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Houston Rep. Al Green calls for Trump's impeachment as other Democrats hold off


WASHINGTON — After weeks of warning that President Donald Trump’s actions were veering towards illegality, Rep. Al Green on Monday called for…
WASHINGTON — After weeks of warning that President Donald Trump’s actions were veering towards illegality, Rep. Al Green on Monday called for the president to be impeached.
The Houston Democrat claimed that Trump may have committed illegal obstruction of justice by firing FBI director James Comey during the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and then seeking to intimidate him in a tweet warning that there may be “tapes” of their conversation.
“President Trump is not above the law, ” Green said in a written statement. “He has committed an impeachable act and must be charged. To do otherwise would cause some Americans to lose respect for, and obedience to, our societal norms.”
Only one other member of Congress, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California, has explicitly called for Trump’s impeachment. But several others have discussed the possibility.
Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, became one of the first members of Congress to even raise the possibility of impeachment just weeks into Trump’s tenure, warning that if the president sought to defy court orders halting his immigration executive order, that would be an impeachable offense.
Those claims eventually died down. But Castro said on CNN last week that, if it can be determined that Trump fired Comey to intentionally impede the Russia investigation, that could be an “impeachable” offense, too. For now, Castro added, more information is needed to make that determination.
A member of the House intelligence committee, Castro has also previously said that he “wouldn’ t be surprised” if some Trump associates eventually end up in jail .
Green emphasized that impeachment proceedings in the House would only be to charge the president, not necessarily to remove him from office.
“Whether he is guilty is a separate action for the U. S. Senate to decide, ” Green said.
The constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict the president and remove him from office.
Skeptics posit that individual calls for impeachment without serious momentum behind them are often an attention-seeking move. An aide for Green did not respond to questions about whether he would file an impeachment resolution and whether he has reached out to other Democrats to garner support.
“Impeachment is a really serious charge, ” said Sean Theriault, a political science professor at the University of Texas at Austin. “Unfortunately, since the Clinton era, the word gets thrown around quite a bit.”
But Green does have some prominent legal backers on his side. Laurence Tribe, a famed constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School, argued in a Washington Post op-ed this weekend that “the time has come” for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation against the president for obstruction of justice.
Sanford Levinson, a constitutional law scholar at the University of Texas, has argued that a more appropriate constitutional mechanism for removing the president would be a straight up-and-down vote of confidence in Congress. That way Congress could avoid the “lawyerly mumbo jumbo” that impeachment debates often devolve towards.
“A topic like impeachment always, without exception, is going to be a blend of law and politics, ” Levinson said.
The House has successfully impeached just two of the 45 presidents: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Both were acquitted by the Senate and remained in office.
Theriault suspects that most other Democrats are holding their fire on calls for impeachment to avoid limiting their credibility if they ultimately do decide to more seriously pursue the option.
“If Trump does cross the line and they’ ve already screamed for his impeachment, screaming it even louder isn’ t going to yield any different outcome, ” Theriault said. “But I don’ t think it’s necessarily bad for Maxine Waters and Al Green to till the soil or lay the groundwork so that if future allegations are made, they’ ve already broached the topic.”
In order to generate more congressional support for his cause, Green urged the public to weigh in and pressure their representatives to take action.
“Our mantra should be ‘I. T. N.,’ Green said. “ ‘Impeach Trump Now.’ ”
The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

© Source: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2017/05/15/houston-rep-al-green-calls-trumps-impeachment-democrats-hold
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Trump to join Pence in disclosing 2016 financial information


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is preparing to go public with information about how
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is preparing to go public with information about how last year shaped his personal fortune, a White House official says.
The plan was disclosed Monday as Vice President Mike Pence filed his own 2016 personal financial disclosure form with the Office of Government Ethics. Pence reported earning about $110,000 last year, entirely from his salary as governor of Indiana.
Trump’s personal finances are far more complex, since he was at the helm of a global real estate, property management and branding business until taking office in January. The White House official who said Trump will «soon» submit his 2016 personal financial disclosure did not give details about when it would be released and demanded anonymity to discuss the matter ahead of the filing.
Previous presidents, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush, have updated the public on their finances during their first year in office, even though they are not required to do so until the second year. Until Monday, the White House had not indicated whether Trump would follow that tradition or take advantage of his ability under the law to wait a year.
Such documents include an accounting of a person’s personal income, assets and liabilities. Trump’s 2016 form will span his general election candidacy, election and transition to power — potentially shedding light on the immediate impact his Republican nomination and election had on his Trump Organization.
Last May, then-candidate Trump’s disclosure form showed his business empire had grown in value while he was running for office.
However, the information is no substitute for tax returns, which Trump has chosen not to release. Tax documents would show his effective rate of income tax and detail the extent of his charitable giving.
While Trump’s two previous financial disclosures have run about 100 pages each, Pence’s tend to be far shorter.
In his filing Monday, Pence reported between $105,000 and $295,000 in student loan debt for his children. His wife, Karen, valued her «That’s My Towel Charm» craft business at less than $1,001, and her work as a painter at less than $1,001, the new report notes.
Associated Press writer Chad Day contributed to this report.

© Source: https://townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2017/05/15/pence-earned-about-110000-in-2016-as-governor-of-indiana-n2327202
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Plane crashes in Bergen County, New Jersey — Story


A plane crashed into a building in Bergen County, New Jersey, Monday afternoon, an official said.
NEW JERSEY (FOX 5 NEWS) — A jet crashed into a building in Bergen County, New Jersey, Monday afternoon, an official said.
The Learjet Model 35 crashed on approach to Runway 1 at Teterboro Airport at about 3: 30 p.m., according to the Federal Aviation Administration. It hit near a public workers building on Kero Road in Carlstadt at about 3: 30 p.m., according to the Bergen County Police Department. That is less than a mile from the airport. Several buildings caught fire, according to Carlstadt Police.
Two crew members are dead, Carlstadt Police said. No one else was on board.
Carlstadt Mayor Craig Lahullier said all of the town’s employees had left for the day, so no one on the ground was hurt.
The jet was heading from Philadelphia International Airport to Teterboro, the FAA said. A team from the FAA was heading to the site to investigate.
Several hours after the crash, Teterboro Airport reopened to departing flights but is closed to arriving flights until further notice, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the airport.
Wind gusts of 30 mph were reported in the area at the time of the crash, but it is unknown if that was a factor.
Learjet Model 35 is a small business jet, which is crewed by a pilot and copilot and carries up to eight passengers.
With the AP.

© Source: http://www.fox5atlanta.com/national-news/254753658-story
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Experts: North Korea 'Step' Closer to Striking the Continental US


Sunday launch is ‘much more concerning than satellite launches’ because test represents ‘level of performance never before seen from North Korean missile’
North Korea’s latest missile launch suggests a major step forward in Kim Jong Un’s quest to develop a nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missile that could strike the U. S. mainland, analysts say.
Pyongyang claimed on Monday that the missile it fired over the weekend was a «new ground-to-ground medium long-range strategic ballistic rocket» capable of carrying «a large, heavy nuclear warhead.»
The missile, dubbed the Hwasong-12, was launched at a high trajectory on Sunday, reaching an altitude of 2,111.5 kilometers and traveling 787 kilometers before landing in the sea near Russia, the North’s official news agency KCNA reported.
«The test-fire proved to the full all the technical specifications of the rocket, » KCNA said. «It also verified the homing feature of the warhead under the worst re-entry situation and accurate performance of detonation system.»
This image made from video of a news bulletin aired by North Korea’s KRT on May 15,2017, shows what was said to be the launch of the Hwasong-12 missile at an undisclosed location in North Korea.
Technical progress?
South Korea’s military, however, minimized the Kim regime’s claim of technical progress in re-entry technology, which, if successful, allows a warhead to reach its target without burning up while re-entering the atmosphere. The military said that although more analysis is required to verify the North Korean claim, «we believe the possibility of that is low.»
North Korea has made no secret of its desire to develop an ICBM capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the U. S. mainland, but many had believed it was far from mastering the re-entry technology needed for perfecting an ICBM, which uses similar engineering in early flight stages.
The Trump administration has made stopping the development of a North Korean ICBM a top priority, and stressed the U. S. would consider military action to take out launching sites and nuclear facilities, if needed.
Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told VOA that «this is definitely a step toward an ICBM technology, so I find this kind of launch much more concerning than the satellite launches.»
Advanced capabilities
If North Koreans had fired the missile at a lower angle, rather than «almost straight up, … it would have gone maybe as much as 4,000 kilometers, and that is not technically an intercontinental [ballistic missile] , but it’s still a longer range» than any North Korean missile had previously tested.
McDowell said the increased velocity and altitude and the range of the launched missile, which appeared to be an improved version of the mid-range Musudan model, indicate that the communist state might have advanced its missile capabilities through its test launches over the years.
Similar assessments came from aerospace engineering specialist John Schilling, who wrote on the website of 38 North, a monitoring project based in Washington, that the missile test represents «a level of performance never before seen from a North Korean missile.»
The test seems to have not only «demonstrated an intermediate range ballistic missile that may enable the regime to reliably strike the U. S. base at Guam in the Pacific, » Schilling said, but «more importantly, may represent a substantial advance to developing an intercontinental ballistic missile.»
FILE — South Korea’s new President Moon Jae-in speaks at the presidential Blue House in Seoul.
An early test for Moon Jae-in
The North Korean missile test occurred days after Moon Jae-in, of the liberal Democratic Party of Korea, was sworn in as the president of South Korea, replacing his conservative predecessor Park Geun-hye, who was recently ousted in a corruption scandal. Moon campaigned on a promise to engage North Korea, in contrast to Park, who was bent on cutting all ties to the reclusive regime.
«We should understand that just because a liberal president has been elected, it doesn’t mean that Pyongyang is going to suddenly stop testing, » Ken Gause, director of the International Affairs Group at the Center for Naval Analyses, told VOA. «This launch could be designed to see how Moon Jae-in reacts.»
Kim is testing Moon to determine whether he is going to interact with the U. S. and China and seek refuge in the alliance as part of a united front against North Korea, or if he is going to reach out to Pyongyang in an effort to seek an inter-Korean solution, Gause said. «Knowing these answers will help Kim Jong Un calibrate his foreign policy toward the new administration in Seoul.»
A South Korean army soldier walks by a TV news program showing a file image of missiles being test-launched by North Korea, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, May 14,2017.
Test could lead to talks
Alan Romberg, director of the East Asia Program at the Stimson Center, reads Pyongyang’s launch of the latest missile as a gesture to encourage South Korea’s newly elected president to contact the regime.
«North Korea does not believe that adopting soft or accommodating positions is the best way of inducing dialogue, but rather sees demonstrations of strength as most likely to eventually produce the negotiated outcomes it wants, » Romberg said in an email to VOA.
In response to Sunday’s launch, Moon strongly condemned North Korea, saying there still remains the possibility of a productive inter-Korean dialogue but that the South would deal rigorously with any such provocation.
Jenny Lee contributed to this report.

© Source: http://www.voanews.com/a/north-korea-a-step-closer-to-striking-continental-us-experts-say/3852445.html
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The Latest: Security Council condemns NKorea missile test


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The latest on North Korea’s missile launch (all times local) : 7: 55 a.m. The U. N. Security Council is strongly condemning North…
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The latest on North Korea’s missile launch (all times local) :
7: 55 a.m.
The U. N. Security Council is strongly condemning North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and vowing to impose new sanctions in response to its «flagrant and provocative defiance» of council demands to halt all nuclear-related tests.
A press statement issued by the council late Monday expresses «utmost concern» at what it calls North Korea’s «highly destabilizing behavior» and demands that Pyongyang conduct no further nuclear or ballistic missile tests.
The U. N.’s most powerful body says that North Korea is «greatly increasing tension in the region and beyond» and that it is vitally important the country immediately show «sincere commitment to denuclearization through concrete action.»
The statement stresses the importance of working to reduce tensions and maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.
The Security Council also calls on all countries to implement the six North Korea sanctions resolutions it already has adopted «in an expeditious and serious manner.»
Council diplomats say the U. S. and China, the North’s closest ally, have been working on a new sanctions resolution.
2: 20 a.m.
U. N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is condemning the latest North Korean ballistic missile test as a violation of Security Council resolutions and a threat to peace and security in the region.
U. N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Monday that Guterres had called on North Korea to fully comply with its international obligations «and return to the path of denuclearization.»
The Security Council has approved six increasingly tougher sanctions resolutions following its nuclear and missile tests. The United States and China are reportedly working on a new even tougher resolution.
1 a.m.
France’s U. N. ambassador says Security Council members are working on a resolution that would impose new sanctions against North Korea and strengthen enforcement of existing sanctions.
Francois Delattre told reporters Monday that France favors «a strong, swift and firm reaction of the council» to North Korea’s test on Sunday of a new longer-range ballistic missile, which he called «a serious threat to peace and security both in the region and the world.»
The Security Council is scheduled to hold closed-door consultations on the missile test on Tuesday.
British U. N. Ambassador Matthew Rycroft also called the test a threat to international peace and security and said «the U. K. favors tougher sanctions.»
Swedish U. N. Ambassador Olof Skoog said the council needs a firm, united response but «we also feel there needs to be openness for a conversation for dialogue.»
8 p.m.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned North Korea’s latest test-firing of a ballistic missile.
North Korea on Sunday launched what it said was a new type of «medium long-range» ballistic rocket that can carry a heavy nuclear warhead.
Speaking to reporters during his visit to China, Putin said Monday that «there’s nothing good about» the launch.
The Russian defense ministry said the missile landed several hundred kilometers away from the city of Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East, but Putin said the missile «didn’t present a threat» to his country.
In comments carried by Russian news agencies, Putin said Russia considers North Korea’s missile launches and nuclear tests to be «unacceptable, » adding that «we need to return to a dialogue with North Korea, stop intimidating it and find peaceful solutions.»
6: 10 p.m.
North Korea’s ambassador to China says that Pyongyang’s test-firing of a ballistic missile over the weekend is part of the country’s efforts to develop ways to defend itself against hostile aggression abroad.
Ji Jae Ryong told reporters Monday at the North Korean Embassy in Beijing that Pyongyang would continue to conduct launches in the future, as long as the country’s supreme leader deemed necessary.
North Korea says Sunday’s launch was of a new type of «medium long-range» ballistic rocket that can carry a heavy nuclear warhead.
Ji also repeated an assertion by North Korean officials that Pyongyang has successfully foiled a CIA-backed plot to kill leader Kim Jong Un last month with a biochemical poison.
12: 30 p.m.
Australia’s prime minister has called on China to use its leverage over North Korea to end the regime’s missile testing.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters in Sydney on Monday that North Korea’s conduct was «reckless, » »provocative» and «unlawful.» Australia will work with the United States and other countries to impose sanctions on Pyongyang.
«The greatest responsibility for bringing North Korea to its senses … lies with China, » Turnbull says.
«They have the overwhelming dominant economic relationship with North Korea and because they have the greatest leverage, they have the greatest responsibility, » he added.
9: 10 a.m.
North Korea says the medium long-range strategic missile it tested over the weekend can carry a nuclear warhead.
The country’s official Korean Central News Agency says the missile fired Sunday Korea time was a Hwasong-12 «capable of carrying a large-size heavy nuclear warhead.»
The South Korean, Japanese and U. S. militaries say the missile flew for half an hour and reached an unusually high altitude before landing in the Sea of Japan. Tokyo says the flight pattern could indicate a new type of missile.
Japanese officials say the missile flew for about 30 minutes, traveling about 800 kilometers (500 miles) and reaching an altitude of 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles) .

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4509098/The-Latest-Security-Council-condemns-NKorea-missile-test.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Lawmakers call for release of Comey “tapes, ” as White House refuses to confirm Trump’s claim


«To destroy them would be a violation of the law, » Democratic leader says
Has Donald Trump been secretly recording his presidential conversations? It’s been the number-one question in the political world after the president took to Twitter last Friday and of the former FBI director James Comey. While the White House has finally settled on to offer further comment after bungling the explanation for Comey’s firing for days, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are now calling on Trump to relinquish any recording with the former FBI director. “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” last week. The threat to expose Comey was probably a reference to a claim that the president made in the he sent the FBI director. “While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, ” Trump wrote, apparently alluding to the ongoing FBI investigation into Russian attempts to interfere in the last presidential election and contacts that Trump campaign officials had with the government of Vladimir Putin. Trump has insisted he had no involvement in the alleged activities and has frequently chafed at the investigation as it has continued and expanded. In public statements, White House officials initially said that they believed firing Comey, who had been previously criticized by many Democrats, would have garnered accolades for the president instead of comparisons to former president Richard Nixon. The possible existence of secret White House recordings is another real Nixon parallel.

© Source: http://www.salon.com/2017/05/15/lawmakers-call-for-release-of-comey-tapes-as-white-house-refuses-to-confirm-trumps-claim/
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China, India surpass U. S. as most attractive renewables markets-report


China and India have surpassed the United States to become the two most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, a…
LONDON, May 16 (Reuters) — China and India have surpassed the United States to become the two most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, a report by UK accountancy firm Ernst & Young showed on Tuesday.
In an annual ranking of the top 40 renewable energy markets worldwide in terms of allure, China was the top country, followed by India.
The United States, which ranked the highest last year, slumped to third place, due to a shift in U. S. energy policy under President Donald Trump.
Trump has issued orders to roll back many of the previous administration’s climate change policies, revive the U. S. coal industry and review the Clean Power Plan, which requires states to cut carbon emissions from power plants.
Meanwhile, China announced this year that it would spend $363 billion on developing renewable power capacity by 2020. India’s government has unveiled plans to build 175 gigawatts of renewable energy generation by 2022.
Among European countries, Germany ranked fourth, France eighth and Britain moved to 10th place, from 14th last year.
While Britain’s renewable investment environment is more settled than in recent years, which were beset by subsidy cuts, future energy policy after it leaves the European Union is uncertain, the report said.
«The UK’s reappearance in the top 10 is the result of other countries falling away — notably Brazil, which cancelled a wind and solar auction in December — rather than any particularly encouraging resurgence, » said Ben Warren, EY’s head of energy corporate finance. (Reporting by Nina Chestney; Editing by Dale Hudson)

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4509088/China-India-surpass-U-S-attractive-renewables-markets-report.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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UN Security Council condemns N. Korea missile test, vows sanctions


The UN Security Council on Monday strongly condemned North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and vowed to take further measures including sanctions in response to Pyongyang’s «highly destabilizing behavior.
The UN Security Council on Monday strongly condemned North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test and vowed to take further measures including sanctions in response to Pyongyang’s «highly destabilizing behavior.»
In a unanimous statement backed by China, the council stressed the importance of North Korea «immediately showing sincere commitment to denuclearization through concrete action.»
Council members demanded that North Korea «conduct no further nuclear and ballistic missiles tests, » in what appeared to be a final warning to North Korea before a new wave of sanctions could be adopted.
The adoption of the US-drafted statement came ahead of an emergency closed-door session of the council Tuesday called by the United States and Japan to discuss the missile launch.
North Korea on Sunday tested what appears to be its longest-range ballistic missile to date, saying it was capable of carrying a «heavy nuclear warhead.»
Pyongyang has carried out two atomic tests and dozens of missile launches since the beginning of last year in its quest to develop a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the continental United States.
The Security Council adopted two sanctions resolutions last year to ramp up pressure on Pyongyang and deny leader Kim Jong-Un the hard currency needed to fund his military programs.
In all, six sets of sanctions have been imposed on North Korea since it first tested an atomic device in 2006.
— All sanctions to be applied —
In the statement, all members including China, North Korea’s main ally and trading partner, «vowed to fully implement all measures imposed» on North Korea and to «strongly urge» other countries to follow suit.
That signaled a new phase in applying sanctions that curb exports of coal from North Korea, impose severe restrictions on banking and ban sales of luxury goods and equipment that could be of use to the military.
The council expressed its «utmost concern» over North Korea’s «highly destabilizing behavior and flagrant and provocative defiance of the Security Council.»
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Pyongyang over the missile launch and urged it return to denuclearization.
«This action is in violation of Security Council resolutions and a threat to peace and security in the region, » Guterres said in a statement issued by his spokesman.
Under UN resolutions, North Korea is barred from developing nuclear and missile technology.
The United States is also in talks with China on a possible new sanctions resolution that would ratchet up the pressure on Pyongyang.
«There’s a lot of sanctions left that we can start to do, whether it’s with oil, whether it’s with energy, whether it’s with their maritime ships, exports, » US Ambassador Nikki Haley told ABC television’s «This Week.»
«We can do a lot of different things that we haven’t done yet. So our options are there.»
The council is expected to discuss the next steps during its meeting starting around 2000 GMT Tuesday.

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/un-security-council-condemns-n-korea-missile-test-vows-sanctions/article/492689
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Business News Roundup: Cybersecurity, cap and trade, beer bonanza


FireEye Inc., Symantec Corp. and other cybersecurity stocks jumped Monday as a global computer hacking attack entered its third day, suggesting higher corporate and government spending on their technology will follow. Palo Alto Networks Inc., Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Cisco…
FireEye Inc., Symantec Corp. and other cybersecurity stocks jumped Monday as a global computer hacking attack entered its third day, suggesting higher corporate and government spending on their technology will follow.
FireEye, the Milpitas cybersecurity company, closed up 7.5 percent at $15.90 Monday; Sunnyvale’s Proofpoint was up 7.4 percent at $86.05; and Mountain View’s Symantec was up 3.2 percent at $32. Palo Alto Networks Inc., Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Cisco Systems Inc. and Oracle Corp. are also likely to benefit, according to analysts.
Just last week, Symantec reported revenue forecasts for the current quarter that missed analysts’ estimates. It has been struggling with falling sales of its Norton antivirus to consumers.
The California Chamber of Commerce has not finished fighting the state’s cap-and-trade system.
The chamber on Monday asked the California Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court ruling that the system, a linchpin of the state’s fight against global warming, does not constitute an illegal tax.
Under cap and trade, the state sets an annual limit on greenhouse gas emissions, allowing fewer emissions each year. Businesses must obtain a permit, called an allowance, for each metric ton of greenhouse gases that they emit. The state sells allowances in quarterly auctions, and companies can also buy and sell allowances among themselves.
The chamber’s lawsuit argues that the allowances are a tax that did not receive two-thirds approval in the state legislature, as required by Proposition 13. An appeals court in April disagreed, with two of the three judges finding the allowances lacked key characteristics of a tax.
Toshiba, whose U. S. nuclear unit Westinghouse has filed for bankruptcy protection, is reporting a $8.4 billion net loss for the fiscal year ended March.
Toshiba, whose products include computer chips and household appliances, acquired Westinghouse in 2006. The company called the results released Monday projections, rather than results, since they lack auditors’ approval.
The loss was about double the $4.1 billion loss racked up the previous fiscal year.
Its president, Satoshi Tsunakawa, has recently said the strategy based on Westinghouse was a mistake, and has promised it won’ t take on new nuclear projects. Costs in the nuclear industry have ballooned since the March 2011 tsunami in northeastern Japan, when three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant sank into meltdowns, and stricter safeguards are required to operate and build reactors.
Toshiba has been trying to sell its computer-chip business to shore up its finances, but has become embroiled in a dispute with U. S. joint venture partner Western Digital, which is demanding that Toshiba not sell it to anyone else.
Have real-life pirates taken aim at Disney?
Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed Monday that hackers claiming to have access to a Disney movie are demanding a ransom. Iger didn’ t disclose the name of the film, but said Disney isn’ t paying. The company is working with federal investigators.
Iger’s comments came during a town hall meeting with ABC employees in New York City, according to multiple sources.
Disney’s upcoming theatrical release slate include “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, ” which opens this May 19, and “Cars 3” (June 16) . Rumors circulated online last week that a work print of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” had been pirated and was being held for ransom, but days later online chatter tipped that as a hoax. The studio had no comment.
Several Hollywood agencies have also been targeted by hackers with extortion plots in recent months, including UTA, ICM and WME.
The maker of Budweiser, facing more competition in America from craft brews and cocktails, is spending billions to fight back.
Anheuser-Busch InBev will spend $2 billion over three years to bolster its flagship brands and improve distribution. The money will also support the company’s forays into “near beer, ” alcoholic sparkling water, and other products like tea.
The investment is a bet that Anheuser-Busch can push into new categories without neglecting its core business of traditional beer brands. Striking that balance will be key to the company’s future, Anheuser-Busch Chief Executive Officer Joao Castro Neves said in an interview.
Chronicle News Services

© Source: http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Business-News-Roundup-May-16-11148006.php
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Amb. Hill: US 'Running Out Of Time' On North Korea


According to a former ambassador to South Korea, North Korea’s successful missile test could be an indication that the U. S. is «running out of time.»
According to a former ambassador to South Korea, North Korea’s successful missile test could be an indication that the U. S. is “running out of time” to deal with the rogue nation.
Following reports that North Korea successfully launched a missile that they say is large enough to hold a nuclear warhead, MSNBC host Katy Tur asked Christopher Hill Monday if this constitutes a real threat to America.
“They’ re clearly getting some success with these solid fuel rockets and that’s important because then it kind of takes away the option of maybe shooting them before they take off — that is, directing some kind of counter-missile fire when it’s still on the ground, ” Hill said of the type of missile launched.
“And if they have succeeded of putting together some kind of nuclear device, then kind of game’s up, they have nuclear weapons, ” he continued. “So I think time is running out for us, I don’ t think we’ re gonna have that long.”
Follow Amber on Twitter

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/15/ambassador-hill-running-out-of-time-on-north-korea-video/
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