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Open Letter to Oscar Bougardt


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Open Letter to Oscar Bougardt 04 January 2017, 10:58
2 January 2017
Dear Oscar
So I took up your challenge and went to read up about it. You know what I’m talking about: Your claim that it is proven that 99% of the pedophiles have a homosexual background.
I must say, it was impossible to find any South African statistics or research on the topic. The police crime statistics say nothing about pedophilia, only reporting sexual violence against children and infants. So I must say it is not proven at all.
I must agree that the numbers are alarming, with South Africa having some of the highest incidences of child and infant rape in the world. Infants being gang raped by groups of men, or men raping children in the belief that it will cure HIV seem rife. More than one in four minors experience physical violence at home and more than a third of girls have experienced sexual violence before the age of 18. Sexual violence in schools perpetrated by teachers and other pupils are also at disturbingly high levels. [1]
While these statistics seem readily available [2] [3] [4] , I cannot find any statistics about pedophilia in South Africa, nor any statistic or reference that homosexuals account for any of the assaults. In fact, I only find that “children were punished if they had homosexual tendencies.”
I wonder if we are talking about the same thing? So I went to find out the exact definition of pedophilia. According to my source [5] , “ pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.
“Whereas pedophilia and hebephilia refer to psychological propensities, child molestation and child sexual abuse are used to describe actual sexual contact between an adult and someone who has not reached the legal age of consent. In this context, the latter individual is referred to as a child , even though he or she may be a teenager.
“Although the terms are not always applied consistently, it is useful to distinguish between pedophiles/hebephiles and child molesters/abusers. Pedophilia and hebephilia are diagnostic labels that refer to psychological attractions. Not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually molest children; an adult can be attracted to children or adolescents without ever actually engaging in sexual contact with them.
“Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don’t imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.
“So it seems not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.”
So let us then come to your claim that 99% of pedophiles have a homosexual background: The only “research” I can find that claims this statistic comes from far right US Based Evangelical organisations of the Anderson ilk. I found the following [6] :
Timothy J. Dailey, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Marriage and Family Studies of the Family Research Council, wrote a 2004 article, «Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse» which seems to be the first source of this statistic. In his article he stated: «The circle of abuse is the tragic legacy of the attempts by homosexuals to legitimize having sex with boys… Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children…
The evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls. To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse:
1 men are almost always the perpetrator;
2 up to one-third or more of the child sex abuse cases are committed against boys;
3 less than three percent of the population are homosexuals.
Thus, a tiny percentage of the population [homosexual men], commit one-third or more of the cases of child sexual molestation. »
His conclusion is not based on research, but on several “connections” he made base on his opinion. Interestingly Timothy J. Daily has PhD’s in psychology, without significant post-doctorate involvement in human sexuality issues, and PhD’s in fields other than psychology [7].
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, stated in an Oct. 3, 2006 article in CNSNews.com, «Conservative Group Examines ‘Real Issue’ in Foley Case,» by Susan Jones, Senior Editor:
«While pro-homosexual activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two.”
(Actually it is The American Psychological Association that claims pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, not pro-homosexual activists.)
The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) stated in its undated report «Exposed: Homosexual Child Molesters» on its website (accessed Oct. 11, 2007):
«Homosexual activists routinely claim that most child molesters are ‘heterosexual’ males, thus shifting the focus away from their own very high rates of molestation. Since 98-99% of the population is heterosexual, it is technically correct to say that most molestations are done by heterosexuals.” It goes on to refute this claim citing a TRV report and the study cited defines anyone who has a sexual relation with a member of their same sex as a homosexual. Other studies and comments cited may define individuals as heterosexual if their primary sexual attraction is toward the opposite sex, even if they have occasional sexual relations with or molest a member of their same sex.
For the record, I have been unable to find any studies in South Africa that support your claims. The above are not scientific studies, but rather opinion pieces based on (deliberate?) misrepresentation of existing research.
I have found some studies that have refuted the claims made above, and they include:
Sean Cahill, PhD, and Kenneth T. Jones, MS, Research Directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, reported in their 2004 article «Child Sexual Abuse and Homosexuality,» published by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:
«Because most child molesters are men, (90%), some have argued that ‘homosexual’ child abuse is widespread and that homosexuals abuse children at a rate higher than their proportion of the general population, which is somewhere around 3 to 8 percent of the population. Such claims are based on the false belief that men who sexually abuse boys are homosexual. In fact, the overwhelming majority of men who sexually abuse children live their lives as heterosexual men…
In fact, gays and lesbians may be less likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of child molesters found that less than one percent, in one study, and zero percent in the other, were lesbian or gay…
Social science research does not support the claim that gay men and lesbians are more likely, or even as likely, than straight men or women to sexually abuse children. Child sexual abuse has little to do with sexual orientation. »
The American Psychological Association stated in its 2001 website article «Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Education, Prevention, and Recovery»:
«Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or are otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by family members.
Research further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases in which women are the offenders.
Despite a common myth, homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are. »
Ray Blanchard, PhD, Head of Clinical Sexology Services at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, in his Oct. 2000 article «Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles,» in the Archives of Sexual Behavior , wrote:
«… Ordinary (teleiophilic) homosexual men are no more likely to molest boys than ordinary (teleiophilic) heterosexual men are to molest girls… »
Carole Jenny, MD, Head of the Division of Child Maltreatment at Brown University, wrote in a 1994 Pediatrics article titled «Are Children at Risk for Sexual Abuse by Homosexuals? «:
«In 82% of cases, the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child. Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%…
…[A] child’s risk of being molested by his or her relative’s heterosexual partner is 100 times greater than by someone who might be identified as a homosexual.
The children in the group studied were unlikely to have been molested by identifiably gay or lesbian people. »
M. Thomas Shaw, III, MDiv, Bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, and Roy F. «Bud» Cederholm, Jr., MDiv, Suffragan Bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, wrote in their Dec. 10, 2002 Boston Globe article «Affirming Gay and Lesbian Priests»:
«Suggestions that gays molest children lead to homophobia and create a dangerous atmosphere in which hate crimes flourish. They are irresponsible.
Numerous studies have shown that there is no link between pedophilia and gay sexual orientation… It is simply wrong to conclude that one’s sexual orientation is the cause of child abuse.
Mental health professional agree that pedophilia is a disease. Homosexuality is not. None of what makes homosexuality a normal variation of human sexuality applies to pedophilia. »
Ryan Grant Long, an artist who monitors the Wikipedia LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) watch list, wrote the following on the acceptance and posting of Wikipedia articles (accessed Oct. 9, 2007):
«[W]e might mention that many homophobes assume gays molest children, and I could easily find a quote from a prominent public figure or organization that has asserted this.
Then we present the statistical data on that, which reveals that gays don’t molest children any more frequently than straights. And now the article contains both viewpoints, appropriately labeled as opinion and reputable evidence respectively, and fair-minded people can decide what their own personal beliefs should be about the topic. »
So Oscar, it seems to me that this is opinion versus reputable evidence, with yourself at the end of opinion based on opinion.
Interestingly, when looking for South African evidence to support your opinion, I did find a religious person saying pedophilia is a sickness and not a crime [8]. I also found that one of the world’s most wanted pedophiles was arrested in SA recently [9]. Apparently the “assailant would pose on the internet as a teenager and convince girls to perform sexual acts in front of their webcams, after which he would distribute the videos to an online network of child pornography with users in the United States, Canada and Europe.” From the report it does not seem as if he was homosexual.
While I in no shape or form condone any violence or assault aimed at children, I would like to challenge you to put the South African research on the table that proves both your pedophilia argument, as well as your assertion that “homosexuals from affluent areas pick up teenagers for sex and get them addicted to drugs, which led to the teens breaking into cars and turning to crime.” [10]
It seems to me that you are just an opportunist trying to ride on Andersons’s coattails, trying to cash in on his infamy and doing this for the publicity. One wonders why, when you went to evangelise with Anderson and “didn’t even speak about homos”, it is seemingly such a central part of any message you spread. Why is this one issue alwas the one that you seem to address, with so many other issues and social ills that need attention?
You do realise of course that Anderson and his people were banned from coming into the country, so there certainly is a case to made against you for trying to sneak the hate speech against the LGBTI community into the country.
You do of course also realise that you statements, being unfounded and not based on any real facts, are inflammatory and could lead to further violence and discrimination against LGBTI people, something which you could and should be held liable for.
I therefore challenge you to prove your claims using South African research and statistics and to supply this to me within seven working days, otherwise you will once again find yourself in facing charges at the Human Rights Commission, a body you seemingly know all too well.
Oh, and please don’t try to hide behind your “right to free speech” or “religion”. Let’s just face the facts, that you are a “biggot” (sic) who is “spreading his own hatred of homosexuals around and the press is giving him a platform to a even bigger audience” [11].
I eagerly await either your well-researched reply or an unreserved apology.
Hendrik Baird
Station Manager
GaySA Radio
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_South_Africa#Violence_against_infants_and_children
[2] http://www.cjcp.org.za/uploads/2/7/8/4/27845461/vac_final_summary_low_res.pdf
[3] http://tears.co.za/wp-content/uploads/presentation.pdf
[4] https://www.unicef.org/southafrica/SAF_resources_violenceagainstchildren.pdf
[5] http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html
[6] http://borngay.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000030
[7] http://borngay.procon.org/view.source.php?sourceID=003820
[8] http://www.reuters.com/article/us-safrica-cardinal-idUSBRE92F09A20130316
[9] http://www.efe.com/efe/english/world/one-of-world-s-most-wanted-pedophiles-arrested-in-south-africa/50000262-2560074
[10] http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/anti-gay-us-pastor-in-joint-venture-with-cape-town-church-20161230
[11] http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Oscar-the-biggot-20130227
— MyNews24
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'Star Wars': Examining Who Woody Harrelson Could Play in the Han Solo Spinoff


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When it was revealed that Woody Harrelson was in talks to join the stand-alone Star Wars movie centering on Han Solo , playing «an early mentor» to the fan-favorite smuggler, two competing thoughts immediately came to mind. Thankfully, only one of them was «Please, don’t make Woody Harrelson play Daddy Solo. »
To be fair, it’s neither impossible nor unlikely that could be the case. As Rogue One demonstrated, Star Wars is a franchise that’s steeped in daddy issues , to the point that the excuse can’t be made that it’s all part of a familial saga and therefore unavoidable. At this point, this far into the series with so many movies about fathers, it would be more of a surprise if Harrelson wasn’t playing Han’s father. Does Star Wars know any other way of motivating its lead characters?
Of course, if Harrelson isn’t playing Solo Sr. (a role that should really be played by a CGI Sean Connery, who’d have to reveal that they called the space dog «Han» just for the Easter egg potential alone, let’s be honest), then it raises the question of just what kind of a mentor Han Solo would have anyway. He’d have to be a criminal, of course — how else would Han end up mixing with the wretched scum of the galaxy if he hadn’t been led astray at an early age?
Turns out, the now noncanonical Expanded Universe had a figure that already fit this need: The spectacularly named Garris Shrike debuted in the 1997 novel The Paradise Snare by A. C. Crispin, the first in the series «The Han Solo Trilogy. » As the series title suggests, it’s a three-book cycle that fills in the backstory of Han before he appeared onscreen, with his earliest days dominated by Shrike — a bounty hunter turned space pirate who essentially adopted Han when he was a child and taught him everything he knew. (Again with the father figures.)
Shrike was hardly the charming rogue that Solo would turn out to be; he was a crueler, more evil character whose nature eventually pushed Han away and led to an ill-timed death, just before he could have explained Han’s origins to him. Using Shrike — or a Shrike-a-like, at least — would offer up an antagonist for the Solo movie that involved personal stakes for the hero without having to resort to the familiar threat of the Empire. If only Shrike was available to the filmmakers…
Well, perhaps he is. Although the Expanded Universe has been consigned to the trash can of Star Wars mythology, it’s worth bearing in mind that one character has already «crossed over» into the canonical version of events, with Thrawn being introduced into Star Wars: Rebels in its third season — what’s to stop Shrike following suit? Just as long as he’s not reworked into being Garris Solo along the way, of course.

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Sentiment rank: -4.2

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/thr/news/~3/BnPJtkzrVoY/han-solo-movie-who-is-woody-harrelson-playing-star-wars-universe-960882
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‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Ratings Drop Without Trump


NewsHubThe season premiere of Celebrity Apprentice drew an average of 4.9 million viewers and a 1.3 rating in the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demo, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The outlet notes those numbers are down a significant 35 percent from last year’s Donald Trump-hosted premiere of the show.
NBC did heavy promotion for the new Apprentice , with TV spots highlighting a cigar-chomping, no-nonsense Schwarzenegger poised to take over the boss position played by Trump for 14 seasons. The network also teased Schwarzenegger’s replacement line for Trump’s “You’re fired;” Schwarzenegger’s updated catchphrase, revealed on Monday night’s episode, is “You’re terminated.”
The show also drew some buzz when it was reported that Trump would retain his executive producer credit on the show (though he said he would not have any involvement in it whatsoever).
Neither factor appeared to help the show in the ratings, however, as the 21st season premiere of ABC’s The Bachelor led all network programs Monday night with an average of 6.6 million viewers and a 2.2 rating in the key demo.
The premiere of the Schwarzenegger-led Apprentice — which features celebrity contestants including Boy George, Jon Lovitz, WNBA star Lisa Leslie and Jersey Shore alum Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi — drew mostly poor reviews. In his review of the two-hour first episode, New York Times television critic Mike Hale wrote that Schwarzenegger’s “cautiousness and rigidity make him a poor fit” for the show.
“With Mr. Schwarzenegger, there’s no joy, just a — you’ll pardon the word — robotic professionalism,” Hale wrote. “His rebukes don’t have enough bite, his stares don’t have enough menace.”
Meanwhile, the Washington Post ‘s Hank Stuever wrote that the new show suffers from the “utterly rote fashion with which it is being conducted” and failed to take advantage of the opportunity to reinvent itself.
The New Celebrity Apprentice airs Monday nights on NBC.
Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum

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Watch: Olivier Giroud scores on ridiculous scorpion kick for Arsenal


NewsHubLONDON, Jan. 4 (UPI) — The only way to celebrate a scorpion score is with a scorpion dance.
Olivier Giroud did both Sunday against Crystal Palace at Emirates Stadium. Giroud put Arsenal up 1-0 on Crystal Palace in the 17th minute of the match.
Alexis Sanchez took a through-ball down the left flank and bounced it to Giroud with his right foot. The ball coasted over a defenders head, neatly behind Giroud. Giroud then flicked his right foot backwards and tapped the ball with his heel. The touch was just enough to get it into the near post for the opening score of the game.
Giroud celebrated the score with teammates by imitating various scorpion movements with his legs.
Arsenal went on to win the match 2-0. The Gunners battle Preston at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 7 at Deepdale.

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© Source: http://www.upi.com/Sports_News/Soccer/2017/01/04/Watch-Olivier-Giroud-scores-on-ridiculous-scorpion-kick-for-Arsenal/6511483571297/
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Palace on Mocha Uson’s appointment to MRTCB: Why not?


NewsHubStarlet Mocha Uson, a staunch supporter of President Duterte, has been designated to the board of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB), Malacañang confirmed Thursday.
Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said Uson, also a controversial blogger, was appointed to the MTRCB on Jan. 3 along with Jeremiah Jaro.
Asked why Uson was named to the state agency created to review films and TV programs, Andanar said: “Why not?” CBB

Similarity rank: 0.1
Sentiment rank: 3

© Source: https://entertainment.inquirer.net/211515/palace-mocha-usons-appointment-mrtcb-not
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Глава Молдови вперше з 2008 року зустрівся з лідером придністровських сепаратистів


NewsHubПро це Додон написав на своїй сторінці в Facebook.
Під час зустрічі сторони визначили коло питань, що потребують першочергового вирішення.
«Обговорили цілий спектр питань, починаючи від дипломів, номерів, обробки сільгоспземель в Дубосарському районі, проблеми молдавських шкіл, зв’язку і закінчуючи спрощенням пересування громадян між двома берегами Дністра», — написав Додон.
Зазначається, що найближчим часом буде проведена ще одна зустріч для більш конкретного обговорення рішень і термінів їх виконання.

Similarity rank: 6.3

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/04/glava_moldovy_vpershe_z_2008_roku_zustrivsya_z_liderom_prydnistrovskykh_separatystiv
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Вrexit: Лондон призначив нового посла в ЄС


NewsHubПро це повідомляють джерела в британському МЗС, передає BBC.
Зазначається, що Барроу змінить на цій посаді Айвана Роджерса, який був призначений послом в ЄС в листопаді 2013 року і йде з цього поста раніше запланованого терміну.
Останнім часом Роджерс піддавався критиці з боку британських парламентаріїв за свої різкі висловлювання про Brexit.
У грудні Роджерс заявив, що Великій Британії знадобиться 10 років на укладення торгового договору з ЄС.
У повідомленні про свою відставку Роджерс зазначив, що у Лондона немає великого досвіду переговорів, необхідного для реалізації Brexit.
Як очікується, Барроу належить зіграти ключову роль в переговорах щодо виходу Великої Британії з ЄС. Експерти відзначають, що його теж складно назвати гарячим прихильником Brexit.
Тім Барроу працював послом в Росії з 2011 по 2015 рік, а з 2006 по 2008 рік обіймав посаду посла Великої Британії в Україні.

Similarity rank: 7.3

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/04/tima_barrou_pryznachyly_novym_poslom_velykoyi_brytaniyi_v_yes
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Держсекретар Кабміну оприлюднив розмір зарплат Гройсмана та міністрів


NewsHubПрем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман з усіма надбавками заробляє 35 тис. гривень на місяць. Про це повідомив держсекретар Кабінету міністрів України Володимир Бондаренко в ефірі «Громадського радіо».
Він також розповів, що міністри заробляють приблизно так само, як і очільник уряду, тобто 35 тис. гривень на місяць.
Зі слів Бондаренка, працівники секретаріату Кабміну отримують від 9 до 12 тис. гривень на місяць, керівники департаментів — від 12 до 15 тис. гривень.
Державний секретар повідомив також, яку зарплату призначено йому.
«У мене оклад 13 тис. гривень. Плюс у мене є надбавка за вислугу років — це 34% від окладу, плюс може бути надбавка за інтенсивність праці, якщо її встановить суб’єкт призначення — уряд», — зазначив держсекретар.
З надбавками Бондаренко отримуватиме близько 20 тис. гривень.
Нагадаємо, Володимира Бондаренка наприкінці грудня було офіційно призначено на посаду держсекретаря Кабміну .

Similarity rank: 9.5

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/gossekretar-kabmina-obnarodoval-razmer-zarplat-1483583401.html
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Florida librarians create fake patron to keep books


NewsHubSORRENTO, Fla. (AP) — To keep infrequently used library books on shelves, two Florida librarians created a fictitious person to take out tomes, and now the county has since requested a system-wide audit of its libraries
The Orlando Sentinel reports Chuck Finley checked out 2,361 books at the East Lake County Library in a nine-month period.
His selections ranged from “Cannery Row” by John Steinbeck to a children’s book called “Why Do My Ears Pop?” by Ann Fullick.
The goal behind the creation of Finley was to insure that certain books stayed in the library. Books that aren’t used for a long period can be discarded and removed from the library system.
After allegations by an unidentified person in November, an investigation by the Lake County clerk of courts inspector general’s office concluded that Finley was a fake, and the county requested the audit.
Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: http://mynorthwest.com/503481/florida-librarians-create-fake-patron-to-keep-books/
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Japan's 'Tuna King' wins annual auction for $636,000


NewsHubJapan’s self-styled «Tuna King» has done it again — paying more than $600,000 for a single fish.
Sushi entrepreneur Kiyoshi Kimura paid top price at the first auction of the new year at Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish market on Thursday, bagging a prized bluefin tuna for an eye-watering 74.2 million yen ($636,000).
The head of the Sushizanmai chain is now the proud — if temporary — owner of a 212-kilogramme (467-pound) fish.
At that price a single piece of fatty tuna sushi would cost roughly $85, or 25 times the $3.4 that Kimura charges for the product at his 51 stores across Japan.
«I feel it was a bit expensive, but I am happy that I was able to successfully win at auction a tuna of good shape and size,» Kimura said.
Kimura has built his successful chain into a national brand by paying big money at Tsukiji’s first auction every year — he has now won for six straight years — essentially using the event for publicity.
He paid a record $1.8 million for a bluefin — a threatened species — at the New Year auction in 2013, outbidding a rival bidder from Hong Kong.
Last year, he faced no formidable rival and paid a bargain $117,000 for a 200-kilogramme tuna.
The prices may seem enormous, but Kimura makes sure to get the most out of his money.
Every year, the boisterous auction, which takes place in the small hours, makes national headlines.
On Thursday, Kimura made the rounds of Japan’s major networks, telling viewers the tuna will be cut and distributed among his restaurants.
The 2017 auction could be the last at Tsukiji, the world’s largest fish market.
It was originally supposed to move to a new location in November, but the plan was put on hold until at least late this year over concerns about toxic contamination at the new site.
Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said in November that the move could even be delayed until the «spring of 2018» depending on results of health and environmental tests.
But she also held out the possibility of scrapping the relocation altogether.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 5.3

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/japan-s-tuna-king-wins-annual-auction-for-636-000/article/482975
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