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K. T. McFarland to leave NSC for Singapore ambassadorship


(CNN) — K. T. McFarland, the one-time top deputy to ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn, has accepted the US ambassadorship to Singapore and will likely leave the National Security Council in the coming months, a senior administration official has…
(CNN) — K. T. McFarland, the one-time top deputy to ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn, has accepted the US ambassadorship to Singapore and will likely leave the National Security Council in the coming months, a senior administration official has told CNN.
“She is going to do it, assuming she gets confirmed,” the official said.
McFarland intends to continue working at the NSC in the short term, but the official said she is unlikely to stay at the NSC all the way until her confirmation, which could be months away.
“She isn’t leaving immediately,” the official said.
The official cast the move as a “promotion” for McFarland, but it has been well-known inside the NSC that her hold on the deputy job was tenuous.
CNN reported earlier this month that she had been offered the ambassadorship.
The official said H. R. McMaster, the current national security adviser, has not decided what to do about replacing McFarland, but acknowledged that Dina Powell’s role as deputy national security adviser for strategy “will probably expand.”
The internal politics of the National Security Council have been in flux since the firing of Flynn in February.
McMaster’s power inside the White House has been rising in recent weeks, proven by his orchestration of Steve Bannon’s departure from the National Security Council.
McFarland’s departure is no different. This means more power for McMaster and people he trusts, such as Powell, who moved over once McMaster took over.
Bloomberg first reported McFarland was going to leave the NSC.

Similarity rank: 8.8
Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://fox13now.com/2017/04/09/k-t-mcfarland-to-leave-nsc-for-singapore-ambassadorship/
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The US must work on its economic relationship with China


Global co-operation matters more than short-term gain
Donald Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping have now completed their first summit. Observers on both sides seem to be relieved. If no diplomatic breakthroughs on major issues were achieved, it is also the case that there were no outward displays of truculence from either side. Neither high hopes nor great fears have been realised.
This leaves the question of where economic relations between the United States and China are going and where the US should want to take them. As important as the resolution of any specific issue is the definition of the challenges, which will be the focus of economic diplomacy henceforth. Having recently returned from China, where I had a chance to participate in a major economic forum and meet a number of senior officials, I have become convinced that the issues that preoccupy many Americans are either invalid or of secondary importance and the most important economic challenge posed by China is receiving far less attention than it deserves.
Discussions by the US of alleged currency manipulation by China are in the economic realm what discussions of changing the “One China” policy are in the geopolitical realm — unconstructive at best and possibly dangerous. While there is a case for the proposition that China manipulated its currency in an unreasonable way during the decade after 2005, by no stretch of any imagination is China today manipulating the renminbi downward for competitive advantage. In terms of the volumes of reserves expended and the extent of capital controls imposed, few countries in recent years have done as much to try to prop up their currency as has China.
More broadly, America’s economic future is shaped much more by policy choices made in Washington than in Beijing. To the extent that China trade has caused disruption in the US, it is the result of China’s remarkable growth and increase in capacity to produce, not unfair trade policies.
So a commercial focus on China’s trade deficit with the US is largely misguided. Yes, China subsidises various exports to the rest of the world in a number of ways. But if the US succeeds in stopping the subsidies or blocking the subsidised products, the results will be to shift production to Vietnam and other low-wage countries rather than to create good jobs in the US. Likewise, a reduction in Chinese trade barriers to products produced by American companies will indeed help these companies, but only a small part of the extra production will take place in the US. American firms have valid complaints about requirements that they share intellectual property with Chinese partners when they invest in China, but if they were resolved the result would likely be more outsourcing of production to China, not less.
If currency issues are invalid and commercial diplomacy is unlikely to have much positive effect on the US economy, what should be the focus of US economic policy with respect to China?
It is difficult to overestimate the extent to which China is seeking to project soft power around the world by economic means. Mr Xi’s speech in Davos in January quoting Abraham Lincoln and laying out a Chinese vision for the global economic system at a time when the US is turning inward was the rhetorical edge of a concerted strategy.
Of course there is Mr Xi’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which envisions infrastructure investment and foreign aid to connect China and Europe. In a little noticed development, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a Chinese-sponsored competitor to the World Bank, has announced that it will invest all over the world. Already Chinese investment in Latin America and Africa significantly exceeds that by the US, World Bank and the relevant regional development banks. And China will soon be the leading exporter of clean energy technologies.
This investment will over time secure access to raw materials, allow Chinese companies to gain economies of scale, and help China to win friends. The US has chosen not to join the AIIB and to act as the dragging anchor on the financial scale of the Bretton Woods institutions, and to undermine rather than lead global co-operation on climate change and to sharply cut back foreign aid. In doing so, it is accelerating a perhaps invevitable loss of its pre-eminence in the global competition for prestige and influence.
The objectives of global economic co-operation and the respective roles of the US and China would be subject of a truly strategic economic dialogue. It is very important that such a dialogue start soon, but this will require the US to focus less on specific near-term business interests and more on what historians will remember a century from now.
The writer is Charles W Eliot university professor at Harvard and a former US Treasury secretary

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: https://www.ft.com/content/abbeb10a-1b85-11e7-a266-12672483791a
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Two managers die from shooting at South Florida gym


Two managers at a Florida gym died from injuries sustained after a fired worker shot them and then turned the gun on himself, officials said.
April 9 (UPI) — Two managers at a high-end gym in South Florida died from injuries sustained after a fired worker shot them and then turned the gun on himself, officials said Sunday.
Equinox gym announced that fitness manager Marios Hortis, 42, died Sunday from injuries suffered Saturday afternoon at the Shops of Merrick Park in Coral Gables. Equinox general manager Janine Ackerman, 35, who was shot in the head, died late Saturday.
Gunman Abeku Wilson, 33, was fired as an Equinox trainer earlier that day for «workplace violence,» police said. He went home, got a semi-automatic handgun and returned to the gym looking for Ackerman, police said.
«Our entire Equinox family experienced a terrible tragedy yesterday when a former trainer walked into our club in Coral Gables and shot two members of our team,» read the Equinox email to club members. «We are deeply saddened to inform you that our General Manager, Janine Ackerman, and our Fitness Manager, Marios Hortis, both passed away as a result of their injuries. Our sense of loss is too profound for words. »
Ackerman, who worked for Equinx for nearly two years, was described in the email as «a kind and caring soul, a person we all loved and will deeply miss. » Ackerman previously handled guest services for the 1,600-room renowned Fontainebleau in Miami Beach.
Hortis’ «generous spirit and warm demeanor made him an always welcome presence in our world, one that will be sorely missed,» the email said. He worked for the gym for more than six year.
Eveliny Bastos-Klein had a training session with Wilson shortly before the shooting took place at 12:55 p.m.
«He did not seem unusual,» she said to the Miami Herald. «Not distracted. I didn’t notice anything amiss. »
She said Wilson «as always, he was great. Just very professional and polite and calm. »
But Marc Sarnoff, a former Miami city commissioner, told the Miami Herald, that Wilson wasn’t clean shaven, looked off and seemed to slur his words.
A profile on a modeling website from 2014 lists his height as 6-foot-2 and his weight as 175 pounds. He is a native of Boston whose father was from Ghana and his mother from the United States. He graduated from the University of Miami with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Equinox’s gym remained closed Sunday.

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -2.4

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/04/09/Two-managers-die-from-shooting-at-South-Florida-gym/3791491763682/
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Украина отреагировала на теракты в Египте


Украина решительно осуждает террористические действия в церквях в Египте. Об этом написал министр иностранных дел Павел Климкин в twitter. «Осуждаем теракты в церквях Танты и Александрии в Египте. Украина стоит плечом к плечу с египетским народом в войне против терроризма», — отметил…
Украина решительно осуждает террористические действия в церквях в Египте.
Об этом написал министр иностранных дел Павел Климкин в twitter.
«Осуждаем теракты в церквях Танты и Александрии в Египте. Украина стоит плечом к плечу с египетским народом в войне против терроризма», — отметил Климкин.
По информации посла Украины в Египте Геннадия Латия , во время первого теракта украинцы не пострадали. По взрыве в Александрии информации пока нет.
«Это был теракт. Информации о наличии вообще иностранцев среди пострадавших нет», — сказал Латий.

Similarity rank: 14
Sentiment rank: -4.3

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/politics/_ukraina-otreagirovala-na-terakty-v-egipte/764900
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Payday loan site Wonga hit by security breach affecting 270,000 in UK and Poland


Wonga.com — the payday loan website — is investigating a security breach which exposed the personal details of tens of thousands of customers. Up to 270,000 customers in the UK and Poland are believed to have been affected by the breach. Wonga…
Wonga.com — the payday loan website — is investigating a security breach which exposed the personal details of tens of thousands of customers. Up to 270,000 customers in the UK and Poland are believed to have been affected by the breach.
The incident happened last week, but Wonga initially played down its significance. However this weekend the company determined that customer data was involved, including names, addresses, phone numbers, bank account numbers and sort codes and started an investigation.
Wonga says that it is «urgently investigating illegal and unauthorised access to the personal data of some of its customers in the UK and Poland,» but does not believe that customers’ loan accounts have been accessed. Despite this, the company is warning its customers to remain vigilant.
In a statement, the company says:
Having determined that customer data had been accessed, Wonga started the process of contacting customers via text and email, and is offering phone support to anyone who is concerned.
Image credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/9Tmm_rEjhEA/
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Pokalsieger! Kiel kämpft Flensburger nieder


Hochklassig und hitzig: Das Derby-Finale um den deutschen Handball-Pokal hat in Kiel einen würdigen Sieger gefunden. Flensburg spielte stark, doch THW-Torwart Niklas Landin war stärker.
Der DHB-Pokal-Sieger 2017 heißt THW Kiel. In einem ebenso hochklassigen wie hitzigen Finale schlug der Rekordmeister den Erzrivalen SG Flensburg-Handewitt mit 29:23 (13:12) und feierte seinen zehnten Pokaltriumph. In der Bundesliga vier Minuspunkte hinter den Flensburgern und in der Champions League auch alles andere als Titelfavorit, ergriffen die «Zebras» am Sonntag in Hamburg ihre Chance und holten sich den «Pott» mit einer leidenschaftlichen Leistung. Mann des Spiels aus Kieler Sicht war ohne Zweifel Torwart Niklas Landin, der eine Weltklasse-Leistung zeigte und dem THW nach dem titellosen Jahr 2016 wieder einen Pokal sicherte.
Kiel überraschte mit Rune Dahmke als Spielgestalter in der Rückraum-Mitte, Raul Santos durfte dafür auf Linksaußen ran. Das hatte den Effekt, dass der THW im Angriffsspiel viel schneller agierte als noch im Halbfinale gegen Leipzig. Zudem war Landin von Beginn auf Betriebstemperatur. Nicht zuletzt deshalb drehten die unheimlich aggressiven «Zebras» den anfänglichen 1:3-Rückstand in eine 6:3-Führung (11.). Flensburg ließ sich davon allerdings nicht beeindrucken, hielt in einem hochklassigen Finale dagegen und glich nach 18 Minuten aus — 7:7. Beide Top-Teams gingen ein enormes Tempo, spielten sich immer wieder gute Wurfmöglichkeiten heraus. Die knappe 13:12-Pausenführung der Kieler ging auf die Kappe von Landin in Weltklasse-Form.
Nach dem Seitenwechsel bekam das Schleswig-Holstein-Derby eine hitzige Note. Um jeden Ball, jede Entscheidung wurde gerungen. Das Spielerische litt ein wenig unter dem Kampf, den sich die Erzrivalen nun lieferten, aber es war extrem spannend. Teilweise ging es auch unter die Gürtellinie. Wie bei Flensburgs Rasmus Lauge, der nach knapp 39 Minuten und bei einer 18:15-Führung für den THW Marko Vujin mit einem unfairen Ellenbogenschlag niederstreckte. Mit der Zwei-Minuten-Strafe war der ehemalige Kieler gut bedient (39.). Auf der anderen Seite ging THW-Abwehrrecke Rene Toft Hansen auch nicht gerade zimperlich mit Jim Gottfridsson um und musste für zwei Minuten runter (42.).
Doch die «Zebras» wirkten in diesem Schlagabtausch noch fokussierter als die wahrlich nicht schlechten Flensburger. In Kombination mit einem weiterhin überragenden Landin zahlte sich das aus. Nach knapp 45 Minuten war der Rekordmeister auf 21:15 enteilt. SG-Coach Ljubomir Vranjes nahm eine Auszeit und stellte auf eine 5:1-Abwehr um. Es half nichts, der THW-Express hatte jetzt Höchstgeschwindigkeit und erhöhte auf 23:17 (48.). Herauszuheben auf THW-Seite war auf jeden Fall noch Domagoj Duvnjak. In der letzten Partie vor seiner überfälligen Knieoperation, die in der kommenden Woche stattfinden soll und «Dule» monatelang ausßer Gefecht setzen wird, warf der Ausnahme-Handballer noch einmal alles in die Waagschale und führte die Kieler zum verdienten Pokalsieg.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.ndr.de/sport/handball/Final-Four-Finale-Pokal-Flensburg-THW-Kiel,finalfour658.html
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Szwecja: Drugie aresztowanie w sprawie zamachu w Sztokholmie


Szwedzkie władze aresztowały drugą osobę w ramach śledztwa w sprawie piątkowego zamachu w centrum Sztokholmu z użyciem ciężarówki, w którym zginęły cztery osoby, a 15 zostało rannych — podała w niedzielę prokuratura.
W komunikacie prokuratury napisano, że występuje stopień podejrzenia uzasadniający aresztowanie w związku z zarzutami czynów terrorystycznych.
Nie sprecyzowano, jakie są powiązania tej osoby z pozostającym w rękach władz 39-letnim Uzbekiem, który jest domniemanym sprawcą zamachu i był dotąd jedyną osobą aresztowaną.
Według policji w piątek po południu ukradł on ciężarówkę rozwożącą piwo, a następnie wjechał w tłum na głównym handlowym deptaku miasta i uderzył w dom towarowy Ahlens.
Wśród czterech ofiar śmiertelnych piątkowego zamachu terrorystycznego w Sztokholmie są obywatel Belgii oraz obywatel Wielkiej Brytanii. Pozostałe dwie osoby to Szwedzi — podała policja na niedzielnej konferencji prasowej. Spośród 15 osób rannych, w szpitalu pozostaje jeszcze 10 osób, w tym dwie na intensywnej terapii.

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -2

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1033875,szwecja-aresztowanie-zamach-w-sztokholmie.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GazetaPrawna+%28GazetaPrawna.pl%29
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中央競馬の 3歳牝馬クラシックレース第1戦、 第77回桜花賞(GI)は9日、 阪神競馬場の 芝1600メートルコースに17頭が出走して行われ、 池添謙一騎乗で単勝8番人気の レーヌミノルが優勝した。 2着は3番人気の リスグラシュー、 3着に1番人気の ソウルスターリングが入
中央競馬の3歳牝馬クラシックレース第1戦、第77回桜花賞(GI)は9日、阪神競馬場の芝1600メートルコースに17頭が出走して行われ、池添謙一騎乗で単勝8番人気のレーヌミノルが優勝した。 2着は3番人気のリスグラシュー、3着に1番人気のソウルスターリングが入った。 ◇レーヌミノル レーヌミノル 牝3歳。父ダイワメジャー、母ダイワエンジェルの血統。馬主は吉岡実氏。生産牧場は北海道新ひだか町のフジワラファーム。戦績は7戦3勝。重賞2勝目でGI初勝利。獲得賞金は2億1509万1000円。栗東・本田優厩舎(きゅうしゃ)。(2017/04/09-15:57)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 9.1
TW posts: 10
TW reposts: 0
TW likes: 4
TW sentiment: -3.3

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017040900341&g=spo&m=rss
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Microsoft bans emulator apps from the Windows Store


There are a large number of emulators out there, including a wide range of Xbox and PlayStation emulators. These give gamers the opportunity to play their favorite console games on their PC, but Microsoft has now formally banned such software from the Windows Store. There are…
There are a large number of emulators out there, including a wide range of Xbox and PlayStation emulators. These give gamers the opportunity to play their favorite console games on their PC, but Microsoft has now formally banned such software from the Windows Store.
Emulators have long been the subject of legal wranglings because of concerns about copyright and intellectual property infringements, and now the Windows-maker has put its foot down. The developers of NES emulator NESBox are among those affected by the ban, and point to a recent change in Microsoft’s rules for the Window Store — affecting not only Windows 10, but also Xbox One users.
As noted by Ars Technica , NESBox developers have pointed out a single line that was added to the Windows Store rules: «Apps that emulate a game system are not allowed on any device family. » The developer of Universal Emulator was also notified of the change when its own app was removed from the store.
This will come as bad news for people looking to run games from other platforms on their Xbox One, or hoping for an app to run console games on their PC. Of course, it does not completely block this from happening, but it does mean that anyone hoping to install an emulator will have to side-load such an app after acquiring it from unofficial sources.
Interestingly, the ban only extends to the emulation of game systems — a term that will cover not only consoles, but also arcade emulators such as MAME. Technically it does not ban emulators of other systems, so a macOS emulator would not — at the moment, at least — be a violation of the rules.
Image credit: / Shutterstock

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/Ca2hS0JnHqA/
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Pope slams deadly Egypt church blasts: 'World suffering from wars, terror'


Francis said he was horrified by the suspected chemical weapons attack, calling it an «unacceptable massacre» of innocent civilians.
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis condemned a deadly blast at a church in Egypt and said at a Palm Sunday Mass that the world was suffering from wars, terrorism and «interests that are armed and ready to strike. »
Francis, who has not made any direct public comment on the current Middle East crisis, said the Mass as international tensions increased following the US missile strike on a Syrian air base, which the Pentagon says was involved in a chemical weapons attack that killed 87 people.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -2.4

© Source: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Pope-condemns-deadly-church-blasts-says-world-suffering-from-wars-terror-486588
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