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Hart aber fair: Donald Trump macht ernst


NewsHubDarum ging’s
Nach zehn Tagen im Amt zeigt sich, dass viele radikale Pläne des Donald Trump keine leeren Drohungen sind. «Wie warm müssen wir uns anziehen? » wollte Frank Plasberg von seinen Gästen wissen – vor allem im Hinblick auf die deutsche Wirtschaft. Wird Trump den ewigen Exportweltmeister Deutschland zum Verlierer machen?
Darum ging’s wirklich
Die Runde sieht, dass Donald Trumps Vorsätze Wirklichkeit werden: Freihandelsbarrieren, Zölle und Mauerbau. Doch die meisten der Gäste mögen für Deutschland kein allzu großes Risiko sehen. Sie diskutieren sachlich und betonen, wie wichtig es sei, vor allem cool zu bleiben. Zuweilen klingt der Appell wie ein Mantra: Wenn wir nur selbstbewusst auf die eigene Stärke vertrauen, wird alles gut. Interessant der Ansatz vom Verhandlungsstrategen Matthias Schranner: «Win win» ist in Trumps Amerika nicht unbedingt gefragt.
Die Gäste
Reaktionen auf Trumps Einreiseverbot für Menschen aus sieben Ländern machen den Auftakt: Plasberg nennt das Dekret eine «Unterschrift mit maximalen Nebenwirkungen». VDMA-Präsident Car Martin Welcker hofft, dass die Maßnahme nicht endgültig ist. Schon jetzt sei es kompliziert, Mitarbeiter mit den ‘falschen Stempeln’ im Pass in die USA zu schicken. Den Firmen mache es das neue Verbot gewiss nicht leicht. Oskar Lafontaine sieht in der Maßnahme seine Meinung bestätigt, dass Trump ein Mann voller Widersprüche ist: «Wieso klammert er Saudi-Arabien aus? »
Dann dreht sich das Gespräch vor allem um Wirtschaft und Handel: Worauf müssen sich deutsche Betriebe im Export einstellen und welche Strategien sollten die Politiker fahren. Melinda Crane ist die erste, die mahnt, cool zu bleiben. «Die erste Woche diente vor allem der Show», sagt die Journalistin, die beide Länder gut kennt. Sie erinnert daran, dass immerhin noch Kontrollinstanzen Trumps Entscheidungen relativieren können. Schon jetzt griffen Richter und Kongress ein. Eine neue Steuer zu erlassen, funktioniere nur via Kongress. Sie plädiert für «abwarten und weiter sehen».
«When they go low, go high»
Mit harten Kanten zurückzuschlagen, würde Trump in ihren Augen ohnehin eher anheizen. Es sei wichtig, sich an die Regeln zu halten, sagt sie und zitiert Michelle Obama: «When they go low, go high. » Menschen wegen Herkunft und Religion auszugrenzen findet auch Ilse Aigner inakzeptabel, gibt sich aber besonnen: «Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt», begründet die CSU-Politikerin, weshalb sie «auf einen guten Dialog hofft, der Hauruck-Entscheidungen wieder ändern kann». Aigner kritisiert gleichwohl, dass Trump sich mit BMW den falschen Feind ausgesucht habe. «Wenn Deutschland eine gute Handelsbilanz hat, liegt das eben auch an guter Qualität. » Es sei normal für ein Land, die eigenen Interessen voranzustellen, sie zweifle allerdings, ob Trumps Mittel die richtigen seien, und daran, ob sie zum Erfolg führten.
Cool bleiben und Hartball spielen
Das Stay-Cool-Mantra sprach auch Wolfram Weimer mit: «Hier wird erstmal Hartball gespielt, wir müssen uns formieren und unsere eigenen Interessen besser aufstellen. » Den Publizist erinnert Trumps Amtsübernahme an die Ära Ronald Reagan. «Und da wurden wir nach Jahren positiv überrascht. »
Journalistin Crane sieht das anders: «Reagan hatte immerhin politische Erfahrung und sein Kabinett ebenfalls», sagt sie. Nun allerdings hätten wir es vor allem mit Milliardären und Generälen zu tun. «Für viele Amerikaner ist beunruhigend, dass hier Amateure am Werk sind», sagt Melinda Crane. Der Neoliberalismus habe vielleicht in Reagans Zeiten begonnen, «doch unter einem Handelskrieg wird vor allem die untere Mittelschicht leiden».
Für Oskar Lafontaine ist Freihandel «das größte Lügenwort überhaupt». Er führt aus, dass der Mächtigere den Schwächeren an die Seite dränge, wenn es keine Regeln gebe. Für ihn ist Handel fair, wenn für beide Partner gleich viel herauskommt. Der deutsche Überschuss sorge andernorts für Löcher. Der Saarländer fragt: «Wenn ich mit Lohndumping andere Länder in die Krise treibe – was ist daran fair? » So richtig überrascht ist der Linke nicht von Trumps Zielen: «Amerika first ist nichts neues», sagt Lafontaine und erinnert an Öl- und Gaskriege, die Amerika vor allem im eigenen Interesse geführt habe.
Unsere Maschinen können die nicht bauen
Die große Freiheit sieht Carl Martin Welcker vor allem für Trump, da der Mann auf niemanden große Rücksicht nehmen müsse. Dass nun die deutsche Industrie Preise senken müsse wie Lockheed Martin (deren Hauptkunde die amerikanische Regierung ist und die künftig günstigere Flugzeuge bauen wollen), glaubt der Industrievertreter nicht.
«Als Maschinenbauer sehen wir uns da nicht im Fokus», sagt Welcker selbstbewusst. «Denn vieles, was wir in Deutschland produzieren, kann Amerika gar nicht mehr herstellen. » Für hochtechnisierte Maschinen fehlten dort unter anderem schlicht die qualifizierte Ausbildung und richtige Infrastruktur.
Im amerikanischen Sport gibt es kein Unentschieden
Interessant sind die Tipps vom Verhandlungsexperten Matthias Schranner. Seiner Ansicht nach arbeitet Trump derzeit an Phase 1 (sich selbst inszenieren und Gegner in die Ecke drängen), um in Phase 2 (verhandeln) eine gute Ausgangsposition zu haben. Er zieht eine Parallele zwischen Trump und dem amerikanischen Sport: «Da gibt es keine Unentschieden. » Deutschen Politikern rät auch er, vor allem cool zu bleiben, «Bestürzung zu zeigen, ist grundfalsch. » Das mache man als Politiker einfach nicht, wolle man nicht in der Opferrolle landen.
Schranner empfiehlt, auf eigene Stärke zu bauen und sich mehr mit den eigenen Vorstellungen zu befassen als denen des anderen. Kanzlerin Merkel attestiert er Geschick: «Gemeinsame Interessen herausarbeiten und zugleich an eigenen Zielen arbeiten, ist gut», lobt der Verhandlungsexperte und empfiehlt ihr Nähe: «Wäre ich Merkel, würde ich morgen hinfliegen. »
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Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.rp-online.de/panorama/fernsehen/hart-aber-fair-donald-trump-macht-ernst-wir-bleiben-vor-allem-cool-aid-1.6572852
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Трамп уволил генпрокурора за несогласие со своим указом


NewsHubВ Белом доме напомнили, что Салли Йейтс была назначена еще при Обаме
Президент США Дональд Трамп отстранил исполняющую обязанности генерального прокурора и министра юстиции США Салли Йейтс от должности после того, как она выразила сомнение в правомочности указа в области ужесточения иммиграционной политики. Об этом говорится в заявлении Белого дома.
«Исполняющая обязанности генерального прокурора Салли Йейтс предала Министерство юстиции, отказавшись выполнять законный указ, призванный защитить граждан Соединенных Штатов», – отметили в Белом доме.
В резиденции президента США подчеркнули, что Йейтс была назначена в период работы администрации экс-президента Барака Обамы и якобы «неважно справлялась с обеспечением охраны границ и борьбой с нелегальной иммиграцией».
«Этим вечером президент Трамп освободил госпожу Йейтс от ее служебных обязанностей, назначив Дану Боэнте, федерального прокурора Восточного округа Вирджинии, исполняющим обязанности генпрокурора до тех пор, пока сенатор Джефф Сешнс не будет окончательно утвержден Сенатом», – указывается в заявлении. В нем также говорится, что демократы в верхней палате Конгресса задерживают процесс назначения Сешнса «исключительно по политическим причинам».
Как ранее сообщила телекомпания CNN, Йейтс проинструктировала своих подчиненных насчет нецелесообразности подготовки правового обоснования указов Трампа в области ужесточения иммиграционной политики. Распоряжения Йейтс действуют до момента утверждения в Сенате кандидатуры нового министра юстиции, на пост которого выдвинут Сешнс.
Трамп втакже сменил исполняющего обязанности начальника Службы таможенного и пограничного контроля. Вместо Дэниела Рэгсдейла ею теперь будет временно руководить Томас Хоман.
Напомним, в пятницу Трамп подписал указ, который полностью запрещает въезд в США на 90 дней гражданам Ирана, Ирака, Йемена, Ливии, Сирии, Сомали и Судана, запрещает на неопределенный срок прием беженцев из Сирии, а также приостанавливает прием беженцев из других стран на 120 дней.
Таким образом, в ближайшие три месяца получить в США статус беженца (и даже подать на него документы) не смогут и украинцы.
Вы сейчас просматриваете новость «Трамп уволил генпрокурора за несогласие со своим указом». Другие Мировые новости смотрите в блоке «Последние новости»
Если вы нашли ошибку в тексте, выделите её мышью и нажмите Ctrl+Enter
Фергюсон сообщил, что также подал иск о временной приостановке действия указа
Ранее Трамп объявил, что министерство внутренней безопасности немедленно начнет строительство стены на границе с Мексикой
Шварценеггер переехал в США из Австрии в 1968 году
Обама обрадован уровнем участия в обществе по всей стране

Similarity rank: 15

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/tramp-uvolil-genprokurora-za-nesoglasie-so-svoim-ukazom-793307.html
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Бойовики за добу 72 рази обстріляли позиції сил АТО


NewsHubНа маріупольському напрямку окупанти відкривали вогонь з артилерії калібру 152 мм та 122 мм по Водяному та Красногорівці. З мінометів різних калібрів обстрілювали Новотроїцьке, Красногорівку, Новогригорівку, Талаківку та Лебединське. З гранатометів та стрілецької зброї – Павлопіль, Талаківку, Лебединське, Гнутове, Широкине та Водяне. У Новогригорівці працювала ворожа БМП.
На донецькому напрямку бойовики обстрілювали позиції українських військових у Авдіївці з артилерії калібру 152 мм та 122 мм, мінометів калібру 120 мм та 82 мм, а також гранатометів і стрілецької зброї. З тих самих видів озброєння окупанти гатили по Зайцевому, Новотроїцькому, Луганському, Кам’янці, Невельському та Опитному. По Пісках та Авдіївці протягом дня вогонь вели танки.
На луганському напрямку окупанти накрили мінометним вогнем Троїцьке, Попасну та Новоолександрівку. З гранатометів бойовики обстрілювали позиції бійців ЗСУ у Новозванівці та Станиці Луганській.
«Варто зазначити, що Авдіївка залишається одним із найгарячіших місць по усій лінії розмежування. До четвертої ранку російські окупанти випустили в бік українських позицій понад 80 ракет із РСЗВ БМ-21 «Град» та 30 артилерійських снарядів калібру152 мм. Також вночі окупанти здійснили чергову спробу штурму наших позицій, яку було відбито», — підкреслили у прес-службі штабу АТО.
Нагадаємо, що 21 грудня спецпредставник ОБСЄ в Тристоронній контактній групі в Мінську Мартін Сайдик заявив, що учасники переговорів домовилися про припинення вогню з 24 грудня .
Проте, як повідомили в штабі АТО, режим тиші дотримувався близько 25 хвилин, після чого терористи продовжили обстріли позицій ЗСУ з різних видів озброєння, у тому числі, ствольної артилерії і мінометів.
Написи «ЛДНР» означають не тільки відсутність основних прав і свобод, небезпеку для життя, — але і невизначеність майбутнього, де змінні змінюються з такою швидкістю, що спрогнозувати завтрашній день часом не легше, ніж розібратися в тому, що було вчора. Існує три сценарії можливого майбутнього окупованих територій: велика війна, вибори і нічого не зміниться. Детальніше про можливе майбутнє Донбасу читайте в матеріалі Станіслава Васіна » Донбас-2017: три сценарії » у тижневику «Дзеркало тижня. Україна».

Similarity rank: 13.9

© Source: http://dt.ua/UKRAINE/boyoviki-za-dobu-72-razi-obstrilyali-poziciyi-sil-ato-231752_.html
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Rihanna and Azealia Banks in Trump fight, post each other's phone number


NewsHubRihanna, shortly before her Twittergram spat with Azealia Banks.
«Haven’t they got anything better to do? » I hear you asking.
It’s possible that they haven’t.
Celebrities do seem to have a lot of free time and some spend quite a bit of it on social media.
I don’t know if it’s the influence of Donald Trump. I do know, however, that singer Rihanna and rapper Azealia Banks got into an antisocial media spat at the weekend.
No sooner had one spat at the other than the spittee spat back.
It began, it seems, with this Saturday tweet from Rihanna : «Disgusted! The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!! »
Should you be wondering, she was referring to the president and his order that temporarily banned immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries.
On Sunday, CNN reports , Banks took her umbrage to Instagram. Sadly, her umbrage has now been largely deleted. It might suggest, though, a new trend. If someone upsets you on Twitter, get them back on Instagram. This has a «when they go lower, we go higher» flavor about it.
According to CBS News , one of these Banks Instagram posts read: «Stop chastising the president. It’s stupid and pathetic to watch. All of these confused people confuse other confused people. »
Confused yet? You will be.
What ensued, Refinery 29 offers , was a series of heated messages and accusations. In one, Rihanna allegedly tweeted a phone number that was Banks’s. Banks shot right back with Rihanna’s.
«Why do these two have each other’s phone numbers, if they dislike each other this much? » I hear you thinking. «It’s a celeb thing,» I reply.
Rihanna’s Twitter account is now clean of hectoring at Banks. Banks, however, has left a chuckle or two on Instagram. She posted an article about their spat, complete with pictures.
She added a caption that said the whole thing had been «a mess,» but «fun. »
I don’t think she was referring to the immigration ban and its effects at airports.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/rihanna-and-azealia-banks-have-trump-fight-tweet-each-others-phone-number/
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Amazon's Jeff Bezos promises to fight Trump's immigration ban


NewsHubBezos at a meeting of tech executives and then President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan last month.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO and founder, said his company is going into action to counter President Trump’s controversial immigration order , which temporarily blocked refugees and citizens of seven countries from entering the US.
In an email to employees Monday, Bezos said Amazon is working on a number of efforts, including exploring legislative measures and drafting a declaration of support for Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit against the immigration order. Amazon is based in Seattle. Bezos told employees affected by the ban «the full extent of Amazon’s resources are behind you. »
His comments were among a flurry of statements from tech leaders speaking out against the new ban.
Representatives for the Trump administration didn’t respond to a request for comment. Earlier Monday, Trump tweeted : «There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country. This was a big part of my campaign. Study the world! »
Bezos, who owns The Washington Post, has been critical of Trump during the election last year, jokingly offering to send Trump into space and, more pointedly, suggesting Trump was eroding democracy «on the edges. » Trump also jabbed at Amazon, saying it wasn’t paying its fair share of taxes and claimed Bezos bought the Post to influence politics.
However, after the election, Bezos appeared to become more conciliatory, with the CEO tweeting that he’d give Trump his «most open mind» and also attending a meeting of major tech leaders last month. This month, Amazon announced plans to create 100,000 jobs in the US , which was seen as another olive branch to the new president, even though many of those jobs were already in the works.
The latest comments from Bezos show his interest building bridges with the new president are now much less certain.
Here’s Bezos statement:
A quick update on where we are. This executive order is one we do not support. Our public policy team in D. C. has reached out to senior administration officials to make our opposition clear. We’ve also reached out to congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to explore legislative options. Our legal team has prepared a declaration of support for the Washington State Attorney General who will be filing suit against the order. We are working other legal options as well.
We’re a nation of immigrants whose diverse backgrounds, ideas, and points of view have helped us build and invent as a nation for over 240 years. No nation is better at harnessing the energies and talents of immigrants. It’s a distinctive competitive advantage for our country—one we should not weaken.
To our employees in the U. S. and around the world who may be directly affected by this order, I want you to know that the full extent of Amazon’s resources are behind you.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/amazon-ceo-jeff-bezos-promises-fight-trumps-immigration-ban/
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You actually need to win the lottery to get PSVR in Japan


NewsHubWhen Japan’s retailers finally had the headsets in stock on January 26, they were essentially already sold-out. People had lined up outside retailers like Yodobashi Camera and Sofmap in the early hours of the morning, but even those patiently waiting (on a weekday no less) had their chances of scoring a PSVR severely clipped thanks to a raffle-style system.
Each customer waiting outside of the stores were given a numbered ticket, and those lucky few who had their number selected were eligible to buy the headset.
The US and UK have occasionally been receiving new PSVR headsets in trickled restocks, but since October’s release in Japan ( where the headset sold 50,000 units in the first week ), Sony’s virtual reality headsets have been impossible to find. Unless you’re willing to fork out for one on Amazon for double the price.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/you-actually-need-to-win-the-lottery-to-get-psvr-in-japan/
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What the WWE Royal Rumble told us about WrestleMania


NewsHubWrestleMania season is the biggest part of the wrestling calendar, and this year’s started with a bang at last night’s Royal Rumble.
Fans usually have a good idea of who will be wrestling who at WrestleMania a few months out. This year, though, was a mystery. WWE did a great job at not making this year’s WrestleMania card obvious, which made the Royal Rumble plenty of fun.
The Royal Rumble, which aired on the WWE Network, sees 30 participants duke it out. It starts with 2 wrestlers in the ring, with 1 jumping in every 2 minutes. Wrestlers are eliminated by being tossed over the top rope, and the last man standing earns a world championship shot at WrestleMania.
Fans didn’t just find out who’ll be competing for a title though, as this year’s Rumble gave a sneak peek at most of the ‘Mania show. Strap yourselves in, we’re about to party like it’s 1999.
Many WWE fans complain that the company relies too heavily on part-time superstars. Guys like The Undertaker, Triple H and Brock Lesnar rock up every few months, headline the biggest shows and leave the full-time roster looking like B-grade players.
Well rejoice, because none of these part timers won the Royal Rumble. Instead, that nod went to 12-time world champion Randy Orton. You may remember him as the man who got damn near cut in half by Brock Lesnar last summer.
Odds are, we’ll see Orton take on Wyatt for the title at WrestleMania. That’s just how these things work out in pro wrestling; factions are made to be dramatically broken up.
There is an outside chance we’ll see Orton face Cena, a thought sure to put a shiver up most people’s spines. Nothing against either legend, it’s just that they’ve wrestled each other a preposterous amount over the years.
Either way, we’ll find out Orton’s opponent for sure at the Elimination Chamber show, which takes place on the WWE Network on February 12.
Roman Reigns is the most controversial pro wrestler on the planet today. Since 2014, the WWE have tried desperately to get fans to embrace him. That effort soured many, who resented him for being the «chosen one,» the heir to John Cena as the face of the company.
When Reigns entered the Rumble as participant No. 30, the boos were deafening. The collective groan was at the thought of him headlining his third consecutive main event — but Randy Orton put a stop to that.
Instead, it looks like Reigns will be taking on The Undertaker. It was Reigns who tossed Undertaker over the top rope, and the two exchanged a tense staredown afterward.
«It’s my yard now,» Reigns told ‘Taker.
The 51-year-old Phenom is 23-1 at WrestleMania. He’s slowed down in recent years, but his matches between 2008 and ’13 were regular WrestleMania show stealers.
Fans have an undying loyalty to The Deadman. They’ll now have one more reason to boo Reigns, especially if the polarising performer changes Undertaker’s WrestleMania record to 23-2.
Could this signal a character change? If the WWE is having trouble getting fans to accept Reigns as a hero, turning him into a villain would make sense. But don’t count on it, as it’s a change the company has been reluctant to make for over 3 years.
Hero or heel, expect big things from Roman Reigns at WrestleMania.
Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt and Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns are big matches, but there’s a good chance neither of those will main event WrestleMania.
Behind the scenes, Lesnar pushed the idea that Goldberg should defeat him to build to a big money match in 2017, Wrestling Observer journalist Dave Meltzer reported .
Lesnar was on to something, as their first match at Survivor Series created huge buzz; they were the talk of the wrestling world until the end of the year.
After the Royal Rumble, their rematch is all-but confirmed. We don’t yet know if it’ll be for a title, but at this point it’s the biggest match WrestleMania 33 looks to offer.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/royal-rumble-wwe-told-us-about-wrestlemania/
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Lego's new social network for kids uses Lego emoji to communicate


NewsHubKids and social networks aren’t exactly a happy marriage. In fact, most parents I know shield their kids under 13 from being connected much at all.
What if there was a magic world where kids could share Lego ideas and building suggestions, and safely collaborate on new projects, like Minecraft? What if kids could end up forming an ever-evolving living database on new Lego ideas?
Lego Life, launching today, isn’t that. But it’s something in the middle, maybe: a fledgling Lego social network for kids. What that means is that it’s an app for kids to share Lego ideas (in the form of photos), try Lego quizzes, and participate in Lego challenges. But it’s also an attempt to make a safe kid place in online Lego-land. Making this social network into a truly safe and moderated place is a challenge Lego says it’s ready to tackle.
Lego Life has been available in beta in the UK since the end of 2016, but arrives today as an app for people to download and try for free. I got to look at it briefly in beta form at the CNET office, and it looks a bit like Pinterest for Lego fans.
What a typical day in Lego Life will look like.
Designed for kids between 8 and 12, the app serves up photos (which can be submitted from other users), plus Lego-created videos and challenges that fit into themes. Kids can search for their interests via hashtag categories that Lego generates. Fans will be able to share photos of their creations as well as join in on Lego challenges each week that will be judged by Lego-side moderators (make something orange with Lego bricks, for instance).
According to Lego, moderators will be operating throughout Lego Life, both to help make sure uploaded content is safe and to engage with the network, giving feedback and encouragement. Lego moderators (in the guise of characters like Lego Batman) will comment on kid creations. Kids are restricted in the photos that can be uploaded: They can’t be selfies, for instance (AI filters, plus moderators, are supposed to block them), and the photos have to involve Lego toys. Photos of Legos in a living room? Hard to tell if it would be blocked or allowed.
Anyone over 13 can sign up with their own email address, but kids 13 and under need to be signed up via a parent’s email. How Lego is going to determine which is which wasn’t entirely clear, but it was suggested that credit cards, passports, or other forms of ID would be used.
Lego Minifigure avatars can be customized (to a degree).
No one in Lego Life has a real ID, and no personal information is shared. User names are assigned randomly out of three words, so your user name could be DukeCharmingShrimp (or, something else if you choose to randomly generate an alternative). Avatars are Lego Minifigures, made with a preset bunch of assets in-app. (The avatars will feature brands like Marvel, but licensing restrictions means don’t expect funky DC/Marvel avatar mashups.)
How does this all work in practice? I have my doubts, as a parent, and I was told that the beta version of the app has been a learning process (sometimes kids try to post selfies with Lego Minifigure stickers covering the face, temporarily bypassing moderation).
The Lego Emoji keyboard is real (and the only way people will be able to communicate with each other).
Maybe the most interesting part of Lego Life is that it avoids written language entirely, for the most part.
Uploaded pics can be commented on, but no one in Lego Life will be able to communicate to each other with anything other than emoji and stickers.
Lego’s making its own emoji-style keyboard for the app, and it’s also available to download separately in Apple’s iMessage as a sticker pack. It’s a clever way to restrain bad behavior, but it will also help overcome international language barriers.
Lego Life’s login and network is designed to carry over to games as well, acting as a safer online network for kids to play Lego games with each other on platforms, like PlayStation and Xbox, that parents might otherwise want to restrict online behavior in. Eventually, it’ll also enabling sharing screenshots in Lego games.
One thing Lego Life isn’t, unfortunately, is a master database for building and crafting Lego. That may come down the line, built on top of Lego Life. Imagine a database for all the bricks you have, and recommendations on what to build from Lego-friend master builders. That’s not happening now, but when it does, Lego Life could make a leap from an app that feels like brand-boosting to something I’d be more likely to let my kid explore.
Lego Life arrives in the US, UK, France, Germany and Lego’s home country of Denmark first, with Spain and Italy next. Lego plans to reach 90 percent of the worldwide audience by the end of 2017.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/legos-social-network-for-kids-uses-lego-emoji-to-communicate/
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Arctic launches semi-passive Freezer i32 Plus


NewsHubArctic’s Freezer i32 Plus boasts two fans which begin spinning only above a 40 percent PWM duty cycle, allowing for passive cooling under light load. Cooling specialist Arctic has announced the Freezer i32 Plus, a dual-fan tower cooler for all recent Intel socket types which it claims can run entirely passively under low loads.
Built on the same general principles as its previous Freezer models, Arctic’s Freezer i32 Plus doesn’t look particularly exciting at first glance: a centre stack of 84 0.3mm-thick aluminium fins sheds the heat from five 6mm copper heat pipes, with airflow provided by a pair of 120mm pulse-width modulation (PWM) controlled fans in a push-pull configuration.
A glance through the specifications, though, reveals a key feature of the cooler: The fans run at a maximum speed of 1,350 revolutions per minute (RPM) dropping to zero RPM under light loads down to a 40 percent PWM duty cycle, meaning that, when coupled with a processor boasting a low enough thermal design profile (TDP) and a case with decent airflow, the heatsink can run entirely silently and passively when you’re not caning the CPU.
The Freezer i32 Plus includes compatibility for Intel’s LGA 2011 through its third revision, 1150, 1151, 1155, and 1156 socket types, and measures 123mm by 102mm by 150mm in height, including the two bundled fans. Its overall weight is 752g, lower than its predecessor, the Freezer i30, and a cross-shaped plastic rear bracket is included in the pack.
The Arctic Freezer i32 Plus is available now through the company’s official website, priced at £41.99, with more information available from the product page. A single-fan version, the Freezer i32 which launched last year, is available priced at £38.99, or with AMD socket support — a feature missing from the dual-fan Plus variant — for £37.99 as the Freezer A32.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/bit-tech/news/~3/feZ9TXWMb_g/1
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Штаб АТО: Бойовики обстріляли околиці Авдіївки з Градів, є поранені серед мирного населення


NewsHubВночі терористи завдали удару по околицях населеного пункту Авдіївка із реактивних систем залпового вогню БМ-21 Град.
. Як повідомляє прес-центр АТО , наразі є інформація про руйнування та пожежу у житловому районі міста.
Крім того, за попередніми даними є поранені серед місцевого населення.
У штабі також зазначили, що близько четвертої ранку бойовики випустили в бік українських позицій понад вісімдесят ракет із РСЗВ БМ-21 Град та тридцять артилерійських снарядів калібру152 міліметри.
Крім того, вночі терористи здійснили чергову спробу штурму українських позицій, яку було відбито.
Нагадаємо, 29 січня, бойовики атакували позиції українських військовослужбовців в Авдіївці Донецької області.
29 січня загинуло п’ятеро бійців – всі з 72-ї Гвардійської окремої механізованої бригади, дев’ять отримали поранення, ще четверо були травмовані .
31 січня внаслідок обстрілів припинив свою роботу Авдіївський коксохімічний комбінат.

Similarity rank: 13

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/shtab-ato-bojoviki-obstriljali-okolitsi-avdijivki-z-gradiv-je-poraneni-sered-mirnogo-naselennja-567655.html
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