TV, is coming to Android O. This is mostly used for video playback.
Android O won’t be restricted to phones, so there will be improved arrow and tab key navigation for when used with a physical keyboard .
Icons in Android O will support visual effects and can be displayed in various shapes on different devices.
Wi-Fi Aware will allows apps and nearby devices to discover and communicate over Wi-Fi without an internet access point. We’ll also see improved Bluetooth support for high-quality audio through the Sony LDAC codec, and new ways for third-party calling apps to work with each other and with your network operator’s special features.
We discussed Android O in our podcast:
Interestingly, Android O will be able to support multiple displays, allowing a user to move an activity to one screen to the next.
Every app will have a storage space quota for cached data, and when the system needs to free up disk space it will delete data from apps using more than their allocated quota first.
Google says it has made the profile owner and device owner management modes more powerful, productive and easier to provision than ever, with highlights including the ability to use a managed profile on a corporate-owned device and enterprise management for file-based encryption.
You can read about the new updates coming to Android O in more detail over on the Android Developer’s site .
We were already aware of a few user-facing features coming to Android O thanks to a tip-off from VentureBeat, though there was no confirmation that they would make it through to the final build.
This feature is expected to ease copying text from one app and pasting it within another by giving suggestions in the second app as to what you might be about to type based on what you were doing in the previous app. VentureBeat gives the example of finding a restaurant in the Yelp app, then opening a text conversation, beginning to type ‘It’s at’ and the restaurant name popping up as a suggested term. It is currently unclear whether it will be a new feature on the Gboard virtual keyboard or baked into Android itself.
Right now it isn’t possible to share your current location on Android as it is in iOS, but according to VentureBeat there are some new changes coming that make dealing with addresses easier. If you click on an address in a text message, in Android N it does nothing but in Android O it could open that address in Google Maps. It says it is not yet known whether this will be functional only in Google’s Messages app, or in all messaging apps on Android O.
Today you can quickly call up your contacts using Ok Google, but in Android O you will be able to draw onscreen the letter C to open your contacts menu. This is similar to what we’ve seen in many Chinese phones — the ability to in standby mode draw onscreen a letter and open an app of your choice — though here it should work when the screen is switched on and in any app. This feature may not be ready in time for Android O, however, the source warned.
Google phones and tablets are always the first to get new operating system updates, but even Google won’t support them forever. Security updates are provided for three years following the device’s release, or 18 months after it is removed from the Google Play Store (whichever is longer) .
So, for example, the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P will be supported by Google until September 2017, which means they will get both Android Nougat and this year’s Android O. The Nexus 9 and Nexus 6 were both supported until October 2016, which means they get an update to Android Nougat but not Android O. Older Nexus devices will not be upgraded.
Those with supported Nexus devices should find the update rolls out to their device following the launch of the new Nexus phones for 2016, or at least within a few weeks of launch.
If you have a recent flagship phone or tablet from a well-known maker such as Sony, Samsung, HTC, LG or Motorola, it’s likely you’ll see the update rolled out within the first few months of 2018. However, before you can get the update both the hardware manufacturer and mobile operator must be ready to roll it out, which can slow down things.
Or, at least, that has always been the case in the past. Ahead of Google I/O the company announced Project Treble, which in essence makes it easier for manufacturers to roll out operating system updates to customers faster.
In its promotion of the Moto G4 Plus, Motorola has already said it will receive Android Nougat and Android O.
If you’e running a mid-range or budget model it’s likely that you will never get Android O. Android OS fragmentation is still an issue, and at the last count on 2 May 2017 there were still devices running Gingerbread (via Android Developers) .
Google has recently been awarded a patent for a new form of drag and drop that allows you to share content between apps. You might, for example, drag an address from a text message and drop it into Maps, or a forwarded photo straight into Photos.
Andromeda is a Google operating system that is in essence a mash-up of Chrome OS and Android and has been rumoured for about as long as we can remember.
When Hiroshi Lockheimer tweeted in late September that Google’s October event was going to be as memorable as the one in which Google announced Android (not his exact words — see below) , the internet went crazy trying to guess what it is that could possibly warrant such hype.
The only logical suggestion was Andromeda, but of course what we actually got was the first ‘Made by Google’ phones.
However, Andromeda is still allegedly on the cards, and Android Police assures us that Andromeda is an actual thing and not the figment of many Google fan’s creative imaginations.
It points to a Wall Street Journal report that Google was intending to fold the two operating systems into one to better suit a range of hardware platforms. This would open the doors to a new market sector in which Google has previously tried and failed: the lucrative world of laptops.
According to WSJ Andromeda won’ t see the light until 2017, which means we might not see Android O at all.
Read next: Best new phones coming in 2017
Follow Marie Brewis on Twitter.

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/new-product/google-android/android-o-latest-rumours-name-release-date-features-3647595/
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

Android O latest rumours — name, release date and features


As we get closer to launch day for the Android O public beta, the newly announced Project Treble is a sign of good things to come for Android O hopefuls. Read the latest news and rumours about the 2017 Android O name, features and UK launch date.
Google once again released the Developer Preview of its next Android operating system ahead of this week’s annual Google I/O developer’s conference, which means on Wednesday we could see the first public beta announced. Also see: How to watch Google I/O 2017
The first build is available for Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel C, Pixel and Pixel XL, but must be manually flashed on to a device and is not intended for consumer use. Also see: How to download Android O
The final version of Android N was released in August 2016 as Android Nougat, and we’re looking at a similar time frame in 2017 for the release of Android O, for which we will hear more details at Google I/O on 17 May.
Read on for more information on what we know about Android O so far.
Following Android Alpha and Android Beta, Google has always named its Android OS updates after sweet treats, and in alphabetical order. So far we’ve had Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat.
In 2017 Google will be looking for a sweet treat beginning with O. Trouble is, there really aren’t that many. The Tech Advisor team could come up with Oreo, Orange, Oatcake and Oh! Henry (the latter obviously being our favourite, given this) . It could even shake things up entirely and shock us all with something like Android OMG. (We’re joking, but we kind of like it.)
Google’s Hiroshi Lockheimer has been stirring things up on Twitter, seemingly suggesting Android Oreo is the most likely candidate. But is he pulling our leg? Quite possibly, given he has also tweeted an image of Pocky (chocolate cream covered biscuit sticks) with the caption #2018. Also see: Essential Android apps and Best Android games
A week later he was at it again. Is he pulling our leg?
Trouble is, there are few sweet treats we can think of beginning with an O, so it could well be Android Oreo as rumoured.
What do you think the next version of Android will be called? (If you choose Other comment below and let us know what you think.)
Given that Android Marshmallow was Android 6.0 and Android Nougat was Android 7.0-7.1, we would assume that Android O will be Android 8.0. But Google hasn’ t always done things this way, and Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and KitKat were all 4.x updates. Also see: Android Nougat review
Traditionally Google uses Google I/O to announce the new update to its Android OS. The 11th annual I/O conference will take place between 17 and 19 May 2017 at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. Also see: How to watch Google I/O 2017
Google surprised us in 2016 by taking the wraps off the Developer Preview of Android Nougat in advance of its summer Google I/O conference, and in March 2017 it did the same again with Android O.
The final release of Android N came in August 2016 with little fanfare and no new hardware, so the chances are we’ll see the company follow that same format in 2017. (The new hardware came later, with the Google Pixel and Pixel XL unveiled in early October.)
We expect the first public beta to be made available at Google I/O on Wednesday, and our money is on an August release for Android O, with the new Pixel 2 coming later in September or October. Also see: Android Nougat vs iOS 10
With the release of the Android O Developer Preview several new features have been confirmed.
Many of the new features regard notifications, and in Android O we will see user-customisable notification channels whereby alerts are grouped by type. Users will be able to snooze notifications, and devs can set time limits for notifications to time out. Also adjustable will be the background colours of notifications, and the messaging style.
In Android Nougat Google introduced the ability to restrict certain app activities in the background, and in Android O it improves on this by placing the priority on extending battery life without user-input.
Users will have to opt in to this service, but will then find it easier to fill in login and credit-card information forms with fewer mistakes and much less repetition.
Picture-in-picture, which is already available on Android TV, is coming to Android O. This is mostly used for video playback.
Android O won’t be restricted to phones, so there will be improved arrow and tab key navigation for when used with a physical keyboard .
Icons in Android O will support visual effects and can be displayed in various shapes on different devices.
Wi-Fi Aware will allows apps and nearby devices to discover and communicate over Wi-Fi without an internet access point. We’ll also see improved Bluetooth support for high-quality audio through the Sony LDAC codec, and new ways for third-party calling apps to work with each other and with your network operator’s special features.
We discussed Android O in our podcast:
Interestingly, Android O will be able to support multiple displays, allowing a user to move an activity to one screen to the next.
Every app will have a storage space quota for cached data, and when the system needs to free up disk space it will delete data from apps using more than their allocated quota first.
Google says it has made the profile owner and device owner management modes more powerful, productive and easier to provision than ever, with highlights including the ability to use a managed profile on a corporate-owned device and enterprise management for file-based encryption.
You can read about the new updates coming to Android O in more detail over on the Android Developer’s site .
We were already aware of a few user-facing features coming to Android O thanks to a tip-off from VentureBeat, though there was no confirmation that they would make it through to the final build.
This feature is expected to ease copying text from one app and pasting it within another by giving suggestions in the second app as to what you might be about to type based on what you were doing in the previous app. VentureBeat gives the example of finding a restaurant in the Yelp app, then opening a text conversation, beginning to type ‘It’s at’ and the restaurant name popping up as a suggested term. It is currently unclear whether it will be a new feature on the Gboard virtual keyboard or baked into Android itself.
Right now it isn’t possible to share your current location on Android as it is in iOS, but according to VentureBeat there are some new changes coming that make dealing with addresses easier. If you click on an address in a text message, in Android N it does nothing but in Android O it could open that address in Google Maps. It says it is not yet known whether this will be functional only in Google’s Messages app, or in all messaging apps on Android O.
Today you can quickly call up your contacts using Ok Google, but in Android O you will be able to draw onscreen the letter C to open your contacts menu. This is similar to what we’ve seen in many Chinese phones — the ability to in standby mode draw onscreen a letter and open an app of your choice — though here it should work when the screen is switched on and in any app. This feature may not be ready in time for Android O, however, the source warned.
Google phones and tablets are always the first to get new operating system updates, but even Google won’t support them forever. Security updates are provided for three years following the device’s release, or 18 months after it is removed from the Google Play Store (whichever is longer) .
So, for example, the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P will be supported by Google until September 2017, which means they will get both Android Nougat and this year’s Android O. The Nexus 9 and Nexus 6 were both supported until October 2016, which means they get an update to Android Nougat but not Android O. Older Nexus devices will not be upgraded.
Those with supported Nexus devices should find the update rolls out to their device following the launch of the new Nexus phones for 2016, or at least within a few weeks of launch.
If you have a recent flagship phone or tablet from a well-known maker such as Sony, Samsung, HTC, LG or Motorola, it’s likely you’ll see the update rolled out within the first few months of 2018. However, before you can get the update both the hardware manufacturer and mobile operator must be ready to roll it out, which can slow down things.
Or, at least, that has always been the case in the past. Ahead of Google I/O the company announced Project Treble, which in essence makes it easier for manufacturers to roll out operating system updates to customers faster.
In its promotion of the Moto G4 Plus, Motorola has already said it will receive Android Nougat and Android O.
If you’e running a mid-range or budget model it’s likely that you will never get Android O. Android OS fragmentation is still an issue, and at the last count on 2 May 2017 there were still devices running Gingerbread (via Android Developers) .
Google has recently been awarded a patent for a new form of drag and drop that allows you to share content between apps. You might, for example, drag an address from a text message and drop it into Maps, or a forwarded photo straight into Photos.
Andromeda is a Google operating system that is in essence a mash-up of Chrome OS and Android and has been rumoured for about as long as we can remember.
When Hiroshi Lockheimer tweeted in late September that Google’s October event was going to be as memorable as the one in which Google announced Android (not his exact words — see below) , the internet went crazy trying to guess what it is that could possibly warrant such hype.
The only logical suggestion was Andromeda, but of course what we actually got was the first ‘Made by Google’ phones.
However, Andromeda is still allegedly on the cards, and Android Police assures us that Andromeda is an actual thing and not the figment of many Google fan’s creative imaginations.
It points to a Wall Street Journal report that Google was intending to fold the two operating systems into one to better suit a range of hardware platforms. This would open the doors to a new market sector in which Google has previously tried and failed: the lucrative world of laptops.
According to WSJ Andromeda won’ t see the light until 2017, which means we might not see Android O at all.
Read next: Best new phones coming in 2017
Follow Marie Brewis on Twitter.

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/new-product/google-android/android-o-latest-rumours-name-release-date-features-3647595/
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

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