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USJ、ミニオン主役の新エリア 21日にオープン


ユニバーサル・ スタジオ・ ジャパン(USJ、 大阪市)で、 新エリアの 「ミニオン・ パーク」 が21日、 オープンする。 乗り物の アトラクション「ミニオン・ ハチャメチャ・ ライド」 などが体験できる。 開幕を控えた19…
ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ、大阪市)で、新エリアの「ミニオン・パーク」が21日、オープンする。乗り物のアトラクション「ミニオン・ハチャメチャ・ライド」などが体験できる。開幕を控えた19日のセレモニーでは、招待客約1500人がミニオンの仮装で盛り上げた。 ミニオンは、米国のアニメ映画「怪盗グルー」シリーズに出てくるバナナが好物のキャラクター。グルーが発明したという設定の乗り物のアトラクションは、巨大なスクリーンに映し出された物語に従って揺れ動く仕掛けで、家族らが楽しめる。ミニオンたちが参加するストリートショーやミニオンのグッズを売る店などもある。 約100億円をかけて完成したミニオン・パークは、2001年のUSJ開業から16年まで親しまれたアトラクション「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー・ザ・ライド」の跡地にできた。 USJは16年度の入園者数が1460万人と、3年連続で過去最多を更新した。「ミニオン」のほか、様々なイベントを通じて、さらなる集客を目指す考えだ。(近藤郷平)

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4L7RVFK4LPLFA011.html?iref=sp_biztop1_feature_list_n
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Fox News to let Bill O'Reilly go amid sexual harassment allegations, reports


TV host Bill O’Reilly is about to lose his job at Fox, according to reports.
TV host Bill O’Reilly is about to lose his job at Fox, according to reports.
The Murdoch family, owners of Fox, have reportedly decided to bring O’Reilly’s 21-year tenure to an end amid allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour that resulted in a boycott by advertisers.
New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman reports Fox News will announce the presenter’s departure from the cable-news channel within the next week
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Similarity rank: 9.9
Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/north-america/fox-news-to-let-bill-oreilly-go-amid-sexual-harassment-allegations-reports-35636391.html
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Xiaomi Mi 6 flagship features dual camera with optical zoom


New flagships have to be truly special to stand out from the crowd when you have high-end smartphones like the Apple iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S8 at the top of the pack. Xiaomi knows this, which is why the new Mi 6 features cutting edge hardware…
New flagships have to be truly special to stand out from the crowd when you have high-end smartphones like the Apple iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S8 at the top of the pack. Xiaomi knows this, which is why the new Mi 6 features cutting edge hardware, a great price, and a pretty cool camera setup on the back.
The Mi 6 features two 12MP cameras on the back, one with a wide-angle lens for casual snaps and the other with a telephoto lens for when you need to zoom in. Xiaomi says that the second camera lets you enjoy 2x zoom without a loss in quality.
There’s also optical image stabilization and 4K video recording. If that sounds familiar that’s because it is. The iPhone 7 Plus has almost the same specs, down to the lossless zoom level, save for the aperture on the second lens which is f/2.8 as opposed to f/2.6 on the Mi 6.
The lower the number, the more light it lets in — so, the Mi 6 has what it takes to fare better in low-light when using the telephoto lens. Both the Mi 6 and iPhone 7 have an f/1.8 lens for the standard camera.
Xiaomi has three versions of the Mi 6. The base model costs CNY2,499 ($363) and comes with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The mid-ranger, which is priced at CNY2,899 ($421), has the same amount of RAM but twice the storage at 128GB. The top of the line Mi 6 adds a ceramic coating, can be had for CNY2,999 ($436).
Regardless of the model, you get a 5.15-inch display with a resolution of 1,080 by 1,920 and 600 nits of brightness, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor behind that. The battery is a 3,350mAh unit that is said to provide enough power to have the Mi 6 running for a day.
Xiaomi says that the Mi 6 is the first 5.15-inch smartphone with a dual camera, but I doubt that any consumer cares about a smartphone that’s the first in a niche within a niche.
What prospective buyers may find more interesting is that the Mi 6 also adds dual speakers to the mix, a splash-resistant body, rounded edges, Bluetooth 5, and a USB Type-C port on the bottom.
As you can see, Xiaomi didn’t opt for a crazy, novel display this time round. That’s something that most consumers will probably be able to live with, considering that this type of screen allows for the fingerprint sensor to be retained on the front. On the Mi 6, it’s embedded in the home button.
The Mi 6 measures 145.17 x 70.49 x 7.45mm and weighs 168 grams. The ceramic model comes in at 182 grams. It’s offered in three colors, while, blue and black. It runs MIUI 8, which is based on Android 7.1 Nougat.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/9uMYD8Dhahk/
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Спасатели работают в зоне крушения сухогруза в Черном море


В районе Керченского пролива продолжаются спасательные работы после крушения сухогруза «Герои Арсенала», который следовал в Турцию с грузом зерна. Подробнее смотрите в видео.
Потерпевший крушение в ночь на среду в районе Керченского пролива сухогруз «Герои Арсенала» следовал в Турцию с грузом зерна. Росморречфлот сообщал, что на борту было 12 человек: , двое россиян, один из которых капитан, и один гражданин Грузии.

Similarity rank: 16
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/video/20170419/1023341871.html
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What to do first when hit by a cyber attack


Security consultant Gemma Moore looks at the actions organisations should take if they suspect they have suffered a cyber security incident.
At some point, your business may have to deal with a cyber security incident. But when you are under pressure and your team is stressed, people make mistakes.
Delaying too long in making critical response decisions may exacerbate the impact of the incident but, conversely, making knee-jerk decisions can cause further damage to the business or hinder a complete response.
There are many ways you may suspect that a security incident has happened, from detecting unusual activity through proactive monitoring of critical systems or during audits, to outside notification from law enforcement and compromised data located in the wild.
However, indicators such as unusual CPU ( central processing unit ) and network usage on a server may have multiple potential causes, many of which are not information security incidents. So it is vital to investigate further before jumping to conclusions.
Do you have any corroborating evidence? For example, if the IDS ( intrusion detection system ) detects a brute force attack against the website, do web logs support this having occurred? Or, if a user reports a suspected phishing attack, has this email been received by other users and did the user click on links or open documents?
You also need to think about answering questions about the nature of the incident. Is it a generic malware infection, or an active system hack? Is there an intentional denial of service (DoS) attack in progress and is this an incidence of deliberate insider action?
Once you have confirmed an incident has occurred, you need to take time out from initial response activities to prioritise your actions and decide, definitively, what the business objectives are for the response operation. Incident triage generally consists of classifying the incident in terms of impact and urgency and how it should be handled. The incident response team can then use the impact, urgency and priority evaluation to define the objectives for the incident response operation and assign actions or further investigation, as required.
Impact classifications defined by the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) GovCertUK and adopted by Crest , the body that represents the technical security industry, may provide a useful point of reference for initial classification based on the perceived or established impact.
The urgency of an incident should also be assessed along with the impact. Some incidents are unlikely to worsen over time, such as the discovery of a historical compromise by a former employee. But in other cases, such as a ransomware outbreak, it may be absolutely critical to respond rapidly to isolate the infection.
Mobilising full emergency incident response capabilities may not be applicable or appropriate in every situation. You need to understand as much about what you are dealing with as you can. For example, who is the attacker? How was the attack introduced? When did the attack occur? What data or systems have been compromised? Is the attack ongoing? Why were we the target of the attack?

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/What-to-do-first-when-hit-by-a-cyber-attack
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USS Carl Vinson Location Snafu Wasn't Intentional


Vice President Mike Pence said that he does not believe the Defense Department intentionally misled the public about the whereabouts of a strike group in the Pacific Ocean. Contrary to the claims of many military and White House officials, including Defense Secretary James Mattis and the U…
Vice President Mike Pence said that he does not believe the Defense Department intentionally misled the public about the whereabouts of a strike group in the Pacific Ocean.
Contrary to the claims of many military and White House officials, including Defense Secretary James Mattis and the U. S. Pacific Command, the USS Carl Vinson and its strike group were no closer to the Korean Peninsula on April 15 than they were a week earlier. On April 8, the Pacific Command announced the Carl Vinson Strike Group had been directed “to sail north and report on station in the Western Pacific Ocean.”
“The number one threat in the region continues to be North Korea, ” a spokesman for the command said.
“Were these misleading comments deliberate?” CNN’s Dana Bash asked Pence in an interview aired Wednesday.
“Oh, I think not, ” Pence replied.”Look, we’ ve got an extraordinary commitment of U. S. Forces in this region. And the Carl Vinson and that battle group are being deployed to the sea of Japan and will likely arrive here in the coming weeks.”
He added that the presence of tens of thousands of U. S. personnel in South Korea and Japan “gives me great confidence that the United States presence in the Asian Pacific is strong, and under President Trump’s leadership it will be stronger still.”
In a statement to TPM Tuesday, a spokesperson for the U. S. Pacific Command did not acknowledge any scheduling snafu.
“The USS Carl Vinson Strike Group is proceeding to the Western Pacific as ordered, ” the spokesperson said. “After departing Singapore on April 8 and cancelling a scheduled port visit to Perth, the Strike Group was able to complete a curtailed period of previously scheduled training with Australia in international waters off the northwest coast of Australia. The Carl Vinson Strike Group is heading north to the Western Pacific as a prudent measure.”
Mattis also refused to acknowledge any conflicting statements.
“We were doing exactly what we said, and that is, we were shifting her, instead of continuing in one direction as she pulled out of Singapore, she’s going to continue part of her cruise down in that region, but she was on her way to Korea, ” he said Wednesday.
“We don’ t generally give out ship schedules in advance, but I didn’ t want to play a game either and say we were not changing a schedule when, in fact, we had, ” he continued. “So we’ re doing exactly what we said we were going to do. She will be on her way. And I’ ll determine when she gets there and where she actually operates. But the Vinson is going to be part of our ensuring that we stand by our allies in the Northwest Pacific.”

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/pence-carl-vinson-korea-not-intentional?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29
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Plug pulled on US interview with wanted Chinese tycoon Guo Wengui


‘China using terror tactics against my family’ , businessman claims
A highly anticipated interview of a wanted Chinese tycoon was aborted halfway through without explanation on Wednesday. The interview with Guo Wengui, the subject of an Interpol red notice, was originally scheduled for three hours, but it was suddenly cut short, with only an apology from the presenter. In the interview, Guo claimed Beijing was using “terror” tactics against him and his family to cover up evidence he had of corruption at the highest levels of government. He levelled his allegations against Chinese authorities after China’s foreign ministry confirmed that Interpol issued a “red notice” – a request to locate and provisionally arrest an individual pending extradition – for Guo. He also rejected claims of corruption against him. Guo, who claims to have passports from the United States, the European Union and nine other foreign jurisdictions, said many Chinese officials had passed on evidence of graft to him while he had been overseas. “If they weren’ t so corrupt, they wouldn’ t be so scared of me, ” Guo said, claiming Chinese authorities had harassed and detained eight of his relatives and many of his employees. In the interview, Guo said he had not used any form of mainland Chinese identification in 28 years and that estimates of his wealth, at around 120 billion yuan (US$17.4 billion) were based on assets belonging to companies controlled by his family. The reported earlier on Wednesday that Interpol issued the red notice at China’s request. Sources briefed on the notice said Guo, who has close ties to disgraced former state security vice-minister Ma Jian, was suspected of giving Ma 60 million yuan in bribes. Ma is under investigation for corruption. Guo said he met officials from China’s graft-busting Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Communist Party’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission in London last year about Ma’s case, adding that facts of the case differed from the allegations in the red notice.

Similarity rank: 4.5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2089000/plug-pulled-us-interview-wanted-chinese-tycoon-guo
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東証小幅続伸、終値13円高 欧州政治に不安、勢い弱く


19日の 東京株式市場は値ごろ感が出た銘柄を買い戻す動きが優勢になり、 日経平均株価(225種)は小幅続伸した。 終値は前日比13円61銭高の 1万8432円20銭。 欧州など海外の 政治情勢への 不安がくすぶり、 上昇の 勢いは弱かった。 東証株価指数(TOPIX)は0・ 11ポ…
19日の東京株式市場は値ごろ感が出た銘柄を買い戻す動きが優勢になり、日経平均株価(225種)は小幅続伸した。終値は前日比13円61銭高の1万8432円20銭。欧州など海外の政治情勢への不安がくすぶり、上昇の勢いは弱かった。 東証株価指数(TOPIX)は0・11ポイント安の1471・42。出来高は約19億5200万株。 朝方は売り注文が先行した。フランス大統領選が迫る中、英国のメイ首相は総選挙の6月への前倒し方針を示した。朝鮮半島の軍事的な緊張も意識され、平均株価は一時100円近く下げた。

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -1
TW posts: 1
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TW sentiment: 10

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017041901001165.html
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Порошенко в Британии: Россия — ненасытный крокодил


Президент сравнил Россию с крокодилом из высказывания экс-премьера Великобритании Уинстона Черчилля.
Президент сравнил Россию с крокодилом из высказывания экс-премьера Великобритании Уинстона Черчилля.
Президент Петр Порошенко заявил, что Россия является крокодилом из высказывания бывшего британского премьера Уинстона Черчилля.
Во время выступления в Королевском институте международных отношений Chatham House в Лондоне он напомнил слова Черчилля: «Каждый надеется, что если он достаточно накормит крокодила, крокодил съест его позже других».
«Есть одно место, где эти слова особенно актуальны – это Украина, и этот крокодил, которого многие хотели бы покормить, чтобы он не съел их сегодня, – это Россия. Они надеются, если Россия удовлетворит свой аппетит, то она не будет распространять свое влияние дальше», — сказал он.
«Но я хочу переубедить их: Россия не наестся. Она не верит в демократию и права человека, она верит в доминирование над миром и зону влияния, она не играет по правилам», — добавил Порошенко.
Напомним, 18-19 апреля продолжается официальный визит Порошенко в Великобританию. Там он, среди прочего, заявил, что армия Украины на восьмом месте в Европе, а также, что Кремль одержим имперским прошлым.

Similarity rank: 18
Sentiment rank: 1.2
TW posts: 2
TW reposts: 0
TW likes: 0

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/politics/3841507-poroshenko-v-brytanyy-rossyia-nenasytnyi-krokodyl
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China and EU vow to defend free trade at talks in Beijing


Meeting between the two sides is first high-level exchange since Donald Trump became US president and embarked on protectionist agenda
China and the European Union agreed to jointly uphold free trade and globalisation after their first high-level talks since US President Donald Trump took office. The two sides discussed a range of issues from trade to security concerns including the North Korea nuclear crisis, and the situation in Syria and Afghanistan during the Seventh EU-China Strategic Dialogue in Beijing on Wednesday. The talks were co-chaired by EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and China’s top diplomat and State Councillor Yang Jiechi. Yang said after the three-hour meeting China and the EU agreed to work together to uphold world peace and improve global governance. Mogherini said in a joint press conference with Yang that the EU valued China as a permanent member of the Security Council and as a “key security and foreign policy partner”. The talks come as the EU faces a series of internal challenges. Britain, one of the bloc’s major member, has started the process to exit the union, while uncertainties have arisen with upcoming elections in several other key members including France and Germany. Yang said China would continue to support a united European Union “no matter how the situation has changed in Europe”. The meeting was the first high-level exchange between China and the EU since Trump took office. The two sides have aligned in rejecting his protectionist agenda. Chinese President Xi Jinping sought to portray his nation as the new champion of globalisation in his speech at Davos in January, although foreign companies operating in China have grown increasingly vocal about what they say is a lack of market reform and access. Mogherini said the EU listened “very carefully” to Xi’s Davos speech and the “commitment he made on behalf of China to free trade, multilateralism.” Yang said the Chinese side continued to challenge the EU over its refusal to grant the nation market economy status, which Beijing argues is required under the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organisation in 2001. Yang said Beijing hoped EU lawmakers would change their stance soon. The two sides also discussed the major summit China is hosting next month on its flagship new Silk Road initiative. Despite leaders from major Western countries declining to attend the summit, Yang said China welcomed “active participation” from the European Union at the summit. Mogherini also met Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2088997/china-and-eu-vow-defend-free-trade-talks-beijing
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