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Теракт на Лондонському мосту: поліція затримала другого підозрюваного


Ірландська поліція заарештувала другого підозрюваного в причетності до організації теракту на Лондонському мосту. Тероризм, Великобританія, Теракт у Лондоні — Телеканал новин 24
Ірландська поліція заарештувала другого підозрюваного в причетності до організації теракту на Лондонському мосту.
Як повідомляє Irish Times, затримання проводилося в місті Уексфорд, на південному сході країни, спеціальним відділом поліції по боротьбі з тероризмом.
Про арештованого відомо, що в 2001 році він притягувався до відповідальності за крадіжки та шахрайство.
Раніше в Ірландії був затриманий ще один підозрюваний в причетності до теракту, проте пізніше його відпустили без пред’явлення звинувачень.
Нагадаємо, в ніч на 4 червня на Лондонському мосту мікроавтобус скоїв наїзд на перехожих, водночас неподалік сталась різанина і ще один інцидент. У поліції Британії заявили, що інциденти на Лондонському мосту і ринку Боро-маркет кваліфіковані як терористичні акти. Внаслідок теракту загинуло 7 людей. До лікарень потрапили до 48 осіб, 21 з них – у важкому стані. Відповідальність за теракт взяло на себе угруповання «Ісламська держава». Поліція Лондона назвала імена трьох виконавців теракту – Хурам Шазад Батт, Рашид Редуан та Юсеф Загба.

© Source: http://24tv.ua/terakt_na_londonskomu_mostu_politsiya_zatrimala_drugogo_pidozryuvanogo_n826623
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Katar-Krise kann zum Problem für Russland und Großbritannien werden


Mögliche internationale Sanktionen gegen Katar gefährden die Geschäftsbeziehungen des Emirats mit Russland und Großbritannien. Betroffen sind Direktinvestitionen und die Energieversorgung.
Der Konflikt der Golfstaaten mit Katar könnte zum Problem für Russland und Großbritannien werden.
Iran und Katar fördern Gas aus ein und demselben Gasfeld im Persischen Golf und wollen Gas nach Europa transportieren. Das betroffene South Pars/North Dome-Gasfeld ist das weltgrößte Gasfeld. Zweidrittel des Gasfelds gehört Katar und ein Drittel dem Iran, berichtet Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Nach Angaben von Offshore Technology befinden sich dort 30 Prozent der weltweiten Gas-Reserven. Naturalgaseurope berichtet, dass der Iran über 18,2 Prozent und Katar 13,1 Prozent der weltweiten Gasreserven verfügen.
Oilprice.com weist in einer aktuellen Analyse auf die energiepolitischen Verbindungen zwischen dem Iran und Katar hin: „Von allen Golfstaaten hat Katar vielleicht die engste Beziehung zum Iran, einem Land, das Saudi-Arabien als seinen wichtigsten regionalen Antagonisten betrachtet und den der Großteil der Golf-Staaten als eine Bedrohung für die regionale Sicherheit einstuft. Katar und Iran kooperieren beim Teil des massiven South Pars/North Dome-Gasfelds, aus dem Katar den größten Teil seiner Erdgasexporte und damit seinen immensen Reichtum zieht.“
CNN berichtet ebenfalls, dass Katar und der Iran enge Beziehungen hätten, die jedoch über die Gas-Kooperation hinausgehen würden. Nach den jüngsten Berichten vom Golf gehe das Verhältnis über das Ressourcen-Management hinaus, weil sich kürzlich hochrangige katarische Beamte mit dem Chef der iranischen Revolutionsgarde (PASDARAN) getroffen hätten, so der Vorwurf des US-Senders.
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) berichtet, dass Katar der größte Exporteur von Flüssiggas (LNG) weltweit ist. Die Wirtschaft ist in hohem Maße vom LNG-Export abhängig. Öl wird nur in geringem Umfang exportiert. Zusammen haben Öl und Gas einen Anteil am realen BIP von etwa der Hälfte (2015: 51Prozent; 2014: 52 Prozent) .
Die britische Regierung ist darüber besorgt, dass es angesichts des Konflikts zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Katar zu LNG-Lieferungsstopps von Katar nach Großbritannien kommen könnte. Im Jahr 2015 deckte Großbritannien etwa ein Drittel seiner Gasnachfrage aus Katar. Das geht nach Angaben von The Telegraph aus den aktuellsten verfügbaren Daten hervor. Etwa 30 Prozent des weltweiten LNG-Angebots stellte im Jahr 2016 das Emirat Katar.
Im September 2016 hatte die in Großbritannien ansässige Centrica einen fünfjährigen Liefervertrag mit Qatargas unterzeichnet, um ab Januar 2019 bis zu zwei Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr (mta) an LNG-Gas zu erhalten. „Wir freuen uns, unsere enge Beziehung zu Centrica und Großbritannien zu erweitern. Diese Vereinbarung unterstreicht Qatargas Ruf als sicherer und zuverlässiger Lieferant von LNG-Gas. Darüber hinaus hat diese Vereinbarung das Potenzial, in den kommenden Jahren positiv zur Energiesicherheit Großbritanniens beizutragen“, zitiert LNG World Shipping den Qatargas-Chef Saad Sherida al-Kaabi.
Die britische Premierministerin Theresa May hatte sich mit ihrem katarischen Amtskollegen Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani im März 2017 darauf geeinigt, dass das Emirat nach dem Brexit über etwa 6,5 Milliarden Dollar an Investitionen in Großbritannien tätigen werde. „Unsere Investitionen in Großbritannien werden sich auf den Energiesektor, die Infrastruktur, in den Immobiliensektor und weitere Bereiche fokussieren“, zitiert der Guardian Al Thani.
Der energiepolitische Bereich von LNG-Gas spielt auch bei den Beziehungen zwischen Katar und Russland eine wichtige Rolle.
Der russische Energieminister Alexander Nowak sagte Ende April 2017, dass Russland und Katar gemeinsame Joint Ventures im Wert von 12 Milliarden Dollar planen. „Die Kooperation zwischen dem russischen Direktfonds und der Investitionsbehörde Katars wächst. Schon 1,2 Milliarden Dollar wurden in spezifische Projekte gesteckt. Wir hatten im vergangenen Jahr eine doppelte Zunahme. Wenn wir diese Geschwindigkeit beibehalten, werden wir in etwa drei Jahren 500 Millionen Dollar erreichen“, zitiert die Tass Nowak.
Die geplanten Kooperationen umfassen unter anderem die gemeinsame Produktion von Service-Ausrüstungen für die Förderung von Öl. Nailja Tschernikowa, stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin beim russischen Ministerium für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, sagte dass bereits vier russische Ölfelddienstleister Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit mit Katar gezeigt hätten.
Dazu zählen Rosgeo, Stroineftegaz, die Erial-Gruppe und Rosgeoservice, die an gemeinsamen Bohrungsprojekten teilnehmen wollen, so Tschernikowa.
Bei der bisher größten Privatisierung in Russland hatte Moskau überraschend knapp ein Fünftel der Anteil am Ölriesen Rosneft an den Schweizer Rohstoffkonzern Glencore und das Emirat Katar verkauft. Die Investoren zahlten im vergangenen Jahr für 19,5 Prozent der Papiere rund 10,5 Milliarden Euro.
Trotz der Kooperationen zwischen Katar und Russland gelten beide Länder auf dem LNG-Gasmarkt als Kontrahenten. Katar stellt mit seinen LNG-Gaslieferungen nach einem Bericht von Al-Monitor eine Gefahr für die Monopolstellung Russlands auf dem weltweiten Gasmarkt dar. Obwohl der weltweite Gasmarkt nur zu 20 Prozent von LNG-Lieferungen abhänge, kann der LNG-Anteil dennoch einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Preisgestaltung und andere Vertragsbedingungen haben, wie es in Europa der Fall sei, so Al-Monitor.
Insbesondere im Kampf um den europäischen Gasmarkt sind Doha und Moskau Konkurrenten. Nach Wunsch der Russen soll eine Gas-Pipeline vom Iran durch den Irak nach Syrien verlaufen („Islamic Pipeline“) , um dann über das Mittelmeer Europa zu versorgen. Diese Pipeline würde unter der Kontrolle Moskaus stehen. Russland würde mit der Verwirklichung dieses Projekts die Möglichkeit erhalten, alle Gasexporte nach Europa aus dem Iran, dem Kaspischen Meer und auch Zentralasien zu kontrollieren, berichtet Foreign Affairs. Nach Wunsch der ehemaligen Obama-Regierung sollte eine Gaspipeline von Katar, über Saudi-Arabien, Jordanien, Syrien bis in die Türkei verlaufen, um von da aus Europa mit Gas zu versorgen. Dieses Projekt droht der Abbruch, wenn der Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Katar eskalieren sollte.
Im aktuellen Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Katar hat der neue US-Präsident Donald Trump bereits Partei für Saudi-Arabien und gegen Katar ergriffen. „Gut zu sehen, dass der Saudi-Arabien-Besuch beim König und bei weiteren 50 Ländern sich bereits auszahlt, die sich bereits auszahlen. Sie sagten, dass sie gegen die Bekämpfung der Finanzierung des Extremismus eine harte Linie einnehmen würden und alles deutete auf Katar hin. Vielleicht ist dies der Anfang vom Ende des Schreckens des Terrorismus!“, schrieb Trump am 6. Juni 2017 auf Twitter.
Mit diesem Bekenntnis bringt Trump die Stellung von Katar auf dem weltweiten LNG-Gasmarkt in Gefahr. Wer als „Terrorstaat“ eingestuft wird, müsste früher oder später mit Wirtschaftssanktionen belegt werden. Mitte Mai 2017 hatte der Vorsitzende des Komitees für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten des US-Senats, Ed Royce, offen Sanktionen gegen Katar gefordert. Er wirft dem Emirat ebenfalls Unterstützung und Finanzierung von Terrororganisationen vor, berichtet Gulf News.
Die Financial Times berichtet, dass Katar vor einiger Zeit ein Milliarden-Lösegeld an vom Iran und von al-Kaida unterstützte Söldner gezahlt haben soll. Mitglieder der Familie des Emirs waren bei einem Jagdausflug im Irak von den Söldnern als Geiseln genommen worden. Im April hatte der Irak mehrere Koffer mit Bargeld aus Doha abgefangen. Es ist unklar, ob das Geld Teil des Lösegelds war. Die FT schreibt, dass die Zahlung formal als Terror-Finanzierung eingestuft werden könnte.
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© Source: https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2017/06/07/katar-krise-kann-zum-problem-fuer-russland-und-grossbritannien-werden/
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Woebot uses conversational AI to deliver cognitive behavioural therapy


A new chatbot launched on Tuesday delivers personalised cognitive behavioural therapy to people with mood disorders via Facebook.
A new Facebook-integrated chatbot has been launched globally to deliver personalised therapy to people living with anxiety, depression, and other mood-based disorders.
Woebot, founded in mid-2016 by clinical research psychologist Dr Alison Darcy, delivers cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) through human-like conversations in Facebook Messenger.
Woebot checks in on the user’s mood daily, learning about them over time, while also teaching a full curriculum of psychoeducational concepts. Beyond «listening» to the user, Woebot encourages them to reframe many of their negative emotions and patterns of thought, and guides them on how to address their problems in the future.
«Cognitive behavioural therapy is a great treatment — it is short term, it’s problem focused. You don’t have to talk about your childhood; you talk about what’s happening in the moment. It’s so structured that it lends itself well to digital delivery and digital translation, » Darcy told ZDNet.
Darcy, who has a software development background, said it was around the year 2000 — while she was working at an investment bank in London building decision support systems — that she started thinking about digitally translating therapeutic concepts.
«I was convinced at the time that technology was going to democratise access to health care in the same way that it was democratising access to information. But that never happened. And it’s still arguably not happening in a big enough way, » Darcy said.
Her research led her to Stanford’s artificial intelligence lab where she was introduced to conversational agents.
«Conversational agents is so fidelitous to the way in which good quality therapy is conducted. Therapy is conversational. We talk about our problems and we talk through solutions, so it really makes sense that a chatbot would be the formula that works, » Darcy said.
Woebot has been empirically proven by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Mental Health to reduce depression and anxiety among university students within two weeks. This is compared to the five weeks it usually takes with face-to-face CBT sessions.
Darcy said Woebot is not a substitute for CBT therapists as there’s «no replacement for human connection». Rather, it’s about «democratising» access to mental healthcare.
More than 40 million people in the US are living with mental illness and it costs the US economy about $201 billion per year, according to 2013 statistics by the National Health Expenditure Accounts.
But costs, stigma, and lack of awareness contribute to healthcare access inequality, Darcy noted.
«It’s well known that there are never going to be enough therapists to go around … there are still more psychotherapists in the state of California than there is in the entire of Africa, » Darcy said.
«There are many advantages to Woebot. He doesn’t judge. He’s always available. He never sleeps. He has a perfect memory and will always pick up a conversation from where you last left off.»
Darcy said ideal learning happens when treatment is needed the most. For example, someone with anxiety could experience a panic attack at 2am, when psychotherapists are not available. In such a case, they can jump on Facebook and converse with Woebot.
Previously, a person would have to book an appointment with a psychologist, which might end up being days, weeks, or months away. Given the nature of mental illness, by that point, the person might no longer be in a critical state and could end up being less committed to the learnings of the session.
«What we’ve noticed with users is it’s very obvious that when they engage with Woebot, there is something going on that they need help with right then and there, » Darcy said.
Additionally, Darcy said Woebot — priced at $36 a month after a two-week free trial — works out to be 5 percent to 40 percent of the cost of traditional therapy in the US.
However, she admitted that Woebot is not as sophisticated as a real-life CBT therapist in that «he» will not be able to form an emotional connection with the user, at least not until AI progresses to the point that it can experience emotion.
«Interpersonal relationship problems are probably best resolved in the context of human relationship. Woebot cannot understand an individual’s real needs in the moment and he will say that. He encourages human interaction. There are a lot of factors that come into play when trying to understand someone’s needs at any particular moment, » Darcy said.
«But the advantage of Woebot is that he can be truly integrated into your life. When you go on vacation, he’s with you; in the middle of the night, he’s with you. Those things are not easily replicated by a human.»
With the current integration within Facebook Messenger, Woebot is not US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant. However, the startup is in the process of developing a native Woebot app for both iOS and Android devices, both of which will be HIPAA compliant.
Darcy said the startup, which is headquartered in San Francisco, did not set out to launch Woebot on Facebook first. The startup simply chose to test its prototype on Facebook, expecting there to be some resistance towards the use of Facebook as a therapeutic platform. However, user feedback indicated otherwise.
«We fully expected people to come back and say ‘I don’t want to use Facebook’, yet everybody came back saying that they love that it was on Facebook. They kept saying ‘we really love that we don’t have to download anything else’ and that Facebook is their main way of interacting with peers, so it made sense to them that the chatbot lives in there as well. That really challenged our assumptions, » Darcy explained.
«But Facebook isn’t for everybody. We want people to be able to choose when and where they use Woebot.»
Darcy said the startup will also look to offer both male and female personas in the future to accommodate personal preferences, as well as add other therapies such as dialectical behavioural therapy.
In the future, Woebot will be improved so that it can understand the most effective treatment for the individual based on what they’re experiencing at a particular moment.
«For example, it will know that when Emma has an anxiety attack, meditation does not work for her. She just needs to hear a really relaxing song or she needs to do a breathing exercise because it’s worked well for her before, » Darcy said.
The startup also believes that in due course, Woebot could be used to develop new therapeutic models.
«Therapeutic models have been really slow to innovate and adapt. I’ve worked in an academic setting for a long time and we always dream about sample sizes that are large enough to be able to iterate quickly, » Darcy said.
«So the beauty of something scalable like Woebot is that we can elegantly design our own randomised trials to test treatments and constantly improve the treatment models, as well as individualise the treatments.»
Woebot has been self-funded to date, though Darcy said the startup intends on raising capital to support ongoing development and growth.
Earlier this year, in a similar mission to bring the latest technology into the domain of mental health, Australian non-for-profit organisation Sane Australia announced it had developed a mobile application that can alert people living with bipolar mood disorder, as well as their nominated loved one or mental health professional, to the potential onset of mania — thereby providing an important window for intervention.
The app works by monitoring the way a person living with bipolar interacts with their digital devices, and over time, behavioural patterns emerge that are matched against other benchmarks for well-being. When potentially unhealthy patterns are detected, the individual living with bipolar and their nominated trusted person are both notified so they can take action to prevent or lessen the severity of a manic episode.
The bipolar app will also address the onset of depression, though it will initially focus on the manic part of the spectrum.

© Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/woebot-uses-conversational-ai-to-deliver-cognitive-behavioural-therapy/
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Musk teases September semi truck event surprises, music playlist tech


Elon Musk couldn’t help but include some teasers in his Tesla shareholder meeting address on Tuesday, reiterating that the company would be holding a special..
Elon Musk couldn’ t help but include some teasers in his Tesla shareholder meeting address on Tuesday, reiterating that the company would be holding a special event to reveal its Semi Truck at the end of September, but noting also that he would “really recommend showing up” for the event because “maybe there’s a little more than we’ re saying here.”
The truck should be news enough – Musk said he believes it’s very possible for the company to create a practical, all-electric semi truck that will fit the needs of large freight trucking companies. He also said that Tesla is talking to those potential clients throughout the design process, so that the vehicle will be tailor-made for their needs once it comes to market.
He said that the response from most people they show their work on the project to in the industry has been “How many can we buy and how soon, ” and added that what we’ ll see in September at the unveil will be a “working prototype.” He also added that he expects Tesla to be able to achieve production at scale on the semi within “about two years, ” or possibly even 18 months.
The comments around wha else to expect at the event made it seem like Tesla will have other news to share totally unrelated from the vehicle itself, however. Musk was coy about the additional news, but did take a tangent later on to talk about music in response to a question about his own musical tastes. He said that it’s currently “very hard to find good playlists or good matching algorithms” in music, and said Tesla will have an announcement about finding the right music later this year.
It didn’ t sound like that was the special additional reveal coming at the semi truck event, but as always, it’s hard to tell with Musk. Still, it sounds like September will be big for Tesla – 18 wheels big, sure, but maybe even bigger still.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/2ebbfh3fLRM/
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I was frozen after Cosby drugged me: accuser


Bill Cosby’s chief accuser took the stand at his sexual assault trial to tell her story publicly for the first time, saying the comedian groped her after giving her three blue pills tha
Bill Cosby’s chief accuser took the stand at his sexual assault trial to tell her story publicly for the first time, saying the comedian groped her after giving her three blue pills that left her paralysed and helpless.
«In my head, I was trying to get my hands to move or my legs to move, but I was frozen, » Andrea Constand, a 44-year-old former employee of Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater, said in their long-awaited courtroom confrontation. «I wasn’t able to fight in any way.» She added: «I wanted it to stop.»
Mr Cosby (79) is charged with drugging and violating Ms Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. The TV star once dubbed America’s Dad could get 10 years in prison if convicted.
Ms Constand, an athletic six-footer with dark curly hair, could face a bruising cross-examination from Mr Cosby’s lawyers, who have argued that the two had a romantic relationship, that she wasn’t incapacitated and that the sexual encounter was consensual.
She was calm and collected as she testified, looking at the jury as she began describing the assault.
She said Mr Cosby gave her pills he claimed were a natural remedy to ease her stress about a looming career change. «They’re your friends. They’ll take the edge off, » she quoted him as saying.
She told the jury she started feeling woozy after about 20 minutes, with blurred vision, slurred words and legs that felt like rubber. Mr Cosby then penetrated her with his finger and also placed her hand on his penis and moved it back and forth, she said. She said she was unable to push him away or tell him to stop.
Afterward, Ms Constand said: «I felt really humiliated and I felt really confused.»
Before yesterday, Ms Constand had never spoken about Mr Cosby in public, barred from doing so under the terms of a confidential settlement they reached in 2006.
Some 60 women have come forward to say Mr Cosby sexually violated them, all but destroying his image, but the statute of limitations for prosecution had run out in nearly every case. Ms Constand’s case is the only one in which Mr Cosby has been charged.
Ms Constand, who is from the Toronto area, met Cosby while working for the women’s basketball team at Temple, and she said they became friends over conversations about the team and later her career.
The case continues.

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/north-america/i-was-frozen-after-cosby-drugged-me-accuser-35797337.html
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米軍支援、ラッカ進攻作戦開始 「イスラム国」壊滅目指す


【カイロ共同】 過激派組織「イスラム国」 (IS)の 壊滅を目指す米軍主導の 有志国連合は6日、 ISの 本拠地シリア北部ラッカに迫っていた民兵組織「シリア民主軍」 (SDF)が、 ラッカ市内への 進攻作戦を開始したと発表した。 米軍特殊部隊が後方支援し、 有志国連合が空爆支援してい…
【カイロ共同】過激派組織「イスラム国」(IS)の壊滅を目指す米軍主導の有志国連合は6日、ISの本拠地シリア北部ラッカに迫っていた民兵組織「シリア民主軍」(SDF)が、ラッカ市内への進攻作戦を開始したと発表した。米軍特殊部隊が後方支援し、有志国連合が空爆支援している。イラク北部モスルでもIS掃討が大詰めを迎えており、二大拠点の奪還を目指す軍事作戦が最終段階に入った。 国際救済委員会(IRC)は6日、ラッカに「20万人の市民が人間の盾として閉じ込められている」と指摘、戦闘の巻き添えで「ISに狙撃される危機に直面している」との声明を出した。

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017060601001822.html
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OnePlus 5 to be officially unveiled June 20th, this is what it will look like


Chinese phone maker has announced that it will launch its newest phone, the OnePlus 5, on June 20 during a live streamed event. This will be followed by several pop-up events in select cities, including one New York City that…
Chinese phone maker has announced that it will launch its newest phone, the OnePlus 5, on June 20 during a live streamed event. This will be followed by several pop-up events in select cities, including one New York City that will feature OnePlus CEO Carl Pei and YouTube video reviewer Marques Brownlee.
OnePlus made a name for itself for building high end smartphones at relatively affordable prices. At this point only two things appear to be confirmed about the phone: It will have a Snapdragon 835 processor, and if a recently leaked image obtained by Android Police is to be believed, it will have dual cameras on the back. Android Police says they have corroborated with a trusted source that this is an accurate image.
Other details remain scant at this point. Ecommerce site Oppomart, lists a handful of other possible components including 6GB of RAM, 64GB or 128GB of storage capacity, a fingerprint scanner and OnePlus’s Android variant OxygenOS — but we’ d advise taking these specs with a grain of salt.
Whatever the spec sheet ends up looking, the device is expected to be comparable to other flagships from this year, and camera should be an important focus given the partnership with DxO.
OnePlus is currently running a referral program whereby anyone who’s ever purchased a OnePlus smartphone directly from OnePlus can sign up and get a shareable link to pass on to others. your friends or family use the link to buy a smartphone from OnePlus, they’ ll receive $20 (or an equivalent amount in their local currency) off an accessory of their choosing, and you’ll get 100 referral points that can be used toward an accessory, discount on a phone, or exclusive OnePlus gear.
OnePlus says the referral hub is constantly going to be updated with new stuff to get.
Image credit: Android Police

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/69605-oneplus-5-officially-unveiled-june-20th-what-look.html
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Pentagon cites PLA naval base in Djibouti as part of Beijing’s worldwide military buildup


China’s construction of a military outpost in Djibouti is just the first of what will likely be an ongoing expansion in friendly foreign ports around the world to support distant deployments, a new Pentagon report concludes, predicting that…
China’s construction of a military outpost in Djibouti is just the first of what will likely be an ongoing expansion in friendly foreign ports around the world to support distant deployments, a new Pentagon report concludes, predicting that Pakistan may be another potential location. The annual assessment of China’s military might also notes that while China has not seized much new land to create more man-made islands, it has substantially built up the reefs with extended runways and other military facilities. And it has increased patrols and law enforcement to protect them. The Djibouti base construction is near Camp Lemonnier, the US base in the Horn of Africa nation. But American military leaders have said they don’ t see it as a threat that will interfere with US operations there. “China most likely will seek to establish additional military bases in countries with which it has a longstanding friendly relationship and similar strategic interests, such as Pakistan, and in which there is a precedent for hosting foreign militaries, ” the Pentagon report said. “This initiative, along with regular naval vessel visits to foreign ports, both reflects and amplifies China’s growing influence, extending the reach of its armed forces.” The military expansion ties into a broader Chinese initiative to build a “new Silk Road” of ports, railways and roads to expand trade across an arc of countries through Asia, Africa and Europe. And countries including Pakistan and Afghanistan welcome it as a path out of poverty. But India and others would be unhappy with additional Chinese development in Pakistan, particularly anything linked to the military. China has cited anti-piracy patrolling as one of the reasons for developing what it calls a naval logistics centre in Djibouti. Construction began in February 2016. Beijing has said the facility will help the army and navy participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations and provide humanitarian assistance. But the expanded presence around the world would align with China’s growing economic interests and would help it project military power further from its borders. The report cautioned, however, that China’s efforts to build more bases “may be constrained by the willingness of countries to support” the presence of China’s People’s Liberation Army in one of their ports. Unlike previous reports, the new assessment doesn’ t document a lot of new island creation by China in the East and China Seas. Last year’s report said China had reclaimed 1,300 hectares of land in the southeastern South China Sea. Instead, the new report focuses on the military build-up on the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. It said that as of late last year, China was building 24 fighter-sized hangars, fixed-weapons positions, barracks, administration buildings, and communication facilities on each of the three largest outposts — Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief Reefs. Each has runways that are at least 2,700 metres long. Once complete, the report said China will be able to house up to three regiments of fighters in the Spratly Islands. China has also built up infrastructure on the four smaller outposts, including land-based guns and communications facilities. The report added that, “China has used coercive tactics, such as the use of law enforcement vessels and its maritime militia, to enforce maritime claims and advance its interests in ways that are calculated to fall below the threshold of provoking conflict.”

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2097215/pentagon-cites-pla-naval-base-djibouti-part-beijings
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'I wanted it to stop': Former 'friend' testifies that Bill Cosby drugged, assaulted her


Andrea Constand accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her in 2004 and took the witness stand to share her story with the jury in Cosby’s trial Tuesday.
NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Andrea Constand accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her back in 2004, and today, she took the witness stand to share her story with the jury in Cosby’s trial.
Tall and thin with big, frizzy hair, she approached the witness stand as Cosby sat at the defense table, leaning forward, listening.
Constand said she worked as the director of basketball operations at Temple University, and she was introduced to Cosby at a basketball game in the fall of 2002. He wanted to see the new locker rooms, which she and a few others showed him.
A few weeks later, Cosby started calling Constand at her office, asking questions about the basketball program, but they soon developed a friendship.
«Ultimately, the questions turned personal. Where are you from? Did you play basketball, yourself? Things of that nature, » she said.
When he asked for her cellphone number and invited her to his house for dinner, she didn’t think he had anything romantic in mind.
She ate dinner at his house — alone. When she was finished, he came into the room to talk to her and at one point put his hand on her thigh. It seemed to be an affectionate — yet suggestive — touch, she said.
At another point, Cosby invited her back to his home to talk about Temple basketball and about her career. That’s when she said he made an advance that made her feel uncomfortable, placing his hand on the button of her pants, trying to unbutton it, she said.
She leaned forward and he moved his hand away. It was late, so she left, but they would continue to see each other, including two trips to New York City and a trip to the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut.
«I trusted him and I wasn’t scared of him in any way, » Constand said.
«What was your understanding of your relationship with the defendant?» Assistant District Attorney Kristen Feden asked Constand.
«He was a Temple friend. Someone I trusted. A mentor. And somewhat of an older figure to me, » she said.
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Until the night that brought them together again at trial this week.
It was January 2004, and they had known each other for about 16 months. Constand was considering a career change and went to Cosby’s home to discuss it. They talked for about a half hour until he excused himself. When he came back, he opened his hand, and he had three blue pills, she said.
«These will help you relax, » she remembers Cosby saying.
She asked what they were and whether or not they were herbal and she said Cosby told her, «Put them down. They’re your friends. They’ll take the edge off.»
She said, «I trust you, » and swallowed the pills.
He offered her some wine, and she took a sip after his coaxing.
She then started to feel differently. After several minutes of talking, Constand said she began to slur her words and was having trouble seeing.
As she described this, Cosby leaned over to talk to his lawyer, shaking his head. But Constand continued on the stand, saying when she stood up, her legs were wobbly. Cosby grabbed her by the arm, she said, and brought her to a couch to lie down.
She faded in and out of consciousness, but was soon jolted wake.
«I felt Mr. Cosby’s hand groping my breasts under my shirt. I also felt his hand inside my vagina moving in and out. And I felt him take my hand and place it on his penis and move it back and forth, » Constand said.
When Feden asked her if she asked him to stop, Constand said, «I wasn’t able to.»
She was trying to move, but she said she was «frozen» and very limp.
Cosby defense makes time its best friend during cross-examination
«I wanted it to stop, » she said, getting tearful.
Hours later — it was 4 a.m. — she got up, confused and disoriented, and went to the kitchen where Cosby was standing. He offered her a muffin and tea.
«I felt really humiliated and I was really confused, » she said. «I just wanted to go home.»
She did go back to his house, though. She wanted to know what he gave her.
She said Cosby told her, «I thought you had an orgasm.»
Constand said she did not and only wanted to know what those pills where, but he was being evasive, so she left.
He would continue to call her, though, and she said she would call him back because of his connection as a trustee and alumni of Temple and her still being an employee there.
She soon returned home to Toronto, but it wasn’t the last time that she would see Cosby. Her parents — unaware at this point of what happened — wanted to see one of his stand-up comedy shows.
«What was going through your mind with your parents requesting you to get tickets to see the man who sexually assaulted you?» Feden asked.
Constand said she did not have the courage at the time to tell her family what had happened, so she just went along with it.
Constand’s testimony will resume this afternoon.

© Source: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2017/06/i_wanted_it_to_stop_former_fri.html
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14-year-old boy arrested for dropping 5-year-old girl from 2nd floor of sports center


A 14-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after he dropped a 5-year-old girl from the second floor of a sports center in Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture, on Monday night.
A 14-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after he dropped a 5-year-old girl from the second floor of a sports center in Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture, on Monday night.
According to police, the incident occurred around 6: 15 p.m at the Mihara Region Plaza. The boy, who had finished swimming at the center, grabbed the girl on the first floor, carried her up the stairs to the second floor and then dropped her back down to the first floor six meters below, Fuji TV reported.
An employee saw the girl hit the first floor and called 119. The boy remained at the scene and was taken into custody by police. He was quoted by police as saying the girl, whom he did not know, clung to him, and he got angry.
Police said the boy, who attends a special needs school, told them he was sorry for what he had done. They said his parents told them that he does not like to be touched.
The girl suffered a broken jaw and other injuries but is in a stable condition in hospital, police said Tuesday.

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/120110.php
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