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アメリカのホワイトハウスは、北朝鮮が何らかの飛しょう体を発射したとの報道について、記者団に対し、「アメリカ政府は覚知しており、大統領が報告を受けている」と述べました。 現在、弾道ミサイル防衛を担うアメリカ戦略軍やアメリカ太平洋軍を中心に分析を進めていると見られます。

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170529/k10010998611000.html
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North Korea stages third missile test in 3 weeks


North Korea fired a short-range ballistic missile Monday morning that landed in the ocean, the US military said.
«This launch is extremely problematic act for the safety of airplanes and ships and is clearly violating the UN resolution. The repeated provocative acts by North Korea is absolutely not acceptable, » Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said in a statement.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said a «firm protest» was lodged with North Korea.
«In order to deter North Korea, we will take concrete action together with the United States, » he said. «We will maintain high vigilance in coordination with South Korea and the international community and take all possible measures to secure the safety of the people of Japan.»
Related: North Korea’s missile program: What you need to know
«North Korea’s continuous provocative actions will cause its own isolation and it will be facing strong punishment from our military, South Korea and US alliance and the international community, » a statement from South Korea’s Joint Chiefs said.
The government of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who took office in early May and who has advocated dialogue with the North, condemned Monday’s launch.
«It is a severe threat to the peace and stability of not only the Korean Peninsula, but also the international community, » a statement from South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. «Since our new government took office, North Korea has been frequently and repeatedly conducting provocation in such manner. This is in direct opposition to our demands in regards to the denuclearization and peace of the Korean Peninsula.»
Despite that rhetoric, the allies have not given North Korea an «red lines» which it cannot cross or face a military strike, said Adam Mount, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
«If they’re not clear on what they are attempting to deter, they’re not going to have the effect they desire, » Mount said.
Even if a military response was considered, the repercussions could catastrophic.
«If this goes to a military solution, it is going to be tragic on an unbelievable scale, » US Defense Secretary James Mattis said earlier this month.
Any pre-emptive military strike on North Korea would put South Korean and Japanese civilian populations, as well as US military installations within those countries, at risk for a North Korean counterstrike. Some estimates put 25 million civilians at risk in the Seoul metropolitan area alone.
Analysts say Japan’s options for «concrete action» are also limited.
Tokyo couldn’t carry out a military response alone, said Carl Schuster, a Hawaii Pacific University professor and former director of operations at the US Pacific Command’s Joint Intelligence Center.
«Japan lacks the ballistic missiles, intelligence, targeting and reconnaissance assets, or electronic warfare and air defense suppression capability required to do any effective military response, » Schuster said.
Related: What are Japan’s options against North Korea?
Japan could do some things that might hurt North Korea economically, he said, such as stopping and searching North Korean merchant and fishing vessel in Japanese waters.
But current economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations and others seem to have done nothing to slow North Korea’s missile program.
North Korea has fired 12 missiles during nine tests so far in 2017 — this compares with 10 missiles in the same time period in 2016 .
Monday’s missile launch was North Korea’s third in just over three weeks.
On May 14, North Korea fired what analysts called its most successful test ever in its quest to develop ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads.
That test reached an altitude of more than 2,100 kilometers (1,300 miles) , according to North Korea. Analysts said that test gave North Korea critical information on developing a re-entry vehicle for nuclear warheads and showed Pyongyang had a missile capable of striking the US territory of Guam.
On May 21, Pyongyang sent a medium-range ballistic missile into the waters off its east coast. North Korea said that projectile was a ground-to-ground strategic ballistic missile Pukguksong-2, state news agency KCNA reported.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the test showed the missile is ready for deployment and mass production, according to the state news agency KCNA.
As with a number of previous North Korean tests, the timing of Monday’s launch came close to a key international event.
Less than two days earlier, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with US President Donald Trump, and five other leaders from some of the world’s most powerful countries at the G-7 summit in Italy.
In their final communique, Abe and Trump — along with the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom — said North Korea «increasingly poses new levels of threat of a grave nature to international peace and stability … through its repeated and ongoing breaches of international law.»
North Korea’s May 14 test came as China was hosting a major economic summit in Beijing. In early April, Pyongyang tested a missile as Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping prepared to meet at a summit in Florida.
North Korea has said its missile testing is in reaction to threats against it by the South, the United States and Japan.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/28/asia/north-korea-fires-unidentified-projectile/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fedition_asia+%28RSS%3A+CNNi+-+Asia%29
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Nordkorea feuert Rakete in Japans Seezone


Ungeachtet mehrerer UNO-Resolutionen hat Nordkorea am Montag erneut eine ballistische Rakete abgefeuert. Tokio droht mit Vergeltung.
Nordkorea hat die Weltgemeinschaft erneut mit einem Raketentest provoziert. Bei dem am Montag (Ortszeit) abgefeuerten Flugkörper habe es sich um eine Kurzstreckenrakete gehandelt, die nach sechs Minuten im Meer gelandet sei, teilte das US-Pazifikkommando mit. Japan teilte mit, dass die Rakete in seiner Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone im Meer niedergangen sei und drohte mit Vergeltung.
Laut dem südkoreanischen Generalstab wurde die Rakete nahe der Küstenstadt Wonsan abgefeuert. Sie habe eine Reichweite von rund 450 Kilometern gehabt. Der genaue Typ der abgefeuerten Rakete sei noch unklar, möglicherweise habe es sich um eine Scud-Rakete gehandelt. Das Geschoß dürfte die 200-Meilen-Zone um Japan, in dem das Land Vorrechte bei der Meeresverwaltung hat, erreicht haben.
«In Zusammenarbeit mit den USA werden wir gezielte Maßnahmen ergreifen, um Nordkorea abzuschrecken», sagte der japanische Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe nach Medienberichten. «Wir können wiederholte Provokationen nicht tolerieren», sagte Regierungssprecher Yoshihide Suga. Der Abschuss habe Flugzeuge und Schiffe in Gefahr gebracht, kritisierte Suga. Das Geschoß dürfte die 200-Meilen-Zone um Japan, in dem das Land Vorrechte bei der Meeresverwaltung hat, erreicht haben.
US-Präsident Donald Trump sei über den Test informiert worden, sagte ein Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats in Washington. Trump hatte am Freitag bei einem Treffen mit Abe am Rande des Gipfels der sieben führenden Industrienationen (G7) angekündigt, das «große Problem» Nordkorea «wird gelöst».
Darauf verwies auch der japanische Ministerpräsident. Beim G7-Gipfel in Taormina seien sich alle Beteiligten einig gewesen, dass «das nordkoreanische Problem die Top-Priorität der internationalen Gemeinschaft» ist, sagte Abe am Montag vor Journalisten in Tokio. «Wir werden niemals Nordkoreas fortgesetzte Provokationen tolerieren, die wiederholte Warnungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft ignorieren.»
Der südkoreanische Staatschef Moon Jae-in berief eine Dringlichkeitssitzung des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats ein, wie das Verteidigungsministerium in Seoul mitteilte. Der erst kürzlich angetretene Präsident setzt auf eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts mit dem kommunistischen Nachbarn im Norden.
Nordkorea hatte erst am Sonntag den Test einer Flugabwehrwaffe verkündet. Machthaber Kim Jong-un habe dabei zugeschaut, meldete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur KCNA. Das neue Waffensystem könne «unterschiedliche Ziele, die aus allen Richtungen angeflogen kommen, erkennen und angreifen». KCNA nannte weder das Datum noch den Ort des Tests.
Pjöngjang hatte zuletzt am 21. Mai eine Mittelstrecken-Rakete ins Meer abgeschossen. Nach Angaben des südkoreanischen Militärs war die Rakete nach dem Start im Westen Nordkoreas mehr als 500 Kilometer weit geflogen, bevor sie ins Japanische Meer (koreanisch: Ostmeer) stürzte. Davor hatte Nordkorea am 14. Mai eine noch stärkere Mittelstreckenrakete eines anderen Typs getestet.
Seit 2006 hat Nordkorea nach eigenen Angaben fünf Atomwaffentests vorgenommen, davon zwei im vergangenen Jahr. Zugleich arbeitet die Führung in Pjöngjang an der Entwicklung von Langstreckenraketen, mit denen atomare Sprengköpfe bis in die USA getragen werden könnten. Mit seinen Tests verstößt Nordkorea gegen Sanktionen des UNO-Sicherheitsrats.

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/ausland/aussenpolitik/5225572/Nordkorea-feuert-Rakete-in-Japans-Seezone?from=rss
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Was hätte John F. Kennedy noch erreichen können?


Nach gerade einmal 1000 Tagen im Amt, wurde John F. Kennedy erschossen. Heute wäre er 100 Jahre alt geworden. Die Amerikaner gedenken ihrem einstigen Präsidenten — und stellen sich Fragen über Fragen.
Was hätte John F. Kennedy noch erreichen können? Viele US-Amerikaner sind über diese Frage nie wirklich hinweg gekommen. Was hätte dieser junge, charismatische Anführer alles noch erreichen können — wäre er nicht 1963, gerade einmal 1000 Tage im Amt, in Dallas/Texas, erschossen worden? Wäre das Land Kennedys Vision gerecht geworden? Der Vision von jemandem, der sich zu einem Zeitpunkt für Demokratie und Weltfrieden einsetzte, an dem die Welt sich mit der Möglichkeit abfand, dass ein Druck auf den roten Knopf jederzeit die gegenseitige nukleare Zerstörung bedeuten konnte? Bürgerrechte, Wissenschaft, Bildung, Sport, Kunst — hätten die Menschen genauso hoch hinaus gewollt wie er? Es sind diese Fragen, über welche die USA jetzt nachdenken, zu Kennedys 100. Geburtstag am 29. Mai.
Eine spezielle Kommission hat zu dem Datum eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen angesetzt, von einer Ausstellung historischer Fotos bis zu Gedenkkonzerten. Kennedys Präsidentenbibliothek in Boston zeigt eine Ausstellung persönlicher Gegenstände, und quer durchs Land findet eine Reihe von Footballspielen zu seinem Andenken statt. Alle Veranstaltungen versuchen, den Geist von Optimismus und Hoffnung einzufangen, der mit Kennedys Aufstieg und seiner knapp dreijährigen Präsidentschaft zusammenfiel, wie es von den Organisatoren heißt.
Die Fotoausstellung im Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington — einem der bekanntesten Kunstmuseen der USA — zeigt 77 Bilder, die sein gesamtes Leben abbilden. Das Museum hebt hervor, dass seine Karriere mit dem goldenen Zeitalter der Fotografie zusammenfiel — und JFK wurde damals häufiger fotografiert als jeder andere Politiker. Das früheste Bild der Ausstellung zeigt John Fitzgerald im Alter von zwei Jahren, im Jahr 1919, auf dem Trittbrett eines Ford Model T stehend. Sein älterer Bruder Joe steht neben ihm, der reiche und gut angezogene Vater der Jungen ein Stück entfernt.
Das letzte Foto hebt sich nicht nur vom mehrheitlich schwarz-weißen Rest der Bilder ab, weil es ein Farbfoto ist. Sein türkiser Himmel, das Pink des Kostüms von First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy und das Rot der Rosen, die sie hält, sind jedem vertraut, der weiß, was am 22. November 1963 in Dallas geschah. Das Bild zeigt die Ankunft des Paares am Flughafen, nur Stunden bevor die Schüsse des Attentäters den 35. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten im Alter von nur 46 Jahren niederstreckten.
Zur Ausstellung gehört ein Buch mit JFKs bekanntesten Reden. Eine davon kam nie über seine Lippen.
Kennedy hatte geplant, seinen Auftritt in Dallas zu nutzen, um den Wert von Bildung und die «Verbindung zwischen Führen und Lernen» zu unterstreichen. «Unwissenheit und Desinformation» wollte Kennedy verdammen: Gewännen diese in der Außenpolitik die Oberhand, so hatte er vor zu warnen, bedrohe das die Sicherheit der USA. Werde Amerikas Führung nicht von Lernen und Vernunft geleitet, würden «jene, die Rhetorik mit Realität und das Plausible mit dem Möglichen verwechseln, mit ihren vermeintlich flinken und einfachen Lösungen für jedes Problem der Welt die öffentliche Meinung für sich gewinnen».
Es sind Worte, über die Washington nachdenkt, mehr als 50 Jahre nachdem Kennedy sie verfasste — und wenige Monate nach einer Präsidentenwahl, in der «Fake News» und einfache Lösungen eine Rolle spielten. Sie erinnern Amerika auch daran, dass Kennedy sich als Student der Geschichte hohes Ansehen erwarb. Geschichte war eine Leidenschaft von ihm — möglicherweise seit seiner Europareise 1937, während seines zweiten Jahres an der Elite-Uni Harvard. Er besuchte Österreich und Deutschland und studierte fortan die Staatschefs der Welt — inklusive Hitler. Seine Abschlussarbeit schrieb er über die gescheiterte Eindämmung von Hitlers Politik vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
«Wie viele unserer Präsidenten kennen sich in der Geschichte aus?», fragt Lawrence Schiller, einer der Kuratoren der Fotoausstellung. Zweck von Ausstellung und Buch sei es zu zeigen, «dass Kennedys Vision heute noch relevant ist, nicht nur für die USA, sondern für die Welt». Denn einige derselben Probleme, die Kennedy hatte, beschäftigten die USA im 21. Jahrhundert immer noch, sagt Schiller.
Kennedys 100. Geburtstag erinnert auch daran, dass die Amerikaner immer Details aus dem Leben eines Präsidenten mochten, die außerhalb seines politischen Lebens liegen: Vom Aufwachsen in seiner reichen irisch-katholischen Familie über seine Traumhochzeit mit «Jackie» bis zu den ihm stets nachgesagten Affären.
Als jüngster jemals gewählter Präsident (mit 43) , einziger Katholik im Weißen Haus und einer der wenigen, die junge Kinder hatten, brachte JFK in jedem Fall Frische in die ehrwürdigen Mauern. Wie sehr er diese selbst ehrte, zeigt sich laut dem Historiker David McCullough in einer von ihm angebrachten Inschrift. Einer alten Inschrift aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert folgend, ließ Kennedy in einen marmornen Kaminsims gravieren: «Möge niemand außer ehrlichen und weisen Männern unter diesem Dach regieren.»
(Von Gretel Johnston, APA/dpa)

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/zeitgeschichte/5224359/Was-haette-John-F-Kennedy-noch-erreichen-koennen?from=rss
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China to implement cybersecurity law from Thursday


China, battling increased threats from cyberterrorism and hacking, will adopt from Thursday a controversial law that mandates strict data surveillance and
SHANGHAI – China, battling increased threats from cyberterrorism and hacking, will adopt from Thursday a controversial law that mandates strict data surveillance and storage for firms working in the country, the official Xinhua news agency said.
The law, passed in November by the country’s largely rubber-stamp parliament, bans online service providers from collecting and selling users’ personal information, and gives users the right to have their information deleted, in cases of abuse.
“Those who violate the provisions and infringe on personal information will face hefty fines, ” the news agency said on Monday, without elaborating.
Reuters reported this month that overseas business groups were pushing Chinese regulators to delay implementation of the law, saying the rules would severely hurt activities.
Until now, China’s data industry has had no overarching data protection framework, being governed instead by loosely defined laws.
However, overseas critics say the new law threatens to shut foreign technology companies out of sectors the country deems “critical”, and includes contentious requirements for security reviews and data stored on servers in China.

© Source: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/05/29/asia-pacific/china-implement-cybersecurity-law-thursday/
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LEADING OFF: Trout gets checked, Price makes season debut


By The Associated Press A look at what’s happening all around the majors today:
A look at what’s happening all around the majors today: ___ TROUT OUT? The Angels will see how star Mike Trout is feeling, a day after he sprained his left thumb making a headfirst slide to steal a base in Miami. Trout left the game and X-rays were negative. The outfielder was scheduled for an MRI back in California before the series opener vs. Atlanta, and hopes to avoid the disabled list. The reigning AL MVP is hitting.337 and tied with Yankees rookie Aaron Judge for the major league home run lead with 16. PRICE PRIMED Red Sox lefty David Price is set to make his season debut, starting against the White Sox in Chicago. He has been sidelined since early spring training because of a strained left elbow. The 31-year-old former AL Cy Young Award winner made two Triple-A rehab starts and gave up nine runs and 12 hits in 5 2/3 innings. Price went 17-9 for Boston last year. SKIDDING The Orioles have lost a season-worst seven in a row and been outscored 38-17 during the skid. Dylan Bundy (5-3,2.92 ERA) aims to end the rut when he starts at Camden Yards against Yankees rookie Jordan Montgomery (2-3,4.30 ERA) . KEEP TRYING Marlins righty Edinson Volquez leads the majors in losses going into this start at home against the Phillies. He is 0-7 with a 4.82 ERA. Volquez signed with Miami after going 10-11 with a 5.37 ERA last year for Kansas City. FILLING IN Oakland plans to recall righty Daniel Mengden from Triple-A Nashville to make his first major league start of the season in Cleveland. The 24-year-old missed much of the first two months following surgery on his right foot. He is 2-1 with a 2.21 ERA in four Triple-A starts this year. He reached the majors for the first time last season and went 2-9 with a 6.50 ERA in 14 starts for the A’s. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35536553/leading-off-trout-gets-checked-price-makes-season-debut
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Introducing a Parameterized Test Suite for JUnit 4 Introducing a Parameterized Test Suite for JUnit 4


This look at automated GUI tests tackles parameterized tests suites in JUnit 4, courtesty of a simple extension that provides the Runner class for that purpose.
Parameterized tests became valuable for me when I started automating GUI tests for web applications with Selenium and WebDriver: Although GUI tests are no unit tests for sure the JUnit framework is very handy for test definition, execution and result aggregation. Integration with CI is also available off the shelf. Once I had reached a good coverage of use cases in a single browser, I wanted to port these test cases to other browsers as well. Thus, I parameterized my tests with the browser being the parameter and ran these tests on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Since all my tests should be executed on all browsers, the next logical step was to define these parameters at the test suite once instead of defining them repeatedly for every test class.
Wanting to define parameters on suite level and having the use case of test automation in mind, I implemented and published an open source library as an extension of JUnit 4. Integration is easy and uses the same patterns as in parameterization of single test classes.
Start by defining another dependency in addition to JUnit 4. For Maven:
The set of test classes in a test suite and the set of parameters the suite defines lead to two alternative execution strategies:
Execute all tests per parameter
Execute each test with all parameters in a row
The current implementation of ParameterizedSuite implements the first strategy, i.e. for each parameter all tests are run before going over to the next parameter. That way instances of parameter objects are handed over from test to test and allow to share state between tests.
Sharing state between tests became especially important in my case for GUI tests: A browser could be set up once and be reused in all tests. That way the session, cookies, current URL and history persisted.
Due to the execution order, only a single parameter instance may be accessed from the ParameterContext at once. During the test suite’s execution the test classes will be instantiated multiple times and, consequently, the method annotated with @Parameters will also be called as often.

© Source: https://dzone.com/articles/introducing-a-parameterized-test-suite-for-junit-4?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedpress.me&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dzone
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Indy 500: Takuma Sato Is the First Japanese Driver to Win


Sato had to hold off Helio Castroneves over the closing laps Sunday to deny the veteran a record-tying fourth Indianapolis 500 victory
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Takuma Sato had victory in sight once before at the Indianapolis 500. When he attempted a last-lap pass, Sato lost control of his car, crashed and Dario Franchitti went on to his third victory in «The Greatest Spectacle In Racing.»
In nearly the same position five years later, Sato leaned on lessons learned in that 2012 defeat and became the first Japanese driver to win the Indianapolis 500.
«I do feel after 2012 that I really needed to correct something I left over, » Sato said. «In 2012, going into Turn 1 with Dario was a big risk. But you always learn something from those situations, and this time we proved we had what it takes.»
In winning for just the second time in IndyCar, Sato had to hold off Helio Castroneves over the closing laps Sunday to deny the veteran a record-tying fourth Indianapolis 500 victory. The two swapped the lead, and Castroneves made one last attempt at a pass for the win that he couldn’t make stick.
«When Helio was coming with three laps to go, on a big charge into Turn 1, we went side-by-side, » Sato said. «But this time I ended up still pointing in the right direction and still leading. It was job done, and the last two laps the car worked beautifully.»
The win was the second straight for Andretti Autosport in the Indy 500 and third in the last four years. An Andretti driver has now won the 500 five times overall dating to 2005 with the late Dan Wheldon.
Last year, it was with rookie Alexander Rossi. This time it was with Sato, who joined the team this season and had largely been overlooked at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The Andretti camp expanded to six cars for the 500 to add Fernando Alonso, a two-time F1 champion who brought massive European interest to the race.
Six cars never seemed to spread the team too thin, and the main issue facing Andretti Autosport was the reliability of its Honda engines. Alonso put on a thrilling show and even led 27 laps but he was sent to the paddock when his engine blew with 20 laps remaining.
Still, his race was spectacular and Alonso simply fell victim to his engine late in the race. The crowd gave the Spaniard a standing ovation as he climbed from his car.
«It’s a very nice surprise to come here with big names, big guys, the best in open-wheel racing and be competitive, » said Alonso, who didn’t rule out a return.
«The last two weeks, I came here basically to prove myself, to challenge myself, » Alonso added. «I know that I can be as quick as anyone in an F1 car. I didn’t know if I can be as quick as anyone in an Indy car.»
The Honda teams had a clear horsepower advantage over Chevrolet, but things were dicey in Indy for more than a week and certainly on race day: Before Alonso’s failure, 2014 winner Ryan Hunter-Reay lost his engine and so did Charlie Kimball. Hunter-Reay led 28 laps and was a strong contender late.
Still, Honda had the winning engine at the end and six of the top 10.
«I’m really happy for Honda. They worked really hard to get us here, » team owner Michael Andretti said. «I know how big this news is going to be tomorrow when they wake up in Japan. It’s going to be huge. I’m really happy for them, that we were able to give them a win with our Japanese driver here.»
In a Chevrolet for Team Penske, Castroneves briefly took the lead but couldn’t hold it as Sato grabbed it back. Castroneves was disappointed to fall short of the four-time winners club — particularly since it was his third runner-up finish.
«Being second again sucks, being so close to getting my fourth, » Castroneves said. «I’m really trying. I’m not giving up this dream and I know it’s going to happen.»
Ed Jones finished a career-best third and was followed by Max Chilton and Tony Kanaan, the highest finishers for Chip Ganassi Racing.
A joyful Sato dumped a bottle of 2 percent milk over his head, received a kiss from the Indy 500 Princess and raised his finger in the air. Andretti ran down pit lane to reach Sato’s crew, then rushed to hug his driver. Even Franchitti made his way to victory lane to congratulate Sato, who was eager to see the impact of his win at home in Japan.
«This is going to be mega big, » he predicted. «A lot of the Japanese fans are following the IndyCar Series and many, many flew over for the Indianapolis 500. We showed the great result today and I am very proud of it.»

© Source: http://time.com/4797101/takuma-sato-indy-500/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+time%2Ftopstories+%28TIME%3A+Top+Stories%29
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South Korea questions six rescued North Koreans as it eyes engagement


South Korean authorities were questioning on Monday six North Koreans rescued over the weekend as they drifted in the sea off the east coast and will send
SEOUL – South Korean authorities were questioning on Monday six North Koreans rescued over the weekend as they drifted in the sea off the east coast and will send them home if they want to go, the South’s Unification Ministry said.
The rescue comes as South Korea’s new liberal government has pledged a more moderate approach to North Korea including engagement and reopening a communication channel that has been severed amid tension over its arms programmes.
The six are believed to have been on two fishing vessels, one of which was overturned, when they were rescued by the South Korean coast guard and the navy on Saturday, the coast guard said.
The six were being questioned by a South Korean team, and would be asked if they wished to be repatriated to the North, Unification Ministry spokesman Lee Duk-haeng told a briefing.
If so, they would be sent home, said the ministry, which handles ties with the North.
Such questioning by South Korean authorities is routine when North Koreans are rescued at sea.
The South returned eight North Koreans and their vessels in December after rescuing them off the east coast, in line with their wishes.
Lee said incidents such as the rescue and the repatriation of the crew were examples of why an open line of communication between the two Koreas was needed.
South Korea imposed unilateral sanctions against the North after its fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch last year, in addition to sanctions applied in 2010 after the sinking of a South Korean navy ship that Seoul blamed on the North.
North Korea denied involvement in the sinking.
The sanctions cut off almost all exchange between the rival states that had been set up since 2000, when South Korea’s “sunshine policy” brought a period of cautious rapprochement.

© Source: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/05/29/asia-pacific/south-korea-questions-six-rescued-north-koreans-eyes-engagement/
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Samsung SDI to launch new household ESS


Samsung SDI will show off new residential ESS products as more homes are expected to power themselves with electric batteries.
Samsung SDI will show off new household energy storage system (ESS) products this week to meet the rising demand for electric battery use in the European market.
The company, which supplies batteries for Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy smartphones and global manufacturers’ electric vehicles, will show off its new line-up at the Intersolar Europe 2017 tradeshow in Munich that kicks off May 31.
The firm will highlight its high-capacity, high-energy ESS modules aimed at households, it said. ESS for households are usually used to save energy collected from solar panels.
Samsung previously launched its new product line, mainly for industrial use, in March at the Energy Storage Europe 2017 tradeshow in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Samsung supplies modules to end-product ESS makers to fit with cases and other components to sell as finished products. It is offering 4.8kWh per module. Up to 39 modules can grouped to one unit, giving it a maximum capacity of 188kWh that can theoretically power 19 homes a day. An average European home uses 10kWh per day, the firm said.
Samsung said its modules are highly scalable, allowing it to meet a diverse client demand. The company is currently testing them with customers, and production will begin in the second half of the year, followed by commercial application beginning in 2018, the company said.
There will be 83,000 ESS units for households by this year and this will grow to 146,000 units by 2020, according to market research firm B3. Samsung SDI globally holds 30 percent of the market.
Samsung SDI has been number one in the field in Japan since 2013, which saw demand for household ESS surge following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
The company also supplies it modules to Tesla, which is planning to build Gigafactories .

© Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/samsung-sdi-to-launch-new-household-ess/
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