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U. S. salmon may carry Japanese tapeworm, CDC scientists say


NewsHubU. S. salmon may carry Japanese tapeworm, CDC scientists say Diphyllobothriosis, a human disease caused by tapeworms, is reemerging because of the popularity of eating raw fish. The larvae or plerocercoids of the Japanese broad tapeworm have now been detected in wild salmon netted in Alaskan waters. It is now estimated that over 20 million people are infected with the broad tapeworm, double the number of infections seen in the 1970s. And it was also found that the increasing popularity of eating raw fish, such as sushi or sashimi, is probably responsible for the increased number of imported cases in regions where this infection is not endemic. B) Plerocercoid of Japanese broad tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense) (arrow) deep in the muscles of the salmon. More studies have also identified With the species that can carry the broad tapeworm identified, and previously only thought to be found in salmon in Japan, South Korea and the Pacific coast of Russia, it was surprising that in July 2013, the tapeworm was found in five species of salmon and rainbow trout collected in C) Live D. nihonka plerocercoid in saline (inset) and scanning electron micrograph after fixation with hot water; note the scolex with a long, slit-like bothrium opened anteriorly. Scientists used gene sequencing to identify the D. nihonkaiense larvae. The CDC is now warning that unless the problem is not remedied soon, the broad tapeworm could spread globally. They are also warning health care professionals to be aware of a parasitic infection when someone presents with abdominal discomfort, nausea, loose stools and even weight loss. Because salmon are often transported on ice, the larvae of the broad tapeworm may be able to survive the trip, possibly infecting consumers in Europe, New Zealand, China, and other parts of the U. S. The CDC points out that freezing or cooking the fish will annihilate the tapeworm. The Japanese broad tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense is the second most common cause of diphyllobothriosis in humans behind the most common broad fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium latum, in Japan, according to the CDC. It is now estimated that over 20 million people are infected with the broad tapeworm, double the number of infections seen in the 1970s. And recent molecular studies have found that the number of cases of diphyllobothriosis caused by D. nihonkaiense has been underestimated,it was also found that the increasing popularity of eating raw fish, such as sushi or sashimi, is probably responsible for the increased number of imported cases in regions where this infection is not endemic. More studies have also identified four species of Pacific salmon as the principal sources of human infection: chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), masu salmon (O. masou), pink salmon (O. gorbuscha), and sockeye salmon (O. nerka). These anadromous fish become infected in brackish water along the coast of the North Pacific Ocean. With the species that can carry the broad tapeworm identified, and previously only thought to be found in salmon in Japan, South Korea and the Pacific coast of Russia, it was surprising that in July 2013, the tapeworm was found in five species of salmon and rainbow trout collected in waters off the coast of Alaska Scientists used gene sequencing to identify the D. nihonkaiense larvae. The CDC is now warning that unless the problem is not remedied soon, the broad tapeworm could spread globally. They are also warning health care professionals to be aware of a parasitic infection when someone presents with abdominal discomfort, nausea, loose stools and even weight loss. Because salmon are often transported on ice, the larvae of the broad tapeworm may be able to survive the trip, possibly infecting consumers in Europe, New Zealand, China, and other parts of the U. S. The CDC points out that freezing or cooking the fish will annihilate the tapeworm.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0.6

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/life/health/asian-salmon-tapeworm-spreads-to-north-america-s-pacific-coasts/article/483521
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TSU professor accused of punching officer


NewsHubA Texas Southern University professor was arrested Wednesday after allegedly punching a police officer, according to court documents.
The arrest took place during the early morning hours Tuesday at a motel during a prostitution sting, according to the Harris County District Attorney’s office. When a deputy attempted to arrest 52-year-old Christopher Tymczak, he allegedly punched the officer in the face.
Tymczak, an associate professor of physics at the historically African-American university, also was charged with forgery in September after submitting documents with forged signatures to the college’s human resource department.
Keisha David, the associate vice president and chair of the human resources department, stated in court documents that she «had never signed any documents for the defendant» and «that was not her handwriting. » That case is pending.
Tymczak also sued Texas Southern University this past August for discrimination.
He currently remains in Harris County Jail without bond.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -6.8

© Source: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Texas-Southern-professor-arrested-after-punching-10854265.php
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Japan defends economic ties with the United States


NewsHubTOKYO, Jan. 12 (UPI) — Japan defended its trade relations with the United States, a day after U. S. President-elect Donald Trump said at his first 2017 press conference «hundreds of billions of dollars of losses» face the country because of a trade imbalance with partners like Japan.
In an indirect response to the president-elect’s remarks, Tokyo’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters on Thursday Japan favors «active trade and investment» because it is at «the root of the vitality of U. S.-Japan economic relations,» Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun reported.
Suga added Tokyo would prepare a «plan to further develop and advance the economic relationship» between the two countries, and that the principle would prevail regardless of who becomes president.
Last week Trump also criticized Japanese carmaker Toyota for plans to build a new factory in Mexico in order to sell automobiles to U. S. consumers. The tweeted message was met with a reply from Toyota, assuring the president-elect that the plant would not take jobs from the United States.
On Thursday, Suga said the United States «supports free trade» and that position will lead the way, according to the Japanese press report.
The official also said Japanese companies have invested a total of $411 billion and employs about 840,000 Americans, quoting U. S. Department of Commerce data.
«Japanese companies are good corporate citizens of the United States and well known to Americans,» Suga said.
Japan continues to support the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multilateral trade agreement among countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to discuss the future of the TPP with his Australian counterpart during a state visit, according to The Australian .
Trump has opposed the deal, but his pick for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson , told the U. S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he is not opposed to the agreement, which the United States has signed but not yet ratified.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 7.7

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2017/01/12/Japan-defends-economic-ties-with-the-United-States/2921484247376/
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Nintendo: Nintendo Switch game console to launch in March


NewsHubNintendo Co. said Friday that its Nintendo Switch video game console will sell for 29,980 yen (about $260) in Japan, starting March 3.
The Kyoto-based maker of Super Mario and Pokemon games made the announcement in Tokyo.
It said the console will sell for $299.99 in North America. The company said customers would need to ask retailers in Europe for prices there.
Anticipation has been growing ahead of the release of the Switch. Nintendo has shown players with a handheld whose remote controller section with buttons detaches from the left and right sides of the main part of the display.
Players can play the device as a regular handheld, place the display on a table, or use the screen of a TV set, connecting by wireless.
Nintendo will be hoping the Switch will buttress a turnaround after disappointing sales of the Wii U and the 3DS handheld.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 3.3

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/world/article126303484.html
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Japan’s Abe, Duterte have breakfast in President’s Davao home


NewsHubJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Friday morning the house of President Rodrigo Duterte in Davao City.
Abe joined Duterte for breakfast at the President’s modest home in Doña Luisa Subdivision in Matina District.
Special Assistant to the President Christopher “Bong” Go shared photos of Duterte and Abe inside the house of the chief executive.
“Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe inside the simple home of Pres. Duterte. We also showed him how the President enjoys the comfort of his own bed, including his old and favorite mosquito net,” Go said in a Facebook post.
The President had said he can’t sleep without his mosquito net even if he was staying in hotels.
Go said Abe and his party, joined by the President and other officials, had biko, suman, kutsinta and mongo soup. The two leaders, he said were at the President’s house for 45 minutes.
Abe arrived in the country on Thursday afternoon for a two-day official visit. He is the first head of state to visit the Philippines under the Duterte administration and also the highest ranking foreign public official to ever set foot in Davao City. CDG

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 4.2

© Source: https://globalnation.inquirer.net/151565/japans-abe-duterte-breakfast-presidents-davao-home
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Красивые поздравления со Старым Новым годом 2017 в стихах и открытках


NewsHubСтарый Новый год — еще один повод продлить очарование новогоднего праздника! Из-за разницы между Юлианским и Григорианским календарями мы имеем возможность снова отпраздновать Новый год 14 января в более спокойной обстановке, нежели это было в последний день года. Хотите оригинально поздравить с праздником Старого Нового года всех своих друзей, родных и любимых, причем, сделать это в стихах? Тогда эти открытки — для вас!

Similarity rank: 3.3

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/pozdravleniya/3095241-krasivyie-pozdravleniya-so-staryim-novyim-godom-2017-v-stihah-i-otkryitkah.html
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Среди жертв Ту-154 опознали Доктора Лизу


NewsHubТело Елизаветы Глинки, погибшей во время падения самолета Ту-154 возле Сочи, опознали. Об этом РИА Новости сообщил источник в окружении фонда «Справедливая помощь».
«Ее опознали, похороны, предварительно, будут в понедельник», − рассказал агентству собеседник.
Напомним, Глинка, известная как Доктор Лиза, была на борту российского Ту-154, который разбился в Черном море.
25 декабря. На его борту находилось 92 человека − все они погибли. Как сообщал Ту-154 разбился возле Сочи 25 декабря. На его борту находилось 92 человека − все они погибли.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/world/russia/3800046-sredy-zhertv-tu-154-opoznaly-doktora-lyzu
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Собака Обамы покусала посетительницу Белого дома — СМИ


NewsHubОб этом сообщает таблоид TMZ, передает Lenta.ru.
Отмечается, что инцидент произошел еще в понедельник, 9 января, но известно о нем стало только сейчас.
Собака покусала посетительницу Белого дома, когда та пыталась поцеловать ее.
Пострадавшую осмотрел личный врач Обамы, девушке наложили швы на щеке, на месте укуса.
Всего у Обамы есть две португальские водяные собаки, это 4-летняя Санни и 8-летний Бо. В издании отмечают, что собаки этой породы обычно не проявляют агрессивность и славятся своим дружелюбием.
В Белом доме этот инцидент пока не прокомментировали.
Как сообщал «Апостроф», прощальный пост Барака Обамы в Twitter поставил рекорд, собрав огромное количество лайков и ретвитов.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://apostrophe.ua/news/83252
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В Киеве взорвалась граната в подъезде жилого дома


NewsHubПрибывшие на место происшествия правоохранители установили, что местный житель 1978 года рождения решил проверить почтовый ящик. Когда он его открыл, то услышал подозрительный звук и упал. При этом раздался взрыв, мужчина получил незначительные телесные повреждения.
По предварительному заключению, могла взорваться граната РГД-5. Начато уголовное производство. Следователи квалифицируют произошедшее как покушение на убийство (ст. 15 ч. 1 ст. 115 Уголовного кодекса Украины).
Евгений Святогор рассказал, что упал сразу после того, как открыл ящик.
«Услышал звук, похожий на петарду. Очень резко открылась дверца, я увидел оторванную нитку, присел и начал отходить от ящика. В тот момент раздался взрыв. От взрыва меня оглушило на пару минут», − уточнил он.

Similarity rank: 5.7

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3800037-v-kyeve-vzorvalas-hranata-v-podezde-zhyloho-doma
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Аваков против создания Финансовой полиции


NewsHubМинистр внутренних дел Украины Арсен Аваков считает недопустимым создание Финансовой полиции.
«Никакой финансовой полиции допускать нельзя! Нужно делать современную Службу финансовых расследований, а не ремейк постсоветского ОБХСС», — написал глава МВД на своей странице в Фейсбук в четверг вечером.
Как сообщалось, Министерство финансов Украины в ближайшие дни внесет на рассмотрение Кабинета министров законопроект о создании Финансовой полиции, «которую ждет бизнес и о котором идет речь в меморандуме с МВФ», о чем написал в Фейсбук министр финансов Украины Александр Данилюк.

Similarity rank: 7.6

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/politika/3095625-avakov-protiv-sozdaniya-finansovoy-politsii.html
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