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Want to Really Boost the Economy? Stay in the Paris Agreement


Economic factors associated with climate change mitigation may actually be good for the economy, research suggests.
President Donald Trump yesterday justified pulling the United States out of the Paris climate accord largely, he said, because it would hurt the United States economy.
«As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country, » Trump said at yesterday’s (June 1) news conference.
But the idea that the Paris Agreement will harm the economy is nonsensical, said Jonathan Koomey, a lecturer in Earth Systems at the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. For one, the agreed-upon emissions cuts are nonbinding; the only legal obligation is that the United States report its carbon emissions. So if the required cuts are too damaging to the economy, the United States is free to revise its emissions goals, he said.
«You can’t have nonbinding standards that are draconian, » Koomey told Live Science.
Beyond that, most economic analyses suggest that environmental regulations may actually boost the economy, both because they spur innovation and because they prevent harm, Koomey said. [Trump Pulls Out of the Paris Climate Deal: 5 Likely Effects]
In his speech, Trump cited statistics from a coal-industry-funded think tank, called the National Economic Research Associates, which claimed that the burdens from the nonbinding climate agreement would cost about $2.7 million in total jobs lost by 2025. He claimed it would cut production in the paper industry by 12 percent, the cement industry by 23 percent, the iron and steel industry by 38 percent, and the coal industry by 86 percent. He also cited a $3 billion pledge the United States made to help developing countries reduce their carbon emissions. (The annual United States budget is $3.8 trillion, meaning the pledge amounts to less than 0.1 percent of yearly expenditures.)
The idea that environmental regulation hurts the economy is not a new one, Koomey said. With almost any new regulation, entrenched interests say the costs will harm the economy and eliminate jobs.
«In virtually every case that’s been false, » Koomey said.
The reason is simple: Environmental pollution costs money, reduces productivity and kills people, so reducing it typically has financial benefits for society. For instance, because carbon dioxide acts as a lung irritant, , fully implementing the Clean Power Plan set up by President Barack Obama would lead to about 3,500 fewer deaths by 2020, according to a 2015 study in the journal Nature Climate Change. A peer-reviewed study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2001 found that the Clean Air Act, which was passed in 1990, prevented 160,000 premature deaths in 1990,130,000 heart attacks, 86,000 emergency-room visits and 13 million lost days of work due to the negative health consequences of air pollution. The benefit-to-cost ratio, according to the EPA, was 30 to 1. [5 Ways Climate Change Will Affect Your Health]
«Environmental pollution costs society money and it kills people, » Koomey said. «So if you fix that problem, then society is better off.»
That’s not even addressing the trillions of dollars that will be spent if climate change leads to some combination of coastal flooding, droughts, water shortages, heat waves, crop loss, famine and war, he added. According to a 2015 study by Citigroup, negative effects from climate change could total $44 trillion if the United States fails to shift to more renewable energy sources.
However, environmental regulations and climate change goals don’t just prevent harms and lead to job loss from more polluting endeavors, they also fuel innovation and new technologies, which directly grow the economy and produce new jobs, Koomey said.
As new regulations or incentives come on board, companies find ways to meet improved standards in the most cost-effective way possible. Thus, cleaner technologies get cheaper and become a bigger portion of the environment.
For instance, the cost of solar energy has plummeted 80 percent in the last five years, while wind technology has dropped in cost by two-thirds over the same period, and are now often cheaper than more-polluting energy sources, Koomey said. That is largely thanks to natural efficiencies that come with scaling up manufacturing levels. Technical innovations ― such as the use of carbon-fiber blades rather than metal blades in wind turbines, the elimination of extra gears, and computers that use sophisticated modeling to best harness and release energy from wind and solar power plants ― have also played a role, he said.
«We’re substituting smarts for parts, we’re substituting better materials and figuring out more clever ways to do the same tasks, » Koomey said.
Improved energy storage has progressively increased the fraction of energy that can be reliably pulled from renewable sources such as wind and solar, without causing energy shortages and brownouts, he said. For instance, energy companies are now using old, abandoned coal mines to generate hydroelectric power during the day by pouring water deep into mines, then pumping it out at night, when the energy grid has much lower power demands, he said.
«People complained about wind and solar technology 30,40 years ago and said if you put even a few percent of that on our grid it will destabilize it, and that turned out to be nonsense, » Koomey said.
Now, utility systems can easily use 30 to 40 percent renewable energy without causing any interruptions in power supplied. With regulations in place, that same cycle of innovation is likely to proceed for years.
OF course, a major source of carbon emissions comes from cars, and electric vehicles have not taken off in the same way as solar and wind power have. However, China has already mandated that a certain fraction of its cars must be electric by 2025, and because it’s such a huge market, any major car companies will need to develop attractive electric vehicles for this market if they want to compete, Koomey said. By relaxing fuel-efficiency standards and removing momentum for producing electric cars, Trump’s policies will only encourage U. S.-based car manufacturers to lag behind, he said.
All of these new technologies create jobs and products that grow the economy, Koomey said. A report by the Rocky Mountain Institute, a clean-energy think tank, estimates that «decarbonizing» the economy will add $5 trillion to the economy. A 2016 study, funded by former U. S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and hedge-fund manager Thomas Steyer, found that reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2100 would actually save money, because the increased investment in renewable energy would be more than offset by reduced costs associated with fossil fuels.
People who oppose climate regulations «are looking at this exactly wrong. They think this is somehow this great burden.» But entrepreneur Richard Branson «has called the climate problem the single greatest wealth creation opportunity in human history, » Koomey said.
Originally published on Live Science .

© Source: http://www.livescience.com/59354-why-climate-reductions-help-economy.html
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Working with the General Services Administration to demonstrate Microsoft’s approach to make technology more accessible


At Microsoft, we are on a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. With 1+ billion people with disabilities in the world, we’ re passionate about ensuring that our products and services are designed for people of all abilities…
At Microsoft, we are on a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. With 1+ billion people with disabilities in the world, we’ re passionate about ensuring that our products and services are designed for people of all abilities. We are passionate about our work and are collaborating with enterprise and government customers to share our approach to make technology more accessible.
In December, members of the Accessibility teams at Microsoft facilitated an all-day training session for Federal Section 508 Program Managers to help them understand our journey to embrace accessibility and highlight recent improvements in Microsoft products, including Windows 10 and Office 365.
Hosted by General Services Administration’s (GSA) Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP) , the event included multiple speakers, demonstrations of products designed to test accessibility of computer hardware products, software, and websites, and our work to make our Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) transparent and accurate. You can read more about the event on the GSA’s blog.
If you want to find more about our journey, check out the information on our Accessibility website and enjoy reading about the new features launched in Office 365, such as the Accessibility Checker. This is now in the main menu of Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and more! And, if you’ re new to Narrator, please enjoy the Narrator ‘Get Started’ .
For more information on Microsoft’s product accessibility conformance reports that describe how the accessibility features of our products help meet standards, please explore these resources:
Remember your feedback is a gift, so please reach out to UserVoice or contact Disability Answer Desk for 1: 1 technical support.

© Source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/accessibility/2017/01/26/working-with-the-general-services-administration-to-demonstrate-microsofts-approach-to-make-technology-more-accessible/
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Sage, Ink: After Paris


A cartoon about America’s withdrawal from the global climate agreement
Why the ingrained expectation that women should desire to become parents is unhealthy
She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.
The special counsel is consolidating his control of existing investigations—and may gain leverage over the former national-security adviser in the process.
Because it was published in the most prestigious U. S. medical journal, its influence snowballed in a dangerous way.
Climate-concerned Americans search for ways to keep the momentum going.
The condition has long been considered untreatable. Experts can spot it in a child as young as 3 or 4. But a new clinical approach offers hope.
A little humor and charm—plus a breakout performance by Gal Gadot—can go a long way.
Fifty years after the Arab-Israeli war, popular assumptions about its impact are begging to be reexamined.
The U. S. is leaving the Paris Agreement. Here’s what happens next.
Recent lawsuits are asking courts whether the current crisis is comparable to the one over tobacco in the’ 90s.
Why the ingrained expectation that women should desire to become parents is unhealthy
She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.
The special counsel is consolidating his control of existing investigations—and may gain leverage over the former national-security adviser in the process.
Because it was published in the most prestigious U. S. medical journal, its influence snowballed in a dangerous way.
Climate-concerned Americans search for ways to keep the momentum going.
The condition has long been considered untreatable. Experts can spot it in a child as young as 3 or 4. But a new clinical approach offers hope.
A little humor and charm—plus a breakout performance by Gal Gadot—can go a long way.
Fifty years after the Arab-Israeli war, popular assumptions about its impact are begging to be reexamined.
The U. S. is leaving the Paris Agreement. Here’s what happens next.
Recent lawsuits are asking courts whether the current crisis is comparable to the one over tobacco in the’ 90s.

© Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2017/06/sage-ink-after-paris/529002/?utm_source=feed
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Szef MSZ Rosji złożył gratulacje Polsce w związku z wyborem do RB ONZ


Szef rosyjskiej dyplomacji Siergiej Ławrow złożył Polsce gratulacje w związku z jej wyborem do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ — poinformował polski MSZ na Twitterze. Ławrow wyraził gotowość konstruktywnej współpracy z Polską i nadzieję, że będzie ona miała korzystny wpływ na rozwój stosunków.
Szef rosyjskiej dyplomacji Siergiej Ławrow złożył Polsce gratulacje w związku z jej wyborem do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ – poinformował polski MSZ na Twitterze. Ławrow wyraził gotowość konstruktywnej współpracy z Polską i nadzieję, że będzie ona miała korzystny wpływ na rozwój stosunków.
Polska została wybrana na niestałego członka Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ na kadencję 2018-2019. W piątek, w tajnym głosowaniu w Zgromadzeniu Ogólnym nasz kraj uzyskał 190 głosów poparcia; dwa państwa wstrzymały się od głosu. Wcześniej Polska uzyskała także dla swojej kandydatury jednogłośną akceptację krajów grupy państw Europy Wschodniej; do grupy tej należy Rosja.
Jak poinformował we wpisach zamieszczonych na Twitterze polski resort dyplomacji, rosyjski minister spraw zagranicznych złożył Polsce w piątek gratulacje z okazji wyboru do Rady Bezpieczeństwa.
MSZ przekazało, że Ławrow wyraził jednocześnie „gotowość do konstruktywnego działania” z Polską w Radzie.
Wcześniej o tym, że Polska nie zawaha się współpracować z Rosją, jeśli ta „będzie miała pozytywną agendę, pozytywne recepty na rozwiązanie problemów” takich jak kwestia wojny z Ukrainą czy wojna w Syrii zapewniał w swojej wypowiedzi dla mediów po ogłoszeniu wyników piątkowego głosowania szef polskiego MSZ Witold Waszczykowski. Na fakt, iż członkostwo w Radzie Bezpieczeństwa ONZ „może stworzyć dla Polski nową płaszczyznę relacji nie tylko z Francją, Wielką Brytanią czy USA, ale też z Rosją i Chinami” zwracał również uwagę prezydencki minister Krzysztof Szczerski.
Od czasu, gdy w grudniu 2016 r. z ubiegania się o miejsce w RB ONZ zrezygnowała Bułgaria, Polska była jedynym kandydatem z grupy państw Europy Wschodniej, której tradycyjnie przypada jedno z dziesięciu miejsc w Radzie.
W skład Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ wchodzi 15 państw, w tym pięciu stałych członków, są to: Stany Zjednoczone, Francja, Wielka Brytania, Chiny oraz Rosja. Pozostali wybierani są na dwuletnią kadencję, po pięć państw każdego roku. Niestałych członków RB ONZ wybiera się zgodnie z tzw. kluczem regionalnym. Zgodnie z nim zawsze pięć miejsc przypada państwom z Afryki oraz Azji, dwa – z Ameryki Łacińskiej, jedno – z Europy Wschodniej oraz dwa miejsca – z Europy Zachodniej.

© Source: http://www.radiomaryja.pl/informacje/szef-msz-rosji-zlozyl-gratulacje-polsce-zwiazku-wyborem-rb-onz/
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Kevin Plank criticizes Trump’s move to back out of Paris climate accord


Under Armour Inc. CEO Kevin Plank has joined a chorus of other business executives criticizing President Donald Trump’s plans to pull the U. S. out of the Paris climate accord. “We at Under Armour are disappointed…
“We at Under Armour are disappointed by the Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement as climate change continues to threaten our planet, our cities and our economies, ” Plank said in a statement Friday. “Climate change is real and must be taken seriously by our business community, our customers, our neighbors and our elected officials.”
The accord represents a collective effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the world. A total of 196 countries committed to the deal in 2015.
“I believe in keeping one’s word and doing everything possible to execute on our commitments, ” Plank said.
Trump said on Thursday that the deal imposed unfair environmental standards on U. S. businesses and workers and he wants to negotiate a better deal.
Plank becomes the latest high-profile executive…
Love wine, beer or BBQ? Check out these fun festivals.
Need a break? Play a quick game of solitaire or Sudoku. Or take one of our fun quizzes!
What are the best and worst “Star Wars” movies ever made?

© Source: http://wtop.com/washington-business-journal/2017/06/kevin-plank-criticizes-trumps-move-to-back-out-of-paris-climate-accord/
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China, Japan, Venezuela, and Others Influencing Russia


While Vladimir Putin plays games with the U. S. and Europe, other countries that will determine Russia’s future shouldn’ t be overlooked
Plenty of ink is being spilled over Russia’s contentious relations with the West these days, and with good reason. But while Russian President Vladimir Putin plays games with the U. S. and Europe — and continues a murky alliance with Syria and Iran — the other countries that will determine Russia’s future shouldn’ t be overlooked. Here are five you should be keeping tabs on.
Let’s start with the most obvious. Russia had hoped its eastern pivot towards China would make up for lost Western investment and trade ties in the wake of the Ukraine crisis of 2014. U. S./E. U. sanctions and Russian counter-sanctions are estimated to have cost Russia between 1 and 1.5 percent of its GDP in the first year alone; the IMF forecasts the hit could be as much as 9 percent over the medium term. And while China did indeed step up financing for Russian projects (Chinese investment in Russia grew by 172 percent in the first half of 2016) , it wasn’ t enough to overcome the losses in growth and financing that Western sanctions knocked off in 2016. Making matters worse, Beijing never endorsed Russia’s annexation of Crimea, as Moscow once hoped it would.
But that’s the thing—while China will sign more deals with Russia, it needs no part in Russia’s geopolitical games. China’s happy to do more business with Russia now that the Russians, with fewer options, have to give China favorable terms and prices. But the global status quo has been good to China, and Beijing wants to see it continue, albeit with some modifications; Russia wants to upend it entirely. In addition, China will continue to compete for influence with Russia, particularly in Central Asia. Don’ t expect China to become best friends with Russia anytime soon. Or ever.
Japan has been part of Russia’s Asia outreach for years now—partly to hedge against China, and partly out of hope that Japanese investment in Russia would lead to absorption of Japanese technology, experience and efficiency in Russian industry. While some of that did happen (especially in the energy and automotive sectors) , it never hit the levels the Kremlin had hoped.
But when discussing the future of Russia/Japan relations, it’s history and geopolitics that weigh most heavily. Tokyo and Moscow continue to dispute the status of Kuril Islands, a chain of four islands in the Pacific that both countries claim as their own. And to this day, Russia and Japan have failed to sign a peace treaty that would officially end World War II. Then there’s the fact that Japan finds itself in an increasingly challenging geopolitical situation in Asia; China is throwing elbows next door, and North Korea’s kicking up dirt. Russia is not equipped to handle either of those situations; and for all the chaos in U. S. politics at the moment, America’s military prowess still holds sway in the region (as do the 54,000 military personnel stationed in Japan) . The U. S. remains the must-have ally in the region if you’ re Tokyo. That’s also why Russia would like to edge closer to Japan.
Saudi Arabia
In Syria, Russia has shown it’s ready to rush in where the U. S. still fears to tread. That makes Russia a significant player in the region, more than its economic and military strength would otherwise suggest (Russia is the 12 th largest economy, and while it’s 3 rd largest in military expenditure, it shells out only about one tenth of what the U. S. does) .
While Saudi Arabia and Russia are on opposite sides of the Syrian war, they’ ve managed to work together to backstop the fall in oil prices that devastated both countries. There’s also potential here—Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman played a critical role in creating a $10 billion partnership between the Saudi Public Investment Fund and Russia’s Direct Investment Fund, and an improved relationship with Saudi Arabia supports Russian efforts to engage the broader Gulf region. And while the Saudis might be glad to have Donald Trump in the White House at the moment, there are no guarantees for what comes next. Given that, it’s good to have options.
Russia and Turkey are helmed by two of the world’s most colorful strongmen, and both are prime players in the unfolding Syria drama. In November 2015, Turkey downed a Russian fighter jet that was skirting its airspace; Russia retaliated with trade sanctions, but quickly reached a rapprochement when Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized. This was followed by the shooting of the Russian ambassador by an off-duty police officer in Ankara about a year later.
In normal times, these things might be cause for war. But as Erdogan chafes under criticism of his government from the West, Russia and Turkey have a greater incentive to work together. Now the countries are pushing to bring the Turkish Stream natural gas pipeline online to shuttle Russian gas to Europe, Turkey is serving as the NATO proxy in the Astana format peace talks on Syria, and Ankara is happy to deflect Western criticism of growing authoritarianism at home by holding up its friendship with Moscow.
Still, Erdogan and Putin don’t quite see eye-to-eye on the role that President Bashar al-Assad should play in Syria’s future — and the question of a Syrian Kurdish territory, anathema to Turkey, will be another source of suspicion.
The last country on this list may also get the least attention. Venezuela is convulsing, and its citizens are taking to the streets daily to protest Nicolas Maduro and the lack of basic food and medicines. Given that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, it’s a spectacular fall for one of Latin America’s former powerhouses.
Here is where it gets interesting. Venezuela’s cash-strapped state oil company, PDVSA, owns the America energy company Citgo. In December, PDVSA received a loan from Russian state-oil company Rosneft, in exchange for which it put up 49.9% of Citgo for collateral.
Should PDVSA be unable to repay its debt — a distinct possibility by the end of 2017 — Rosneft will collect its collateral, and a controlling stake in the company would be easily within its reach. Aside from the strategic play to accumulate quality oil assets on the cheap, Putin just loves the idea of owning one of the largest refiners in the U. S.—and he might just get his wish.

© Source: http://time.com/4803219/russia-vladimir-putin-china-japan-venezuela/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+time%2Ftopstories+%28TIME%3A+Top+Stories%29
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The Real Reason Kathy Griffin Held A Presser Was To Brag About Her Weight


The real reason Kathy Griffin held a presser was to show off her think physique.
“This has been a living nightmare for Kathy, ” attorney Lisa Bloom announced at the top of Kathy Griffin ‘s bizarre press conference held Friday at Bloom’s suburban LA office.
The dark things in life also have upsides: the comedian, a vision of sorrow, was a better spokesperson for weight loss than Oprah Winfrey .
Griffin, who refers to herself as a D-List comedian, was not really there to apologize. Although she did reiterate how much she regrets posing for a picture in which she clutched a thatch of fake President Trump ‘s blond hair connected to his bloody face.
Looking extremely thin, there was mention of her weight.
“Trump is not afraid of 60-year-old 110-pound Kathy Griffin, ” Bloom said in her opening statement. “Kathy has the right to publicly parody the president.… She will continue to be the SHE-ro millions of Americans love.”
In 2015, a web report said she weighed 121 pounds. Celebrityweight.com says her dress size is a 4. There are also reports of her bra size, which I will gladly let you Google for yourself.
In 2013, she gave an interview to Redbook to reveal how she maintains her “rockin’ bod.” She said when she turned 40, she had to stop eating poorly. This is around the time that her lunch became a “salad bucket.”
At the time, she divulged, “I don’ t trust margarine.”
There is, however, something known as the Kathy Griffin Salad. It consists of: “greens, turkey bacon, almonds, Parmesan, dried cranberries, avocado, and ginger dressing.”

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/02/the-real-reason-kathy-griffin-held-a-presser-was-to-brag-about-her-weight/
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He died in the Portland train stabbing. Then his wedding ring was stolen off his finger


Portland police have apprehended a man caught on video surveillance leaving the scene of last week’s train stabbing with the backpack of victim Ricky Best. A wedding ring was also taken off the victim’s finger at the scene after the alleged attack by Jeremy Joseph Christian.
Portland police have apprehended a man caught on video surveillance leaving the scene of last week’s train stabbing with the backpack of one of the victims. A wedding ring was also taken off the finger of the victim at the scene.
Ricky Best, a 53-year-old father of four, was stabbed to death last Friday on the MAX train in Portland. An Army veteran, Best stepped in when Jeremy Joseph Christian was allegedly verbally abusing two young women with anti-Muslim slurs. Two others also intervened: Taliesin Namkai-Meche, 23, died of stab wounds and Micah Fletcher was injured but survived.
Best’s backpack and wedding ring were stolen from the scene, where he died from his stab wounds. Video of the alleged thief shows a man leaving the train platform with a backpack in each hand.
“The suspect is described as a white male with a blonde hair mullet, wearing a black Jordan Brand baseball cap, a black t-shirt featuring an image of Marilyn Monroe and an American flag, black shorts, and black shoes, ” said a statement from the Portland Police Department asking for the public’s help in locating the man. “The suspect carrying another backpack in his left hand, unknown if it his.”
Police said the contents of Best’s backpack were personal items important to his family. He was a city employee.
Christian, the stabbing suspect, appeared for the first time in court Tuesday. He shouted “you call it terrorism! I call it patriotism!” and said “death to enemies of America!” in the courtroom and did not enter a plea.
Portland Police did not immediately respond to a request for more information about the apprehended suspect.

© Source: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/national/article154045344.html
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"Можно все свалить на него": Путин предложил обвинить Трампа за снег в июне


Президент РФ поддержал лидера США и отшутился по поводу выхода из Парижского соглашения по климату — Новости — путин — Трамп
Президент РФ поддержал лидера США и отшутился по поводу выхода из Парижского соглашения по климату
Президент РФ Владимир Путин иронично предложил винить во всех природных катаклизмах президента США Дональда Трампа, который принял решение вывести страну из Парижского соглашения по климату.
«Кстати говоря, мы должны быть благодарны президенту Трампу, сегодня в Москве, говорят, снег даже был, в Санкт-Петербурге дождь, холодина такая. Теперь можно все свалить на него и на американский империализм. Но мы этого делать не будем», — сказал Путин, выступая на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме.
Однако сразу же предупредил, что Кремль этого делать не будет и призвал поспешно не судить американского коллегу за решение выйти из-под действия Парижского соглашения.
«Может быть, действующий президент считает, что они не до конца продуманы, может быть, он считает, что нет соответствующих ресурсов. Это все нужно повнимательнее посмотреть», — отметил президент РФ, передает «Интерфакс».
Стоит отметить, что 2 июня в Москве выпал мокрый снег. Явление зафиксировано в центре столицы РФ.
Кстати, миллиардер Блумберг передаст 15 млн долларов ООН после выхода США из соглашения по климату .

© Source: https://styler.rbc.ua/rus/tsirk/putin-predlozhil-obvinit-trampa-za-sneg-iyune-1496414966.html
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Суд избрал меру пресечения одному из похитителей Владимира Крупчака


Еще одному фигуранту дела избирается мера пресечения, касательно другого объявили перерыв
Печерский суд Киева избрал меру пресечения одному из похитителей владельца Обуховского картонного комбината Владимира Крупчака в виде содержания под стражей или залога в размере 134 тыс. грн. Об этом говорится в сюжете телеканала » 112 Украина «.
«Киевская областная прокуратура и СБУ задержала группу людей из трех человек, которые пытались похитить человека и переправить в РФ, получив за это 17 млн долл. Среди задержанных – начальник районного управления Обуховской Нацполиции – Денис Ярославский. Он хвастался своими связями с СБУ, прокуратура таких связей не нашла. Нам он сказал, что дело сфальсифицировано и его подставили. Уже избрали меру пресечения в отношении одного фигуранта дела – содержание под стражей 2 месяца или залог в размере 134 тыс грн. В отношении Ярославского суд объявил перерыв, настаивают на избрании ему срока содержания под стражей на месяца без возможности уплаты залога. Сейчас выбирают меру пресечения третьему фигуранту», — сказал корреспондент телеканала.
Как сообщалось ранее, в России за 17 млн долл. пытались вывезти владельца Обуховского картонного комбината Владимира Крупчака. В частности, генпрокурор Юрий Луценко отметил, что мужчин задержали во время получения «аванса в размере 100 тыс. долл. Их задержали по подозрению в совершении уголовных правонарушений, за которые предусмотрено до 10 лет лишения свободы.

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